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heartybubs · 2 years ago
I love jealousy fics!!
me toooo, but i’m not good at writing them😭🫣
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heartybubs · 2 years ago
jealousy jealousy
the 100 [ john murphy x reader ]
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type: ig angst but it’s not well written enough to ‘hit’
tropes: jealousy, roommates, unspoken but accepted love, best friends to lovers
warnings: violence ( knife fight ), mentions of murder
in which wells jaha is getting help by the only person willing to be around him, who just so happens to john murphy’s unofficial girlfriend, who then has to deal with his idiotic jealousy.
a/n: hii, i’m back! this is based on a request i really really liked but i’m not happy with what i actually wrote so i hope it’s okay to read. i kinda ignored how much of a psychopath murphy was in the first season cause i really couldn’t have justified his actions otherwise and the whole jealousy part wouldn’t have been entertaining AT ALL. so yea, i was struggling a bit ( whilst also blatantly ignoring the timeline, ignore anything that doesn’t match the canon timeline of s1 pls ), but at least i tried right🫣 no pronouns
w.c.: 2040
yours and murphy's relationship was a rather unclear, but at the same time simple one. you weren't officially dating, but during your time on the ark, when you were locked up in your shared cell, where you also met, you definitely did some inappropriate stuff; stuff that friends don't do.
your cell was also the place where the two of you bonded, becoming really really close rather quickly. although he was a very aggressive and irritating person to be around at first, you got used to it and soon he became your favourite person to be around.
now, after months of being roommates and part time lovers, you were finally on the ground, something you'd dreamed of since you first learned about it and therefore were keen on securing your survival. murphy on the other hand, got so bad that even you couldn't deny the fact he was a total asshole and if you didn't know he would never hurt you, you'd be way too scared to share a tent with him, especially alone.
you didn't actively distance yourself but after watching him bully wells, the chancellor's son, countless times for his father's actions, you kind of naturally looked for ways to make some new friends. and as if the universe hated john murphy, you seemed to work really well with wells.
everytime murphy saw you talk or walk around with wells, which honestly happened quite a lot, it fueled his hatred against home even more and made him want to stay away from you too.
you didn't mind not being associated with the provocative behaviour of john murphy and the way he tyrannized the other delinquents, however, it was a very different story when it came to going to bed and waiting for him until you physically couldn't keep your eyes open any longer, leading to you and him barely ever meeting and getting a chance to talk, despite sharing a tent.
yes, murphy was an asshole, that was totally not up for debate, BUT he was also the cell mate you had for the past few months; one who you loved deeply.
you were sitting by the dropship, wells next to you, watching your hands closely.
"see, it's really important that you wrap everything tightly, like super tight, since you don't want your arrow to fall apart in the air, alright?", you explained and made sure he understood. you were teaching him how to make an arrow from scratch and although you weren't an earth skills expert, you definitely knew more than wells, who didn't get the chance to attend earth skills class back on the ark. and you could probably count the people who at least tolerated wells on one hand, you included.
"okay and, sorry", he paused, scrunching his nose and forehead as he stared at the arrow-to-be in front of him, "how do i make sure the tip is sharp and everything? i just don't get it, sorry. i don't wanna waste your time y/n.”
you smiled, appreciating his consideration, but clearly declining his indirect offer for you to do something else. there wasn't anything else for you to do and he also wasn't wasting your time, he was just learning and you really liked teaching him; it helped you understand better as well.
"wells, c'mon. i'm choosing to be here, you didn't force me and i don't think it would be okay to produce less arrows, that literally get us food, just cause i'm bored of you", you said, smiling at him, "not.. not that i am bored of you, but you know what i mean!"
he grinned before nodding. honestly, there wasn't anything wrong with wells at all and you truly didn't understand how your fellow delinquents could treat him they way they did. especially murphy.
speaking of the devil, murphy was brutally staring at you and oh boy was he jealous.
he didn’t want to approach you, as he was lowkey trying to avoid starting anything right in front of you, let alone with you. he wasn’t blind and therefore noticed how much more distant you and him were ever since arriving on earth so he was trying to avoid any additional conflicts between you.
when you looked up, your eyes meeting his for a quick moment, leading to you sending a small smile his way, he almost forgot about all his anger and jealousy towards wells. that was until you looked back at the boy in front of you and started smiling hard at the almost perfect arrow he had just put together.
murphy was gonna make wells pay, hard. he just had to catch him away from you, something that was way harder to arrange than he’d like it to be.
“don’t you see you can’t control this?!”, wells voice echoed through the woods as you nervously made your way back. you were wandering around outside of camp, always keeping close to the dropship as you knew you could get los easily. the initial reason you decided to turn around was the cheering delinquents and something inside of you just had you thinking that murphy must have had something to do with it.
“wait”, you heard bellamy yell, making the noise die down for a moment. it calmed your nerves as you were standing at the back of the group, trying to be as tall as possible to see what was going on. “fair fight”, bellamy said before you could hear something metallic fall to the ground.
anxiety increasing again, you tried to push yourself through the delinquents that were proudly chanting for murder meanwhile you had to pray for a miracle; one that ensured that murphy wasn’t part of this.
