Lilith Devin
10 posts
Lilith Devin ~ Demonologist ~ ~ Female~ Alive~ 16~ Affiliated with Doppelgangeronpa~
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
The Beginning of the End || Lilith Devin || Chapter 1 Body Drop Reaction
Lilith, admittedly, had been one of the first to follow. Seemed like somebody was upset about something, at first, which was more than enough to get her attention as she left her room. She had been enjoying her roommates absence, basking in the familiar sensation of being left alone to her own devices.
Of course, maybe it was a good thing she didn’t yell about any of that, considering the circumstances.
Corpses were common in the text Lilith read. Hell, this body didn’t look too messed up considering some of the shit she’d actually seen. Really, it didn’t bother the demonologist as much as she thought it might.
“Ah, come on guys! You’re acting like you’ve seen a ghost! Let’s keep the mood alive!” There’s nothing that can stop Lilith’s insensitivity, it seems, going back to her normal mood.
Almost as quickly as her smile appeared, it vanishes, curiosity replacing it. There is so very much to examine. So very little time. Lilith had never actually investigated a corpse before. It was such a new experience, an alluring, tempting possibility Lilith might not get any other time.
No time like the present!
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
The Opening of Hell || Lilith Devin || Chapter 1 Motive Reaction
Well, Lilith might not have necessarily been paying attention until the man got a pie to the face. It’s not that she thought the King was boring but… No, wait. That was exactly it. She was more concerned with keeping an eye on the Queen, even if it was completely unnecessary. 
Also, where the fuck did Kermit keep coming from!? 
Still, the motive was certainly…. interesting.
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Anything? That was… certainly tempting. Didn’t have to be something good either. Could be anything from a fucking palace to getting them tortured to death. Really, she could get behind the idea if she didn’t think somebody was going to be stupid enough to fall for it because, really, she had absolutely no faith in these people.
“Hey, cheer up everybody!” So of course Lilith has to go and make this about her, changing her demeanor so quickly it’s hard to believe she actually looked slightly sober for a moment.
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“No need to be so grave! It’s not like anybody’s died!… Yet.” She lets out a cackle, a specialty of hers, proud she managed to go and set up such a good joke. This situation might have… really fucking sucked, but at least Lilith could go and have some fun with her humor thanks to it!
“If anybody wants to… y'know, just hang out and have some fun, lemme know! I’ll be in my room!“ 
With that, Lilith, in particular having aimed it at a certain mask maker and a certain surfer who were still in the room, left to go the thing she was the best at here: antagonizing people. Who cared about some dumb motive?
…Yeah, who cared!
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
מי ייתן ולוציפר לקחת את נשמתך || Lilith Devin || Chapter 1
This whole trip, at least in Lilith’s eyes, had not been off to a great start. Here she was, surrounded by boring people (with maybe a few exceptions), with nothing really to do. And, to make matters worse, that selfie shit had the gall to go and fight her. Who did he think he fucking was?
The arrival of what has to be a child was very much welcome but an utterly miserable demonologist.
Things only seemed to get better (if not confusing) as talk of murder began. Two dumbasses even tried to get violent, just before a pretentious monarch took the stage. Really, the only way to describe the madness going on around Lilith was amusing.
“Oh my god! This.. This is fantastic!” She can’t resist the cackle that bubbles in her throat. “Should’ve stabbed the fashionista. We’re better without him! But a game about murder!? Fantastic! A wonderful, wonderful game!” It’s clearly just a prank, and even if it isn’t, who’d actually fall for it? Still, stoking the flames of paranoia should do some good for Lilith’s amusement.
“מי ייתן ולוציפר לקחת את נשמתך!”
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
Summoning Complete || Lilith || Prologue Reaction
Lilith hadn’t been looking forward to this trip from the beginning. She’d be a lot happier if she could just keep the title and work from her room, not some fancy-pants hotel for the elite. She was just focused on getting a room as quickly as she could, secluded from all the other... characters she would be unfortunate enough to run into.
The sight of Kermit the motherfucking Frog was not enough to put her in a good mood. In fact, it just served to make the demonologist even more grumpy. Were they honestly treating this whole thing like it was some sort of joke. Whatever. She’d get by this soon enough and go on with her life, as per usual.
It was when she woke up she really grasped something was wrong, the slamming noise making her feel uneasy. The sight of the other Ultimates, because she could recognize some and had common sense, did nothing to ease the growing feeling.
Had she...? 
No. She had to investigate... After she made sure to avoid these people. She may have enjoyed a good reaction to a dark joke, but actually talking? Being forced into some situation where she might actually have to endue socialization?
“At least the room looks nice. If I’m gonna be stuck with a bunch of losers, least the place’s stylish enough.”
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
Here it is- Doppelgangeronpas Roster Drop booooiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
Keep reading
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
How did you get a title if demons aren't real?
Demons are real, actually. All around us the whole fucking time. Look closer. Behind you. I'm there. We all are. Watching.... Waiting... Killing!!!!
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?
Well, tell me what you like first! I mean, only polite, riiiiight?
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 5 years ago
Queen of the demons, huh? Does this mean there's a king out there, too? What about princes and princesses?
Oh! Nearly forget about them. There were, before I usurped them all. Heh, I could dig up the remains if you really wanted~
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 6 years ago
What if a Demon punched you
Look, I’m not stupid enough to summon a fucking demon without a meat shield or some decent protection. Not an amateaur~ But, let’s say I ran out of fresh humans to lure to their doom, then I’d fucking punch it back.
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heavenorhellmakeapick · 6 years ago
Learn about Lilith~
Now’s your chance to send asks to Lilith before the kg!
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