hollyshipsboys · 4 months
The two voices in Harry's head, at all times:
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hollyshipsboys · 5 months
Your parents are not "narcissists". They're typical authoritarian assholes who treat you like their property because society allows them to.
Your ex boyfriend is not a "narcissist". He's a typical misogynistic douchebag who treats women like shit because society allows him to.
Your boss is not a "narcissist". They're a typical classist dipshit who thinks workers' entire purpose in life is to generate profit because society allows them to.
And even if they happen to be a "narcissist", that's not what gave them the power to get away with abuse.
So stop blaming mental illness and start blaming society's normalization of abuse. Stop acting like someone has to have a mental illness in order to do something cruel when ordinary people have been doing atrocious things since forever.
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hollyshipsboys · 6 months
Van Gogh byler
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“Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.” -Vincent Van Gogh
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”There is no blue without yellow and without orange.” - Vincent Van Gogh
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hollyshipsboys · 7 months
Okay y'all I was watching a bunch of Stranger Things character relationship compilations yesterday (as one does), and I've got to talk about the genius of the Mike and El gym scene/first kiss for a second because it's actually so great. I really think that this will be one of the most heavily recontextualized scenes along with the Snowball dance (i.e. Mike was pining over Will at the dance and we didn't realize it at the time) that everyone goes back to in order to reanalyze Mike and El's relationship once the show is over.
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Our initial understanding of this scene is that Mike is having to explain to El the differences between friendship, family, and romance because she has limited knowledge of and experience with all three of these things. We believe that Mike is having to do this because he needs to clarify to El the ways in which his feelings for her differ from friendship and family i.e. he likes her and has romantic feelings for her. On an initial watch, we are in Mike's shoes coming from Mike's perspective, stuck in this bizarre situation of having to explain romance to a girl who has no concept of romance. When El says, "will you be like my brother?" we have the same reaction Mike does, like "No, what? Of course not," as if that notion is totally absurd and offbase because we as the audience in season 1 assume this is all leading to romance, so the idea of a familial connection between Mike and El squicks us out and makes us feel uncomfortable, because why shouldn't it? Mike and El are love interests right? So we believe that the idea of a familial connection being forged between them is only brought up so that Mike can immediately invalidate it by telling El, "no." And when El says, "why no?" we don't even think to legitimately consider or ponder her question because, again, it seems absurd. We believe she is only saying, "why no?" so that Mike can explain to her why the idea of them sharing a platonic or familial connection is ridiculous.
Of course, the subversion here is that the show will later propose the idea that this notion of platonic love between Mike and El is not actually ridiculous at all. In fact, it is what was always meant to happen, what was always going to happen, and what will ultimately happen. On an initial watch, El seems to be the one having a revelation here and a new idea proposed to her, the idea being romance and a romantic relationship with Mike. Once Byler becomes endgame though and the scene gets recontexutalized, we will see that Mike is actually the one having a new idea proposed to him here, not El: the idea being a special platonic or familial bond with El. And we will see that El's "why no?" question is a proposition that is meant to be taken seriously and thoroughly considered by both Mike and the audience. It's as though she's asking, "Why would that type of relationship between us be a bad thing?" "Why can't we have that?" "Why wouldn't you want to be like my brother?" etc. etc. and the only answer Mike ultimately has boils down to "because it's not supposed to be that way, it's not what's supposed to happen between a boy and a girl" i.e. basically heteronormativity. The reason why they can't share this kind of relationship is simply because it's not the type of relationship that's "supposed" to be shared between a boy and a girl who are close. El thinks the idea of having Mike as her brother doesn't seem wrong at all, but Mike does only because of the societal pressure he feels to have El be his girlfriend.
