31 posts
18+ personal blog -- they/them agendered queer person -- I play IF games and make too many OCs -- I'm also a fan of bugs/nature and various other things
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Laughing at the sudden memory of the 2020 Shepherds holiday event where Patrons could send in holiday letters to Shery as part of a publicity campaign and this was the Shepherds’ response to a little kid
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
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Welcome to Twin Coves…
Step into the shoes of a newbie private investigator as they unravel the series of supernatural murders that shake their small seaside hometown.
Demo Features:
15k words!
9 mysterious hotties!
1.5 hour playtime!
4 CGs!
3 flavors of waffles! 🧇
1 dead end! (We got endings already, folks!)
1 (or more) murders!
and a whole lot of choices!
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Twin Coves is a paranormal romance meets murder mystery themed visual novel currently under development. It features a customizable protagonist, 6 (possibly 9) male love interests who may or may not be human, and choices that could very well lead to an early grave if you’re not careful.
This game is rated MA-17 and includes discussions of death and grief, characters dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD, references to and brief depictions of blood and violence, alcohol use, strong language, and content of a sexual nature.
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Demo | Kickstarter | Patreon | Itch.io | Twitter | Ko-fi
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Hi nell! Can you do the ros as poems please? 👉🏽👈🏽🥺
okay these are the ROs as love poems i associate w/ them specifically bc i'm just soppy like that xoxo
Adegoke: modern love by douglas dunn
Arthur: for what binds us by jane hirschfield
Atticus: i do not love thee by caroline norton or the whole world is gone by jennifer grotz
Avery: resignation by nikki giovanni
Charlie: first meeting by a. s. j. tessimond or i love you to the moon & by chen chen
Ellis: late fragment by raymond carver or all i ever wanted by katie ford
Florrie: want could kill me by xandria phillips or one more love poem by dunya mikhail
Griffin: let me put it this way by simon armitage
Imogen: packing up by michael fried or this poem is asking for your love by grace cavalieri
Nyra: love comes quietly by robert creely or gravity and centre by henri cole
Rowan: scheherzade by richard siken or i am not yours by sara teasdale
Syd: poem I wrote sitting across the table from you by kevin varrone
Vinh: the more loving one by w. h. auden or haiku [for you] by sonia sanchez
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Body Count MC Asks (answered)
Answered from the asks I rbed. 
Answered for my MC Sam Cuill for @bodycountgame​
1. What made them apply for Body Count & what are they hoping to get out of the experience? They were feeling a little lost, but mainly it was to have at least one cool experience to look back on. They’re not expecting much beyond “I did that.” On the morning they left their flat to meet Charlie at the coffee shop it was definitely like this 
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More below the cut because it gets long
2. How do they take their tea (or coffee). [x] They don’t drink coffee often, so they don’t really have just one way that they like it. They might drink it hot or cold, black or sweet. As for tea, using the same visual aid Nell used, it would be between a 3 and a 4. Tea is an all day anywhere any time beverage for Sam. 
3. How regularly do they swear? [x] They fall under the total potty mouth group. They also tend to forget that not everyone is just Like That, so they might even use those words in entirely inappropriate situations. Like when discussing health concerns with their doctor or something. 
4. How do they prefer their toast? [x] Using Nell’s visual aid again, they’re a 5c. They’re a big toast eater, especially with blueberry or blackberry jam. 
5. If Body Count had a Big Brother-style vote to kick someone out, who would they vote out right now? [x] This would be hard for Sam, because they tend to grow fond of people easily. They sort of just adopt new people who enter their lives. It would be like choosing between your children. Sure, one’s an asshole, but they’re your asshole. Sam would just take a poll among the other housemates and vote for whoever it seems like is going to have the most votes. 
6. Are they a “you can call me anytime” person, or a “phone permanently on silent” person? [x] They are literally both. They really do mean it when they say that you can call them anytime, and they want to be there for the people in their lives, but it might take more than one attempt to contact them because phones are scary and people are also, too, kind of scary even when you love them-- and Sam does. 
7. How do they celebrate their birthday? [x] While Sam enjoys the company of others, birthdays have always been a private affair. They prefer to spend it at home, alone, doing all their favourite cozy, relaxing things (reading, drinking a hot beverage, soaking in the tub, snuggling their cat, taking a walk at night) while periodically answering Happy Birthday calls and texts from loved ones. 
