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I'm Laura, I'm 42, I'm a fangirl and horror movies and books are my happy place.
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hidefan · 13 hours ago
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hidefan · 1 day ago
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kiss, kiss, fall in love 🩷
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hidefan · 2 days ago
Team free will being reunited (sort of) ❤️
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We’re about to find out if the chemistry between Dean and Cas was played up in Supernatural or if it was just a natural chemistry between Jensen and Misha
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hidefan · 3 days ago
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hidefan · 3 days ago
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hidefan · 3 days ago
Six times Ryan described Eddie as straight
(Bolding is mine. I’ve highlighted where he’s said Eddie is straight as well as his point that he wants to “dispel” that just because Buck and Eddie are vulnerable with one another, it doesn’t mean Eddie is queer. I also bold where he says that it’s more important to show audiences that Eddie, a straight man and ally, can be friends with a queer man, and it doesn’t affect their friendship or "change the sexuality" of the straight man. I’ll also note that he answered almost every interview question that implied Eddie was queer this way during the end-of-s7 interviews. He seems to only not go into this spiel if the interview question is clearly about Buck and Eddie's platonic relationship. Edit: I want to add that I think the queer Eddie headcanon is totally valid, and I see how people see and write that from various moments in the show. It just seems like they have no plans to go there in canon.) 
9-1-1’ Star Ryan Guzman on Buck & Eddie: ‘It’s Baby Steps Towards Anything & If Anything’ — May 9, 2024 — Meredith Jacobs — Swooon (formerly on TVInsider)
Even before 9-1-1 Season 7, fans have wondered if the drama would eventually pair Buck (Oliver Stark) and Eddie (Ryan Guzman) together romantically. And now, with this season featuring Buck exploring his bisexuality—he’s with former 118 member Tommy (Lou Ferrigno Jr.)—the question does have to be asked if the show could go there with him and his best friend.
“We just got to the point where Buck is having this own personal growth of himself, so it’s like baby steps towards anything and if anything,” Guzman tells TV Insider.
Furthermore, he’s especially enjoying what this arc is “showcasing on national television: a bisexual man coming out to a heterosexual man and having the strength to do such, and then having the heterosexual man giving that man a safe space to be caught in and to be loved and nurtured. I think there’s still an air out there in the world that your sexuality preference determines if you’re weak or not, or determines if you’re capable or not, of being just a good human being, which is such a crazy thing to think about,” Guzman continues. “I love that we get to dispel that ideology and we get to showcase and reflect to the world that your sexual preference has no meaning in friendships and connection. Accept people for who they are, love people for who they are, and let’s keep it pushing. Let’s have fun. Let’s have a great time.”
9-1-1′s Ryan Guzman Reacts to [Spoiler]’s Return and Eddie’s Betrayal: ‘He’s Weaving a Dangerous Web’ — May 9, 2024 — Andy Swift — TVLine
TVLINE | I think I have more appreciation for Eddie this season after watching his friendship with Buck reach a new level. Buck is in such a vulnerable place, and it’s given Eddie a chance to step up and support him. A lot of guys come out and worry that things won’t be the same with their straight friends, but Eddie handled everything perfectly. He’s a true ally, that one.
I just access from my own personal life with friends that have come out to me. I think we were all raised in a generation where men were expected to be hardened and not access our feelings. … You can still be that type of man and be friends with a person who has a completely different sexuality than you. It has nothing to do with you. It doesn’t make his jokes less funny, the time you hang out with him isn’t any weirder or more awkward. If it does, the person who’s feeling that way has something they’re going through that they maybe need to come out to, too.
I would love to reflect onto the world that you should be there for your brother, you know, be there for your sister. If someone comes out to you, handle it with a net of safety and love and just keep it pushing after that. Like, “That must have been hard for you. Now that we’re past that, let’s go enjoy your lives.”
9-1-1’s Ryan Guzman on Eddie’s Shocking New Love Interest and the Consequences He’ll Face — May 10, 2024 — Ashley Bissette Sumerel — Tell-Tale TV
Guzman also discussed Eddie’s reaction to Buck coming out as bisexual earlier this season. 
“[Buck] coming out as a bisexual man to a person who is, not necessarily machismo, but a typical heterosexual individual with all these accolades behind him, that could be very scary for a man like Buck to come out to,” he noted.
However, when Buck reveals to Eddie that he and Tommy had been on a date, Eddie’s reaction is one of acceptance and love.
“Partly why I love that specific scene so much is because it was an opportunity to showcase to the world [that] this is how you handle that situation — that sexual preference doesn’t dictate how we should interact with each other and how I should treat you as a human being. And that doesn’t make me love you any less or think of you any less,” Guzman said.