God, I just think it's so cool how much of this story gets completely recontextualized in light of Mike's queerness and Byler. At first, El seems like the one being taught a lesson in this scenario only because of her lack of information. It's so easy to dismiss every question El poses, every idea El brings up because of how little experience she has in the world. Her worldly ignorance makes us dismiss and scoff at the idea of her relation to Mike being a platonic one, like we laugh and say, "Oh, she only thinks that because she doesn't understand how the world works and what relationships between boys and girls actually look like" when in reality, it's the exact opposite and El is the one who has it all figured out BECAUSE of her worldly ignorance. She hasn't grown up with all of these constrictive ideas and social constructs like the nuclear family or cisheteronormativity in the same way that Mike has so she feels no pressure to put any kind of label on what she has with Mike. It makes no difference to her whether Mike is her friend or her boyfriend or her brother, she just knows that she loves Mike as a person, whatever that may mean. She is like a blank slate, and her feelings and relationships are somehow much more real and authentic because of that. Because she has no understanding of the expectations society places on her to uphold certain appearances or take on certain roles in these relationships. MIKE is the one who doesn't yet have it figured out because he hasn't yet uncovered his queerness or his feelings for Will, and he absolutely feels the pressure to conform and be a traditionally masculine guy who has a girlfriend. And in the end, the show will have us laughing and scoffing at the idea that Mike and El ever felt forced to turn their connection into a romance, not the idea of them having a familial bond. El's "why no?" is a rhetorical proposition, basically saying to Mike, "Would it be so bad if we were to share that kind of bond? What's keeping us from sharing that bond?" and the answer is that the only thing keeping them from sharing that bond is societal expectations and forced conformity. I love it.
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hollyshipsboys · 11 months
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ineffable smooches for the soul <3
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
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"You idiot. We could have been... US."
this is a part of a collab we did with like 7 other peeps to illustrate quotes from the second season of good omens
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
Mike is gay
Disclaimer: This is my personal interpretation and is not meant to start discourse. Anyone who calls it discourse will be blocked, thanks!
The biggest reason why people believe Mike is attracted to girls is because of his relationship with El, especially in season one. I don’t think he was genuinely interested in her at all. I think Mike was and has been experiencing a lot of compulsory heterosexuality. That’s not to say that Mike has been intentionally deceiving El all this time, a lot of his behavior was subconscious! That’s how socialization works! We aren’t always aware of the expectations being forced on us and this is especially true for heterosexual socialization. Now let’s see how the show hints at Mike’s relationship with El being a case of comphet:
We are supposed to believe that Mike fell in love with El when they met but when we watch the first week they spent together, it’s pretty obvious that that’s not the case. Mike showed simple kindness to El when they first met because she was clearly scared and traumatized. Mike is a very protective person as we learn throughout the show. He wasn’t being kind to her because he’s romantically interested, he’s just a protective person. 
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El is the only girl in the show that Mike shows “interest” in. It’s established before Mike’s crush develops that El looks like a boy to outsiders! We are also reminded of this after there are romantic hints between mlvn (when Troy is talking to the police). She doesn’t even look like a girl! So the only girl we see Mike with in a romantic context looks like a boy. Yeah that supposed attraction to girls isn’t looking great right now.
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Mike and Dustin are discussing how El got her powers when Lucas starts accusing Mike of having a crush on El. Mike didn’t say anything remotely romantic about her, he was just correcting Lucas that it’s okay to be weird! Also it’s interesting how they only compare El to male superheroes. Not only that, they compare her to the X-Men! Lucas believes Mike is interested in El right after they compare her to men? Okay…
Side note: I feel like Mike had similar views to Jonathan on normalcy in the beginning of season one but that changes as people lead Mike to be with El. He thought it was okay to be different, maybe even cool, until his friends and family told him otherwise. Anyways!