“this is for my father”, you could make out murphy’s voice fairly quickly right as you were able to watch him attack wells with a knife. a gasp escaped your throat when wells defended himself with ease, pushing murphy to the ground and holding a knife to his throat.
“stop it! are you insane?!”, your feet were moving before you could think about your actions, bringing you right where wells and murphy were standing.
wells dropped his hand. murphy looked at you with fear and regret. he didn’t regret attacking wells, but he didn’t want you to see him like this. however, one had to admit that he hadn’t been trying very hard.
“no, shut up john. i am so beyond done with your shit. yours too!”, you pointed a finger at bellamy who just rolled his eyes at your tone.
“if this is who you want to be, fine. go ahead and be a dickhead, john. you disgust me”, you mumbled angry words right into his face before storming off.
despite it being really challenging, you decided to ignore murphy for now. you couldn’t believe that he would do something as reckless as getting into a knife fight with wells! of course wells wasn’t innocent either, but it was clear who the aggressor must have been, even without having been there the entire time.
it was kind of embarrassing that you couldn’t even deny the high possible of john murphy, the boy you had lowkey caught feelings for, murdering an innocent boy for fun.
truly messed up, making murphy more and more deserving of the silent treatment you were giving him. at first he had stayed away from you until you didn’t even come to the tent at night, secretly having had asked a girl named harper to stay in hers.
so when you kept ignoring murphy the day after the incident, it angered him so much that he immediately stormed into your tent when he watched you enter it from afar.
“what the fuck y/n”, he said, his voice laced with irritation as he stared at you. his blue eyes piercing yours.
despite being intimidated, you stayed stubborn and didn’t give him any attention. he hadn’t deserved it yet.
“oh i see, you’re ignoring me? are you being serious? for what, scaring the chancellor’s son a bit? you know damn well i wouldn’t have done anything”, he said, rolling his eyes and waited for a reaction. this time you looked at him critically before ignoring him again.
“wait, you do know that, right?”, murphy’s voice softened a bit. he moved so that he could observe not only your body language, but also your eyes. this made you lower your gaze.
soon after, you felt two hands touching your skin. they were cold but the touch was warm, hot even. murphy moved your face so that you were looking at him and he immediately noticed your worried expression. he instantly understood that you actually didn’t know that he wasn’t a cold hearted killer.
“y/n, i wouldn’t have killed him, i swear. yes, i harmed him and i did that on purpose, i’ll be fully honest here, but i was just angry at him”, he explained himself calmly now.
you removed his hands from your face before getting up from the bed you had previously sat on. “what do you mean angry, john? what did wells do to you? you’ve been treating him like absolute shit, are you kidding me, i don’t get it”, you said. you wanted to yell at him but you also tried to hold onto the tiniest bit of privacy you had behind the ‘walls’ of your tent.
murphy slightly rolled his eyes and shook his head, then sat down on the bed and took off his shoes.
he is trying to escape the conversation!
it annoyed you that he had the audacity to ignore your question after everything he had done up until this point.
“what is WRONG with you, john. talk to me already!”, this time, he basically had you begging. again, unbelievable.
he tried to let as much time pass as possible before linking his hands, putting his arms behind his head and looking up. he sighed and licked his lips, trying to find the right words. “i was.. kinda jealous.”
you couldn’t help but stare at him and ultimately break out in laughter. this was absolutely pathetic.
“you were gonna kill someone out of jealousy? are you INSANE MURPHY?!”, you didn’t even try to keep your voice down, he deserved this.
“y/n, i know that it was wrong alright. but i already told you that i wouldn’t have killed him”, murphy was annoyed and you could clearly hear it in his voice. he however, could clearly see that you weren’t just going to let him disrespect you like that. he sighed again.
“do you want me to apologize?”, he asked quietly, his voice barely louder than a whisper. murphy moved his head so that he could look at you and when a slight grin appeared on your face, he let himself fall back into the sleeping bag.
of course you’d want him to apologize.
“yea, to wells”, you said, ruining his mood entirely.
“WHAT?! you gotta be insane. do you know how embarass”, your expression made him halt in the middle of the sentence, the stubbornness you radiated even caused him to groan. “okay.” you truly had him wrapped around your finger.
“good, john”, you said and walked over to him. “y’know what, this is an amazing sign for you to be better in general because from what i’ve noticed, you’ve been pure hell for most people in this camp”, you admitted, knowing he wouldn’t be mad at you for your honesty.
this, once again, caused murphy to roll his eyes at you. he shook his head slightly, not wanting to talk about his own behaviour anymore, he held one arm out to you, inviting you into the bed with him.
you hesitated for a short second, but quickly got down next to him.
“ugh come here”, murphy said and pulled you into his side.
sharing a bed or cuddling wasn’t a new thing to you two, but it made your heart jump, in a very very good way, everytime it happened.
you repositioned your head until you found a position comfortable enough to stay in and took a long breathe in.
after a moment of silence you began giggling.
“so, jealous huh?”
