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hiraiologist · 4 months ago
last minute procedure? girl you good?
yes 😭 sorry sorry it was really not a big deal i had to get some stitches but everything’s fine
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hiraiologist · 4 months ago
(momo fic may be delayed even more IM SO SORRY)
(im having a last minute procedure tomorrow)
(also just have not been able to focus on anything the past couple days bc….. america)
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hiraiologist · 4 months ago
omfg this was incredible i loved it sm 😭 vampires are my weakness gimme more vampire twice yesyesyes
Love Bites - Hirai Momo
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Pairing: Vampire!Momo x Reader
Synopsis: During the rain, your car breaks down. Good thing Momo seems to find you and offers her assistance!
Warnings: violence at the end, kind of gore-y since she's a vampire but nothing too explicit, some fluff, tried to make this spooky cuz Halloween but I'm not too sure, alcoholic drinks, kind of stalker behavior, biting, and it is suggestive.
w/c: 3878
a/n: Halloween fic!! I hope you guys like it! I always appreciate the input so feel free to give some!
Mainly doing this for @cry4mina cuz of her vampire fic so yeah (I kinda wanna do a part 2 cuz I really liked this and I honestly didn't do this justice, so maybe I'll rewrite this and give more info and expand the story later ^^)
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You loved the rain. The sound of it, the smell that lingered in the air, it was all very comforting to you. You even liked to go for short drives while it rained, not a lot of people were in the streets, so it was very peaceful. Tonight, you should’ve gone against all of these thoughts and just stayed home. 
You had moved to a quieter town recently. Your job had been demanding, and you just needed a break from all the noise. Since it was raining, you decided to go on your little drives while it rained. It quickly proved to be a terrible idea when your car decided to stop working as you were nearing the lake, no houses, no people nearby to help. 
“Come on…” You say to yourself as you try calling the local mechanic, to no avail of course, since there was almost no signal. 
After about 20 minutes, you notice that the light rain had started to pick up and walking back to town was no longer an option. 
To your surprise, you notice a flash of headlights coming through your car, there was someone out there. 
You quickly get out of the car to signal your presence, not even caring about getting wet. Once the car stopped, you notice who it was from, and you wonder if it was smart of you to get out of the car so fast. 
“Miss L/n?” Momo asks surprised, not used to seeing people that far from the town on rainy days like these. 
Momo was from a family that had lived in that town for generations, but unfortunately, only she was left now. She was more of a loner, always in her own world, going to the city from time to time, but spending the majority of her time at her house by the lake. You didn’t know what she did for a living, but always just assumed that she was either very well off or had a job that she could do from home. 
It’s not that you were afraid of her, of course not. She had always smiled at you ever since you had moved into town and coincidentally happen to see her in the supermarket. You were just a little put off by her presence, you don’t really know how to explain it. 
Kids around town would tell stories about the Hirai family, how they never seemed to age and then suddenly disappeared. Silly ideas that they were supernatural, the most famous amongst them being that they were vampires. They could pass for it, with their perfect pale skin, almost shining when the light would hit them. 
“Is everything ok?” She steps out of the car, umbrella in her hand, quickly going to your side to shield you from the water. 
After hearing about what had happened she quickly offers to look at the car, with no success. It was very kind of her, bus she didn’t seem like the type who would know about cars. So instead, you let her drive you to her place, since it was already getting dark and the light rain seemed like it was turning into a storm. 
☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆
Momo was sweet, she tried to make conversation, maybe ease you into her presence. You weren’t sure of what to say, so at a certain point, she kind of just gave up and put on some music. 
Once you arrived at her house, she ushered you inside, not wanting you to get wet, and as soon as you had stepped inside, she was already handing you a towel for you to dry off. You couldn’t help but almost swoon at her considerate actions. 
“I know it’s a little weird to invite you to stay over like, this but it really seems like a storm is coming, I’m not sure if it would be safe for me to drive you home like this…” The older girl says as she sits next to you, putting the tea on the table. 
“I really appreciate you doing that, I was contemplating walking until I saw a car or even reached home, but I’m glad you saw me before I started walking,” You interrupt her softly, not wanting her to feel any type of negative emotion after taking you in and saving you from your precarious situation. “It was really nice of you to offer me to stay here.”