8. Can they drive? [x] Can they drive? Yes. Are they licensed to drive? No. Do they like to drive? Also no. That’s part of the reason they like to live in the city. Public transport means not having to pay friends to drive you around places. 
9. I want a baby meme! What does your MC say? [x] 
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10. What did they wear on the first day in the villa? [x] Pants/trousers of the arty/professor variety. Something like this maybe?
11. What is their opinion on Eurovision? [x] They don’t really have a vested interest in it, but they’re always a little disappointed when friends decide not to have viewing parties.
12. Who/what is their favourite musical artist? [x] They actually listen to embarrassingly little music, and when they do, it’s rarely with conscious effort. They typically just find one song they like and then listen to spotify playlists that happen to include that song. They have a soft spot for showtunes. 
13. What is their cultural/ethnic background? [x] Their mother was born and has always lived in Cobh. They only know their father by name and what few stories about him their mother has been able to tell. He knows Sam exists, and he’s fine not really being a part of their life, and they’re fine with that, too. Their father was from Newport. 
14. Would they be willing to move to their RO’s city, or would they prefer that their RO move to Manchester with them? [x] They have no strong attachments to where they live. They have some friends in the area, but most of their family is not close. They’d probably welcome an opportunity to move, but they’d be content to stay, too. 
15. Are they quiet on their feet, or are they an elephant in disguise? [x] They are the whole herd. They walk heavy on their heels and have lived in flats where the downstairs neighbours assume they have aggression/anger issues because it sounds like they just stomp all the time. 
16. What is their eye colour? [x] Brown, occasionally hazel-looking in certain lights. 
17. How did they end up in Manchester? (Derived from: where do the ROs live? [x]) They’re originally from Cobh, Cork, Ireland. They lived in London for university. Their college roommate was moving to Manchester for work, and Sam still needed a roommate and had no reason not to go, so they followed their roommate. That roommate has since gotten married and had children, and Sam is still in Manchester just kind of. Chilling. 
18. What kind of accent do they have? (Yes, this still applies if they’re not British!) [x] Cork/Munster accent. They’ve softened some of their heavier “r” rolls since being away from home, though. 
19. If they were a videogame character, what loot item would they drop?[x] half-used notebooks, Jelly Babies, honey lip balm
20. Do they return their shopping trolley? [x] They never shop for enough in one go to use a trolley. 
21. How meme-literate are they? [x] They’re always a couple of months behind, but they think they’re on top of it. They overuse memes and it’s their go-to form of communication when dealing with difficult things. 
22. Under normal circumstances, how loyal are they to their partners? [x] 100%. They do not necessarily require monogamous, closed relationships, but if they’re with a partner who desires that, then that’s what they’re getting unless they mutually decide it’s not working for them anymore. Sam would never and could never imagine betraying a partner that way. 
23. What is their zodiac sign? (Bonus question: do they believe in astrology?) [x] They’re a Libra (October 13). They do not, but they are very interested in it and they’re knowledgeable about it and it’s one of their hobbies. It’s just for fun. 
24. Do they like to dance? [x] Sober Sam is not a dancer. Drunk Sam has been known to dance and enjoy it. 
25. How likely are they to lend their jacket when their RO is cold? [x] They tend to overdress for the temperature anyway, so likely they’d welcome a chance to strip off a layer if someone they’re with is underdressed. It’s an automatic type thing.
26. Where do they fit on the Jock-Nerd vs. Goth-Prep alignment chart? [x] Adding on to Nell’s it’s like this
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27. What do they use as a bookmark? [x] Usually whatever little scrap is nearby. Or if they’re outside, maybe a leaf or flower. They have been known on more than one occasion to dog-ear, I’m sorry to say. 
28. True or false: “If I run and leap at MC, they will most certainly catch me in their arms.” [x] It is true that an attempt will be made. 
29. What would they sing at karaoke? [x] Mickey - Toni Basil or Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus depending on how many drinks they’ve had/the general tone of the evening
30. How did they do in school? [x] They have ADHD. They were not diagnosed with ADHD in school and had to adapt and come up with a lot of various unhealthy and complicated coping mechanisms. They did well in school, but were never top of their class. They oscillated between overworking themselves to a breaking point and just... not doing anything. 
31. What is their 1am convenience store snack run purchase? (Bonus question: if not British, what snack food from home do they miss most?) [x] A tub of gooey chocolate brownie ice cream. 
