High 5 Friday!
5 posts
*Not the art of slapping palms above each others heads as a celebratory gesture. Ingest cool stuff. Curated by Strawberry
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hi5friday-blog · 8 years ago
One man and his 40,000 vintage poster collection.
You might think that you’re a film buff, or that you dare even call yourself the fountain of all film knowledge, but you’re not this guy.
He has an impressive collection of 40,000 film posters, and what do you have? The remains of an odeon receipt for the screening of The Matrix gathering dust slightly, but not fully, under the bed, poking out at a 35 degree angle.
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Colour me impressed, this man has more posters than I’ve had school dinners. Which isn’t really comparative, my parents kept me on a strict regime of only having school dinner on a Friday, with 4 nutritious packed lunches during the week. I was at school for 16 years and kept this regime throughout secondary school, there are 190 term days in total, 38 of those are Fridays (give or take). Based on this math I only had roughly 532 school dinners.
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Perhaps the most beautiful part of this collection is the inherent lack of modern trash. You’ll find there are no posters of Dwayne Johnson crashing along sand about as elegant as a rhino on roller-skates.
Every poster is a timeless classic, back to when photoshop wasn’t a thing people abused and when creating a poster used to be an art. Nowadays, you’re lucky if you don’t get something that looks a toddler attempted a rendition of 2001: A Space Odyssey armed with nothing but jam on toast.
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You can see for yourself, or purchase them here.
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hi5friday-blog · 8 years ago
Pier Street Makeover
Lead Creative, Matt, has been busy designing a fresh new look for Pier Street. Check it out below ...
If you fancy a closer look, you’ll find the installation in the heart of the Fruit Market, Hull. What do you reckon? 
Spray Creative did a great job executing the design 👍
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hi5friday-blog · 8 years ago
How to NOT be a social media nightmare...
We all know at least one; someone who is an absolute pain in the proverbial on social media. Want to make sure you’re not one of them? Well, we’re going to make it very easy for you - the best way to stop being a social media nightmare is to stop doing all of the below. Immediately.
How many of these social media stereotypes can you check off your friends list?
The attention seeker.
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They say things like: “Can’t believe this has happened to me 😭 ...seriously, can this day get any worse?”
And THEN, if you ask them what’s wrong (please don’t - see below), they won’t tell you. ARGH!
The attention seeker enabler.
These people fuel the fires of attention seekers (see above) by asking them what’s wrong, and normally in the most annoying way possible:
“Oh my God you OK? Inbox me hun.” 
Guess what? This encourages them. If they were really in a pickle and needed some genuine support from a friend, they’d text you, call you or come vent to you over a cuppa rather than broadcasting it to the wonderful world of Facebook.
The crazy cat lady.
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You know the ones - they set a picture of their cat as their profile picture and tag you in cat videos all day long. I like cats as much as the next person, but there’s only so much of Fluffy I can take. 🐱
The timeline clutterer.
Stop sharing everything you see to my timeline. Just stop it. 🚫
The braggadocious one.
They’ve got expensive jewellery, go on dream holidays, they always look amazing and their milkshake brings all the boys to the yard… and they just HAVE to tell you about it.
All the time.
Why don’t you just save us all some time and say that you think you’re better than everyone else? 👑
The gym bunny.
💪 Yeah, we get it. You go the gym and get really fit, whilst we’re sat in the Strawberry office stuffing our faces with Kat’s Nutella cookies.
The salad sharers.
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Similar to the above, the salad sharers feel the need to show you that they only fuel their precious bod with lettuce leaves, quinoa and chia seeds.
Please just let me eat my Nibble burger in peace. 🍔
The overly-romantic.
I’m happy for you. Really, I am. 
But sickeningly soppy posts and intimate details of your relationship are not what I want to see when I’m trying to eat breakfast 😷  Keep it to yourself, kids.
The selfie-addict.
