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homunshitto-blog · 10 years ago
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homunshitto-blog · 10 years ago
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Envy
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
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"You'd set them free? Make them run errands, maybe?" He smirked, clearly jesting.
"Well, nothing we can do if they're caught twice. You have an eye for potential though, I'll give you that." Humans were a rather hopeless cause to place any minimal faith in, afterall. "This is starting to sound fun! Let's place bets too-- make it even more interesting!"
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"I don’t find that a problem at all. I’m sure their expression will be worth watching. I would hope to get a small glimpse myself. What I want is to see the foolish inmates that manage to get themselves captured. Perhaps if they are worthy enough to cause a little more trouble in their cells before getting caught once again."
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
"Pfft-- sure, why not! It might be fun to pay a visit once or twice." It was nearly the equivalent of attending a pound for sheer amusement. 
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"If we do, I want the ones facing capital punishment. The expressions they make knowing they're going to die--  I can't even describe it!!"
"What’s this I hear? An actual penitentiary facility, hm? Well things seem to have gotten a little bit interesting now. I’m sure every prision would need some guards to look after these inmates. Well, what do you say, Envy?"
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"It will be another little activity we can easily do to pass the time."
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
[ Perfect Envy. I've always enjoyed your characterizations - even before I knew it was you, but all in all, I think that you really capture his essence. The scheming, brattish warmonger that is 'Envy' (and somewhat of Judar's paralleled other half). So yeah, I'll just keep showering you with compliments and sliiiide away. ]
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[ ooc; judar!! I can honestly say the exact same-- our interactions have always been a total delight to write; it just happened that our characters had a fascinating dynamic but i could not ask for a better and incredibly patient bless your soul partner in crime! your input means a lot, so thank you! ]
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
Anon or not I'd like to hear your thoughts on how I play my character! Critiques as well as good points welcome!
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
Remaining in one place was dangerous due to the randomly generated absolute zero circumstances, but death was a matter he was long convinced was not to be considered a threat even before he entered the Hive. Besides that, the truth that the scientists had the means to revive those who did perish only increased his arrogance towards the concept, ultimately eliminating his fear of it from an audacious viewpoint. 
It didn't make sitting in one place any more entertaining, however, particularly because the situation had occurred out of his faults. Violet hues moved only to acknowledge the presence above him when a voice rang out ever so nonchalantly, eyes narrowed immediately with animosity.
Whatever potential assistance offered would not be accepted regardless, but for any other to appear with the intention to mock was equally as unwelcome. As a homunculus consumed by jealousy, there was very little that didn't set off a sentiment of hatred, his ego a fragile one that bruised at the slightest provocation. The fact the sin assumed the being loitering beside the pitfall was human did not at all improve the already bothersome situation. 
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"Unless you want your luck to run out, move right along." he hissed, clear malice laced in his tone. While he could not lift himself from the pitfall as a result of his weight, a massive, monstrous arm could easily be formed to extend and smack away the nuisance, he mused, should he felt so compelled. 
snowfall . (ca event)
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
snowfall . (ca event)
Admittedly, the cold bothered him little. Treading barefoot in the snow was quite literally the usual, no change in his androgynous attire ever deemed necessary regardless of climate. So long as his design was not disfigured-- and the stone at his core with it-- he hadn't a need for homeostasis. Not even the blizzard winds contained the ability to push him back for, in reality, his true form was of a monstrous size and mass incapable of being moved by natural cause.
The snow, however, was a different story.
Layers upon layers of the damnable ice had accumulated over the course of a few days and proved to be a relentless burden when coupled with the chilling winds. Although outwardly he did not change his appearance, he'd been inwardly struggling to balance his weight appropriately so that he may not be thrown by the wind or heavy enough to break through the ice-- a troublesome effort that would ultimately end in vain.
One step was all it took before his entire body fell through the deep snow with an ungraceful thud, the slightest miscalculation on his part causing him to become trapped in a pitfall-deep trench. Far too proud to ask another for assistance, he instead cursed uncontrollably before seething at his dilemma, remaining childishly stubborn until a plan of escape could be determined.
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"Shit. This snow is shit!"
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
season's end .
Sales existed every second of every year yet all commercials argued otherwise, technology positively rampant twenty-four hours attempting to sell as much as physically possible. The sin barely fathomed it, nevermind welcomed it, but specifically, never needed it.
Appearances were expendable as much as they were limitless, so clothes besides the outfit he adorned were not given a single thought. In truth, it's the cheerful atmosphere that bothered him far more profoundly, crowds of people anxiously grinning despite the fact the supposed Christmas and New Year seasons were over and done with.