32. What does their apartment/bedroom look like? [x] Sam and their current roommate do not really share any interests or tastes, and Sam rarely uses the communal area. Their bedroom is small, but absolutely full of ~things.~ Random trash and plant matter they’ve picked up while exploring, photographs and sketches all over the walls, the ceiling light bulb hasn’t been changed out in a while, but there’s string lights all over the place, and tiny, impractical lamps and lanterns so the room has a glow about it more than actual decent lighting. The walls and flooring are both dark. The only furniture in the room is a small, plain metal framed bed, a small desk for their laptop, and a small cat tree. They have a ton of nerdy memorabilia like dice and card collections and stuffies and figures from their favorite series, and also a lot of tarot/scrying/witchy stuff just lying around. Everything else is just kind of stacked on top of each other, and clothes are hanging directly on the wall.  There’s one window in the room and it is almost always open. 
33. What would they wear to a fancy event? [x] Something like this but with a full length pant 
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34. Are they a dog person, a cat person, or a rock person? [x] All of the above. They have a cat, collect many types of rocks, and love dogs. They like dogs more in theory. They love when friends and family members have dogs, they love petting and spotting dogs on the street, but they don’t think they would enjoy the responsibility of owning and training one. 
35. What is their love language? [x] Giving: quality time Receiving: words of affirmation
36. What is their MBTI type? [x] INFP
37. If you had to assign them one song, what would it be? [x] Trouble - Connie Converse
38. Give us a few funky facts about their family background! [x]  Sam has a younger brother, Louis, who has a different father, but Sam’s mom never married him. They co-parented Louis and everyone has a really good relationship with each other. It’s just been Sam, Louis, Louis’s family, their mom, and their mom’s family for Sam’s whole life. And it’s been nice. Their mother owns and operates a cultural arts center in their hometown where she primarily works with local actors and playwrights to put on performances, and offers classes for children who are interested in learning the theatre. They have more cousins and aunts and uncles than they know what to do with, and the whole family is pretty close and meets up as often as possible for big, raucous gatherings.   
39. Are they a big spoon, a little spoon, a versatile spoon, or a knife? [x] Entirely versatile. Happy anytime as long as they get to cuddle. 
40. What are their feelings on piercings and tattoos? Do they have any? [x] They have two tattoos, one is a small frog on their foot and the other is an inside joke matching tattoo with their brother on their inner right arm. The frog is kind of like a naturalist journal sketch of a common frog, and the inside joke tattoo is just a basic text tattoo that says “I’ve heard it both ways” As for piercings, their earlobes are pierced but they don’t have any others. They would be open to more tattoos and piercings, but it’s not a pressing concern.
41. Do they want to get married someday? Would they rather propose or be proposed to? [x] They have no strong feelings about marriage one way or the other. Their mother never married, but they have multiple models of happy married couples in their extended family. They’re very much open to the idea and have no real opposition to it, beyond their belief that polyamorous relationships should legally be able to marry. They could definitely become more interested in the idea of getting married should they meet someone who gets them thinking about it. 
42. Don’t fuck this up meme! Where do they fall? [x] Somewhere between “will try not to fuck up and probably will” and “fucks it up on purpose.” If told “don’t fuck this up!” they will continue to do the thing exactly how they planned to do it before, which is with as little thought and effort as possible. 
43. What is their favourite animal and why? [x] They refuse to pick. They love reptiles and amphibians and bugs probably the best of all creatures, but mammals are still good, too, especially cats? They have a special fondness for snails. They’re fascinated by life in general, so if you look at the camera roll on their phone it’s just pictures of street cats, bugs, weird plants, normal plants, mushrooms, algae, etc. 
44. Would they be willing to wear coordinating couple’s outfits with their RO? [x] They would love this. This would be like their favorite relationship affirming activity. 
45. Where do they fall on the cuddle scale? [x] They’re super cuddly. They’re physically affectionate in general and love, love to touch those they’re close with. They’re happy to cuddle with anyone. 
0 notes
heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
HOLY SHIT "sometimes it is a very sad thing to be human and longing" FOR SHAW
It isn’t easy, knowing someone the way you know him. From inside to out, so well you could run gentle fingertips along the indentations inside his skull, read the nerves that rest there like a map. Intertwining roads, tangled thoughts, a great twisting forest of paths and routes, all leading to the same place. For all his distractibility, all his rushing, racing emotions, there are a few things that are never far from his mind, and those thoughts are raised beneath your fingers like braille, carved in the worn stone tablet of your life; scratched out with painstaking care into the curve of his ribs, into the backs of his teeth where he’ll never see them himself. Never speak them himself.