You both sit in silence, watching the drops of water fall into the river situated almost right in front of her house. It was beautiful. The whole setting brought you comfort, the cracking of the wood in the (seemingly) unused fireplace, the dim warm lighting, the view to the lake surrounded by the dark green vegetation… It was nice. 
As dinner approached, Momo volunteered to cook for you, you almost begged to help her, but she politely declined, saying that if you wanted you could set the table. Once she had brought out the food you saw that she didn’t have a plate, she claimed to not be hungry, that she had eaten plenty already. 
During dinner, you had learned that her older sister lived in a more rural area and didn’t visit much, same as her parents. She worked a finance job that allowed her to stay at home, that being the reason she wasn’t seen getting out of the town as much. As she kept talking about herself, you felt more at ease, she was calm and that was transferred to you as well. 
You told her about your previous job in the big city, how it had worn you down. You expressed your love for baking, how you were so happy to have had opened one in town. She listened attentive, promising to visit you sometime, telling you how much she loved to eat. 
It was getting late. The storm had quieted down and Momo had offered her bedroom for you to sleep in. She would’ve offered the guest bedroom, but it was up for renovation, she was worried that the smell of paint would be too much. You obviously declined, saying you had taken too much, you would gladly sleep on the couch. 
You were suddenly woken up by a slight bang and a little groan of annoyance. You lift up your head, vision still hazy from sleep and see Momo, towering over you, her eyes golden and with something dripping from her chin? Her features are sharper, she looks hungry. 
“Shh, it’s nothing, I just banged my knee when I was going to close the window, the wind got it open, you can keep sleeping…” she quickly says, looking away from you, with a tone so soft that it lured back to sleep almost instantly. 
☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆
Although Momo’s couch was big (and expensive) you woke up sore. Your body hurt in weird places, like your nape, the back of your arm, weird unsuspecting places. 
“The sky has cleared up, I can give you a ride whenever you’re ready.” You almost Jump out of your skin, you didn’t even hear her coming. “I’ve already called the mechanic and told him about the car.” She continues, with a small smile on her face once she notices she had scared you. 
Her face is soft, contrary to your previous encounter. Her eye were no longer that striking golden shade, but her normal sweet brown. Maybe you had dreamt it. 
You started to notice that every time you were close, her touch would linger longer. She would give you a cup of tea and her fingers would brush yours, once she was out the door to take you home, her hand sneaked up to your lower back, guiding you to the car, to which she opened the door and closed it gently as if not to startle you. This kindness was not something unusual, but it seemed like it had grown from an interaction that you were not a part of. 
“If you ever need something, don’t hesitate to call,” Momo says as she walks you to your door. “I really liked having you over, I hope we can get to know each other more in the future.” She offered you a shy smile, and quickly looked away, as if she was blushing, but you didn’t see a speck of the usual pink-ish hue come into her face. 
After biding your goodbyes, thanking her and making her promise to visit you at work, you went inside, anxious to see what was up with your body, checking to see why it hurt so much. As soon as you were in front of the mirror, you pulled your hair up and turned your neck as far as possible, trying to see if there was anything there. The only thing you saw was a little bruise, almost the size of a little caramel, nothing to worry about. The same was on your arm, just a tiny bruise. You figured it must have been your clumsiness around the kitchen. 
☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆
Some time went by, and you started seeing Momo around a lot more. She would sometimes come around your work, playfully begging for some of your baked goods, sometimes you would just be closing up and she would magically be passing by and accompany you to your car or even home. 
Every time you were together her hands you find your skin, she would trace your skin, almost tickling you from how light her touch was. Her hands were always cold, you weren’t exactly used to it, you were known to be a warm-blooded person, but you still welcomed her freezing touch every time, at a certain point longing for it. 
You had gone to her place once again, since it wasn’t raining, she had shown you her majestic garden. The threes, the flowers, it was all so well taken care of. She told you she had poured a lot of time into tending to them, that they were her pride and joy. You were smitten with her. The way her face would contort when she laughed, how her eyes turned into crescent moons every time she smiled had you floored. You were grateful for your rainy-day drives, for allowing you to meet Momo. 