Mike seems genuinely confused during this scene. This isn’t the typical “What? No way!” reaction that an embarrassed 12 year old would have when discussing a crush, Mike genuinely doesn’t understand why Lucas made this assumption. If you watch the scene, Mike’s tone isn’t defensive or embarrassed. If Mike had a crush on El at this point, why was he confused by Lucas’ assumption? This is definitely where Mike starts to mix up admiration for love. Lucas has a huge influence on how Mike views relationships. Since Lucas thought Mike had a crush on El, Mike must like her right? Mike starts viewing El in a different light after this interaction, beginning his comphet journey. 
Mike only starts to show signs of a “crush” on El after Lucas implies that he should. A boy being nice to a girl? Must be love! This is a huge sign of heteronormativity. Mike starts acting on these heteronormative expectations. He gives El a makeover to make her look like the ideal girl, he calls her pretty while acting out the “guy sees girl all dressed up and is shocked!” trope, and gives her special attention. Honestly I’m trying to find more romantic mlvn moments in s1 to help my point and there just… aren’t any. That’s it. He calls her pretty a few times and then they kiss at the end. 
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This line sticks out to me. El is the first girl that isn’t “grossed out” by Mike and this is why Mike likes her. He doesn’t like El, he likes the concept of El. Mike is a very insecure person who has been called ugly by bullies his entire life. When El, a cool superhero, shows interest in him, he feels like he must be cool by association. He’s been told that girls being attracted to him is a marker for importance and he finally has that. Mike doesn’t want girls to be interested in him because he wants a girlfriend, he just wants his insecurities to be relieved. Mike admires El’s super powers because she’s similar to the (male) superheroes he admires. His relationship with El is based on admiration and the desire to be desired rather than actual attraction. This is a common symptom of comphet (from personal experience). 
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Later on, El asks if she’s still pretty without the wig. Mike reassures her that she’s pretty and then he makes a face. What is this facial expression? Why does he look grossed out after calling El pretty? El starts to lean in towards him and he just stands stiff. He does this in later seasons as well but I’ll get into that later. El is trying to kiss him (?) and he’s frozen. Why isn’t he leaning in too? It seems like he doesn’t want to kiss her. Interesting. 
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Mike and Nancy have a conversation about their new love interests. Nancy assumes Mike was acting weird because of Will and Mike thinks she’s been weird because of Steve. The thing is, they were right. Nancy was acting weird because of Steve! She was performing a big act of conformity at the beginning of the season. What was this conformity? Ditching her nerdy interests and trying to grow up by getting a boyfriend. Sound familiar? That’s a surprise tool that will help us later. Mike was being weird because he was grieving and looking for Will. Everything he was doing was to find Will, even hanging out with El all the time. They’re both right in their assumptions here while implying that they were wrong! 
Nancy, like Lucas, has a big influence on how Mike views relationships. When she assumes he likes El, he acts grossed out because Nancy denied his accusation that she likes Jonathan seconds earlier. He’s mirroring her because he admires her, whether he wants to admit it or not. We see him find her cool for breaking the lock just before this! He wants to be like his big sister. So now two people Mike looks up to have tried to get Mike to see El romantically. Mike is definitely internalizing these assumptions. Everyone thinks he likes her, so must like her, right? 
It’s interesting how Nancy implies Mike’s behavior around El is weird. It feels similar to…
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Another person who finds it weird that Mike is hanging out with a girl. Is this just Mike’s family teasing him about being nerdy, or is he lacking an interest in girls in their eyes? The people closest to Mike (Lucas, Nancy, Ted, and Karen) all find his behavior around El to be weird. I don’t necessarily think they suspect that Mike is queer, but from the audience’s perspective, this may be hinting at him being gay.
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This conversation is extremely queer coded as well. Karen talks about being more open while Mike is literally hiding someone in his closet! Mike is hiding a girl (who looks like a boy) in his closet. Is he hiding his lack of attraction to girls in the closet?