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heartybubs · 2 years ago
I‘m glad. I love your writing! <3
omg thank you so much💘💘
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heartybubs · 2 years ago
When is your next fic coming out? I‘m excited ❣️
aw thank you sm!
i’ve outlined an edmund pevensie x reader fanfic based on a request i got a few years ago🫣🫣
but the one i’m actually WRITING rn is murphy x reader and like, it involves jealousy ( also based on a request, but this time it’s a very frequent one, i swear😭😭 ). i’m really really excited to write it but sometimes it’s SOOO hard to get out of that writers block. i’ll try to get it done over the weekend tho :)
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heartybubs · 2 years ago
Do you have any blog or fic recommendations for the 100 especially for bellamy?
not like
off the bat because i’ve literally read EVERYTHING there is on here :(
i do however know about this wattpad series that was really nice to read in my case and despite not being interested to read the entire series at first, i couldn’t stop once i started yknow??
each book is about one season ( starting with the first ) and the first two are completed, the third one hasn’t even really started i think, but i don’t find it too frustrating since the ending of the second one isn’t like.. too open y’know?
if you’re interested you should DEFINITELY check it out ( i think it’s a “higher quality” fanfiction where it’s obvious that the author paid attention to their own story) ! the first book is called “alive” and the author is ughivy <3
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heartybubs · 2 years ago
Are you still writing?
yes!! i am still writing, not as much and way slower but i really really wanna get back into it :))
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heartybubs · 2 years ago
hi and welcome to my masterlist. here you’ll find some of my work or links leading you to other masterlists. my requests are open and i’d love it, if you could give me some ideas to put into one shots/ blurbs/ headcannons!
!if you’d like to request something involving a character that i haven’t listed, you can go ahead. if you give me some plot to work with, i might just write about them anyway!
last updated: 01/07/2023
star wars
anakin skywalker
the 100
bellamy blake
john murphy
jealousy jealousy
jj maybank
coming soon!
rafe cameron
kiara carrera
the maze runner
the walking dead
carl grimes
daryl dixon
rosita espinosa
tara chambler
teen wolf
stiles stilinski
isaac lahey
theo raeken
liam dunbar
edmund pevensie
coming soon!
peter pevensie
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heartybubs · 2 years ago
the 100 [ bellamy blake x reader ]
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type : angsty, maybe a bit fluffy?
tropes: forced proximity, best friends to lovers
warnings: mentions of anxiety, heavy language, lowkey manipulative bellamy
in which bellamy blake and reader used to date but when he spiraled after octavia was arrested and his life fell apart, he distanced himself from her. after he begs her to trust him blindly and she does, they have to figure out their relationship on earth as neither of them is able to let it go.
a/n: hii, this is my first piece of writing in a loooong long time but i’m really enjoying the 100 again and i’ve noticed a severe lack of bellamy content on here, so i hope you like it! i don’t think i used any pronouns but i did use the term “girl” multiple times to describe reader! w.c.: 4.831
after octavia was discovered, he lost his job and his mum was floated, bellamy fell into a terrifying rabbit hole of depression. he lost himself with everything else in his life and instead of holding on to you, he wanted you to do better than him; so he ignored you. of course it made everything worse than it already was but it helped to tell himself he was actually saving you, despite seeing you fall apart piece by piece for months. he knew you'd get it together at some point, you had a great life going for you and he didn't want to risk you losing it at anytime soon, especially not because of him.
so when commander shumway approached bellamy and asked him to assassinate chancellor jaha in return of being able to go to earth with his sister and he said yes with barely any hesitation, he couldn't help but think about you, the girl he was so deeply in love with.
so now, bellamy was close to sprinting across the hall, giving his all to reach your door as fast as he could. he was going to earth, he had already shot the chancellor, but he couldn't leave you behind, no matter how hard he tried, not even after all those months of breaking your heart.
but just because he broke your heart that didn't mean he didn't love you the entire time.
you had taken the day off of guard duty, not feeling well as your three year anniversary with bellamy was approaching or, well, it would've if he hadn't abandoned you a few months ago.
although you tried your hardest to get it together, especially because you didn't want to risk your job as a guard on the ark, you couldn't just forget about bellamy. you had never loved anyone like him and no one had ever hurt you like he had.
there was aggressive knocking on the door, startling you immediately. you sighed frustratedly, there was no one who'd have time, or even want to, visit you in the middle of the day. especially not that desperately, since whoever was disturbing your peace got more and more aggressive with each knock.
you opened the door and before you could say anything, you were pushed into your room by a strong, all too familiar man. not being able to comprehend, you simply stared at the tan man in front of you, admiring his freckled face you had missed so much.
"bellamy? wha-", he cut you off, shaking his head frantically.
"look, y/n, this has gotta be really weird for you right now, but we have to leave. like, now. you have to come with me, okay?", although he was clearly stressed, there was a softness to be noticed in his voice that you knew all too well. you also recognized that he wasn't exactly asking you to come with him, he was telling you to.
"bellamy, what do you mean? you can't just come here and, and.. bellamy i don't understand! why are you wearing a guard’s uniform?", you rambled, looking at him more than desperate for answers. you knew that you would follow him anywhere but you didn't want to. you shouldn't after what he did to you.
he sighed, looking around nervously before taking a deep breath in and putting his hands on your cheeks. he held your face in his hands, pulling you a bit closer to him as he looked into your eyes.