You had started to hope it was Momo coming through the door of the bakery as soon as you heard the bell jingle. You never thought it would get like this, but who could blame you? A tall, kind, beautiful woman had taken interest in you, you were meant to start having a tiny crush, you only hoped it was reciprocated. 
Besides Momo’s visits, you had started to notice that you were behaving differently. You could’ve gone on your day without noticing it, but one day, as you were washing your face, you reached for your towel to dry off, only to not find her in the usual spot. It was in another hanger, one you never used to put towels. You found it weird, maybe this crush had started making you do things without thinking. You had also lost your favourite night shirt from your university days. Maybe you had left it at home with your parents, you’d have to ask them. 
The marks never appeared again, thankfully, it was definitely Momo’s couch. 
One day, Momo came early to your work. She seemed nervous. She couldn’t exactly look at you. “I was wondering if you were free tonight.” She finally lets out, after a minute of slight rambling. “I want to take you out to dinner.” 
You felt hot, sweating from the palms. She had asked you out. She couldn’t look at you still, preferring to look at the baked good displayed in front of her instead as she waited for your answer. 
“Where are you planning on taking me?” You finally choked out, your hand going to your neck instinctively feeling hot all over. What would you wear? Where was she taking you? How should you act? Did she like roses? Would she prefer a sweet or a more flowery scent? The questions ran through your mind, you didn’t even notice the big smile that had crept up on the woman’s face. 
“It’s a new restaurant, I’ve gone there, and I think you’d like it…” She says, composed again, her fingers searching for yours, playing with them, a small smile lingering on her face. 
Maybe your standards were too low, but the thought of Momo thinking you’d like something and inviting you there warmed your heart. After leaving you with a giddy goodbye and a small and fast kiss on the cheek, she left you alone in the bakery. You were going out with Momo. 
As soon as the clock hit 6, you were closing up and hurriedly going home to get ready. As you’re looking through your clothes, you spot your dark red satin shirt, and instantly know that you should wear that, leaving a couple buttons open. 
 ☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆
Momo’s eyes hadn’t left your frame since she had gone to pick you up. There was something different in the air, it seemed more charged. 
Momo’s eyes seemed lighter, you noticed as soon as your eyes landed on her. Her dark brown eyes were now a lighter shade, reminding you of the weird dream you had of her with a set of golden eyes. 
The restaurant was a quiet place, it was a small and cosy place on the edge of town. Momo was right, you think you fell in love with the place at first sight. 
You had been right to bring the satin shirt, Momo had not been able to take her eyes away, the buttons down had exposed your skin and maybe that’s what made her not look away. 
She spoke gently to you, listened to your stories, contributed to the conversation, everything was going perfectly. You noticed that, once again, she was not eating as much as you would expect, but that didn’t seem to faze you. 
“You look really nice,” she says, her eyes fixed on yours. “I’m really happy you accepted to come on this date.”
“I’ve actually been thinking about asking you out too…” you say, growing shy after your confession, to which you receive a soft smile. 
The dim lighting in the restaurant contributed to making your date even more perfect. The lack of the harsh lighting made Momo’s skin look almost a milky gold, it paired perfectly with her soft features. 
Although the company was perfect, it kept getting interrupted by a flirty younger waiter. He seemed to be a good guy, but his insistence on hitting on you every time he would come to your table was getting annoying, especially for Momo, who seemed like she, if she was allowed to, would kill him for interrupting your first date. 
After dinner, she asked if you wanted to go to her house since it was closer, or if you’d prefer if she dropped you off at your place. You almost instantly said that you wanted to go to hers. You know, since it was closer. 
Her fingers drew little shapes on your tight as she drove, only stopping when she reached for your hand to kiss your knuckles. Your breathing was uneven, and you kept your eyes on her the whole ride. The night casting some shades on her face, enhancing her jawline, making her look even more ethereal. 
She offers you a drink as soon as you’re home. Her eyes staring at your wine-stained lips, making her subtly wet her own. She knows that if she touches you, she wouldn’t be able to contain herself. You offer to clean the glasses, it was getting late, and you wanted to spend some quality time with her. 