“All this that’s been going on with Will, I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you.” Is the beginning of this conversation. So what was going on with Will? Obviously that he was missing, but what exactly did the town think happened to Will? They thought he was killed either by a homophobe or another queer person. Karen seems to be fairly popular in Hawkins so she probably heard these rumors. On the surface, this just seems like a conversation about grief, but when you look closer, is Karen trying to spark a deeper conversation with Mike about these rumors and how they make him feel? If so, what does Karen believe Mike is hiding here? She obviously knows how special Will is to Mike and she might suspect that he is queer too.  Maybe in the same way Will is...
Anyways, back to what Nancy said. So after Lucas teased Mike for crushing on El, Mike started to see El differently than before. He feels like he has to develop feelings for her because his friends are expecting it so he starts to force his behavior to change around her. Instead of just showing basic kindness, there’s more of a tenderness in the way he treats her. He’s testing out Lucas’ theory! Once Nancy accuses Mike of liking El, Mike’s act of conformity gets pushed to its limit. He only tries kissing El after his conversation with Nancy. When El seemed like she was going to kiss him before, he wasn’t into it. Mike is trying to hide his lack of interest in girls by pushing himself towards the only girl that has shown interest in him because everyone is telling him that’s what he should do!
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And here we are. What is this? This is just… weird. Why did they have this said about what’s supposed to be a romantic couple? This isn’t the first time either. The boys said she was Mike’s cousin earlier. I know there’s a trope where characters call each other friends before getting together but this is just a whole other level. 
El expressing that she sees Mike like a brother right before they kiss is not a good sign! Mike says that his relationship with El is different but starts to backtrack. “It’s different… or I guess it’s not.” Um? I don’t think Mike views his relationship with El as familial at all, of course not! But this tells me that he only really sees her as a friend. If he was actually attracted to her, why would he even imply this at all? This also shows how he’s letting other people change how he views his relationship with El. He’s trying to say that he likes her until she implies that they’re more like family and then he changes his mind. Mike is easily swayed by other people’s opinions when it comes to relationships (at least in season one). 
So I believe Mike mixed up admiration for El with romantic feelings and this was heavily influenced by others pushing him to be with her. Since El is really the only girl he shows interest in in the show (which I’ll get more into in a bit), this points to him being gay! Mike wasn’t purposefully using El to hide being gay, I don’t think he was aware of his queerness yet, but he was conforming to the expectations placed on him. 
Now that we’ve established that Mike’s feelings for El were not genuine, let’s get into the other evidence of him being gay:
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Boys only! This line feels like it has similar implications to Will’s “free of girls!” line. If Will wanting to be free of girls is a hint that he’s gay, then Mike’s “boys only!” serves the same purpose. The same goes for Will’s cluelessness about girls (Girls don’t play video games. Girls go to science camp?) Mike is clueless about girls the entirety of s3 and even agrees with the video game line Will said in s2. They’re clueless about girls because they’re gay. Of course, real teenage boys are often clueless about girls, but I’m thinking about this in the context of a TV show. What does this tell us about Mike? It could just be for relatability but I think there’s something deeper there.
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And here are a few shots of Mike looking disgusted or angry at the thought of showing attraction to girls. The first scene is where Dustin tells Mike he is going to flirt with a bunch of girls. Why is Mike making that face? Flirting with girls confuses and disgusts him, apparently. The fourth scene is where Lucas tells Mike to talk to El with ominous music playing in the back. Why is scary music playing when Mike is thinking about talking to a girl? That’s kind of gay. 
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Mike, like Will, showed no interest in winning over Princess Daphne while Dustin and Lucas fought over her. But Mike staying quiet doesn’t mean he’s disinterested, right? Nope! Princess Daphne foreshadowed Lucas and Dustin fighting over Max. Mike showed zero interest in Max. Even Will was (platonically) intrigued by her, but overall he was indifferent. Mike and Will have the same reaction to Max. They aren’t showing attraction to her unlike Dustin and Lucas. Again, Mike and Will having similar reactions to girls points to their sexuality being the same. Mike’s reaction was actually more extreme compared to Will! He was trying to kick Max out!
