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Major Project Film Parody Development #124
Show Reel
I am very pleased with my show reel, as I think it shows a good majority of the work I have produced at UCLAN, and it also shows all the different styles I’ve worked in.
I listened to Mario’s feedback and made clips shorter.. I made the poster sequence much shorter, and the Mr Men clip as well.
I’m very happy with the track that I chose (Exitlude-by The Killers) as I think the piano really helped me pace my film. For example at 0:14 when the symbol hits and as i hits you change to the pixel world I like a lot. Also at 0:25 when the symbol hits and the canon fires works really well.
Also I think that the Terry Gilliam Robert Di Nero style animation at the end works really well to finish the reel.
There isn’t any work I can think of that I didn’t add, so I am very pleased with what I put in the show reel, and very pleased the music works too.
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Major Project Film Parody Research #83
Below is a clip from Family Guy. Peter is trying to set the Mob up. But, they find out he has a wire on.
The Mob notoriously hate people that work with the Police and wear wires etc. So when they find out they all point their guns towards him. Classic Mobster move from the movies.
The Mobsters attire is just like you see in the movies. They all are wearing suits. And the ones with black hair have it really greased up, again much like the movies.
Then at 1:11.... You get the classic gun shot off camera, then you see the person with the gun didn’t fire, then you get the classic shot when blood starts seeping through the suit, and then they fall to the floor and die. You often see this shot in all types of movies.
The thing that adds comedy to the scene is the person who fires the shot, is a jar of Italian sauce called, ‘Prego’. Then the sauce walks to Peter and Joe with the smoking gun and then just bows down and just says, “Prego”.
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Major Project Film Parody Development #122
From my previous poster design (Click HERE). I have made a second poster.
This version of the poster had the case under The Boss’ arm.
I like the idea of having two versions of a poster. As real movies have multiple versions of posters, and each one reveals something new. I do think this version of the poster reveals something new.

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Major Project Film Parody Research #82
Below is another video of South Park parodying the film, ‘Scarface’.
But they use Colonel Sanders as the main character in the seen, and revolve the story around KFC.
The famous scene when, Suarez gets hung from the helicopter is instead replaced by Eric’s friend. This was a clever parody.
At 2:00 instead of snorting cocaine, Cartman starts snorting fried chicken crumbs. I thought this was a unique and quite funny way of parodying the original scene.
Then at the end the mobsters barge in and start shooting like in the film.
I liked this parody as it was a quite unique way of parodying Scarface using KFC.
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Major Project Film Parody Research #81
I liked this clip below. As it is Eric Cartman impersonating mobster, Tony Montana from Scarface.
They matched the outfit and put it on Cartman which I thought was quite amusing. The voice was even an impersonation, which again added to the performance. And that’s why I enjoyed watching this short clip.
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Major Project Film Parody Development #121
I finally have a full film with no animatic segments chucked in. I have also edited previous shots to make them better.
At the beginning I now have Mattrey actually under the covers in this bed. So, you can actually see him in the wide room shot, and when the poster pan is happening. I also added the cupboard into the poster pan, so it matches the wide shot.
I have also added The Father into the doorway shot.
Then on the staircase shot, I now have Mattrey escaping the house.
Based on Pete’s feedback (Click HERE) I now have extended the shot of Mattrey looking down the alleyway. I also have added the lasso around his neck.
I also shortened the shot of Mattrey being dizzy in the car. As I felt it was a tiny bit too long.
Then for the moon jump, I’ve added some school signs. And I have the Henchman falling over at the far left of the screen with the Valhelm scream sound effect.
I am very happy with how the film has turned out. However, it still needs some tweaks and I will be working on those promptly.
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Major Project Film Parody Research #80
This clip from South Park really peaked my interest.
Firstly it starts of in the plane. I don’t know if it was, but this definitely felt like a parody of the, ‘Temple of Doom’ plane scene. If it was, then this was a really clever parody.
But, at 2:40 this is clearly a parody of the yellow brick road from, ‘The Wizard Of Oz’. They even made their own song up, “Follow the only road”.. Which is clearly a parody of the song, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road”.. I really liked this parody as it fitted in really well with the story.