“It just shows me what you like. I’ve already shown you what I like… and clearly, it’s my dead wife,” he laughed.
“Oliver [Stark] and I are aware that everybody has their own renditions of what Buck and Eddie are to be,” Guzman continued, referring to the hope many fans have that Buck and Eddie will eventually develop a romance.
“We love the love. We love that they’re invested so much into these characters,” Guzman said.
“Everything has to fall in its own truth, and at this moment, I think the beauty and the truth is that a man saw another man in need and was seeing another man be so vulnerable in front of him. And what he did was say, ‘Hey, I got you, brother. Don’t worry.'”
Speaking of the possibility of a Buddie romance, Guzman said that while he didn’t want to speculate, his feeling is that audiences are drawn to the vulnerability between the two characters.
“I can’t read the audience’s mind, and I don’t want to speculate on anything that I don’t know, but I think that people tend to lean on the vulnerability side. That’s something that I’ve always tried to explore in this character specifically because I can relate to it,” he said. “A lot of people feel that just because you’re vulnerable, it means that you’re a certain thing or not. And I’ve always wanted to dispel that a little bit.”
“You can be a very macho man and be vulnerable at the same time, but it’s who you’re vulnerable to. Because vulnerability is a gift. You just don’t share it out to the world. And if you do, you better have strength in that vulnerability and confidence in that vulnerability. It’s gotta be tried and true.”
“So, I think that this is another great opportunity to showcase that men can be vulnerable with each other and allow for that space of growth. And we might’ve met each other at one time in our lives, but it doesn’t mean that we have to hold each other to that point,” Guzman said.
‘9-1-1’ Star Ryan Guzman Breaks Down That Emotional Finale Goodbye — May 30, 2024 — Max Gao — The Hollywood Reporter
Eddie was raised with the toxic masculine ideal that he had to suppress his emotions, and it’s only been through his relationships at the 118 that he has begun to feel more comfortable with expressing his feelings. How do you think Eddie’s upbringing has influenced the kind of person he is in the present day? And as someone who has drawn plenty of parallels between yourself and Eddie, what parts of your own lived experiences have you drawn from?
I pull from a lot of my own personal history. I always had emotions when I was younger. Growing up in Sacramento, it was always frowned upon to have these emotions and even trying to understand them. Actually, I was told that it was homosexual to feel these feelings, and I’m like, “Wait, so having feelings makes me be this kind of person? I don’t understand this.” So it was always something that I never could understand in the setting that I was growing up in.
Now I use that as a conduit to Eddie, because the setting he was growing up in was similar. Coming into this new family of seeing Hen and now Buck being versions of themselves who are living in their truth, it now allows Eddie to live in his truth and see there is new life and new opportunity. He’s allowing himself to be vulnerable and realize, “No, [being vulnerable] doesn’t make me less of a man, and it’s not an indication that my sexuality has to completely change because I feel these emotions. I’m still the same man. I just now have a greater awareness and greater depth of who I am because of these emotions.” This has always been something that I’ve wanted to portray on camera, and having Eddie be the conduit for that has been an incredible opportunity for myself as an actor and as a person. I love the fact that I’m able to show to the world, through Eddie, that having this vulnerability with your brothers or your sisters doesn’t make you anything that the world might throw at you as a title. It just makes you more aware of who you are and gives you an opportunity for some emotional intelligence. 
Ryan Guzman of 9-1-1 — May 20, 2024 — Tommy DiDario — I've Never Said This Before With Tommy DiDario (Podcast)
Tommy (12:46): You can't predict the future. Nobody can on this show. But if the opportunity one day happened to come your way where they were like, "This storyline might be explored between Buck and Eddie," would you be open to that storyline in the future? I see you smiling. Oliver had the same reaction, a big grin on his face when I asked this.
Ryan (13:06): Yeah, you know, like I said, it's got to live in the truth. And I think right now we live at a moment, or me, I live moment to moment. So I love the fact that the biggest plot point between these two characters is one happens to be bi, one happens to be hetero, and they have this vulnerability towards each other. And that is the truth to me. It's the fact that you have such a safe space, and it doesn't matter your sexuality, that you have a safe space to talk to this individual, and he can fully accept you. If we can stay with that, then whatever happens happens. But I don't necessarily want to push the fact that because you're vulnerable, you have to be one way or the other in your sexuality. I would hate to, you know, have a lot of other men who are struggling mentally and not sure about, "Oh, do I even open up? Will that make me something that I'm not?" I would hate to push that narrative. So if we live in the truth, whatever happens happens. And again, I'm here for it all.