You shift on the sofa, and he looks at you, light from the movie you’re watching - you don’t remember the name, haven’t known what’s happening since ten minutes in when he leaned against you, slumping into your side in a clumsy bid for affection he knows you can’t ignore - reflecting in his eyes. His hair brushes your neck. The tendons of his throat stand out, a graceful curve you can’t bring yourself to trace, to drag your fingers over, no matter how soft that expanse of skin looks. Instead, you kick him, lazily, digging your foot into his side until he squirms away, grumbling, and your laugh obscures the words written in the silence between you.
He wriggles away - doesn’t go far, never goes far - and the movement brings him lower, until his head rests on your thigh, taking the blanket with him. You can’t bring yourself to complain. Not with his hair spilling across your leg, his shoulder a warm curve against your side, bound to grow uncomfortable quickly. This time, you don’t resist; you dig a hand into his hair, carefully and deliberately pushing it back from his face.
The way you’ve done so many times before.
It’s a familiar gesture, comforting. Friendly. Just friendly, as your knuckles brush his cheekbone; just friendly, as his eyes flutter closed, as his hand on your knee curls in a way that writes more into the air. You breathe it in and let it out on a slow exhale, try to melt into the sofa the way he’s melting into you.
If you could show him - trace those words onto paper, bring them into the light - maybe things would be different. Maybe you could brush your hand down his jaw, over his throat, and maybe he wouldn’t look at you with such fear in his eyes when he thinks you can’t see.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
He isn’t the only one who’s scared, after all.
Outside, the sun sets. The film is ending, and you still don’t know what’s happening. Shaw’s asleep, or close to it, his breathing slow and even, and still you can’t bring yourself to speak. You drag gentle fingers through his hair, and feel the words slip further from your grasp.
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Ok but Vinh, Nyra, Arthur, and Adegoke are all the characters who aren't with you in bed when you wake up in the middle of the night and Vinh, Nyra, and Arthur weren't there when you fell asleep but Adegoke is the only one who WAS there, and then got up and left for some reason, soooooo
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
are any LIs interested in having pets/animal companions?
A would LOVE to have a cat, cats are their favorite though they pretend they don’t care. Probably would love to have several cats. They used to have a pet cat as a kid as well and they adored that little spoiled fur ball. They get heart-eyes over big cats as well, though they wouldn’t keep one as a pet. Their favorite animals are sea serpents, but also tigers. If they could safely pet a tiger I think they’d probably die happy.
R loves animals and loves pets, any and all! They wouldn’t be able to choose what their favorite animal is. They don't have a lot of time to keep a pet at the moment but they always used to feed stray cats and dogs and birds if they had any food to spare as a kid. I can definitely see them getting one or two pets once things calm down, but probably atypical ones. I think they'd enjoy falconry a lot, it’s something they’ve always wanted to try but never had enough time for. 
X dislikes horses but they're tolerant of most pets. They prefer wild animals, though, domesticated animals don't hold any interest. Not to keep as pets, but just to admire from a respectful distance. They've probably had friendly interactions with a few wild animals before; their sensing makes it easy to know how to approach or when not to approach one. Definitely tried to befriend a lion before with limited success lol
D doesn't particularly care about having a pet. They like animals in general but not to take care of; too busy and not any interest. They like their horse the most, that’s enough for them haha.
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Lmao griff???? I'm sorry it's so obvious Arthur is the killer:
1) if you pair up with him you know he doesn't come back to the room
2) if you don't pair up with him or Ellis he gets with them, the first victim 👁️👁️
3) he is a white man
4) it would make sense him reacting badly if the mc does tell him that they're interested in him, he's like "i'm just here to kill, not to get attached damn 🙄"
5) he is a white man with the flattest ass (confirmed by an old ask)
Do I need to say more?????
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
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It's been 84 years... but finally, at long last, the demo release now has a date: September 12!
Follow the game on ITCH.IO!
And, barring catastrophe, the Kickstarter will run about a month later. The link to get notified for the Kickstarter launch will be available when the demo drops. You can also follow the game on Twitter.
15k words!
9 mysterious hotties!
1.5 hour playtime!
4 CGs!
3 flavors of waffles! 🧇
1 dead end! (We got endings already, folks!)
1 (or more) murders!
and a whole lot of choices!
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itch.io | Twitter | Patreon | Ko-fi
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Body Count MC Asks!
