alexlifesonfaces · 9 years
Hi where did you get their nicknames like "lerxst" and "dirks" and "Pratt"
theyre old nicknames that the band members gave each other in like the 70s
P.S. this blog is dead, it is inactive, it will never update again
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alexlifesonfaces · 10 years
Your blog is so amazing post moar plox
look. im glad yall like this blog. but in case you all havent noticed, it hasnt updated in 2 years, and it will not be updating again, because im not a part of the rush fandom anymore + am completely apathetic about anything concerning it. sorry
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alexlifesonfaces · 11 years
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
while alex lifeson takes up the back, looking to be channelling some kind of hell demon
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
lerxst is unimpressed by the lady flashing her boobs at him off-camera
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
"what did you just say about my shirt"
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
this picture taken in the split second before lerxst unhinges his jaw and wraps his mouth around pratt's head
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
lerxst is unable to see the haters
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
lerxst smilin like he knows
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check out those bitches in the back
they want the dick
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
lerxst gets distracted by a mirror, again
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am fix instrmuent
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
lerxst just wanted a whiff of dirks cold cream but now he's going to fall over and ruin the concert for everyone
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
"old yeller no" lerxst cries
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
lerxst grimaces slightly as he begins to drunkenly regret the life choice that led to him putting that business on top of his head
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
lerxst stares directly into the camera's soul
you can almost hear him whispering
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
a newly-uncovered emotional senior portrait of lerxst
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alexlifesonfaces · 12 years
yeah, he looks like he knew that was gonna happen
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Sorry, Christina! lol
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