9-1-1’s Ryan Guzman Breaks Down Eddie’s Biggest Season 7 Moments: Bachelor Party Hijinks and More — June 10, 2024 — Kat Pettibone — Us Weekly
Whether it be through his military duty, being Latino, his religion or his relationship with Buck — which some fans perceive as romantic — Eddie Diaz is someone who makes viewers feel seen. Playing a character who can connect to so many, Guzman shared, is something he takes seriously.
[Note: Kat Pettibone shared that this is the specific question she asked here: “There are a lot of queer fans who see themselves in Eddie Diaz despite him not being canonically queer himself. How does it feel to play someone who makes people feel seen and represented — in a multitude of ways, but for queer people as well?”]
“I love the ambiguity of Eddie and that there’s connective tissue there — for queer people or not — to relate and to fall in love and to find themselves in who Eddie is,” he said. “I mean, there’s a vulnerability in Eddie, there’s also a chaos in Eddie. There’s so much realness in Eddie. And I love that there’s so many fans out there of all demographics that find themselves in Eddie.”
Guzman said that he hopes to show “the more humane side” of Eddie, highlighting that “within community, we can all heal.”
“That’s what I see the 118 being for Eddie,” he continued. “It’s this therapy, this family, whether you’re lesbian like Hen or you’re bisexual like Buck, it does not matter your sexual orientation. We can all share the same dinner plate and we can all love each other and feel safe enough to say whatever it is we want to say. That’s the kind of world I want to live in. And that’s what I love about Eddie. And the fact that he gets to portray to all these other individuals who are militant and raised Catholic and very hard-edged, to let those boundaries go.”
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hidefan · 4 days ago
My kingdom for a horror movie with David Dastmalchian and Lou Ferrigno Jr. I just know they'd match their energies perfectly.
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hidefan · 4 days ago
Oh no. Someone wanted a hashtag to trend on Social Media, so they talked about it with their friends in a server made about the topic they wanted to trend. Oh no. That's So Scandalous. And has never happened before in the history of the internet. It's actually an original sin. Someone go get the manager. We have to report this.
Sweet child o' mine, fandom was a mistake, actually.
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hidefan · 6 days ago
Yeah, I don't know what this is...
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... but I think love's supposed to feel like this.
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hidefan · 6 days ago
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‘S.W.A.T.’ and ‘9-1-1’ actor Lou Ferrigno Jr. is in ‘Full Motion’
In “9-1-1,” Ferrigno portrays Tommy Kinard, who is an ex-firefighter who previously worked at Station 118 of the Los Angeles Fire Department.
Presently, Tommy works as a pilot at LAFD Air Operations. “I am very proud of the work that we do on both shows, and how they handle things,” Ferrigno said.
“Professionally, I am in a great position, and I am really taking in a moment every day to be grateful for that. Professional courtesy is at a premium there. Everyone wants to be there, and everyone wants to work hard. It is a really fruitful environment,” he elaborated about “9-1-1.”
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hidefan · 6 days ago
The one night I decide to go to sleep early and not check Tumblr and this happens????
I just woke up and
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hidefan · 8 days ago
Just to put a bug in people's ears...
So, with the premier of 8b coming up and promotion starting to ramp up, I'd just like to take the opportunity to ask that everyone who's still watching and engaging with the social media to be ready to be extremely positive if/when they actually bring Lou/Tommy back (as I've said, I'm not CONFIDENT, but I think chances are better than they were initially and I'm not taking the clown makeup off for a while yet, lol).
If he gets mentioned, or it's suggested Buck's still not over him, take a moment to go to ABC's programming feedback and tell them that you're still hopeful that means he returns. If/when he actually DOES return, commit to engaging with anything on the 911 insta (upvoting positive comments, downvoting hateful ones, leaving a comment yourself, etc) and KEEP sending that feedback in to ABC directly. Doesn't have to be a huge message, just a simple "I'm glad you brought this character back, I really enjoy him and will be watching because of that."
The execs/writers/actors were all SURPRISED by how much people were upset about the breakup. If that was enough to make them change course (or commit harder to Buck and Tommy's relationship if a permanent breakup was NOT the plan all along, which I do think is a possibility) then it will be vital to make sure they know there are STILL a lot of people who view it positively. I think we all know that IF Tommy would return, the vitriol we'd see from some elements would be...extensive. We cannot let that be the only feedback they get.
Like I said, a simple stock message is enough. "I'm a fan of this character/relationship, and it will keep me watching" is what execs want to hear. So let's make sure they hear it!
