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hiraeth52125 · 8 months ago
Instead of a Camp Swap how about Hera just kidnaps both Jason and Percy at the same time, wipes their memories, and puts them somewhere in like the midwest or the south together. 
Without memories or any context of who the hell they are, these two demigod legends try to fumble their way back to their respective camps (also while figuring out where exactly that is and which one to go first) all the while monsters chase them going “finally revenge is mine!” and these two lovable amnesiacs go “is this one here for you or for me?”
For conflict, let’s sprinkle some misunderstanding that the Roman/Greek camp kidnapped their respective camp leaders and they try to duke it out somewhere in Florida only for Jason and Percy to show up and be like hey do any of you know who we are because we’ve been arguing over it since Utah.
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hiraeth52125 · 9 months ago
Percy’s school has a “drama” Instagram account dedicated about him
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hiraeth52125 · 10 months ago
What if Percy Jackson had became a god in The Last Olympian?
Read on AO3
Read on ff.net
Percy Jackson is sixteen when he accepts Zeus’s proposal
He looks at Annabeth
Athena glares at him
He wants to cry out I’m sorry
But instead he just smiles and thanks the king of the gods
Percy Jackson is seventeen when he talks to Grover
“What’s it like?”
To see everyone age around you
“Weird” is the reply
Percy Jackson is eighteen when the giants attack
He isn’t affected by the split personality disorder that the other gods are facing
He helps the seven demigods defeat Gaia and her minions
But it just reminds him of what he isn’t anymore
Percy Jackson is nineteen when he goes into the woods looking for a monster to fight
They all cower in fear of the god standing before them
He doesn’t understand why at the time
He is unarmed
Percy Jackson is twenty-one when Annabeth tells him she can’t be with him like this
She says she loves him
But she still walks out of the cabin
He doesn’t run after her
He knows he chose this life
Percy Jackson is twenty-three when the sea creatures and horses stop calling him the son of Poseidon
But rather the god of the waves
They don’t worship him any longer
They just fear him
Percy Jackson is twenty-six when he stops coming to Camp Halfblood
This place that was once his home is now a stranger to him
The kids keep getting younger and younger
Percy Jackson is twenty-nine when Thalia comes to him
“This is only the beginning” she says
She would know
She’s been fifteen for over two decades
Percy Jackson is thirty-two when his mom gets cancer
It runs in the family
He uses his new powers to heal her
He finally thinks maybe he made the right decision
Paul never looks him in the eye again
Percy Jackson is thirty-five when Nico dies on a quest
He could have saved him
He promised to save him
He doesn’t even find out until Grover sends him a letter
Percy Jackson is thirty-eight when he goes to live on Mount Olympus
The gods there despise him
He doesn’t care
He has to be with his own kind
Percy Jackson is forty-one when his mom dies
It was a plane crash
She was going to a book signing
He was too late
Percy Jackson is forty-four when Annabeth marries a man named Felix
They are so in love
So happy
He burns the wedding invitation
Percy Jackson is forty-six when Clarisse calls for help
She is cornered by a monster
She knows she has no other option
She prays to him
He doesn’t hear
Percy Jackson is fifty when Medusa is reincarnated
She thirsts for his blood
When he goes to meet her
He doesn’t even have to try
He keeps her head as a souvenir
Percy Jackson is fifty-five when Annabeth dies
He hears her screams from Olympus
It was spiders
Her nine-year-old son is all alone
And his name is Perseus
Percy Jackson is fifty-six when he creates his first real hurricane
It ravages the entire east coast
He doesn’t care
Even his father is worried
Percy Jackson is fifty-seven when his brother won’t talk to him anymore
Tyson lost friends in the hurricane
Percy laughs at him harshly
“Why should I care?”
Percy Jackson is sixty-one when Grover dies while trying to put out a forest fire
He died saving the lives of hundreds of dryads
He becomes an iris
Percy’s storm destroys the tiny plant
Percy Jackson is sixty-eight when monsters break the magical barriers surrounding Camp Halfblood
Less than half the former population is left after the attack
He supposes he could have saved them
But why?