"Awesome? You haven't even spoken a word to her." Funny coming from the person who claims to have fallen in love with a girl at first sight. But that's a topic for later.
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Mike didn’t want Max to join the party because he didn’t like the idea of his friends moving on from their more nerdy interests to get girlfriends. They were ditching Halloween to impress Max. Mike’s behavior towards Max in s2 is the same as Will’s behavior towards El in s3. Will didn’t want to move on from DnD for girls! We know Will is gay, so what does this entail for Mike? If Will’s annoyance towards his friends hanging out with girls was a sign that he’s gay, then we can assume Mike’s annoyance in s2 was for the same reason. Obviously, both Mike and Will have multiple reasons for their behavior, but one of those reasons has to do with them being gay.
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El tries to kiss Mike and for a second time, he stands still. His eyes are wide and he almost looks scared? He’s not looking at her lips or showing any attraction towards her. Why is it that every time El tries to kiss Mike first, he’s like a deer in headlights? It’s almost like he needs to talk himself into kissing her and that’s why he doesn’t like when she does it first. Seems pretty gay to me!
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I feel like Mike started to pick up on his feelings for Will here. They felt the spark for most of the season but the Snow Ball is when it really clicked for Mike. He started mirroring the actions of his friends and family from s1 by pushing Will towards a girl. Everyone did it to him so Mike thought this is what he was supposed to do! So why does it feel so wrong? Mike starts putting the pieces together and he’s scared of what he’s feeling. He complained about his friends growing up and moving on to get girlfriends the entire season, but at least he had Will, right? Then this girl takes Will from him too and now Mike is left in the dust. He feels like he has to do the same so he runs into the safety net of El to try and push his newfound feelings for Will away and be normal.
This kickstarts Mike’s behavior in s3. He’s going after a girl to try and be normal so he can be safe! He’s scared to acknowledge his feelings. Why isn’t Will doing the same? Mike is scared for both himself and Will. Mike has heard what everyone thinks about Will, so why isn’t Will trying to prove them wrong? I feel like Mike’s outbursts at Will are not only because of his repressed feelings for him, but also because he’s confused why Will can be so loud about not caring about girls while Mike is trying everything he can to force himself to like girls. They’re supposed to be “growing up” and getting girlfriends, but Will doesn’t want that and neither does Mike. Mike is trying to conform so he doesn’t face the same fate that Will has faced his entire life. It gets so bad that Mike starts to contribute to the struggles Will faces for not wanting to conform.
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The rain fight makes so much more sense in this context. Why was Mike so frustrated that Will didn’t like girls? He wanted Will to be conforming the same way he was because conformity is safe. Otherwise, Will was putting himself in danger. I’m not saying that Mike knows that Will is gay, but Mike has watched Will get bullied for exactly that so he expects Will to conform to avoid the bullying! Mike was advocating against getting girlfriends until Will seemingly got a girl at the dance, so when Will didn't even stay with that girl, Mike’s effort was for nothing. Mike thought he had no other choice but to force himself to like a girl and when Will shows that that’s not the case, Mike wishes that he could do the same. Mike takes his internal frustration out on Will because he wants Will to be safe instead of chasing after the things they both want but can’t have (playing games for the rest of their lives). 
And so we come to the conclusion that Mike was projecting onto Will during their fight. “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!” Is Mike’s internal struggle being taken out on Will. “What did you think, really? We were never gonna get girlfriends?” And Mike thought exactly that in s2! He thought the party would stick together for a bit longer until Dustin and Lucas ditched them for girls. This tells us that Mike was projecting here because he had the same thought he’s accusing Will of. So if these lines are projections, that means that Mike doesn’t like girls. He has to be gay.
