" 'We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us.' Its not fate its the whole invisible bond-link thing!" Affiliated with Kerria Academy.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
My character shows yours a mysterious button a stranger gave them and told them not to press it under ANY circumstances. If your character couldn’t resist the temptation, send me ◉.
I’ll generate a number between 1-30 and we’ll see what happens…
WARNING! Mix of funny, strange, and angsty! Some trigger warnings may apply.
*Please be sure not to accidentally send an answer to an archive hosting the meme, such as its creator at inboxideas. Please do not remove this notice. Thank you and happy roleplaying!
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And Morgan can't look at him now, it was embarrassing, the thing didn't exactly scare him or anything. He just hated them and, he didn't want to touch them or anything. The thoughts of just how gross those things could be made him shiver. He really can't trust something that could live for almost a week with no head.
"Its a roach a really awful bug, its the kind of bug that hangs out in your trash and you can never seem to kill it, sometimes even catch it. And its not that is scares me... I just don't like it...."
He would very much like him to step on it too, to be honest.
Creepy Crawlies.... {Open}
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Morgan was, late, he was actually late, and not just by a minute or two, no this was several minutes rolling into almost 15 minutes. He rather got a bit distracted on his way here and nearly dropped the several books he had borrowed from the library. He had found all the ones he could carry about cakes or anything having to do with cake in the off chance they could be of some help. The boy dashed down the hall being careful not to bump into anyone as he rounded the corner on his way to the kitchens. He dashed through the door grinning, and a bit out of breath as he put the tomes he had borrowed down on the counter.
"Sorry I'm late, I may have gotten a little carried away when searching for books." He brushed a hand through his hair once with a laugh, but didn't say much else on the matter.
He pulled off his robe as he looked over all of what they had here, "So what'd I miss?"
Shush Shush// Morgan, Laurent & Loki
#-totally replied to the wrong post I can't even XD-#theeludicatormage#notthegodloki#replies!#and its so late#I'm so sorry
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"Ow ow ow ow ow....."
Morgan's sunburn was starting to sting again, ah but it was so much fun outside today! He didn't get to make a sandcastle for the contest so he made one today, and yeah.... So worth it...
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Here have this OOC post cause I got my haircut and I love it!

Its about the same as when I cut it last time, ah ignore the awful doodle on the wall I was playing with chalk XD
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[Looking through old Toshi city blogs like why did I drop any of these cuties! D:]
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"Oh its no problem at all, I'm really looking forward to seeing what can be done just from what that book has too offer us. If you need any help with an experiments or making anything in the book, I'd love to be of assistance."
He didn't mind Laurent's excitement, it was something he was well used to and it would be a lie if he said he wasn't a bit exited himself. Not many people he knew shared a love of learning like Laurent did, he liked to learn, but he didn't quite love it as much as the mage did. Ah but where to sit the box of tomes down at, well he could stack it on top of one of the boxes near the door for the time being and move it around later when he began to unpack his things and put them away.
When they reached his room he opened up the door and stepped out of the way to let Laurent through first. "Wait they play games with a crystal ball? Did it not shatter? They are pretty fragile aren't they, or at least they look fragile I've never held one or dropped one rather. Oh, wait you said it looks like one, not that it is one...." Using their powers for a game? Well that certainly would be good practice, and the tactician vaguely wondered if they could take part in something like that while they lived here. "That's interesting! I would like to find one of these people so I could speak to them about using their abilities to play games like that, perhaps we could find something to play were we may practice our abilities as well."
Morgan stared in awe, a magic box! This was truly astounding! Why hadn't he already seen this? "A magic box that lets you view people who aren't really there!? And a wand that can change the pictures! This realm is really something! At least we shall not go bored while we're here, there's so many interesting things for us to discover and figure out."
Morgan would certainly have to find one of these magic boxes so he could start messing with it as his curiosity to figure out how it works was really something.
"Ah, indeed - a book of remedies would be most useful for experimenting with the unfamiliar plants and herbs of this place, and hopefully making better healing salves for others to use, thank you kindly, Morgan - but I am letting my excitement at the possibility of knowledge get away from me again, am I not? Ah ha."
That said, Laurent managed to not go overboard with talking too much there, but gave a silent nod at where Morgan had trailed off - he hoped that the things they learnt here could assist their time more, as well. "Ah, well - I suppose seeing as we are almost at your room, I can give a brief explanation of some of the many curious items. People of this land can play a game with a strange round object that looks like a crystal ball, only black and white and made of leather - some folk in the game use elemental powers, even, in the game, for fun! I suppose it’s a good way of keeping powers sharp, perhaps? There’s a person in the Ichigo dorms I helped a few days ago who seems to know a lot about the game."
"There’s also a strange square object that shows people moving and talking on it - but the people are not physically there, though their voices and images are as clear as day! And you can make them appear or even change to different people by pressing strange round things on a magic wand! Isn’t that amazing?!"
That would be a television, unknown to Laurent…but to a person from simple times such as the mage, of course such a thing would seem amazing.
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Morgan sort of hunched his shoulders a bit preparing for what he was suspecting was a lecture. The tone in the other's voice was slightly similar to that of Fredrick's when he caught on of the children doing something they weren't supposed to do. So maybe his idea was a little bit uncalled for, but it would have killed the bug and made sure there was no chance it survived, you know, if he had actually hit it.
He had opened his mouth to continue his explanation but it was obvious he wouldn't be hearing anymore of it. That as okay he didn't have much to add anyways, but perhaps he could have tweaked the wording, made it sound less like he needed mental help?
"Um yes, would you be so kind as to step on it." Make sure its extra extra dead?
Really these kinds of bugs creeped him out and if the other wouldn't do something about it, then he would and there might be another disaster like this one. Or it could be worse, he could use his thunder tome and knock out the power to the dorms.
Creepy Crawlies.... {Open}
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He was glad she happened upon him too, he wasn't quite ready to return to his empty dorm room. "I am as well, any company is certainly good company!" He laughed.
"I'm having a great time, there's so many people, and everyone's having so much fun! The last time I was at the beach it wasn't very fun at all." Considering the last time they went to the beach it was covered in Risen and they ended up fighting instead of enjoying the wonderful day. "Have you been having fun too?"
With a courteous “Thank you” she took a seat on the log next to the youth “It is, I’m really happy I happened upon you” her brows were furrowed with relief and she smiled again.
"Oh? It seems like this was good timing for the both of us then" she chuckled a bit and kept her happy smile. "Have you been having fun?"

