hitori-no-tora · 6 years
Ok i wanna know why we keep hypin up this moment in IW so damn much 
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because literally two seconds later, Thanos leaves Steve knocked the fuck out with one swift punch to the face
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meanwhile Tony Stank is on another planet getting moons thrown at him and giving Thanos an actual fight using tech he built himself
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like bitch even Thanos was Shook™️ for a moment before he did the stabby stabby which led us to this iconic line where he is talking directly to Tony!
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But y’all wanna stay sleepin on Anthony Edward Stark callin him a villain and whatever. Like the behavior he exhibited was Iconic, like the Legend jumped out. And yes, Thanos did look annoyed when he was going up against Steve before getting the last infinty stone but it was probs because Steve’s dumb ass didnt realize that he has two fuckin hands and was just tryna hold Thanos’ hand or some shit idk
TL;DR: Tony Stark doesnt deserve this and Steve needs to step up his titan fighting game
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hitori-no-tora · 6 years
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this tweet
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hitori-no-tora · 6 years
My Thoughts on the Originals Finale
I try not to get involved in the debate side of the fandom, ship wars, etc. This is just me trying to get my feelings out about the saddest series finale I have ever watched, and perhaps will ever watch in my entire life. I don’t mean to be rude but don’t even bother reading this if you aren’t going to disagree with me nicely because I do not want to hear it. If you agree with at least some of the things I’m going to say then that’s great. I’m not trying to start an argument or anything. I’ve been an Originals groupie since season 1 and I’m sad it’s all over now. I have tried very hard to be ok with the way Originals ended. Maybe someday I will be but today is not that day. I did enjoy the moment Klaroline had though. 
I haven’t rewatched the episode yet because it was so sad and heart-wrenching that I’m afraid I’d just start crying again. I can understand what some people meant when they said the deaths were for shock value. In my opinion Klaus shouldn’t have died. I know there are apparently some people that dislike Hope for whatever reason, but I had to agree with her when she said “I just got you back. Why does it have to be today?!” I’ve lost count of how many times/how long Klaus has been out of his daughter’s life because he was trying to protect her or something. 
It’s not fair that as soon as Klaus is back in his daughter’s life he decides to make the noble sacrifice and die for her. Sure she’s a teenager but everyone needs their father and Hope is no exception. Hell, I’m 26 and I still need my daddy (who passed away in 2005) but that is beside the point. Klaus should be alive to raise his daughter. He should be alive to threaten her dates and he should be alive to walk his daughter down the aisle (if he deems the boy worthy) when she’s ready to get married. 
I get that Klaus has lived for over a thousand years and he wanted to die to protect his daughter. I get that. What I don’t get is how leaving Hope without both her parents makes any sense. I was one of the few people that was a fan of the father-daughter relationship between Klaus and Hope so that is number one on  the endless list of reasons Klaus’ death has hit me so hard. I don’t think any other fictional death has hit me this hard (maybe Derek Shepherd but that’s a different fandom.) Elijah’s death I can accept because at least he is reunited with Hayley. 
Klaus getting the cure for Rebekah (while a nice thing of him to do) kind of came from out of nowhere and she’ll be a human married to a vampire. I prefer Rebekah as a vampire but I still can’t believe Klaus admitted he was wrong to stand in the way of her happiness. Still even though Rebekah getting the cure both makes sense and doesn’t make sense, Klaus finally allowing his sister a life of happiness was at least a nice moment among all the soul crushing sadness. I  get Rebekah longed to be human but she should’ve just stayed a vampire so she can live forever with Marcel and they could’ve adopted or something? Still, Rebekah living more eternities without Klaus and Elijah who have been through everything with her even though she’s lived countless centuries with them already is kind of depressing as well. 
I also get that Joseph Morgan and Daniel Gillies wanted to move on from the TVD/Originals verse after the show was finished but that doesn’t mean their deaths hurt any less. It was actually kind of sad and depressing watching the last Mikaelson family gathering, knowing what was going to happen; knowing it was the last time viewers would ever see Klaus alive.
I’ve been invested in these characters since they appeared on Vampire Diaries and while there were probably some things on Originals I didn’t care for; I will always enjoy seasons 1-3 (and maybe bits of 4). Believe it or not, I actually enjoyed the Originals. I loved Joseph’s acting. Believe it or not I thought some of the dialogue was good too and thought the show did have some good moments before this. 
I think at this rate I would just prefer to pretend season 5 never happened but I’m going to at least attempt to re watch when it comes to Netflix if I feel emotionally ready because I am literally incapable of staying away from this show and this universe (I’ll probably end up watching Legacies since I hear Matt and Jeremy will make an appearance). I actually did like when Caroline gave Klaus a piece of her mind in 5x01 and said he should be a father to his daughter and call her. I don’t know about the rest of the season. I’m sort of a completest when it comes to watching a show and I don’t know if I can change that. 
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hitori-no-tora · 6 years
If Season 1 of Legacies is not Hope trying to find a way to bring her father back then I'm going to be pissed
Klaus gave up the chance to raise and love his daughter 3 times in order to keep her safe.
No one ever told Hope or gave her the chance to see who Klaus is beyond the stories where he's the villain.
Klaus spent less than a sum total of 3 years with his daughter all her life and is still a better father to her than most.
Klaus Mikaelson isn't a good guy or a hero but he's not evil and he's a good dad who deserves the chance to be in his daughter's life.
If Legacies doesn't spend time with Hope trying to AND successfully bring her father back from wherever the fuck he is, it's not worth watching
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hitori-no-tora · 6 years
Tony: No man or woman has ever made me beg in bed
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hitori-no-tora · 6 years
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tony + text posts meme
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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Are you Thor, the God of Hammers? That hammer was to help you control your power, focus it. But it was never the source of your strength.
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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The Legends reminds me of my D&D group. Last year we were on a campaign, “The Trial of Eagan”. Our party was made up of…
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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Kesha attends the 60th Annual GRAMMY Awards at Madison Square Garden on January 28, 2018 in New York City.
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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January didn't go so well. Didn't play as many games as I wanted. Didn't have as much fun as I wanted but I made it to Silver. #leagueoflegends February will be better. Good news will come. Playing Mas with my friends and going to Wankanda. February will be better
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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Get to Know Me Meme: [12/20 Relationships]: Ten and Rose (Doctor Who)
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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Where were you?
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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hitori-no-tora · 7 years
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