The hot water on your fingers was nothing compared to the flush on your face. The look the older girl was giving throughout the night almost had you in shambles. It seemed like she was doing it without even noticing as well, making you even needier for her touch, even if it was the usual brush of fingers. 
“Hm tonight was fun right?” You hear as she approaches you. You look back and see she had shed from her coat, now having her arms showing off. Suddenly a cold hand slides to your hips. “Do you need any help?” It comes out in a whisper, and you can’t find it in you to answer. It all feels so intimate. You only shake your head and muster a “go settle on the couch” along with a promise of joining her soon. 
Soon enough, you’re on the couch with her, a movie playing with very low volume in the background. You’re not exactly paying attention, it seems like a horror movie, you’re only focused on how close she is to you, how her hand is on your tight, and how she is also not paying attention to the movie but softly looking at your side profile. 
“Do you not like the movie?” You croak out. 
A “Hm, yeah,” comes lazily out of her. “You’re too distracting, though, I just can’t seem to pull my eyes away from you.”
You go to have a look at her, a joke about her being cheesy on the tip of your tongue, but as soon as you turn your head, you're faced with Momo softly looking at you. Her bangs a little messy, some strands covering her eyes. Your fingers move without you thinking, sorting the hairs out, her skin ice-cold. Your eyes locked on hers. None of you blinking. 
You feel her inch closer towards you, your heart skips a bit when you feel her knee brush against yours.  Her hand comes to your face, gently tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“This shirt has been driving me crazy all night,” She whispers, her index finger trailing down your neck. 
“Yeah?” You whisper, she’s so close you can feel her breath mixing with yours. 
Your gaze flickers down to her lips, but you still catch her as she wets her lips. Your hand moves slowly to the back of her neck, and you let your fingers run through the baby hairs. 
“I really want to kiss you,” She whispers, noses already touching, her hand on your thigh, softly caressing it. 
Without waiting any more, she closes the small gap separating you two, her mouth softly pressed into yours, a bit shyly at first, but you quickly pull her in by her nape, making it all go away. You’ve dreamt of this. Of her lips on yours. It was much better than imagined. 
“You don’t know what you do to me…” she whispers, breaking away from you. “This is embarrassing to admit, but I’ve dreamt about the moment I’d be able to kiss you.” 
She knows how to make you melt, how can she say things like that and not expect you to react. So, you do. You pull her in by her neck, surprising her, kissing her more desperately. Her hands now moving to your waist, trying to pull you as close as she can. She needs to feel you. 
She pulls you into her lap, and starts leaving lazy kissing along your jawline, quickly moving further down. 
Suddenly she stops. “It’s like you’re torturing me.” Comes in a strangled whisper. 
You don’t say anything, you just wait for her to elaborate. Instead, she looks up at you, hazy eyed, almost blind by the effect you have on her, her pupils dilated. 
“This drove me crazy all night,” She says, her index finger trailing down your neck. She brushes her lips along your skin and takes in a sharp inhale. She starts peppering kisses there, her fingers pressing into the now exposed skin on your hip, making you pant softly. You feel her smirk into you. 
You just want to feel her lips on yours again, you need her. Instead, you start to feel something…sharp. “I need you…” She whispers before you feel a sting on your neck. 
It doesn’t bother you, you need more so you turn your head more to the side, trying to give more room for her to do as she pleases, and because of that you hear her let out a groan. 
Her hand grabs your chin, pulling it down for you to meet her lips once again. You feel her tongue and a new metallic taste come into your mouth. You moan at the combinations of her lips passionately moving against yours and her freezing hand going up your back. 
You groan in displeasure as soon as she breaks the kiss once again. 
“Don’t be like that,” she laughs kissing your cheek. “I just wanted to know if maybe you’d want to move to a more comfortable place?” She hesitantly says, seeming shy, but before you can even finish saying yes, she’s already picking you up and leading to your bedroom. 
 ☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆
You’re playing with the sun ring Momo had on her nightstand. She had explained how important it was that she had it, how it helped her withstand the sun. 