"y/n, i beg you, you have to trust me, okay? i know i haven't been the best.. the best to you but if there's one thing you can do for me, even if it's the last time you ever help me out again, i need it to be today, right now", he noticed your big eyes, only now realizing that this might not work out and it scared him, terrified him even. "y/n..y/n, baby please. i'm begging you, begging. we don't have time, we need to go, please trust me, please y/n!"
"okay, bell."
you could tell how much this relieved him immediately and right as a little smile started showing, he pulled you out of your room, swiftly grabbing your necklace you always kept next to your keys and dragged you through the ark. it felt like you were running through the entire space station and when you finally slowed down, bellamy didn't give you a single second to ask questions.
he just motioned to you to be silent as he carefully pushed you towards something you recognized to be a dropship. your eyes widened in panic, what the hell was going on here.
"bellamy, serious-", he simply covered your mouth and shoved you into the dropship before closing the door. as panic overtook you and your breathing got heavier, your perception lessened. without bellamy pushing you around and doing whatever you needed to do for you, you wouldn't have gotten anything done.
you were clearly having a panic attack and while it hurt bellamy to not be able to help you get through right now, he had to prioritize your safety during the travel to earth and before you knew it, you passed out.
{ ~* }
you felt soft taps on your shoulder as you slowly regained consciousness. slowly raising your head before finally opening your eyes and looking around. you were still in the dropship but you were all by yourself, no sight of bellamy. of course.
the person who'd been trying to wake you was a boy you recognized as wells jaha, the chancellor's son. he looked at you, relief basically written all over him as you finally reacted to his attempts of waking you up. "i'm so glad you're awake, i almost thought you wouldn't wake up again. wait, let me help you out."
he started to unbuckle you, holding you up as you were still a bit weak from your intense panic attack. he could tell how confused you were immediately.
"i'm wells, you're a guard, right? why'd they send you to earth with us?", wells questioned as your eyes widened.
"earth?!", you repeated immediately, not believing what you heard and completely ignoring his question. you couldn't be on earth, it wasn't even going to be habitable for the next three generations so how could you be on earth now, alive?!
wells didn't really know how to react, he had expected you to know but you were just as, probably even more clueless than the delinquents. he decided not to engage in any more conversation, respecting your space as he figured you'd want some time to cope, as well as recovering from whatever made you pass out.
you were thankful for being left alone, slowly standing up and once you felt stable enough to walk to the hatch, you followed the ladder down. immediately you were met with the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.
tall trees, their roots covered in beautiful, bright green plants and, of course, many people all around the area.
you didn't care about them though, the only person you wanted to find was bellamy, he had to explain himself. what was he thinking, taking you to earth without even telling you?!
luckily, it didn't take you long to find him. he was talking to a girl much shorter than him; she had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes and although you hadn't seen her that well the last time, the day she was arrested, you were certain it was bellamy's little sister octavia.
you walked over to them, careful not to overestimate your strength yet and once bellamy noticed you, he got tense immediately.
"y/n, how are you?", he spoke up, seemingly interrupting octavia who simply looked at you curiously. while she had never really met you, she knew so much about you. everytime bellamy told her a story to fall asleep to, it was always about princess y/n and once she got older, he finally revealed that you were actually his girlfriend. she loved what she'd heard so far but she decided to lay low, not wanting to interrupt the two of you.
"i'm good. bellamy, what the fuck is going on, are we really on earth? you have to-", he sighed loudly before cutting you off. "i'm glad you're feeling good. you shouldn't stress yourself too much, you're probably still a bit weak, okay? enjoy earth."
the usual softness in his voice was all gone, leaving nothing, but unfamiliar coldness as he walked off. what the fuck was his problem.
"i should've known that he'd leave me again, why did i fucking come", you mumbled angrily. you really had every right to be angry at bellamy, but if you were being honest, you were probably way more disappointed than angered by the man who once loved you as much as you love him.
octavia looked at you confusedly, not being able to follow at all. "what do you mean again, you're y/n, his girlfriend y/n right?"
"i don't even know what i am to him anymore", you answered, feeling tears shoot up to your eyes. no, you couldn't cry about him anymore, you had wasted too many tears on his egoistic ass.
octavia's eyes softened, similarly to how bellamy's used to. she walked up to you and hugged you carefully, not wanting to disrespect your personal space beyond your liking. you hugged her back, appreciating her sympathy a lot and although you kinda didn't want to spend time with bellamy's younger sister, you didn't want to punish her for something out of her power. she had dealt with that too much already.
"my brother can be a real ass sometimes but he'll get over it, i think i know how much he loves you", she spoke softly, smiling at you. you smiled back at her but realized that she really had no clue how over the two of you were.
