hightrent-blog · 10 years
As he stood silently, surveying her face, he took a deep breath, still hoping that he would awake in his bed, all of this a terrible nightmare. Picking up her cold hand, he rubbed the pad of his thumb across the pale skin. "You know, when I pictured you dying..... I pictured you old and gray," he chuckled lightly, "I imagined waking up to you, my old wrinkly self, only to find that your light was gone, that you'd moved on, and thinking, what am I to do now?" Unable to keep her hand in his without losing control, he let it go, drop back onto the sheets and crossed the room, seating himself in one of the old leather chairs. Looking over at him from the other end of the room, he spoke softly, to no one in particular, "It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know. It is like walking up the stairs to your bedroom in the dark, and thinking there is one more stair than there is. Your foot falls down, through the air, and there is a sickly moment of dark surprise as you try and readjust the way you thought of things." Leaning forward, he settled his hands in his dark blonde hair, pulling on the locks as he stared at the tiled floor, "this- this accident, it has only confirmed my suspicion," he looked up, a single tear slipping down his cheek as he scanned over her body, "there's no way you're going to make it in this world, not without me," he sighed, a small smile on his lips as he stood once again, crossing the room and pulling both of her limp hands in his, holding them against his heart, "and I won't let you, either. I love you Rosie Elizabeth Cotton and I promise to love you for the rest of my days on this earth."
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In the darkness everything had become a cold slap across her skin as she sat within the confinements of her own mind. She’d felt so alone for so long, the hours were passing slower. As she listened to the machine she felt like she was going to be a prisoner to her own thoughts for an eternity. Only ever hearing the voices of the ones she loved not being able to respond. Her sense picked up as she knew someone was in the room with her, still unable to move, see or even think in a straight line she was a lost little girl. One person she’d wanted to hear from hadn’t been here yet. She didn’t understand the yearning for him but she knew that when she heard him her whole world would be at least a little bit better. She couldn’t imagine seeing him cry, she reckoned he’d be his usual strong, tall and manly self. But not hearing from him had made her doubt certain things. The time she was locked in her mind had caused a very in-depth thinker. One she wished would kindly go away.
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
It had been 27 minutes and 13 seconds that he'd been standing in the doorway now. 14, 15, 16..... the time ticked on, but he stood as solid as a stone. The expression on his face was blank, the only movement being his eyes as he blinked back the tears he felt trying to surface. With each blink he was praying that this was all a dream, a sick dream, but it wasn't no. Although he had been sleeping normally as of lately, he still was unable to escape the nightmares that chased him throughout the entirety of his life. The feeling that his chest was caving in had lifted in the past few weeks, almost completely.... yet here it was once again, making itself at home as though it'd never left. With a harsh gulp, the male reluctantly stepped through the threshold, three long strides and he was by her side. Standing there, Trent was unable to touch her, hell, he could barely look at her. It was as though his life was before him, his entire life, so fragile, so delicate, so vulnerable. The tears he had been holding back had finally taken over, the hot drops sliding down his cheeks as he pressed his lips in a hard line, not daring to make a move.
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Rosie lay there completely unresponsive as the machines around her called out keeping her alive. In the darkness she could hear everything around her, but feel nothing. She wanted to speak but she just couldn’t. Austin’s voice had disappeared which she was thankful for. 
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
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↳  INSTAGRAM: @hisaac uploaded a new photo
what my girlfriend @rosieelizabethcotton wakes me up at 3 am for
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
@hisaac: the book i ordered "how to live with a huge penis" was delivered today and i can't wait to read it in public
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[Trent practically whimpered like a girl as Rosie gave him a better, clearer view of herself, his breaths coming out in short pants as though he were a dog in heat] Just the way I know [he licked his lips as he gave her a nod, agreeing that he'd want to do just as many things to her as she would to him] Would you? Would you be a bad girl for me? [he chuckled slightly before biting his lip and turning the camera quickly down so she could view what he was doing before pulling it back to his face and smirking]
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[Trent sucked in a deep, labored breath as he watched her expose herself to him completely] Do you know how happy it makes me to know that I'm the only man to have ever seen you like this? [he grinned smugly as she looked at him on the camera, his grin turning from smug to sexy as he bit his lip and trailed his own hand down the front of his body, gripping his length in his hand and stroking slowly as he watched her on his screen]
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
We'll see if that day ever comes [he quirked a brow with a chuckle as he intently watched her, his lip between his teeth as he did so] I think those panties are getting in the way. Wouldn't you agree? [keeping the camera on his face, Trent reached for the band of his briefs and pushed them down to meet his pants, clearing his throat as he did so]
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
[She leaned forward, her boobs on show even more as she watched the screen her lips parting as she watched him. Her hand clawing at her leg to stop her from convulsing on the spot] You win every god damn time, one day I’m going to do something in public and your literally going to pick me up and carry me to bed. One day! [she shouted with a goofy grin] Then I’ll win. [She smirked as she kneeled on the bed sliding her hands into her panties]
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[he smiled and settled himself back into the pillows of his bed, grabbing his phone and getting comfortable as he watched her on his small phone screen as she pulled her jeans down, a low growl in the back of his throat] Oh yeah? [wanting to tease her just as much, he angled the camera towards his lap as he slowly rubbed his hand over his groin before unzipping his jeans and sliding them down his thighs and quickly pulling the camera back up]
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
You’d miss me too much If I was in hell [she giggled but stopped the second she saw his top come off. In the back of her throat her breath hitched as she pressed her legs together tighter to stop her from squirming] Best thing I’ve seen since you left. [she said, the sound low in her throat almost hungry] What are you wanting me to do now? This? [She unbuttoned her jeans as her hands slid the zipper down, she grabbed the top of her jeans and slowly began to pull them down revealing her matching dark blue panties]
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[he huffed, shaking his head with a mock look of disgust] Teasing me like that? You're going to end up in hell [he chuckled and bit his lip before setting his phone on his nightstand and adjusting himself properly on the bed so he could pull his shirt off, tossing it aimlessly] Happy?
