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“good morning” “how was your day?” “be careful” “text me when you get home so i know you’re safe” “sweet dreams” “how are you?” “i hope you’re feeling better” “have a good day today!” “i miss you” “good night” “can you come over?” “can i come over?” “can i see you?” “can i call you?” “you’re beautiful” “want something to drink?” “watch your step” “let’s watch a movie” “what are you up to?” “how is your day so far?” “it will be okay” “i’m here for you” “do you need anything?” “are you hungry?” “i just wanted to hear your voice” “you just made my day”… you don’t have to hear “I love you” to know that someone does. listen carefully. people speak from the heart more often than you think.
- Wildure
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types of people: soft words - aeonian (everlasting): childhood friendships, tire swings, easily excited, listening to classical music, crowded ice rinks, inside jokes, watching old shows, nostalgia - ephemeral (lasting for a very short time): high school crushes, doubt, fake smiles and laughter, heartache, rush of cold air, overthinking - dulcet (sweet, sugary): the feeling of wanting more, insecurity, soft smiles, eye contact, talks at 12 am, heartfelt kisses, holding hands, sleepiness, bright eyes - opulent (lush): meeting someone new, comfortable silence, saying things in unison, light through the trees, birds chirping, staring at the clouds - zephyr (a gentle breeze): early morning road trips, sitting outside in the evening, compromise, long hugs, stargazing, giggling, making a pillow fort, relaxing - cupidity (eager or excessive desire): floral scents, golden sunrise, glowing moons, walking in the forest, picking flowers, rose gold jewellery -which word best fits you?
- Wildure
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"I grew up thinking that in order to live a happy life, I had to get good grades and go to a prestigious university and get a highly paid job. But as I grew older I began to realise that in order to live a happy life, I had to choose it for myself and not live a life that others expect of me, whether it be your parents, teachers or friends. This is your life I made a decision that I didn't want to be successful and live in a big house with fancy cars in the drive. So, I packed my bags and got out of this little town that had suffocated me for the last 18 years and drank coffee in small shops in Germany, chased the horizon in Australia, woke up with a mountain view in Singapore. How beautiful it is to know that your feet have walked the grounds of many different countries and your skin has felt the air of many busy cities. Please, darling, do not get lost in society's belief that you are only successful if you have a well-paid job like I once had. As humans we are going to die, that is one thing we are guaranteed in life. What will you care about the most while lying on your death bed, your fancy cars, a big house? Or the stories and experience you have encountered on the journey of this beautiful thing called life? So there's one thing I ask of you: please travel. Whether you're 21 or 49. It is never too early nor too late to see the beautiful world"
- Wildure
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