Because I am having way too much fun with this game by @bodycountgame , have a list of asks derived from those answered about the whole cast (plus a bonus question that a few ROs have answered in game)! The x next to every question links to the RO answers for that question! Happy answering! :)
What made them apply for Body Count & what are they hoping to get out of the experience?
How do they take their tea (or coffee). [x]
How regularly do they swear? [x]
How do they prefer their toast? [x]
If Body Count had a Big Brother-style vote to kick someone out, who would they vote out right now? [x]
Are they a “you can call me anytime” person, or a “phone permanently on silent” person? [x]
How do they celebrate their birthday? [x]
Can they drive? [x]
I want a baby meme! What does your MC say? [x]
What did they wear on the first day in the villa? [x]
What is their opinion on Eurovision? [x]
Who/what is their favourite musical artist? [x]
What is their cultural/ethnic background? [x]
Would they be willing to move to their RO’s city, or would they prefer that their RO move to Manchester with them? [x]
Are they quiet on their feet, or are they an elephant in disguise? [x]
What is their eye colour? [x]
How did they end up in Manchester? (Derived from: where do the ROs live? [x])
What kind of accent do they have? (Yes, this still applies if they’re not British!) [x]
If they were a videogame character, what loot item would they drop?[x]
Do they return their shopping trolley? [x]
How meme-literate are they? [x]
Under normal circumstances, how loyal are they to their partners? [x]
What is their zodiac sign? (Bonus question: do they believe in astrology?) [x]
Do they like to dance? [x]
How likely are they to lend their jacket when their RO is cold? [x]
Where do they fit on the Jock-Nerd vs. Goth-Prep alignment chart? [x]
What do they use as a bookmark? [x]
True or false: “If I run and leap at MC, they will most certainly catch me in their arms.” [x]
What would they sing at karaoke? [x]
How did they do in school? [x]
What is their 1am convenience store snack run purchase? (Bonus question: if not British, what snack food from home do they miss most?) [x]
What does their apartment/bedroom look like? [x]
What would they wear to a fancy event? [x]
Are they a dog person, a cat person, or a rock person? [x]
What is their love language? [x]
What is their MBTI type? [x]
If you had to assign them one song, what would it be? [x]
Give us a few funky facts about their family background! [x]
Are they a big spoon, a little spoon, a versatile spoon, or a knife? [x]
What are their feelings on piercings and tattoos? Do they have any? [x]
Do they want to get married someday? Would they rather propose or be proposed to? [x]
Don’t fuck this up meme! Where do they fall? [x]
What is their favourite animal and why? [x]
Would they be willing to wear coordinating couple’s outfits with their RO? [x]
Where do they fall on the cuddle scale? [x]
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Body Count MC -- Sam Cuill
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template by @wayhavens​ 
Body Count Interactive Fiction Game by Nell @bodycountgame​ (UK reality dating show/murder mystery game. It’s as fun as it sounds)
About Sam Cuill:
Full name: Sam Cuill
Date of birth: October 13, 1993 (Libra) (age 27)
Gender: agender (they/them)
Home town: Cobh, Cork, Ireland
Height/weight: 170cm/63.5kg
Physical description: Sam has cool beige skin with light freckles; short, wavy dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a few hidden tattoos (a frog on their foot and a dumb matching tattoo with their brother on their inner arm). They have a soft figure, and while they’re average height, they appear shorter due to terrible posture. They wear either contacts or glasses. They never wear makeup or facial hair, and they leave their body hair mostly alone. They occasionally wear nail polish, but never get around to actually removing it, so it’s usually chipped and awful looking. 
Clothing: They prefer the arty style or the professor look. They do not really spend that much money on their wardrobe, so they really only have a few essential pieces that they attempt to swap around and accessorize enough in the hopes that no one notices. They’re not much of a jewelry person, but they usually wear a watch and the occasional stud earrings. They love hats and scarves and buttons and pins and handkerchiefs and pocket squares and lots of little outfit doodads. 
In Body Count: They applied for the show because they were feeling lost and decided it couldn’t hurt to try something new. They’ve never been in love before, or really dated all that often or seriously, and they’ve never considered themselves to be all that likely to fall in love, but all of that kind of changed within the first 2.5 seconds of knowing Charlie. After their initial 2 hour interview, Sam considered changing their phone number and skipping town because they knew they weren’t going to be able to go along with the show given their budding feelings for Charlie, and they didn’t see how it would be possible to move forward with those feelings. They selected their first dates (Ellis, Imogen, and Vinh) based on who they seemed to vibe with the best in the house after first impressions. But they honestly didn’t really go into the dates with an open mind (or heart) because they were still very much invested in Charlie. They coupled up with Vinh during the first coupling because they figured it would help them both out; Vinh could ease into the coupling aspect of the show, and Sam could foolishly pine after Charlie without upsetting the game too much. They’re not ready to talk or think about what happened at the end of episode 2. 