Speaking as a fandom old who has been part of several feedback campaigns over the years (some successful, some not), making your voice heard is the most important factor :)
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hidefan · 9 days ago
Imagine you are a person who enjoys watching TV after a long day to decompress and be entertained for an hour or two without having to think too much. One day you discover this new show with Angela Basset and Connie Britton and decide to give it a chance. And wow, Athena's a badass! The emergencies are fun, the characters are very likeable, you keep watching. You are a little ambivalent about Buck at first, but he grows on you. You are sad when Abby leaves and breaks Buck's heart, so you hope Buck finds a nice girl to settle with eventually.
Years later, you learn this show you like is now on ABC. As usual, you are hooked with the opening emergency and excited for a new season. Then you see Buck kissing a man and get very confused. Why is he doing that? You've never even considered that Buck could be anything but straight, not even once. Isn't he always chasing girls? So he's suddenly gay? Well, no, he says he still likes women, so now he apparently likes men too. You're not sure about this new development, but whatever, this Tommy guy is charming and cool and seems very nice, and Buck looks really happy, and all of his friends and family are happy for him, even Bobby says he approves, so yeah, you guess you don't mind he has a boyfriend now, maybe he's just trying new things and soon he'll be with a new girl, or maybe this time it will work out, who knows, Tommy calling Buck Evan feels special.
You don't think about the show until September, when it's back on your TV. Okay, so Buck is still with that guy, they are cutesy and seem to really like each other, you realize you actually like them together. Tommy seems to care about Buck a lot, he looks at him like he hung the moon, he doesn't care Buck's face is full of boils or that he's convinced he's cursed, they are fun and adorable together. You see Buck saying that it's the people you love that makes life worth living while looking adoringly at Tommy, not with those words, but with that sentiment. You are glad Buck's finally found his person. And to be honest, you were a little tired of seeing him in a failed relationship after another, so this is great.
Then you see the next episode. Oh, they both dated Abby? Okay, it's a little weird, but just last season Eddie hooked up with his late wife's doppelgänger, so not the most soap opera-y thing this show has done, and it's normal a couple goes through a little bit of drama.
You see Buck say all of these things:
"Yes, I care about him a lot and his needs and wants are as important as mine."
"I don't like what he did to Abby, but I understand why he did it and I see myself having a future with him."
"Until now, Abby was my most important relationship. Now it's Tommy."
"I'm ready to take the next step with him, so I'd really like us to live together."
"It's still soon, but a future engagement and marriage are absolutely on the table."
"My first same-sex relationship can be my endgame."
"Why be apart when we can be together."
And Tommy says he wants more than anything to be Buck's last. So wow, okay! This is serious!
Then you get extremely confused when they break up. Weren't they just happy together a minute ago? Weren't they literally saying to each other how much they want a future together? They haven't said I love you yet, but the sentiment is absolutely there, no?
You usually don't think a lot about the show between one episode and the next, but this time you log on your Facebook and leave a message on the official page. "Hey, why did Buck and Tommy break up if they were so happy together? This feels so sudden and strange. I'd like to see more of this relationship!" You see more comments like yours, so it looks like more people think the same, it's not just you.
You don't read interviews. You are not on social media theorising about couch metaphors or the significance of certain wardrobe colors and you've never heard the words 'media literacy'. You just watch the show and saw a happy couple that you had already warmed up to break up for no reason at all and that left you confused and disappointed. You just don't have the energy to see Buck trying again with a different person, if it was bound to be another failed relationship why bother having Buck in a relationship with a man in the first place? Why so much effort in make you care about Tommy if it was for nothing?
But okay, Buck is baking constantly because he wants to reach out to Tommy, and Tommy also wants to reach out, and then you remember Maddie and Chimney also broke up and then got back together, and didn't Hen cheat on Karen all those years ago and they got past it? Surely if an infidelity wasn't a dealbreaker, Buck and Tommy can fix their issues. So they'll probably get back together when the show comes back, you think, especially now that Buck's best friend is leaving and oh, something is happening to Maddie too? Well, he's definitely gonna need the support of the man he loves, you conclude. Knowing this is how this show does drama, you don't think any more about it until it gets back months later.
And when the show comes back in March, it's possible you don't remember Tommy is a firefighter too, it's been too long since the last time it was mentioned. So maybe that's why the 217 shows up in an emergency and his name is mentioned.
And maybe you also forgot he was a pilot firefighter, so maybe that's why there's an helipad involved.
Because maybe those things are gonna be important for the emergency at the end of the season. Or maybe they won't. But you don't know nor care because you are not constantly obsessing about the show like we do, lol.
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hidefan · 10 days ago
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hidefan · 10 days ago
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hidefan · 11 days ago
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It kind of… Freaked you out a little? Yeah.
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hidefan · 12 days ago
It' s already the 17th here, so happy Tommy Kinard day!!!
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