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Cold weather huh? Maybe he came from a place like Ferox which always seemed to be in this perpetual winter. As it was always snowing or covered in snow whenever they went to pay Flavia a visit.
"Uh thank you?" Well he wasn't going to display it all, this was as much clothing as he would be losing. "Your's is nice too?" He guessed, its not like he knew much about skin anyways, but he felt he should return that... what he hoped was just a compliment.
"I haven’t been here too long either." He shrugged.
"I’m used to cold weather, y’know. Haven’t spent much time around beaches. But hey! Don’t sweat it. You’ve got some nice skin. Display all of it." He winked and immediately burst out laughing.
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Morgan was about to get up and put the fire out, but he's glad that he kind of didn't as a rather short woman took a seat next to him. He shook his head and smiled at her, "No I don't mind at all, it is getting pretty chilly out here isn't it?"
"I was getting kind of bored by myself so its nice to have a bit of company" someone to talk too so he wouldn't be lonely or leave because he had lost all interest in this beach thing.
It was getting fairly late and the temperature was dropping and Loki had forgotten her jacket at home, there was no way her thin dress was going to keep her warm while she was out.
Her curiosity was peaked when she saw a light further down the beach. She was surprised to see a little fire as she approached the boy who sat by himself “May I join you?” the small woman smiled kindly to the youth, hoping he would allow her to warm up a bit.

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Morgan sat on a log, that he had dragged all the way out to the sand and set next to his bonfire that he had remade, and munched on a freshly made s'more as he debated what to do with the rest of his evening before he called it a day and left the beach.
"Swimming's a no, I can do that tomorrow.... maybe.... I'll just walk around until I find something or get tired."
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Its like a bad wreck, he's horrified completely terrified but he can't look away....
#ka musings#good bye sweet innocent child#I was wondering what everyone was talking about .... then I saw.
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"Well I did just get here a few days ago."
"I'm not used to this weather or the scarce use of clothing on the beach. I feel naked without my robes." He laughed, exposed and vulnerable, a blade could easily pierce his skin like this. "I've never displayed this much skin in front of others before unless I was in the bath."
Ah~ Nice to have a name? More like: nice to have a name to scream later.
Kenny had plans.
"Yea. It’s warmer than I’m used to. How’s it been for you?"
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Someone had come in, someone he didn't recognize from his own dorm which was strange cause why would he be here? Then again fire produced smoke which could be seen a had a distinct smell. So maybe they ran in after smelling the smoke because it was coming from the dorms not one of the Culinary classrooms where it would a bit more obvious as to why the smokey smell was there. Still he was surprised to say the least especially when the other yelled at him to move. He was moving his arms in a strange way that he didn't quite recognize, but it was doing something as he seemed to hear the sound of water?
Morgan did as he was told and moved out of the way just in time to see a huge force of water pulse through the hall dousing out the flames. As soon as it came though it was gone, almost like it had never been there to begin wit. Things were dry and it was weird like he had just imagined the water being there in the first place. For a while he was actually thinking that maybe he had imagined the entire thing. Until he turned on his heel and there the other was standing not looking pleasantly happy like Morgan had seemed minutes ago. That was hen he knew he was in trouble.
What happened?
Morgan hesitated for a moment before he opened his mouth to tell him what had happened.
"Well see there was this bug, I saw it run down the hallway and around the corner, I thought it might end up becoming a problem if I let the little roach lived so I followed it to here, where the plant is. See the Roach was in a place where I couldn't kill it easily so I decided to use magic!"
"Only that didn't work so well, and I was bested by the bug which escaped from my clutches before I could cull its sorry soul and send it back to whatever hole it crawled out of."
It was nothing fancy, he used fire to kill the bug, the fire hit the plant set it ablaze from there it just traveled.
Creepy Crawlies.... {Open}
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[Yes she would look absolutely adorable in it~]
notthegodloki replied to your post:[ Here’s the trunks Morgan will be wearing~]
those are cute
[Why thank you Miss Erica :D I needed to go find what cute swimsuit Loki would be wearing~ and its adorable~]
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notthegodloki replied to your post:[ Here’s the trunks Morgan will be wearing~]
those are cute
[Why thank you Miss Erica :D I needed to go find what cute swimsuit Loki would be wearing~ and its adorable~]
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