Extras: Their biggest hobby besides reading and writing would be urban exploring/photography. They enjoy mysteries and ghost stories (and creating their own when there aren’t any). They like tarot reading, scrying, and tea reading. They have a pet cat, a ginger girl, named “Loxy” who’s staying with their mum in Cobh.
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
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Wayfarer has officially launched! The game is now available to play on itch.io at idrellegames.itch.io/wayfarer.
The Story
When your mercenary work backs you into a corner, you take the only option available and accept a contract: to travel to the city of Velantis and steal an ancient artifact said to be blessed by the gods. Simple, right?
But Velantis holds more than you bargained for. Gathering a ragtag party of malcontents and renegades from across the city, you must navigate enemy factions, meddling guilds, and escalating political tensions. Your choices will ultimately determine the city’s fate—and the fate of every person who lives there.
Customize your character (including gender, pronouns, and appearance)
Choose from five different Ancestries (human, dwarven, elven, Melusine and Aeda) and six unique Origins
Recruit companions, build your relationships, and perhaps find romance
Build rapport with 6 factions and choose whether to support or betray them
Encounter timed choices on key decisions, with alternative results if time runs out or you choose to abstain
Build a codex as you explore the world and encounter people, places, history, lore, magic and monsters
Navigate thousands of branching choices for a unique, re-playable experience and story
Launching the Game
Wayfarer is played in your browser. Due to the way the Twine engine stores data, you must have third-party cookies enabled on the game’s launch page, or the game will not run.
If you encounter an error message that says “Error: No storage adaptors found”, check your ad-block settings and either whitelist the game’s page or enable cookies.
Notes for Mobile Players
The game is fully mobile compatible. If you are playing from a Chromium-based browser (Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, Opera, most Android browsers), the game will launch automatically in portrait mode.
If you want to play in landscape mode, you will need to use a non-Chromium browser like Firefox.
Notes for Desktop Players
If you're playing on a laptop and the game looks really big, you may need to check the scale of your screen resolution. If your scaling is larger than 100%, the game will look much larger than intended. You can decrease the size manually in your browser by holding CTRL and the - (minus) key to get to a scale you like.
Content Warnings
Wayfarer is rated MA-17 and is intended for audiences 17 and older. The game contains:
fantasy and medieval violence
depictions of blood and gore
explicit language
sexually suggestive themes
drug and alcohol use
Enjoyed the game? You can support its development on Patreon! Patrons receive many different benefits, like access to in-depth progress reports, bonus content, game walkthroughs, Q & As, as well as early access to in-development sections of the game.
If you aren’t in a position to support, reblogs and shares are much loved and appreciated! 💗
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Imperial Grace masterpost
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Hi folks! We are Synstoria, an indie team working in our free time on Imperial Grace, a medieval otome game with a strong political vibe! Don’t hesitate to ask us anything about the game.
Crowned Empress after the death of your father, you must show the world that a woman is fit to restore the Calidya Empire to its former glory. Wisely manage your alliances, your kingdom's resources, and your heart's inclinations to survive your first year of ruling.
Itchio - Twitter
About the game:
⚠️ The game in a nutshell
⚠️ Last devlog
The team behind the game
Trigger warning list - Why including topics like incest and rape in the game?
Is MC's look customisable? [UPDATED 😁]
Is MC name customisable?
Meaningful choices
Epilogue system
Optional resource managment features
Sex scenes
Will there be wholly different route for LIs?
Replayability and MC skill
Synstoria logo animation (and name meaning)
How much the game will cost?
Will the game have a Kickstarter?
Will the game be on Steam?
Will the game have achievments?
Main music
Choice recap stat system
Will their be CG with full body LIs?
Keeping track of the time passing by
Localising a game in two languages, process and struggles.
Will the game have several seasons?
How can we enjoy more the background of the game?
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About the Love Interest:
Official character profiles
🌶️ How are the RO in bed?
Saving MC or the world?
Who would win in a duel between Alexander and Theodore?