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You’ve got a nice face and that’s great, but do we really need a daily picture of it?���� After all, pictures are only really interesting if they’re of something new. We saw your face yesterday (and the day before that, and the day before that…), and as beautiful as it is, it still looks the same.
The Snapchat filterers.
Remember when girls used to pout or do the ‘duck-face’? Snapchat filters are the 2017 version of that. Snapchat users do annoying things like give themselves dog ears or a ring of flowers round their head in an attempt to make themselves look super-adorable.
In reality, it makes them look like a bit of a twerp. 🐶
The world-haters.
The world is a horrible place full of horrible people. You wish everything would be less negative and yet, here you are being negative. 
In the wise words of the late, great Michael Jackson, “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change”.
Translation: why don’t you stop being a Debbie Downer and say something positive for a change? That way, you’re helping this negative world that you hate so much be less horrible. 🙌  Mission accomplished.
The political “experts”.
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They’ve read the headline of some newspaper and now they know everything there is to know about politics. One day they’re completely oblivious to the goings-on of our government and the next, it’s important enough to break down friendships.
Calm down a bit, will yeh?
The Candy crushers.
I’ve been rejecting your requests to “Play Candy Crush Saga” since the stupid thing came to be, so what makes you think I’ll accept your next one? 🍭
And no, I won’t “Send you an extra life” - you have to get a life yourself. Step 1: Break your Candy Crush obsession.
The name listers.
“Names of girls who’ll get pregnant in 2017.
Alice Chloe Courtney Vicky”
The corner cutters.
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They write ‘2’ instead of ‘too’, ‘U’ instead of ‘you’ and think they’re making life easier.
It was understandable back in’t day when longer text messages cost more money and people needed to keep them short. Now, we have the freedom to write things properly without consequence - hurrah! 
So, can you start speaking proper English now please?
K thx bye.
The truly gullible.
“If you scroll past this post without typing ‘Amen’ this child will die.”
Surely nobody can be this naive? SURELY.
The reality.
The sad truth is that probably everyone is at least one of these (yep, including me) so go ahead - share this on your timeline, tag your guilty mates and have a laugh!
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hi5friday-blog · 8 years ago
Oh, Schnapp!
I often find design can shine bright. Like when you’re driving and an a stray beam from another vehicle’s headlights hits your rear view mirror, leaving you dazzled, disorientated and heading dangerously off-piste.
This is one those times. Behold, Säde:
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Here at Strawberry, we have such good taste we usually can’t enjoy anything. But this Nordic take on Schnapps is a wonderful incarnation of when design is disciplined, when design is good.
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We turned our glassed-brinked noses up at the grammatical debauchery, so we included a designer jargon buster to help you figure out what they’re trying to say.
“Strictly limited and artisanal schnapps”
Translates to: A nice drink.
“inspired and derived from rich nordic nature”
Translates to: Inspired by Scandinavia.
“leaf and wood motifs”
Translates to: Pictures of leaves and wood.
“Natural and crafted techniques were used to represent the delicate care and attention that goes into creating every bottle.”
Translates to: !?
Basically, it looks nice.
- Elliot
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hi5friday-blog · 8 years ago
Bags, Caps &... Sack?
As curious creative thinkers, we often find ourselves deep in uncharted territory. Think along the lines of trying to sleep but instead engaging an endless YouTube spiral until 3am.
On occasion, these delectable little pockets of psychotropic ramblings bleed into our conscience. Sometimes, they are remarkable, but sometimes they drift gently across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn’t.
What have they done to our beloved Frakta?
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I wish I could unsee, but I just can’t. Now I must spend the rest of my days with the experience and sense of foreboding that the kind of person that went blind for looking at the sun without sunglasses and now travels the country warning children about the dangers of looking at the sun without sunglasses.
There are Frakta baseball caps, face masks, watch straps, backpacks and... yeah, those.
Here’s an interesting article that’s worth 5 minutes of your time if you have a tendency to parade around in nothing more than thermoplastic butt floss.
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