{ ~* }
days on days passed and not a single interaction between bellamy and you happened. you wanted to talk to him so desperately but whenever you approached him, he'd find a way to get away from you as soon as possible. it felt like you were back on the ark, trying to understand why your boyfriend of two years was suddenly ignoring and avoiding you.
you wanted to fight for his attention, you really tried to but when he set up a knife fight between john murphy and wells, you figured that you had to say goodbye to the idea of ever getting anything positive out of a conversation with him. the bellamy you once loved was probably gone for good and whatever egoistic, violent leader he had become now, was no one you wanted around you.
this time, you really had to get over him.
it honestly made you sick to watch him act like the born leader of the delinquents and it was almost worse to see them follow him blindly. he was leading them to do horrible things, he was clearly motivating their aggression and allowed them all to be terrible to each other.
of course you were angry, but it also confused you a lot. bellamy really terrified you, he was going down a path you couldn't follow and he wasn't anything like he used to be back in the ark, back when he was still your bellamy.
he used to be sweet, loving and caring but now it was so obvious that he was using the 100 delinquents to reach his own goal, you just couldn't figure out what goal that could be. another thing you were pretty confused about, was the fact he took you with him. when he begged you to come with him, he was so different. it almost felt like he loved you again, you were embarrassed to admit that you thought things would get better now, that everything would be like it was back then and you knew that you deserved better, no one, not even john murphy deserved to be treated like bellamy had treated you that past year. still, you just couldn't let him go, so you decided it was time for some distraction.
while you really enjoyed spending time with clarke, learning a bit from her medical knowledge, as well as simply making a new friend, you needed more. literally, you had no one besides bellamy, octavia and clarke and you didn't actually have any of them. you needed to make friends.
deciding to go against bellamy's orders to stay with clarke, something he hadn't told you personally, instead sending one of his little minions your way, you left the drop ship in search for something else to do. you weren't gonna let him tell you what to do, not if he didn't even have the balls to talk to you himself.
right as you left the dropship, you immediately spotted a tall boy with funny googles on his head walking towards one of the gates and decided to approach him. you remembered his name, joshua, or jasper.
"hey jasper", you smiled at him and he immediately smiled back. "hey y/n, i'm just heading out for the hunt."
you raised your eyebrow. hunt? that was perfect for you. not only did you ace pike's earth skills class, but you were also a trained guard. of all the people in your camp, it was safe to assume that you'd be the best at it.
"can i come too? i think i'd be a lot of help", you spoke nicely and without even thinking about it, jasper nodded. his smile grew as he was more than willing to spend some more time with you.
"i'm sure bellamy won't mind", he said and although you really didn't want to be around bellamy for once, it upset you even more that he couldn't even ask you to go with them. he knew just as well as you did that they needed you and that you were the best shot they had, probably even better than him since you actually finished your guard training.
you followed jasper out of the walls, stopping right outside as you joined the rest of the hunting trip. there were about seven unknown faces and of course bellamy’s. as soon as he saw you, he tensed up, leaving you to sigh annoyingly and roll your eyes.
"y/n get back inside the walls, it's not safe outside", he said, voice stern, motioning for you to turn around and go. you immediately shook your head.
"i'm gonna come with you guys, i'm literally your best shot and you won't even notice me, i'll be with jasper the entire time", you complained. he knew you wouldn't change your mind but he wouldn't risk your safety. bellamy trusted jasper but not with you, he trusted no one when it came to you. no one, not even yourself, would protect you as well as he would and although he had been avoiding you for days now, expecting to keep going until he knew you'd gotten over him completely, he had to be the one going with you.
"yea no, you're either coming with me or not at all, y/n. this is your first time outside the walls and i wanna make sure you find your way back home, alright?! however, if you don't want to go with me that's fine. stay back and help clarke then. got it?!", he was convinced he'd make you change your mind.
"fuck you, bellamy. really, let's just go already", you were angry. he was treating you like a complete stranger and you actually felt a bit embarrassed in front of the other people. what was he thinking talking to you like that in front of so many of the others, it was unnecessary.
he was caught by surprise by your response, less because of your words, but way more because you actually chose to come with them. he was so sure you would never want to be alone with him after all he had done but this just proved that it wasn't enough yet.
he should've known better than to expect you to just stop loving him that easily. hell, how could you get over him, if he couldn't even go a single hour without thinking about you.
"okay then", bellamy said before everyone split up and went into different directions. you followed him, making sure you stayed behind.
"you know damn well that i'd be a great help. should've gotten your shit together and asked me", you mumbled and although he heard what you said, he decided not to respond.
you two were walking for a pretty long time, killing some birds on your way. obviously that wouldn't be enough for the entire camp to eat so you kept going. there wasn't much talking done either, you were able to work together without speaking, you had always been able to.
of course it was awkward, but it went fine until a loud sound rang through the woods. bellamy turned to you immediately, eyes wide as he grabbed your wrist and started running. despite having never left the camp, you knew that this was an alarm to warn about the yellow fog that was incredibly toxic and even deadly.
the two of you ran as fast as you could until bellamy noticed something in the ground that looked like a door to a bunker. he immediately pushed you in front of him and told you to go in, following closely as he rushed to close the door before the fog could get you. bellamy turned on his flashlight while your breath was shaky as you put a hand up to your heart. your athleticism wasn't an issue, your anxiety however was.
"y/n, are you okay?", bellamy asked softly as approached you, reaching for your shoulder but before he could touch you, you backed away.
"bellamy stop, stop doing this", he looked at you with a questioning expression on his face. "you know what i mean."
he simply shook his head, lowering it before quietly saying "i'm sorry, y/n, but i really don't. i just wanna make sure you're okay."
you huffed, did he even believe his own words? you were annoyed by his obliviousness and slid down the wall, he did the same oppositely from you.
neither of you said anything for some time but with every minute that passed, you feared that he would leave the bunker at the first chance he'd get, ruining your only opportunity to have the conversation you've been wanting to have for almost a year now.