They’re only puny heroes
Percy Jackson is seventy-three when he raids Dionysus’s stores and gets drunk
He wonders along the streets of New York City
Everything is so different now
A pretty mortal girl sees him and offers to take him home
He has no home
But no one has smiled at him like that in so long
Percy Jackson is seventy-four when his daughter is born
He is long gone by then
The next time he sees either of them is when he claims her
The symbol that flashes over her head is a broken sword
Chiron gasps
Percy Jackson is eighty-six when he first meets his daughter for real
She has no interest in meeting the man that abandoned her and her mother
She yells at him
Blames him
He knows she’s right
Percy Jackson is eighty-seven when his daughter is killed
By a boar
Ares always did have a grudge against him
She goes to Elysium
Percy Jackson is ninety-five when he meets Chiron on Halfblood Hill
“How do you do it?” he asks
“Every day I try to honor their memories
So that they didn’t die in vain”
Percy Jackson is ninety-six when he walks to the middle of the woods
He writes down all the names
The people he has loved and lost
The people who have been lost on his watch
The people who he killed
Every single one of them
He sits there writing for over two days straight
Then he puts all the names into a jar
And buries it
Percy Jackson is one-hundred and two when Thalia Grace dies on the Hunt
She was the one person he thought would be with him when everyone else was gone
He is so alone
He goes to take his frustration out on Artemis
But when he finds her she is so distraught his anger evaporates
And he is left with only his grief
He and Artemis mourn together
But she moves on
He does not
Percy Jackson is one-hundred and three when he finally understands why Pan wanted to die
The prospect is so appealing now
Just fade away
Leave the suffering of the world
It would be so easy
Percy Jackson is one-hundred and eighteen when the minor gods rebel again
He considers joining them
He considers joining his father and the demigods that back the major gods
But why should he
He owes no one anything
Percy Jackson is one-hundred and thirty-seven when he goes to the underworld
It’s his first time as a god
And it’s so easy
This time he’s not trying to bring someone back
He just wants to feel death on him
To know what it’s like to be mortal and able to die
He doesn’t remember the feeling
Percy Jackson is one-hundred and seventy-one when Zeus and Poseidon start fighting again
There was a time when he would have been in the center of the fighting
Supporting his father
Maybe leading an army
But now he just watches
The war destroys the mortals
Most of the land is nothing but rubble
People scramble to survive
He doesn’t understand how they are so weak
Percy Jackson is two-hundred and thirteen when Camp Halfblood is destroyed for good
It’s all in flames
Like the vision he was shown by a titan many lifetimes ago
The grief he should feel isn’t there
It’s just another place
He doesn’t remember how it was once his home
That was so long ago
Percy Jackson is two-hundred and ninety-seven when Typhon beheads Zeus
He’s hardly surprised
Percy Jackson is four-hundred and fifty-two when he goes to sleep
He doesn’t plan to ever wake up
Percy Jackson looks sixteen when a girl with stormy gray eyes and blonde curls finds him
She looks like someone he used to know
He can’t put his finger on it
“You drool in your sleep” she tells him
Percy Jackson has been alive for five-hundred and seventy-eight years
And now he starts living again
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
had breakdowns 2 nights before and the night right after but at least i graduated 🤪
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Rick in Heroes of Olympus: This is the Argo II, named after the legendary Argo from Greek mythology, because Leo's friend Jason is part of the quest, just like the original Jason from ancient times. It's huge and has a fire breathing dragon on the prow and shoots cannonballs and FLIES and-
Rick in Magnus Chase: This is the Big Banana. It's bright neon yellow. Its magical qualities include folding into a handkerchief. Because fuck it why not
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Imagine Percabeth in the future, now married, and going about their everyday lives.
Everyone in Olympus and all of the half-bloods who've heard of the amazing things Percy did will think that Percy's paying the bills, and Annabeth's the trophy wife.
Heh. Nope.
Annabeth is an architect, who owns her own, successful business, and Percy is the trophy husband. He cooks the food (you CANNOT tell me that Sally didn't teach him how to cook), does the laundry, and stays at home most of the time. (Percy's fine with doing all this; Annabeth helps out whenever she can, but she's usually exhausted.)
Half-bloods get the shock of their lives when they see Annabeth Chase, thought-to-be trophy wife of the Percy Jackson, owns a multi-million dollar company.
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
give me more of Percy and Grover's empathy link.
give me random emotions flitting through their connection. give me Percy, confused why he's suddenly filled with righteous indignation at the skate park. give me Grover, feeling rage that's not his spreading through him like a storm, and immediately knowing something's wrong. give Grover Percy's satisfaction when he kills a tough monster. give Percy Grover's delight at how good this enchilada is.
give me physical symptoms. i want Grover to IM Percy every time his sinuses get stuffy and tell him to stop missing Annabeth so hard you'll literally see her this weekend. I want Percy to get a very specific kind of headache and immediately know that Grover's about to kill another oil company CEO, so he grabs the greek fire and goes to find Blackjack. i want Annabeth to notice Grover growing deathly pale, and when she asks, he just shakes his head and says, "we need to check in with Sally," and when they do, New York is in the middle of an unexpected cat 5 hurricane because she got mugged.
i want Percy to get sliced by a poisoned blade and Grover gets such a bad side stitch he can hardly move. i want Grover to get knocked out and four hundred miles away, Percy gets a migraine. i want Percy to get a toothache when Grover gets a bit of tin can stuck in his teeth.
i want so much more of these boys being so important to each other. i want my favorite best friends back.
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
headcanon that for a while nico doesn’t have a mortal job he just does underworldy tasks as the ambassador of pluto but when talking to mortals they eventually ask what he does for a living and nico says that he “works for his family” (coupled with the fact that it’s Known he’s italian) people think he’s in the mob
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
something something Nico's comical lack of self preservation skills stems from the fact that he is basically guaranteed immortality because no matter what happens to him (especially in tartarus) hades would keep him safe/bring him back. and so because of this seemingly positive thing, Nico doesn't value his life whatsoever. and then having will solace show up and is the first person to be like: no, your silly quirky 'if I die I die' attitude is NOT funny and is actually quite CONCERNING and I want to keep you SAFE despite your imperviousness to death. and how this is such a poignant pillar of their dynamic that I don't even think rick realized he inadvertently created. in this essay I will....
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Percy: You call yourself my soulmate, but where were you when my meme only had four likes?
Jason: Making four accounts.
Percy, tearing up: Really...?
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
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the son of neptune taught us what gaslighting really looks like
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Babygurl I’m being plagued by prophetic visions that even my handsome alter ego hasn’t heard of </3
- Lester Papaopoulos, probably
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
*the Stoll twins sitting in jail together*
Connor: So who should we call?
Travis: I’d call Mr. D, but I feel safer in jail.
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Nico: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.
Will: Nico, that's a coma.
Nico: Sounds festive.
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Piper: so would you say you're independent?
Percy: [looks at Annabeth]
Annabeth: [nods]
Percy: yes
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Percy: i am not out of control! i'm a law abiding citizen!
Annabeth: really? name one law
Percy: ...
Percy: don't kill people?
Annabeth: that's on me, i set the bar too low.
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hiraeth52125 · 2 years ago
Kronos: What do you have to offer except being mentally ill and traumatized?
Luke: I'm hot
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