Even festive decorations still persisted-- although perhaps due to the lack of effort on behalf of the staff. In any case, it was agitating. He could only feign interest in a worthless liveliness for so long.
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"Don't tell me you actually buy into all this holiday spirit." Turning to face the nearest presumed shopper, he interrupted all sense of normalcy with his abrupt and unneeded criticism. "What a waste of time; I don't get it at all."
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
Only a rare few were bold enough to cause chaos in broad daylight, even if the sanity of said individuals was hardly established. Certainly some sectors proved more prone to unnecessary violence than others, but surprises seemed to arise no matter where one ventured.
An example of such would make itself evident in the most obvious way possible, a shooting started with no apparent goal other than to have blood spilled as casually as rain. The homunculus sneered as citizens scattered almost habitually so, the gunshots invoking horrible fear despite its pitiful familiar sound.
Common as it all was, the fact the eccentric man stood with another one of his kind as a shield brought great amusement to the sin, brows raised as a quick shapeshift would allow him to enter the fray disguised as none other than a supposedly allied officer.
"Hey, I'm all out of bullets!" The feigned cry would earn him the spare gun of a neighboring policeman who was rightfully too preoccupied to see that his face had been duplicated, a malicious grin forming before the supplier's body hit the ground with no warning.
Necks turned to view a supposed traitor, outrage imminent as their confusion cost them their lives, if not by his own hand, than surely by the hand of the instigator of the scene. It was partially luck that Envy had managed to avoid being hit while toying with this facade, but the details mattered not to him as every backup cop was soon lifeless against the pavement.
"If you were looking for attention--" Red electricity shot out of flesh inhumanly so, converting both his appearance and voice to its original form.
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"--you got it." 
Target Practice (@homunshitto)
What a breath of fresh air. The Saint awoke in the privacy of his own hut with nothing but the sound of birds’ excrement falling near his window to bid him a good morning. Things were quiet, and peaceful. It was enough to make a man of his skillful stature want to go on a shooting rampage. The man’s desire to cause havoc was as strong as a person’s thirst for water. It was Johnny Gat.
Gat departed from his hut shortly after attaining of his glasses and securing it on his face. He wouldn’t want to forget those. "Alright. I think I’ll see just what these cops have to offer. I hope they’re better than the ones in Stilwater." This was going to be his first time tackling the police head-on in the city. He knew that their encounter was going to be the first of many. Hopefully, he’ll appear on the news to not only get the name out about the Saints, but to catch the attention of his Boss somewhere in the city.
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"Pathetic lookin’ cop. This is gonna be too easy."
Crossing the busy street, the sound of collisions caught the attention of the cop on the other side. The driver whom was about to be given a ticket by the cop quickly sped off. Hell. He knew he could have took advantage of the situation and drove off too.
With ease, he dropped the officer and took his gun. He fired a few shots which was all that he needed to attract multiple squad cars. It was all fun and games at that point. Gat used the fallen officer as a meat shield to take the shots for him as he continued firing. Oh boy. If only he had someone like The Boss or Shaundi with him to share his thrill.
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
"Naturally." he hummed, enthusiasm abundant from what he perceived as a compliment; experience in the field of killing time was truly his despicable forte. "It gets boring just babysitting, but I have to admit-- some people here surprise me! I don't think I have to tell you, but there's a lot more than humans running about."
Indeed, the sheer variety made for diverse entertainment on several occasions despite unfavorable personalities among the majority. A sickening amount of the scientist's victims were willing to drench their hands in blood for little to no cause. "It's kind of refreshing!"
A dismissive wave would transition the subject, however. "But to get to the point, I've run into some interesting characters. Almost inhuman, you could say." Not a wonder why they appealed to the homunculus. "One in particular is a lot of fun-- completely in love with the idea of war!"
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"There's definitely going to be a massive one in the near future." His voice sang in pitched glee. "Could be a lot of fun, right? It's laughable, really-- even though everyone knows death isn't permanent in this city, they'll all scream and cry in an uproar!"
A question that needed no answer. At least, Lust wasn’t going to waste her time in explaining that much to Envy. What could she say? Perhaps it was just best for her to go out and get information from someone not being human. Then what use would that really provide? Besides the fact that it would give her something to look forward to. Something new to try and understand, unlike any usual human routine.
There didn’t seem like any way out of this city as far as Lust knew. She still had yet to take her time to see what this city had to offer. Though the impression of having nothing new come across her, besides some new technology, wouldn’t surprise her in the slightest. A brow was brought up just a bit as Envy seems to have a sort of scheme in mind. A way to pass the time, while keeping all of father’s sacrifices in one place seems just right. 