The whole revelation of her vampiristic side, about how she had been trying for months to get used to your smell so that she wouldn’t hurt you, had hit you like a ton of bricks. How had you missed it? Of course you were mad, you had a nasty bruise on your neck because of her bite, but that could be covered in make up for the time being. 
You were still in a state of disbelief. She had said she refused to eat anyone, she survived off normal food, maybe animal blood, but that this sudden need to bite you, to drink your blood, to consume you had come out of nowhere. It did explain a lot, especially the reason why she was so cold all the time. 
“You like that?” Momo asks, getting out of the shower, wet hairs sticking to her face. You hum in response, not sure of what to even say. 
“I know you’re freaked out,” she says, flopping next to you, the heat radiating from her skin because of the shower feeling very odd to you. “And I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me. I hope you do, but I understand if you don’t.”
You’re still confused. She is a vampire. A whole immortal being. You had slept with an immortal being who drank blood. You would try your best to understand, nonetheless.
After reassuring her that you just needed some time to assimilate everything, you decided to take a shower yourself. As you go to pick out some clothes, you hear Momo quickly get up from behind you. 
“Wait, not that drawer!”
Too late. There, neatly folded, was your university shirt. The one you had lost. There was also one of your towels, little trinkets from your place. You’re frozen in place, cold sweat starting to form at the base of your neck. 
“That was not for you to see,” she sighs, closing the drawer from behind you, pressing her once again gelid front against your naked back. “Too bad.” She says, before everything goes dark.
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hiraiologist · 4 months ago
Your friend sending you a pic wearing just a skirt and bra asking if it makes her eyes look good... she wants that cookie so effing bad
please omg 😭😭😭😭😭
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hiraiologist · 4 months ago
are you gonna bag the shawty w your futch level 100 aura or???…….
LMAO no no i dont think its anything serious like that
futch level 100 aura is killing me omg 😭😭😭
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hiraiologist · 4 months ago
i know im becoming more futch bc my friend keeps getting flirtier and flirtier with me and her type is like exclusively futches
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
HI BABY, imy imy imy imy
-🌱 (ur fav anon)
hiiii im sorry i disappeared things are just chaotic for me rn 😭 i missed youuuuu how r u? 🦋
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
yes yes, get it checked out, you need sleepy time!! also it’s very good to get a diagnosis, mine is all over the place and ever since i got a proper diagnosis and treatment i’ve been able to handle things a bit more properly :)
(pls don’t explode ur too cute for that)
😭😭😭 i will definitely try to see someone soon about everything and hopefully itll make life easier for me to manage LMAO
ajshdksjsk im turning red
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
Please finish the Momo fic no matter how long it takes to post🙏😭
i must give the audience what they want🙂‍↕️
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
im trying to finish my momo halloween post but ive been so busy at work and with personal stuff so IDK!!! might be cutting it close or perhaps not finishing in time at all we’ll see 😭
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
insomnia is the worst!! i always take a while to sleep (bc of my adhd) and i end up waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason T_T …but you should get it checked out!!!
(woahhh, shy girl, cutie)
aaaaa why r we the same fr! literally twins :0 ill probably try to see a doctor or someone within the next year bc its actually so unhealthy to keep going the way i am LOL
(i might explode if u call me cute 😭)
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
I’m glad you’re enjoy your weekend!! I’m honestly tired asf i’m gonna crash out in bed today, might sleep in…
(also yes u are my babygirl)
so real 😭 i wish i could sleep in but i sleep maybe like 3 hours max every night….. insomnia is the worstttt
😳 suddenly i feel shy mdhdkhdk
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
hiiii im good!! its been a busy weekend but i like it 🫡 how are u whatchu up to :p
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
your fics r so hdhjwbbsbwhbwbi i love (ive only read one but that’s enough to tell me your writing is so one of a kind)
omg 😭😭😭 thank you sm wtf that’s so nice of you to say 💌
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
maybe i am a stranger… maybe im not, that’s something you’ll never know, babe
why r u secretly gossip girl omg
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
im feeling really good this week im hoping all this good energy translates into me having enough motivation to finish the momo halloween fic and/or first tzuyu fic
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hiraiologist · 5 months ago
but also technically i’m not a stranger so…
oh ur not? 🤔
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