"look, bellamy.. i just don't understand how you could do what you did. you're confusing me", you explained quietly, not wanting to look at him yet.
"i know, i don't understand either", he spoke back and as your eyes met, you could tell he wasn't lying. "i was angry, angry at everyone, even you. and i know that it wasn't fair, i wasn't treating you how i should have but when i lost everything, i was ashamed. you deserved better than that and i knew you wouldn't just let me go."
"literally what were you thinking?!  i was with you through any hardships you ever had to go through. what made you assume id just leave you, what made you think that after two years with you, i'd just abandon you. what for?! having a sister? i'm not the fucking council, you should know me better than that", you were angry but you didn't want to yell at him, you wanted this to work.
he sighed, he didn't know what to tell you. of course you were right, he fully agreed but what good would him agreeing do?
"talk to me, bellamy", you basically begged.
"i'm sorry, y/n. i have never regretted anything as much as breaking your heart. you were on my mind every single day", he said truthfully, not being able to look into your eyes as he spoke until he lifted his head. "if i could turn back time, i would. i am so sorry for ruining what we had."
you stared into his eyes, giving yourself time to think about what he just told you. you'd do anything to go back to how things were, you missed bellamy so much.
"me too", you then admitted. "you know, it would've been our three year anniversary a few days ago", you said and laughed slightly. bellamy smiled at you, oh how he had missed your laugh.
"i know", he said and reached into his pocket. "i didn't get you anything new and i know that i can't just regift something i already gave you years ago but i grabbed this when i asked you to come with me and i just.. didn't have time to give it to you yet."
you listened curiously, watching him pull out a silver necklace he once gave you. your mouth and eyes widened in excitement, it was your favourite piece of jewelry ever since you'd gotten it, but when you realized you didn't have it on you, you were sure you'd never see it again and it made you incredibly sad.
"oh my god, you took it with you? thank you so much, bellamy! i was missing it already", you admitted, excitement lacing your voice. he smiled again and handed you your necklace you put on immediately.
you smiled down at yourself, carefully grabbing the star charm.
"i missed seeing you like this, you are so beautiful, y/n", bellamy spoke quietly, you simply halted in your movement. your eyebrows were raised slightly as you looked at him, what was he doing?
"y/n, i know that i don't deserve your forgiveness, fuck, i don't even deserve you! but please, i'm begging you to forgive me for what i did. i don't expect it to be easy, but-"
"why did you ask me to come with you, bell?", you interrupted him. it took him a second before he chuckled and looked to the side, then focusing on you again.
"i spent so many months ignoring you, thinking i was making things so much better when i actually ruined us. i already told you that i thought about you every single day and i knew i wouldn't survive to go down here without you", he explained. "i know that it was incredibly selfish of me to bring you here and at first i didn't want to because i didn't want to expose you to all these dangers earth might bring. i wanted you to do better than me, that's why i distanced myself from you, but i was a fool to think this would work. the hold you have on me and my life is actually insane, y/n. when i had the opportunity to protect my sister and to take you down with me, i just-"
"wait, bellamy, why are you even here in the first place", you questioned. there was no way you wouldn't know about his mission but a janitor did.
his expression changed immediately, his jaw tensed and you could tell how scared he was to tell you, but he also didn't want to lie to you. not right now, not apart of this conversation.
"y/n, i messed up, okay.. i did things i regret and leaving you wasn't my only mistake, but i couldn't let my sister go to earth unprotected, alright? i had to make sure she was safe", he rambled immediately, panic lacing his voice. you on the other hand, only got more suspicious of him. "i shot chancellor jaha on shumway's request."
your eyes widened in shook, you couldn't believe what you just heard. "what, i-"
you wanted to be upset at him so bad but something in you couldn't. "is he.."
"i don't know, that was the goal", he answered quietly, not daring to look up.
"oh my god, bellamy! are you kidding me, you can't just shoot the chancellor, you can't shoot anybody actually!"
"y/n, i know, please. i know that i messed up but i can't change it anymore", he sighed before running his hand through his hair. by now, it was finally curly and loose again and you couldn't help but notice how good he looked. but that wasn't the point, not at all.
"do you though? you changed, bellamy. you have become someone i don't recognize, whats gotten into you?!", you got up from the ground, looking around helplessly. "first you shoot the chancellor and then you lead these kids in the aggressive way you do. do you even notice what you're creating?", at this point you were yelling, you didn't care anymore.
"y/n don't yell at me", he said but you just shook your head. he got up and approached you but you backed away like earlier.
"for fucks sake, stop telling me what to do! you're not my leader, if anything, you're my boyfriend, or ex boyfriend. hell, i don't even know what we are because you didn't have the fucking balls to actually break up with me before being an asshole. i have every right to yell at you", you hissed and you could see how much your words hurt him but bellamy wasn't gonna stay quiet this time.
"i never broke up with you because i didn't fucking want to. i didn't treat you like it but fuck, y/n i love you", he was raising his voice as well now.
"loved, you loved me, you don't anymore", you said and it seemed like this time, you went too far.