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
[Rosie smiled as she heard the room mate leaving] Bye [She called trying to be friendly before looking at Trent] It’s a nickname that me and Dalita came up with. [She laughed] It soun- [As she was cut off her mouth dropped as her eye brow raised] Fine Mr Demanding. [Teasingly slow she pulled off her top revealing her silk dark blue bra. She threw the top across the room as her hand traveled down her body stopping at the button of her jeans before she smirked] No more till I get something. 
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[as she spoke, his attention was across the room as he said goodbye to his roommate, the male wanting to give them privacy] Hercules? [he chuckled] Therapy, some art project, and I surfed [he shrugged, asking her what she did, cutting her off as she begin to speak] Take your top off.
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
[The second she saw the room mate her eyes widened as she waved back awkardly, mouthing to Trent ‘why didn’t you warn me] Lovely to meet you [She said with an extra innocent voice before bursting into another spout of laughter] I miss you too, so much. So Hercules what have you done today?
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[he chuckled and shook his head, tipping his chin in the other direction] You see, I'm totally into phone sex, but I have a roommate [he turned the phone toward the other bed, his roommate waving before turning it back on himself, chuckling] I miss you, Ro.
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
[Rosie roared as she fell back on her bed shaking her head] I missed you too. [She said between each breath as she tried to stop laughing] That was honestly the perfect intro to the face time. [She giggled as she rolled onto her stomach, propping the phone up on her pillow] I’d kill to see you naked. But I guess your not going to strip for me?
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[Trent lay flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, only broken from his thought by the familiar sound of an incoming Facetime call... sitting up, he grabbed his phone from the drawer in his nightstand and clicked accept, frowning as Rosie's face appeared] I was hoping you'd be naked.
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Face Time → Rosie & Trent
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[Rosie smiled wide as she pulled her phone from her pocket as she realised the time had come to make the call. Pressing the screen on her iphone, Face time flashed up as she tried to figure out how to use it. Seeing his name she pressed call as she brought her phone out in front of her]
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
A surprise? Does this surprise involve you naked, because that's not much of a surprise anymore [he chuckles before his expression turns serious] What were you guys arguing about now? Ah, I know, I miss you more than a few words can explain. Therapy, a shit ton of ther-- [he's interrupted by the voice of the nurse telling him he has a visitor, his eyes settling upon the figure of his visitor, a sound similar to that of a kicked puppy leaving his throat] I-- I have to go, I'll talk to you later babe [he hangs up quickly]
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Phone Call → Rosie & Trent
[She giggled] When you come home I actually have a surprise for you. [sighing she looked to the ground] I’m really sorry Trent, I-I didn’t... she was trying to get to me and I guess she did. We argued and stuff. But I just want you to get better and come home soon. I really do miss you more than I can tell you over the phone. What have they got you doing there?
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[he smiled] I miss you too, and everyone [his brows furrow as he chuckles a bit] We definitely don't have a kid named Billy. I uh, I didn't pressure her into an abortion though. We found out she was pregnant when we moved to university we found out that she was pregnant, but she- she ended up miscarrying a few months in.
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Phone Call → Rosie & Trent
[She smiled a little at the thought of being able to call him even if it was every few days] Perfect, I’m missing you back home. A lot of people are. [She then stopped as she looked down at her feet] Caysea told me that you two have a child called Billy. She told me you didn’t pressure her into an abortion, unlike Maggie. 
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[he looked down at his feet before peering out at the ocean in front of him once again] You can call, Ro, just not all day every day. A baby? Which one? [he chuckles lightly, his hand rubbing over the scruff on his face]
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Phone Call → Rosie & Trent
[Hearing his voice for the first time in so long sent shivers, butterflies dancing as she smiled for a second before she realized why she was calling him] Hey, I know I’m not supposed to call. I-I just have one question to ask you.. It’s something Caysea told me about.. a baby.
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
[he sat quietly on the chair that was placed on the porch of the home he had been staying at, the beach set out before him; as he thought, he was interrupted by one of the nurses bringing his ringing cell phone out and handing it to him, allowing him to take the call] Hello?
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Phone Call → Rosie & Trent
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[Pulling her phone to her ear she heard the familiar tone ring out as she awaited some kind of answer. She needed to talk to him right this second, other wise she’d keep going over it in her head. Being an over-thinker was the one trait she wished she didn’t have]
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hightrent-blog · 10 years
Eh, yeah, I can't complain I guess [he chuckles] Rosie Cotton. Ah, unless you plan on writing my real paper for me then I'd have to decline any offer.
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Studying’s not that hard, atleast not for me. Wow, that sounds like… quite a girlfriend. Must be nice to have someone wanting to rip your pants off all the time. Who’s your girlfriend? I’m almost tempted to give you a few drinks just so I can read this “masterpiece”.
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