Alexander and MC are childhood friend? - More details about their childhood together
How do they handle jealousy?
How does the Court treat the LIs?
🌶️ How experienced are the LIs?
Which LI would kill for the MC?
Which LI could move on if the MC died?
Are the LI comfortable with nicknames ?
How many children each LI want ?
What could make each LI break up with MC ?
Ideal first date?
Who handle their liquor best?
🌶️ Which LI has the highest libido?
If Theodore and MC get married, who get the Faraam Duchy?
Would Theodore's father approuve a mariage between Theo and MC?
Theodore's family
How would each LI reacts to the MC dying giving birth?
How the MC calls Alexander?
How would the LI reacts to MC behind very very close...
Is Alexander mother still alive? - Does alexander looks like his mother?
Does the LI have pets?
How good are the LI at dancing?
Are the LI courted and how do they feel about it?
🌶️Are the LI open to sex in risky places?
🌶️ What is their favorite sexual position?
LI's hobbies
🌶️Are the LI into rough sex?
Have they many friends or are they more solitary?
🌶️ How are the LIs after sex?
LI's height
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About the lore:
Realistic(ish) medieval world
World map
[Historical event] The Faraam revolution / What happens to Clelia and her husband.
Does magic exist?
Why is the MC duchess on Terinfel? (explanation on noble titles) / MC lineage
Calidya's fashion
Calidya is small?!
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About MC and MC family
How was MC's mother?
MC birth
MC's mother & father name
MC cousins
MC's mother origin
MC's parents mariage
Which parent does the MC take the most after?
Does Lucius looks like the MC?
Does Magnus regret the death of his son?
How would the MC deal with an ambitious second son?
Why is the MC Duchess of Terinfel?
How Marjorie would feel about MC marying Theodore?
Info about Marjorie
Who is courting the MC (except the LI)?
Lucius death and relationship with MC
Why sometimes the MC is called Queen instead of Empress
Note: I usually prefer the terms LI (Love Interest) to describe the characters you can romance in game, but you can also see RO (Romantic Option) sometimes. Both are valid I am more used to LI that's all :p
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
Devlog #5: Act 2 Script Writing
Hello everyone! A Cottage Story is coming along and I thought I’d update everyone with some script previews.
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The Process. I’m revisiting the outline and sort of combining, taking out, and adding scenes as I go. Although I’m quite busy with school and life during quarantine, I feel thankful to have extra time to think through the story of ACS and refine some areas that I originally wasn’t going to change. A majority of ACS’s storyline/story elements were created through generators online, d&d lore, and improv so I’m surprised a wider plot somehow developed over the course of writing it.
The Goods. The script is about halfway at 30k words, which is an abysmal word count at this point but I’m excited about a lot of scenes coming up! In terms of art, there is no art since I have a “no art until script is finished” policy. I am an artist a thousand times before I’m a writer, and it's the best way I can ensure my writing will be finished in a timely manner.
What next? Nonetheless, it’s still being worked on, I’m still alive and well, and as my semester comes to a close I plan on raising that word count to 50k and completing the game because I want to join a certain game jam in time…
Anyways, I hope everyone is having a lovely summer and getting vaccinated. Peace out!
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
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30/08/2021 Devlog
Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update this week. Just got distracted over the weekend and forgot! Going to do a quick check-in!
Finished Magnus' sprite expressions
Started Lance sprite expressions - coded up to Chapter 3
Imported new sprites
Imported new BG variations
The Ramble:
Okay, time for rambling.
First off, I have now put all the updates on my calendar so hopefully there won't be any more forgetting. I should have done it a while ago but I don't really use my calendar that much anyway so I just muddled along. But the forgetting is becoming too frequent so I want to try to get back on track with it. >=V
Anyway, this ramble will be a little short since it's mostly just "I coded sprites! 8D"
I did finish all of Maggie's route sprite expressions - which involved importing a few additional sprites. And there was a bit of time spent on making some new BG variations.
But mostly? Coding sprites. And more sprites. And more sprites. LoL
As I said - a short ramble this time because there's not too much to say about it.
Sneak Peeks and Previews:
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Upcoming Weeks:
It may surprise you all but......................
I'll be working on sprite expressions in the upcoming two weeks. LoL
After I finish Lance's route (which I don't expect to take as long as the others since a lot of it is JUST Morgan and Lance rather than complex group scenes) I think I'll take a break to get the flowcharts for Caleb, Magnus, and Lance done. Then I'll send out Cale's route for beta testing.
