heycally · 9 years
They say a man never really knows himself, until his freedom's been taken away. I wonder, how well do you know yourself?
Arcturus Mengsk
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heycally · 10 years
I know men like you, the way you know men like me. And I know you wouldn't have done this if you believed there was the least chance of it coming back on you. Well, guess what? It's come back on you like the hand of God! And the next words from your mouth will determine the weight and velocity of the staggering tonnage of shit that's about to plummet onto your head.
DSU Martin Schenk
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heycally · 10 years
Swing for the fences, son.
Joe MacMillan's father
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heycally · 10 years
Up onto the overturned keel Clamber, with a heart of steel Cold is the ocean's spray And your death is on its way With maidens you have had your way Each must die some day!
Rollo Lothbrock
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heycally · 10 years
Why do people hate you so much when you tell the truth?
Channing McClaren
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heycally · 10 years
You are in the middle of this, like it or not. You want to be a hero? You want a medal or are you a coward? Stop the hippie shit, strap on a helmet, start shooting. This is Malibu. I want you to storm that beach like it’s Normandy.
Ari Gold
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heycally · 10 years
- I swear to God, if you'd only lay with me now, I'd give you... - What? - Whatever there is to give. The world. The skies and the sea. The moon. - But I'm only human. And when your passion was spent, you'd see that and lament such reckless generosity.
Edward "Blackbeard" Teach & Selima al Sharad
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heycally · 10 years
C'est dans nos têtes qu'il y a des barreaux Vas-y viens on s'échappe Je sais que les murs sont hauts Mais vas-y viens on s'évade
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heycally · 10 years
Combien vaut un homme ? Quel est le prix d'une vie humaine ? Savoir ce que l'on vaut, c'est comme connaître le jour de sa mort.
Giovanni Manzoni
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heycally · 10 years
The power of population is so superior to the power of the Earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race.
Thomas Malthus (1798)
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heycally · 10 years
Le mensonge est déjà dans l'oreille de celui qui écoute.
Frederick Blake
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heycally · 10 years
- You can do what you will, but at any given moment of your life, you can will only one definite thing. Nothing other than that thing. What do you guys think that means? - That free will is a lie? - Exactly.
Jeff Slingerland & students
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heycally · 10 years
A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your foes confused. If they don't know who you are or what you want, they can't know what you plan to do next.
Lord Petyr Baelish
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heycally · 10 years
We all change. That doesn't mean we lose who we are.
Alan Farragut
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heycally · 10 years
- You want to know the real tragedy about marriage? - No, thanks. - Women always think men will change, but they don't. Men think women won't change but they do. - Where d'you get that from? A fortune cookie?
Rose Teller & John Luther
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heycally · 10 years
Money buys a man's silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever.
Lord Petyr Baelish
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heycally · 10 years
There are no secrets in life, just hidden truths that lie beneath the surface.
Dexter Morgan
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