Diary Entry 5
Dimmesdale and I have decided to move to Europe together with Pearl so we can live in peace as one family. We'd be free from our past lives and ready to start a new one with no mistakes in it. I would finally be free from being an outsider and being known as the "adulterer". I would no longer have to wear this wretched A on my bosom and Dimmesdale and I would be able to raise Pearl in a better environment. We planned to depart after the Election Sermon. I honestly have never been more anxious to do something in my entire life. The only thing I'm a bit nervous about is the fact that Chillingworth knows about what Dimmesdale has done. He better keep his mouth shut. All I want to do is start a new life in a new town with new people. I am praying that God would bless us. -Hester
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Diary Entry 4
Tonight while Pearl and I were on our way home from the funeral of the governor, we saw Dimmesdale up on the scaffold. He was just standing there and he reached out his hands and asked us to join him. I was completely confused at first. He usually never even speaks to us in public. But tonight he even held our hands. I have no idea what was running through his mind at the time, but I decided to come to the conclusion that he was just having another mental breakdown. And to be honest, I missed him. Tonight, being up there with him and Pearl, all joining hands. It made us feel like we were one family and no one was there to judge us. I was happy for a moment and thought that maybe we could be a family together. But when Pearl just had to ask if he would do this with us tomorrow night, he deliberately said no. I honestly don't know what to think of him. He concerns me greatly. His medical condition is getting worse and I'm nervous about what Chillingworth is doing to him. I wish he would just back off and leave him alone. My love for him has never died and seeing him like this absolutely just breaks me. -Hester
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Diary Entry 3 .
Pearl. She is all I have and I鈥檓 all she has. Although I wish she didn鈥檛 have me. I can鈥檛 give her the things she needs. She can鈥檛 even play with the other children. They throw dirt at her and call her names and it鈥檚 all because of me. She is just a child and shouldn鈥檛 be punished for my sin.
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Diary Entry 2
Roger visited me and Pearl yesterday while we were in prison. It was so difficult to speak to him. I suppose you could say I was expecting him though. After we locked eyes when I was on the scaffold, all I could do was think about how I would talk to him when the time came. But yesterday I was completely caught off guard and all I did was give him the cold shoulder. It breaks my heart though. I can tell he still shows concern for me, but if he really does then why did he leave me there waiting for him for so long? How could he do that to me? I don't even know what to think anymore.聽
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Diary Entry 1
Today was hard. I was ridiculed and mocked in front of the entire town. They made me go up on the scaffold as I awaited my punishment. I feel like such an outsider. But what angers me most is that they're all hypocrites! They don't know me. And then I saw him. I swear, I was frozen for at least ten minutes. I had no idea how to react, but then he put his finger up to his lips as if to tell me to be silent about him being there. The only thing that could comfort me was Pearl. My little Pearl, she has no idea what is going on around her. I wish I could be a better mother figure for her. You know, just someone she could look up to. Instead, she looks up to an adulterer. All I want is the best for her and I have nothing to offer.聽
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Hello I'm Hester Prynne. I don't know why I'm writing this but I feel the need to get it out of my system. And what better way than to share it with the world. So welcome to my online diary.
Welcome to the life of Hester Prynne.聽
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