And move on to coding either Jack or Caissa.
(I prefer to send one route out for testing at a time since I think it is easier on beta testers to only have one thing to focus on.)
I'm hoping that I can actually finish Lance's expressions within a week. But we'll have to see. Even if it's just two sprites, it's still a long route!
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
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Made Marion Development Update: August 2021
I've left out our logo this month because Warrior Marion deserves to head up everything. That's right, our new Marion sprite is ready to go.  I'm currently setting up some code so that I can more easily code in her many outfits and expressions, but this means that our pilot beta test, which features the prologue, will be coming soon! If you're a beta backer, you should be getting an e-mail about how to join in the next few weeks.
The Writing and Coding Department
The second part of the Sherwood Common Route is complete, and I am now writing Robin's route.  I'm being careful with it because the basic timeline of the game's largest events will be nailed down with this first route.
Every character route in Made Marion is different, but some major events will always happen. You will experience them differently (or even just hear about them from afar) depending on your chosen love interest and Marion's situation in that route.
Because you're with Robin's Rebels on all three Sherwood routes, they are more similar to each other than the Nottingham routes are, but there are still plenty of unique experiences to have in each route. For instance, each of the three Sherwood love interests is in charge of a different branch of the rebellion, giving Marion a unique "mission" in every Sherwood route.
In coding land, Shawna is helping us implement our accessibility options. More on that when it's complete and I can show screenshots, but for now, you can get an idea of the three different fonts that will be available. I've tested with our longest lines, and simply changing the font will not cause the text to overflow the text box. Huzzah!
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Base game font.
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DejaVu Sans
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The Art Department
Here's a bit more of Marion's new sprite. As you can see, she now has two main poses along with her combat pose. The olive dress she's wearing is her prologue dress, so I'll also show off her signature green velvet dress. Keep an eye out for even more Marion outfits in future updates or on our Discord Server.
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Marion does not agree with what Alvin's proposing.
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She had to dress up for her father's long-awaited return!
We've also had a chance to meet our first round of creature sprites, being designed by our background artist, Sandra.
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Here's one of our loveable greatstags. They come in three colours, with white largely reserved for Marion and black for Geoffrey.
Also, this might have happened thanks to Discord. ;)
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Everybody loves a dapper hat, even greatstags!
The Sound Department
Thanks to early music multi-instrumentalist Mathieu Lavoie, we now have backing tracks for Alanna's bardic tunes that sound period-appropriate! I'll be recording the vocals for them in-studio in September or October. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to practice them much yet thanks to a generous blanketing of wildfire smoke over my area.
Next up in the Sound Department: the audio for our animated lore intro!
See you all in September!
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heybeejeybees · 3 years ago
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UPDATED 20 Aug 2021 |   NEXT Mid-Sept 2021
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DEMO! | Patreon | Discord | COG Forum Thread
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They speak in low whispers of the mage, of night terrors or a hero returned, a demon and a saint in the same breath. Heresy, said the priests; hearsay, said the lords. But the crown is silent even as the grapevines unfurl, and so the rumors swell and spread all the same.
Like wind passing through the trembling trees, certain as the coming of the dawn, the word travels through farmsteads and castles alike:
The mage lives again.
You are a talented mage on the run from your mysterious past, who becomes embroiled in a tangle of royal politics and warfare you had never seen coming.
This chain of events sees you executed for a crime you did not commit–and resurrected by a mysterious group bearing a vicious vendetta. As around you the world moves to repeat the tragedy of an age-old conflict, you must find a place for yourself in the midst of this chaos…before it claims your life once more.
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Play as a man, woman, or non-binary. The game will never ask you to define your romantic or sexual inclinations; you may assess your attraction to each potential suitor as they arise.
Walk the path of a legendary mage, combining four different schools of magic to devastating effects.
Uncover the secrets of your dark heritage, and harness the tremendous powers that run through your bloodline.
Find love from among five romance options, including a warrior king, an aspiring saintess, a pair of underground revolutionaries, and a figure from your distant past.
Strike a bargain with arcane deities beyond your ken, and invoke their powers on the field of battle–at a steep price.
Shape your character’s personality, and have it influence their dialogue with others in the world.
Rise to lofty heights as the right hand of royalty, and experience a fall from grace resulting in your execution.
Take revenge against the kingdom that executed you, or seek a path to reconciliation.
Unravel the truth behind the continent’s age-old conflicts, and see its future shaped according to your influence.
Keep reading
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