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"You seem to find the best ways to waste some time when nothing productive is going on." And this city didn’t seem like much will be going on after all. Her own genuine smirk cross her lips as she also lowers her voice to match Envy’s. What could he possibly have in mind that could make their time in this city a little more interesting.
"Well I’m all ears. What do you have in mind, Envy?"
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
//Do you remember this scene from the FMA manga?
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Look at Lust. It lools like she’s thinking
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Whiny bitch.”
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
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"Sen's a demon?"
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
Sen had hardly wrapped this present, aside from a tying a little red bow to one of the prongs. In his defense, he'd ran out of newspaper to cover the whole thing. 
fitting, right? merry xmas sen
The fact effort was made at all was miraculous, the gift surely not being sent from someone in their right mind if not the overgenerous city fairy.
Truthfully, the homunculus hadn't even realized it to be a present until he'd caught sight of the merry xmas scribbled in the corner, completely having ignored the bow attached. Finding the purpose of the item to be that of pure mockery however, Envy could only grimace at the boy's cheeky attitude laced between his few words.
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"You're lucky it's plastic."
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
The homunculus never imagined fate would lead his steps to those he humored during the city's shenanigans, the urban jungle surely vast enough to conceal even the individuals who wished to be found. Nonetheless, he hadn't a problem with the constitution of the city and considered it good fortune to stroll upon the current, pitiful situation.
The victim's name was not one he knew, for such pleasantries were never exchanged between them, but there did exist remnants of their conversation he could use to cue the other's memories.
"How's the protecting going?" A question so rhetorical, it turned sharp with sadism. The human male's condition was not one to joke of, however the fact the adult still stood with enough consideration not to draw innocents into the equation proved only to provoke his inner jealousies. Despite the fact time was of the essence, the effeminate figure stood well in the way, one hand placed against his hip with a thin smirk.
"Things are already a little messy from what I can see." The statement leaves his lips with complete casualness, the only factor that he cared to acknowledge being the ever-nearing steps of the ones who would not hesitate to murder. The sin's gaze bounced between the revolver in hand and the shaken pupils of its owner, his own eyes reflecting a clear bloodlust.
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"Why don't you let me borrow that gun for a second?"
back alley blues [CA OPEN]
One of the most valuable things that Jack Ryan had ever learned was how to deal with being shot in the stomach. Such knowledge had been very useful when running away from the slavering hordes of Rapture’s inhabitants. The splicers were relentless and at times Jack had to hobble to safety while carrying numerous bullets embedded in various places in his body.
While Sector 3’s poorest back alleys were not the sunken ruins of Rapture, bullets hurt, whether a splicer or one of Hive City’s NPC gangbangers was behind the trigger. Unfortunately for Jack, he’d been shot quite a few times. It was only through the grace of his genetically-modified body that he was still alive, though it remained to be seen if he was going to live past the hour. His current situation could certainly be described as problematicc.
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Not that he didn’t deserve it, walking right into trouble like he did. Even now, Jack quietly realized how much he relied on his Plasmids. His problems would have been solved if he had Incinerate—there would have just been a lot of charred bodies. But that was in the past—they were chasing him, so he needed to (quickly) find a secluded spot where he could ride out the storm… and finally see to his wounds.
As he turned the corner, Jack nearly ran into someone. For a moment he thought he’d been caught, but he lowered his revolver when he realized it was just some unlucky pedestrian, about to be caught up in some midnight brawl.
"I’d suggest… you leave. Things are going to get messy." With blood-slicked hands, he checked his weapon, and began to move. He repeated himself. "You should leave, for your sake… and mine."
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
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A few moments are spent staring at the gift as if expecting it to spontaneously combust or otherwise attempt to cause injury, but naturally, no damage is done. Scoffing, he sees little humor in the unnecessary kindness.
"What a waste of time." Maybe he'll send it to Judar for kicks.
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homunshitto-blog · 11 years ago
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"How noble." The words are sneered, his tone never once conveying a sense of seriousness or respect. "--but hey, thanks for being so honest!" Even the supposed gratitude sounded nothing short of an insult. 
"Let me know how that protecting goes for you."
"Well, yes. Humans are prone to things like introspection and second-guessing themselves." Great, another human that actually was not human.
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"I can’t atone for what I’ve done. The bad I’ve done… it stays. You don’t wash things away like that. It’s pitiful if you try to—no… it’s almost as bad as killing in the first place. What you do… is you hold yourself accountable. Then, you do good things. I have my work. My family. I protect."
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