Let’s use that surprise tool I mentioned earlier! Nancy ditched her nerdy interests to get a boyfriend (Steve). That’s where Mike initially got it hammered in his head that growing up means getting a girlfriend and moving on from “childish” things. Nancy’s relationship with Steve is an act of conformity and we know this thanks to Barb who calls Nancy out on her behavior. Will is doing the same to Mike! The argument Nancy and Barb have (this isn’t you) is a small parallel to the rain fight. Mike is conforming because he has witnessed others do it and has been told to do so. He can be like his straight sister, right? 
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Once again, we have El initiating a kiss with Mike standing completely still. That’s the third time this has happened! If Mike was just surprised, why didn’t he start to kiss back? Or at least close his eyes? He had plenty of time to react. When El leaves, he has a strange expression on his face. The way his eyes dart around show that he’s realizing something. A realization in front of the closet with a lightbulb over his head. Mike thought that if he kissed El enough times, romantic feelings would eventually develop and his feelings for boys would just go away. This moment in Will’s room is when Mike realizes that those feelings are not going away. 
If this realization was just about Mike figuring out he’s attracted to boys, why is it happening after kissing a girl? Why is he standing in front of a closet while kissing El? His realization is not about liking boys, it’s about not liking girls. If Mike was realizing that he likes both boys and girls here, it would have happened after his talk with Will, not his kiss with El. He feels the need to hide in the closet because his repression is not working.
The Hopper’s letter sequence supports this as well. Mike is shown during these lines:
 “I feel like you’re pulling away from me or something.”
“I don’t want things to change.”
“So, I think that’s maybe why I came in here, to try to stop that change. To make things go back to how they were.”
El isn’t the one pulling away from Mike. We just saw her tell him she loves him! This line is foreshadowing events between seasons. Will doesn’t try to call Mike and they don’t have any contact. Mike tries to call, Will is pulling away. How is Mike changing? Of course, things are changing because the Byers are moving, but I sense a double meaning here. These scenes parallel the night they found Will’s body at the quarry. Mike feels like he’s losing Will for a second time because things are changing. Mike’s feelings are changing.
And this leads us into s4. Mike still attempts to repress his feelings by staying with El and it’s getting easier since she’s across the country. He doesn’t have to face his feelings for Will when he can’t see him!
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Now let’s talk about his room decor. He has a couple of buff men (well one is a dragon but still) and one woman. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t necessarily think that room decor is always an indicator for sexuality. Nancy has posters of women in her room and as much as I love to hc her as sapphic, I think it’s more likely that she’s meant to be straight in the show. So, in my personal opinion, the woman on Mike’s poster isn’t hinting at his sexuality.
I do think the one way sign is important, though. I believe this serves a double meaning. It’s pointing at the closet, but it’s also hinting at Mike’s sexuality being one way. This sign points in the same direction as Mike’s triangle pocket that’s over his heart and always pointing at Will. Mike’s heart is not split between El and Will, it goes one direction. Will! A boy!
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Speaking of split, let’s talk about this. This line is commonly used as bi evidence but I don’t interpret it that way. I think this was more foreshadowing who Mike pays attention to throughout the day. Yellow is Will and purple is El! We see Mike noticing all the details about Will being upset but he doesn’t even pick up on El looking uncomfortable when Angela shows up. He was focused on Will more than he was El! If this line was about sexuality, why didn’t they make it blue and pink (the usual colors for gender) instead of yellow and purple? This feels more person specific rather than an overall read on Mike’s sexuality. And this could just be a double meaning but again, this is my personal interpretation.
Also this line is in past tense. “I kinda did a 70/30 split.” If this is a double meaning for his sexuality, it’s in the past tense. He tried to do a split and it didn’t work because there’s too much yellow! His attraction to boys overshadows his (nonexistent) attraction to girls!
