hezikiah · 2 years
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“If the rain spoils our picnic, but saves a farmer’s crop, who are we to say it shouldn’t rain?” - Tom Barrett ♡
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hezikiah · 2 years
“I can’t remember anything without you.”
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hezikiah · 2 years
the hidden scent of the summertime.
The week before the summer has occurred— here's us, bearing love with the palm of our fate. We circled through the field of our childhood pastures. Your scent as the main concept of breeze, blindly we ran for it. For our love. Every day, we're spilling our time. Hourglasses are nothing like time, it has no limit. Day and night have no choice but to envy our affection that passes.
You are my dawn.
Summertime is now present, the heat of its idea ignited our intertwine. The wind dances with you and me. Then again, we ran like an endless train with nowhere to go, driving within your wild eyes— I've realized and stared, bliss-filled my lips as I uttered "Thank you" for you let me escape the reality of this town that lies. How eyes can be so genuine? to the extent that I can see my sunset lying beneath your pair yin coloured marbles.
Dusk before dawn.
Street lights blinded my eyes for the nth time, with you as my directional map— so that I won't be lost. Long nights seem so redundant but it is filled with do's and don'ts. Love is like a season, someday it would cease its time— but the thing is your moments that has been compressed through this. And my love for you is 4-seasoned, they change constantly, but never-ending.
Summer is your candy-coated word.
Candies sweetly manufactured in the factory has been extracted by your mouth filled with butterflies enough to melt down my glaciers. Not until I've heard a news of you. Saying that you've already moved overseas. Isn't it too enhanced by the haste? Too early for our years of love to close its gate. No reasons to cling with, no contact has been left to pursue. and from that moment, I wasn't able to utter anything aside from "Why?" extremely confused as I walked on by.
You are a bittersweet season.
The end of the summer is nearing. The leaves seem to wither its greenish colour, just like the love that we used to harmonize before. On this field, it's not empty, but it's filled with sadness that drains me like a novocaine. Addicted from its satisfying loss, am I not in the end?
Seasons? Nope, it's moments.
Your face, glimmers from the skies above. Whenever I glance at this wilderness it gives me the memories of our childhood, as the silly promises present themselves with ease.
You are my first love, and so I have no regrets— this love of mine will never fade, it will grieve but never that it will regret counting these scars from losing you. You are my favourite season, Never will I regret that I've spent years of summers with you.
You are not the summer, but rather a remarkable autumn.
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hezikiah · 2 years
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of course, I feel too much, I'm a universe of exploding stars.
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hezikiah · 2 years
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It doesn’t usually look like this here in early January but here we are. It was about 50°F overnight and it usually doesn’t get above 32°F at midday this time of year.
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hezikiah · 2 years
“I’ve been accused my whole life of being ‘too sensitive’. This actually kind of pisses me off, but maybe that’s just because I’m too sensitive.”
— Sophia Dembling
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hezikiah · 2 years
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aesthetic for @snezenka
speaking the words of a dead language
an analytical mind paired with an appreciation for beauty
carrying a book or two with you at all times
the smell of freshly ground coffee
a love for the written word that supersedes genre or language
researching the costuming of your favorite period drama
keeping a journal, setting your thoughts down in pen
smudges of ink on your hands after a long night of studying
marvelling at works of art that have persisted for millenia
studying at night while a candle flickers on your windowsill
ancient scripts written with a modern hand
the bustle of the world around you as you sit with your thoughts
watching the first rays of sunlight with tired eyes
searching for a way to understand the world
classical piano music in an otherwise quiet room
a love for the uncanny and the strange
deep colors, the kind you could sink into and never emerge
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hezikiah · 2 years
“The funny thing is when you start feeling happy alone, that’s when everyone decides to be with you.”
— Jim Carrey
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hezikiah · 2 years
pages turned and bridges burned
may it bring the light that I have always yearned
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hezikiah · 2 years
earphones plug in, trying to block the noise
don't know if it just the crowd or just my thoughts
drowning, suffocated.
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hezikiah · 2 years
There i was, standing straight on these particles that tickled my barefooted gaze. as i walk, traces of my past has been removed with the rampage of waves but deeply left untouched with taste. hereby, seeking for refuge just like when i am sheltered in your arms like a sanctuary solely purpose is to coexist our heart.
you're like a greenhouse wherein you've taken care of my drastic thorns and rare seeds of our futuristic claims. you're my favourite sweet that I would love to chew every day, for your taste stays accompanied by never-ending bliss stroking the vital signs of my tongue that made my tastebuds go insane whenever our kiss made an intertwine.
but then it was all gone. just like some species that went endangered. those pieces of crumbled papers faded its own blankness and were tainted with something, not with ink but rather blood that came from my eyes deep within. proses that are raw enough made from pure and transparent love for you went away, slipped just like our wishes that were blown away by the breeze of our so-called days.
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hezikiah · 2 years
when I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe
clean | 1989
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hezikiah · 2 years
take the river to the sea
drown myself so I don't sink
find my peace there underneath
the hurricane
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