hidingdemons · 5 months
“Some people are so emotionally drained that sleep doesn’t do anything. You wake up tired, it doesn’t go away.”
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hidingdemons · 5 months
Im gonna shuffle my giant playlist of every song i like and if the very first one that plays isnt exactly what i want to hear right this second im gna lose it
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hidingdemons · 5 months
I want that "have you seen the way he looks at her" kind of love.
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hidingdemons · 5 months
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hidingdemons · 5 months
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hidingdemons · 5 months
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hidingdemons · 5 months
I love Matilda because it's a story about a child who sees injustice around her and gets mad about it and questions why things aren't fair, and instead of the ending being that she learns how the world works and that life isn't fair, she catapults one of the adults who abused her out of a building with her mind
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hidingdemons · 5 months
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hidingdemons · 5 months
almost none of the reasons why i support abortion rights have anything to do with babies. really it’s more about the fact that I think the government shouldn’t be able to force you to lend all your organs to someone else and change irreparably in the process. is a fetus a person? I don’t care! If it is a person, I don’t want anyone to be forced to host one against their will! If it isn’t a person, guess what? Nobody should be forced to host one against their will! What’s a soul? What’s a person? When does life begin? IRRELEVANT! A world in which the government can force anyone to manufacture an entirely new human body at the cost of their own is not a world I want to live in!
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hidingdemons · 5 months
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hidingdemons · 9 months
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hidingdemons · 1 year
"..Recovery isn't about wiping the board clean. Recovery is learning how to function around all of the scars and open wounds inside of us."
Tragic bonds ~ j bree
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hidingdemons · 1 year
"...I guess, she just wears her damage where we can all see it. I bury mine as deep as I can, as far down below my skin as possible, so I can pretend it's not killing me slowly, painfully, constantly."
The bonds that tie ~ J Bree
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hidingdemons · 2 years
to anyone who is carrying a heavy heart in silence, it’s gonna be okay someday.
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hidingdemons · 2 years
I think I've lived more inside my head than I've ever lived outside of it ..
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hidingdemons · 2 years
I'm not sensitive, I'm traumatized
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hidingdemons · 2 years
I wanna burn down every single bridge I built cause I’m tired of being the only person that makes sure it doesn’t fall apart
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