"shut the fuck up, y/n. don't say shit like that, don't disrespect me like that", he yelled at you, knowing full well that your disrespect wasn't even comparable to what he put you through. "don't accuse me of not loving you because i could never stop loving you. there wasn't a single day in the past five years where i didn't love you and you know that this is true, we both do!"
you bit your lip as you tried to calm yourself. the adrenaline was overwhelming at this point but still you somehow knew that he was right. you believed him.
"and you don't have to forgive me for what i did and for the way i'm leading these kids but you know damn well that i'd do anything for you and that i love you", his voice was softening again as he was calming down too. "and i know that you're not over me. you wouldn't have come with me, if you didn't love me at least a little bit."
you took a deep breath in, he was right. of course he was, but you couldn't just forgive and forget.
"y/n, baby, i'm not asking you to forget what i did, please don't. i just wanna know that i am right and that i still know you and most importantly; that i didn't ruin your life even more when i brought you down here", his voice got quieter and you could even hear it breaking towards the end of his sentence.
"yes, bellamy i still love you", you simply admitted, sad eyes meeting his right before he pulled you into his arms.
you didn't resist because you needed this, it was what you'd been seeking for all these months.
bellamy was relieved that you still loved him. he didn't expect everything to magically be amazing again but he knew that he hadn't lost you yet. he still had a chance for redemption and he was going to fix things. he was going to be a better man for you.
his strong arms were wrapped around you tightly, holding you against his chest as he also enjoyed feeling your touch again.
"i love you so much, y/n. i'll fix everything, okay? i will never hurt you ever again and we can work through this, if you want to. i missed you so much, baby", he said. his hand was now holding your cheek as he looked into your glossy eyes.
you nodded, believing him again.
you were hoping that he was saying the truth, that he would never mess it up again. you just wanted to love him again, but you weren't stupid, things, he would have to change first.
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
hi, i’m very happy to see that you’ve arrived at this safe place! stay as long as you want <3
while you’re already here, maybe check these two things out :)
⇾ requests
⇾ masterlist
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
Hello darling. I figure you didn't notice, but in the "falling asleep on them while they're streaming" hcs, you used she pronouns and the word woman in Wilbur's. No hate, just wanted to let you know. 🧡
heyy, thank you so much for telling me!!
i just saw this and i have corrected it now, absolutely did not mean to do that <33
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
will you be writing for vinnie hacker?
sorry for answering just now!!
but yes, i will write for vinnie hacker.
0 notes
heartybubs · 4 years ago
In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
no but this is so awesome!! the talent i—
toxic - sapnap x reader
+ this is an entry for the writing competition hosted by @salinesoot​! go and show them some love<3
++ DISCLAIMER; in no way do I claim that sapnap is addicted to any form of drugs. this is all just fiction! with that I hope you enjoy this longer story :)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: drug addict/ex-lovers au! addict!sapnap x addict!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: months after your break-up, nick reaches out to you to put a peaceful ending to the disastrous fall of your relationship. the meet-up is rough; you’re not willing to comply with anything he’s saying, and he just can’t seem to get over the state he sees you in once he arrives.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 5.952
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: !ADDICTION! drugs, alcohol, smoking, break-ups, swearing, manipulation (?), abandonment.
I want to put a very big emphasis on addiction, as I don’t want to trigger anyone! if you feel in any way uncomfortable with the things listed above, please don’t continue reading :) thank you.
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save your tears - the weeknd
so high - doja cat
apocalypse - cigarettes after sex
high - sivik
habits - tove lo
champagne problems - taylor swift
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Keep reading
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
240 Words to Describe Someone’s Tone/Voice
Abrasive - showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh
Absurd - wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
Accusatory - suggesting someone has done something wrong, complaining
Acerbic - sharp and forthright
Acidic - harsh or critical
Admiring - approving; think highly of; respectful; praising
Aggressive - hostile; determined; forceful; argumentative
Aggrieved -  angry and sad because you think you have been unfairly treated
Airy -  giving an impression of being unconcerned or not serious
Ambivalent - having mixed feelings; uncertain; in a dilemma; undecided
Amused - pleasantly; entertain or divert in an enjoyable or cheerful manner
Angry - incensed or enraged; threatening or menacing
Animated - full of life or excitement; lively; spirited; impassioned; vibrant
Anxious -  typically with a feeling of unease
Apathetic - showing little interest; lacking concern; indifferent; unemotional
Apologetic - full of regret; repentant; remorseful; acknowledging failure
Appreciative - grateful; thankful; showing pleasure; enthusiastic
Ardent - enthusiastic; passionate
Arrogant - pompous; disdainful; overbearing; condescending; vain; scoffing
Assertive - self-confident; strong-willed; authoritative; insistent
Authoritative - commanding and self-confident
Awestruck - amazed, filled with wonder/awe; reverential
Barbed - deliberately hurtful