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And now onto this load of bullshit. Mike lied. That’s pretty much a fact at this point. “I’m sorry I don’t say it more.” And he’s literally never said it to her face. “It’s not because I’m scared of you. I’ve never felt that way.” Lie. He was definitely scared of her a few times in s1 and possibly when she hit Angela in s4. But the most important lie here is that he fell in love with her at first sight. Hours after they met, he wanted to send her to a mental asylum so they could find Will. He only started to really care about her when he found out she was in danger and when she said she could help find Will. He called her a weapon and yelled “what’s wrong with you?” multiple times. That’s not love. If Mike ever had feelings for El, why would he feel the need to lie about when that happened? He could’ve said the Snow Ball or some other significant moment in their relationship (there are none) but he lied! He couldn’t name the actual moment he fell in love with her because it never happened. So if Mike never had feelings for El, that means he’s gay. Mike doesn’t show attraction to girls otherwise!
The climax of the monologue is the “you’re my superhero” line. Mike doesn’t even view calling someone a superhero as romantic. He calls his friends superheroes multiple times. Why the hell is that the climax when he doesn’t see it as romantic? And what kind of superhero? Every time Mike refers to El as a specific kind of hero, it’s a male hero. The X-Men and Superman. Other characters are perfectly capable of calling El “supergirl” or saying she’s like Wonder Woman. Why does Mike seem incapable of acknowledging his girlfriend’s femininity? Gay!
I didn’t really talk about how he shows attraction to boys because if you’re reading this, I assume you know that already. I’m just going to leave this here and it should be enough:
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And with that, I’m going to wrap this up here. There’s more evidence I could address but I wanted to focus on the evidence that’s most significant to me! Mike has not shown genuine attraction to girls and his relationship with El is a form of compulsory heterosexuality. Also yes the show will confirm his sexuality in some way. Mike doesn’t exist just to be a love interest. His journey through queerness is just as important as the currently confirmed queer characters. I think they’ll confirm it in a similar way to Will and Robin where it’s not explicitly said, but still obvious. Michael Wheeler is gay!
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
So there IS money to open a fucking restaurant but not to pay your writers I see how it is
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621 notes · View notes
hollyshipsboys · 1 year
Not at all, don’t worry <3 I was very excited bc I had just been in Hamburg the day before and found it a fun coincidence. Turns out, the places I visited were far away from Planten un Blomen 🤷🏽‍♀️ maybe I’ll be luckier next time
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Was in Hamburg today and just stumbled on a REAL RINK-O-MANIA - how freaking cool is that?!?
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
Oh, ok, thanks, I had no idea there was a stranger things experience in Hamburg last year. The whole thing sounds very cool, especially the scoops ahoy ice cream truck! Thanks again for the info, cheers <3
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Was in Hamburg today and just stumbled on a REAL RINK-O-MANIA - how freaking cool is that?!?
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
Omg OP, I was in Hamburg yesterday! But I wasn’t as lucky as you and didn’t get to see this. Where is it exactly? I have some family in the region so I’ll visit again sooner or later and would like to go. Very very cool btw <3
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Was in Hamburg today and just stumbled on a REAL RINK-O-MANIA - how freaking cool is that?!?
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
This video is so funny and true I love being a byler 😂
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
The scene of El searching through the void for Will in the UD and piggybacking on Max's mind are parallels.
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Mike parallels to Joyce and Max to Will.
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"This will keep it dark for you."
"Okay, so hopefully this blocks out any peripheral light, righ?"
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Joyce and Hopper started holding El's hands when they noticed something was wrong.
Mike started holding El's hand when they noticed something was wrong and pulled her out of the water.
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Joyce: "I'm right here with you."
Mike: "I'm right here."
Will-Max parallel
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"We're/I'm coming. Just hold on a little longer."