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Major Project Film Parody Research #79
While on YouTube I saw this clip from Family Guy when Brian is getting ready for college.
The montage is a parody to, ‘Rocky IV’. I really like the way that this was done, and it fitted in with the story too. They even joked saying they’re going to miss college as they’ve done too much training.
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Pete Meeting (18/05/21) #27
Today’s meeting with Pete was very helpful. We went through multiple areas of the briefs.
We went through my most recent WIP animatic (Click HERE).
Pete really liked how the most recent version of the animatic has turned out. He loves my sense of timing, as is it isn’t traditionally right, but for me it works... That was good to hear.
Pete felt when Mattrey is sliding down the staircase and you get the POV of the door, Pete wondered if a camera zoom on the door could work. I can try this to see how it feels.
For the alleyway shot, Pete felt Mattrey has to look down the alleyway for longer.. Also Pete wondered if I could do a lasso around his neck.. I will definitely work on this scene and use Pete’s feedback.
Pete liked the glow at the end, and felt it worked well, especially when it fades back to Mattrey in bed. This was great to hear.
Also Pete really liked the music in the film, he felt it worked really well.. This was also great to hear.
I was struggling with my book. So I showed Pete where I was up to (Click HERE). Pete said for the wide street shot, I should make it center and not at the bottom, I will definitely take this advice and slide it up.
I told Pete I was struggling to think what to put on the final pages. Pete said for the final page I should add my contact details. I didn’t think about that, so I will definitely add that.
Creative CV
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Major Project Film Parody Development #120
I have now updated my book further since my previous version (Click HERE).
I am glad with the improvements I’ve made, and what I’ve added.
I have now placed Mattrey’s character sheet besides the original concepts.
I had the Henchman character sheet in the previous version. I now have placed The Father’s sheet next to him.
The Boss’ character sheet has been placed in now next to the Small Helper. I think these two pages work well with each other.
Listening to Pete’s advice (Click HERE), I added the bedroom environments into my book.
Again, this was Pete’s suggestion (Click HERE). Pete suggested for me to dedicate two pages to the wide street shot. So, I have and I’m glad I did.
I also chose to add The Palace shot and the city-scape shot.
I then added a sample of my script into the book.
So I now have 3 pages which are blank, and I don’t really know what to place on them. I will have to think about that.
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Major Project Film Parody Development #119
From my previous poster (Click HERE), I now have got my latest version produced.
There was a gap underneath The Boss’ arm. So, I thought it would be a good idea to place another one of the characters there.
I thought The Small Helper would be a great fit. So, I placed him in and I do think he looks ok there. If I feel he needs to be moved I can easily do that.

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Major Project Film Parody Development #118
From my previous animatic (Click HERE), I have a slightly altered version.
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Major Project Film Parody Research #78
While on YouTube I saw this video, which I thought was just great.
It just highlighted to me that you can tell a story with just a simple instrument.
The drums/small props, really gave a good feel of action and movement. Just he sounds alone told the story, the animation was secondary. And that’s what I liked.
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Major Project Film Parody Research #77
I was watching Family Guy while eating my dinner. Then mid scene I saw an Indiana Jones parody which fitted in perfectly.
At 0:10 you have a reference to multiple movies as you have the ‘Wilhelm Scream’ sound effect which has been used in hundreds of movies. And it fitted in brilliantly.
At 0:16 the chicken pulls out a snake and chucks it onto Peter. This is an instant parody of from, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’. when Indiana Jones gets freaked out because, “There’s a big snake in the plane!”. I really liked this parody when I saw it as it was clever and fitted the story perfectly.
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Major Project Film Parody Development #117
From my previous animatic (Click HERE), I now have a more updated version.
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Uni 11/05/21
Today I came into university for the first time since September 2020. I saw both tutors; Mario and Pete.
I told Pete that I was struggling with the boulder chase sequence down the corridor. Pete gave me some pointers, and said the lines I had should be dropped, so that was a relief. We started forging the run. I then added a mouth, Pete felt it may need some inbetweens.
I noticed when I kept analysing my animatic I hadn’t placed the side table with the poster shot. So I will need to eventually get round to doing that.
It was good to head into university today, and actually get out of my room.
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Major Project Film Parody Research #76
I was just watching Family Guy on TV not even searching for parodies, when a parody in the episode came up.. So I had to record it on my phone for my blog research.
It starts by Peter hearing the person he thought was his Dad saying, “Peter you’re a fat stinking drunk.”.
Then the camera quickly pans to the right and you see him there with The Star Wars characters; Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker... I thought this was such a good parody, as it fitted the story perfectly, and added a humorous touch at the same time.
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