I write SWTOR fanfics on AO3 as Hizuri. My main tumblr: sakupyon.
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Here. Have kudos on that fanfic you wrote in your head while you were in the shower and never typed it out. When I recover from the brilliance of it, I’ll come back to leave a review.

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The Twins

Worldbuilding & Introductions
Since my fanfiction are all one-shots and aren’t surrounded around my OCs thus far, I want to take this time to introduce the two most mentioned OCs in my fics:
Yrielrivia (top), the Sith Inquisitor and Commander.
And her twin brother, Xythirn (bottom) - Emperor’s Wrath.
aka Vi and Cy.
Cy is the older twin, though Vi often acts like the older one.
It’s not that Vi is necessarily more responsible, but it’s just that Vi knows Cy is the least responsible one of them so she often picks up the slack her brother leaves behind. But Cy can be reliable when you need him to be. And he’s actually good at it if he tried. It’s just that he absolutely hates politics and all the bullshit surrounding the Sith that he’d rather not have to deal with it. Though having his twin sister in a position power, he knows he cannot avoid responsibility completely.
They do love each other dearly, even though they have a weird way of manifesting it. Like annoying the hell out of each other. But most siblings do that, I guess...
When it counts, they know they have each other’s backs and will basically do anything to protect each other.
The twins grew up in an orphanage before they were taken away by slavers when the orphanage was essentially ransacked. At that point, they about 10 years old. Give or take. At that point, they were separated for a few years until they found each other again at the Sith Academy when they were teens. It was very tempting for the twins to go back to the way they were and do everything together, like they used to, but they knew that it wasn’t going to be that simple anymore. The several years they had been apart had changed both Vi and Cy. Vi ended up working as a slave, while Cy was much more fortunate and was taken in by a family of rather neutral Sith. They were simply just different people. And if they wanted to survive in the Sith world, they needed to learn to work separately and take a different path. So they did.
While they still supported each other in the background and their paths crossed often due to similar missions, they continued to find their own path in the world until both of them became Darth Nox and the Emperor’s Wrath, respectively.
The one detail that I’ve been very clear about is that they are force-bonded. They have been force-bonded since... forever. Maybe even since birth? Cy nor Vi wouldn’t even be able to tell you. All they know is that they’re been able to communicate with each other through their minds even before they knew what the force was, and it’s completely effortless for them.
There was a time where they weren’t able to filter themselves, but they’ve essentially done it so much now they know how to shut each other out if they need to.
Their force bonds are limited in distance though. They’ve never exactly tested how far-reaching it is. All they know is that they can clearly communicate with each other if they’re in the same world, but once they are off-world and have some distance put between them, the bonds basically weaken. Telepathy is the first to go. But it seemed like they can still feel each other’s presence very strongly no matter where they are in the galaxy.
When Valkorion did his little mindscape invasion, it ultimately only affected Yrielrivia. But because the twins were force bonded, Xythirn got affected through her as well. Essentially Valkorion lived in Vi’s mind, but also had access to Cy. Valkorion clearly thought this through. LOL.
Vi’s Memory Loss
The game basically makes Darth Nox like this invincible force ghost sucking powerful Sith, and they briefly gloss over how this is damaging to her physically - but in my mind, I feel like she’s most affected by trauma. Not just by force ghost rehoming. Having been a slave at one point, than housing ghosts and then mindfucked by Valkorion can’t be healthy to her mind.
I do argue that having her have a history of enslavement probably strengthened her as a person and mentally. I don’t think she would have been able to accomplish what she did had she not experienced hardship. But whether she realized it or not at first, each force ghost she housed made her forget a part of her childhood she once had. The more she took in, the more memory she begin to lose. She didn’t realize it until maybe towards the end, when she realized she couldn’t recall a good chunk of her life as a child at all.
Cy knew well what had happened, and would remind her of things that when it came up. Except honestly, there’s not much of her childhood that needed recalling anyway. And Vi never quite bother to recover what doesn’t really matter.
At least, it’s not so important until recently. With a certain Darth in her life who seem to have been a profound part of her childhood which she can’t seem to recall......
Neutral Siths
Even though both twins grew up in different environments at one point, they both share a similar ideology of being neutral. They knew they aren’t Jedi material. Being Jedi just seems way too suffocating for their personalities. They can barely manage to get up on time every day, and you expect them to manage the strict rigorous lifestyles of a Jedi? Yeah right.
And it’s not that they love being Sith either. Sure, some... no, A LOT of people deserve to be killed and tortured, but they don’t particularly enjoy doing this on innocent people. If they are innocent at all. These days no one is truly as innocent as they seem anyway. They’ve seen it all. Even the Jedi themselves aren’t always as innocent as they make themselves seem. Making being a Jedi sound like a ton of bull, to be honest.
They both truly want to do good. It’s the reason they both rose up the ranks as Darth and Wrath. Getting there probably made them darker than black, but they both knew they needed to get stronger and be in a position of power in order to do good. To have people take them seriously. And they did just that.
Vi had a vision she wanted to build. Getting to a position of power meant she could take out the slavers, little by little. Yes, as Sith, slavery is common... but if she was in a position of power, who was going to tell her otherwise? She could tell slavers to fuck off however she wanted. And she had.