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
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stranger things 3 (2019)
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
The state of the Mlvn/Byler plot line at the season 4 finale makes so much more sense from the perspective of it being the midpoint of an overarching story. The tag line for s4 was literally every ending has a beginning, and the Duffers have said this:
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Seasons 4 & 5 are two halves of one story. The storylines from s4 are supposed to feel unfinished, they are supposed to leave us desperate to find out how it will end. Max is in a coma. The Jncy/Stncy triangle is unresolved. Will’s connection to Vecna is unexplained. Hawkins is literally apocalyptic. How does it make any logical sense for Mlvn endgame to have been ‘confirmed’ in the middle of the story when literally no other conflict in the show is resolved?* We aren’t there yet! So much is unaddressed: Will lying about the painting and inadvertently influencing the monologue, Mike not even knowing Will loves him, El not responding to Mike’s confession even though it’s been days. We have not reached the climax of this storyline. The fact that a Mlvn ‘confession’ occurred right at the midpoint blatantly tells us this is not over yet, there is more to the story. Mike confessing to El is not the conclusion here, it’s something that we’ve yet to see.
*The only resolved s4 plots from my memory are Hopper being rescued and Eddie’s story ending in his death. However, both of these things are going to have knock-on development for plot and character (Hopper likely leading the fight against the UD, Dustin mourning Eddie & us seeing how he changes & grows as a result). Mlvn being confirmed at this point would not lead to any development other than oh they’re finally going to act like an actual couple, yay. It sounds so ridiculous when it’s put like that, because it is.
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hollyshipsboys · 1 year
When are we ready to talk about the double standards of depicting romance between queer ships and straight ships and why it's very much rooted in homophobia (among other "keep it innocent and pure or else its DIRTY and BAD" isms, ists, and phobia culture)?
I want s5 Byler to have their big couple energy moment. It's been 4 seasons of their slow burn love story and obviously s5 has to have a payoff. I don't really care how the Byler kiss will go, but I do care when I still see some in the tag either unintentionally or intentionally believe a queer kiss is equivalent to straight people having sex. Its been popping up every so often since s4's ending months ago. I don't get how Byler having a makeout scene instead of a quick peck on the lips is going to ruin all the meticulous years of buildup by showing how bonded Mike and Will are. I just don't.
I really need the people who are squeamish and uncomfortable and adamantly against a Byler makeout or byler "insert any other normal physically intimate couple activity that's not holding hands/hugging" scene to genuinely sit down and wonder WHY does Byler having possible parallels to Jancy/St*ncy/Jopper about teenage desire bothers them so dearly.
Is it bc you subconsciously think queer teens shouldn't do those things? Is it bc you still see Byler as little kids so watching them grow up (as teens do) and develop more mature emotions/urges makes you feel awkward? Please give more reasoning than the simple "Well, we really don't need it/byler's diff than other couples who had to do that and this/that's just not my ideal version of byler"
I need specifics on why Byler being intimate like all the other older teen couples we've seen is going to ruin the integrity of their ship. Bc what I see is 2 teen boys who trust each other, even when they're communication is strained, and so if put in any scenario I know they'll want each other's best interests in mind. Byler is such a good example of a healthy and safe couple for queer teens to be represented by and they fit perfectly b/n the limited sliding scale of "sanitized sterile gay couple/oversexualized depraved gay couple" media often portrays while straight couples get sooo many various interpretations of free expression. Queer couples get shafted, put in either cookie cutter molds to appease the Streaming Service Cancellation Gods, or risk being sidelined/demoted from main character status the moment they explicitly come out.
Whatever happens b/n Byler, best believe it'll be done respectfully and tastefully and most likely implied rather than explicitly shown bc they film and direct this ST ship with such care and consideration on the levels we've never seen before with other young queer (or even straight) couples. The attention to detail is crazy. Also, in a time when queer shows are getting erased left and right no matter if the couple is tame and chaste and kid friendly and innocent, I'm gonna applaud when the Byler kiss happens bc they survived the purification of the media we consume.
If we can handle seeing Will's suffering and trauma onscreen when he was just 12, and Mike looking at dead bodies while getting stalked by the government for housing El at the age of 12, then we can handle older teen/late teens Byler doing whatever consensually couple thing they want after having their choices so often ripped from them.
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