(will be updated as I go)
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Sure they’re good partners, but sometimes I just stop and wonder how the heck these two got along together for so long back on Rishi… arguing over who drank the last of the caf and so on.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic Locations » Hutt Space
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People are actually reading my ‘fics. Thank you. Wow.
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References to Theron Shan’s implants, slicer, and/or spy gear (because I keep forgetting what they are)
For me and my fellow fic writers who want lots of little details on our favorite space super spy's gear. For reasons.
All of these are from Annihilation, because I don't feel like trawling through Lost Suns or torcommunity right now to find those. Let's see how many I can fit in before I break the post and have to start a new one. I will put these under a cut, to save your dashes (and scroll)
(the answer is ten, more coming).
#this was my favorite part listening to the Annihilation audiobooks#i love knowing how Theron's implants and stuff worked
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Based on Vanity Fair’s June 2022 Star Wars issue.
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I just spontaneously wrote Darth Rivix smut. Don't judge me.
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That’s a good find!
(now with bonus 3rd panel)
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“All your life you’ve been in a cage, padawan. When you are ready, break free.”
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Disorder
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Protective spouses, now in both Sith wife and spy husband flavors. :D
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STAR WARS HYPERSPACE TRAVEL TIMES: As a disclaimer, a lot of this is going to come from Legends info, but I feel reasonably confident in using them because LFL does still operate on things like this very often. You can’t count it as hard canon, not until it appears in some story or guidebook or is confirmed through word of god, but until then I’d give it a solid 80-85% chance of being accurate. As a secondary disclaimer, you also can’t count on this to always hold true in-universe for stories because often times things happen “at the speed of plot”, meaning there’s no way Sidious should have been able to get to Mustafar to, uh, rescue Anakin as fast as he did, unless we’re assuming Anakin hung around on Mustafar for like eight days after killing the Separatists and then another eight days before Sidious found him. (Well, I guess if anyone could survive on hate that long, it’d be Anakin. We know Maul survived on hate when he should have died, too. But, realistically, I think we’re just not supposed to think about it.) RESOURCES: - The excellent Astrogation Computer, which will calculate the travel time for you! It doesn’t have every system, but if you know a nearby one (check the galaxy map to find a nearby planet) you should be able to get an accurate travel time. Some examples above: Coruscant to Naboo with a premium hyperdrive engine is 6.65 days. Coruscant to Mustafar is 8.16 days. Coruscant to Naboo is 7.96 days. Etc. - Star Wars Galaxy Map, which should have all the major planets if you need to find where something is to use in the above calculator. You can do a search if you want to find something specific, too! You can also check the hyperspace lanes that are nearest any given planet. - Black Cat’s Hyperspace travel times is another good place to start to get the chart above for basic travel times and an overview of some of the things that can affect travel time. THINGS THAT CAN AFFECT TRAVEL TIMES: - The quality of your hyperdrive engine. The better quality your engine is, the faster you’ll get there. The above travel times are calculated based on a 1x multiplier, but if you have a crappier hyperdrive, your time is going take significantly longer. - Whether or not there is a hyperspace lane that has been cleared for a continuous journey and all objects cleared out of the way. These are incredibly valuable to own the rights to/have access to. - How much stuff (planets. stars, asteroids, nebulae, etc.) is in your way, since you can’t travel in a straight line, you can’t go through stuff without getting exploded. This is why hyperspace routes are so incredibly valued, because you can travel much more quickly and safely on pre-established routes. (It’d be a really bad idea to try to plot your own course because celestial drift or unknown/unmarked celestial objects would be all over the place.) TRADE ROUTES/HYPERSPACE LANES THAT ARE AVAILABLE: These are the major ones, though, there are plenty of smaller ones that you could also use, but wouldn’t be as extensive or possibly as safe as these: - Nexus Route (Canon + Legends) [x] - Unknown placement, but it was a major route that connected Republic and Separatist spaces, this is the one that Even Piell died to get the coordinates for after he told his half to Ahsoka. - Rimma Trade Route (Canon + Legends) [x] - Notable for connecting to Sullust and Eriadu. - Perlemian Trade Route (Canon + Legends) [x] - Notable for connecting to Felucia and Taanab. - Hydian Way (Canon + Legends) [x] - Notable for connecting to Malastare and Yavin. - Corellian Run (Canon + Legends) [x] - Notable for connecting to Coruscant, Ryloth, Corellia, and Christophsis - Corellian Trade Spine (Canon + Legends) [x] - Notable for connecting to Corellia, Duro, and Hosnian Prime. It intersected with the Rimma Trade Route in the Inner Rim and with the Hydian way in the Outer Rim territories. CONCLUSIONS: The above travel times should factor in hyperspace lanes in the calculations, as well as which ones may be close together but require going slower or making more stops because it’s more densely packed in the Deep Core, where there are a lot of stars. Whereas, out in the Outer Rim, there’s less you have to navigate around so you can just zip through more quickly. BONUS: - Have a Legends map of Republic Space vs Separatist Space vs Hutt Space, to give you an idea of where it would be safe to travel and where it wouldn’t be. - Bigger version of the (Legends) Hyperspace lane map via Wookieepedia.
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Lana Beniko/Theron Shan fanfic. Because why not.
So many possibilities.
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