Barking - utter a command or question abruptly or aggressively
Belligerent - hostile; aggressive; combatant
Benevolent - sympathetic; tolerant; generous; caring; well meaning
Bitter - angry; acrimonious; antagonistic; spiteful; nasty
Blasé - unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before
Bleak - without hope or encouragement; depressing; dreary
Bombastic - high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated
Booming - loud, deep, and resonant
Bored - to tire or make weary by being dull, repetitious, or uninteresting
Brash - self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way
Braying - speak or laugh loudly and harshly
Breathy - producing or causing an audible sound of breathing, often related to physical exertion or strong feelings
Breezy - appearing relaxed, informal, and cheerily brisk
Brittle - lacking warmth, sensitivity, or compassion; aloof
Bubbly - full of cheerful high spirits
Burbling - speak in an unintelligible or silly way, typically at unnecessary length
Callous - cruel disregard; unfeeling; uncaring; indifferent; ruthless
Candid - truthful, straightforward; honest; unreserved
Caustic - making biting, corrosive comments; critical
Cautionary - gives warning; raises awareness; reminding
Celebratory - praising; pay tribute to; glorify; honour
Chatty - informal; lively; conversational; familiar
Cheery - happy and optimistic
Childish - silly and immature
Chirping - say something in a lively and cheerful way
Clipped - speech that is fast, that uses short sounds and few words, and that is often unfriendly or rude
Cloying - disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment
Coarse - rude, crude, or vulgar
Colloquial - familiar; everyday language; informal; colloquial; casual
Comic - humorous; witty; entertaining; diverting
Compassionate - sympathetic; empathetic; warm-hearted; tolerant; kind
Complex - having many varying characteristics; complicated
Compliant - agree or obey rules; acquiescent; flexible; submissive
Concerned - worried; anxious; apprehensive
Conciliatory - intended to placate or pacify; appeasing
Condescending - stooping to the level of one’s inferiors; patronising
Confused - unable to think clearly; bewildered; vague
Contemptuous - showing contempt; scornful; insolent; mocking
Crisp - briskly decisive and matter-of-fact, without hesitation or unnecessary detail
Critical - finding fault; disapproving; scathing; criticizing
Croaking - a characteristic deep hoarse sound
Cruel - causing pain and suffering; unkind; spiteful; severe
Curious - wanting to find out more; inquisitive; questioning
Curt - rudely brief
Cynical - scornful of motives/virtues of others; mocking; sneering
Defensive - defending a position; shielding; guarding; watchful
Defiant - obstinate; argumentative; defiant; contentious
Demeaning - disrespectful; undignified
Depressing - sad, melancholic; discouraging; pessimistic
Derisive - snide; sarcastic; mocking; dismissive; scornful
Detached - aloof; objective; unfeeling; distant
Dignified - serious; respectful; formal; proper
Diplomatic - tactful; subtle; sensitive; thoughtful
Disapproving - displeased; critical; condemnatory
Disheartening - discouraging; demoralising; undermining; depressing
Disparaging - dismissive; critical; scornful
Direct - straightforward; honest
Disappointed - discouraged; unhappy because something has gone wrong
Discordant - harsh and jarring because of a lack of harmony
Dispassionate - impartial; indifferent; unsentimental; cold; unsympathetic
Dispirited - having lost enthusiasm and hope; disheartened
Distressing - heart-breaking; sad; troubling
Docile - compliant; submissive; deferential; accommodating
Drawling - speak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds
Dulcet - sweet and soothing
Dull - lacking interest or excitement
Earnest - showing deep sincerity or feeling; serious
Egotistical - self-absorbed; selfish; conceited; boastful
Empathetic - understanding; kind; sensitive
Encouraging - optimistic; supportive
Enthusiastic - excited; energetic
Evasive - ambiguous; cryptic; unclear
Excited - emotionally aroused; stirred
Facetious - inappropriate; flippant
Farcical - ludicrous; absurd; mocking; humorous and highly improbable
Feathery - extremely light and soft or delicate
Flippant - superficial; glib; shallow; thoughtless; frivolous
Forceful - powerful; energetic; confident; assertive
Formal - respectful; stilted; factual; following accepted styles/rules
Frank - honest; direct; plain; matter-of-fact
Fretful - expressing distress or irritation
Frustrated - annoyed; discouraged
Gentle - kind; considerate; mild; soft
Ghoulish - delighting in the revolting or the loathsome
Glum - dejected; morose
Goofy - foolish; harmlessly eccentric
Grating - harsh and unpleasant
Gravelly - deep and rough-sounding
Grim - serious; gloomy; depressing; lacking humour;macabre
Growling - low grating voice, typically in a threatening manner
Gruff - rough and low in pitch
Gullible - naive; innocent; ignorant
Guttural - produced in the throat; harsh-sounding
Hard - unfeeling; hard-hearted; unyielding
Harsh - cruel or severe
Hearty - loudly vigorous and cheerful
Hoarse - sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or of shouting
Honeyed - soothing, soft, and intended to please or flatter
Humble - deferential; modest
Humorous - amusing; entertaining; playful
Husky - sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse
Hypercritical - unreasonably critical; hair splitting; nitpicking
Impartial - unbiased; neutral; objective
Impassioned - filled with emotion; ardent
Imploring - pleading; begging
Impressionable - trusting; child-like
Inane - silly; foolish; stupid; nonsensical
Incensed - enraged
Incredulous - disbelieving; unconvinced; questioning; suspicious
Indifferent - having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned
Indignant - annoyed; angry; dissatisfied
Informative - instructive; factual; educational
Insinuating - suggest or hint in an indirect and unpleasant way
Inspirational - encouraging; reassuring
Intense - earnest; passionate; concentrated; deeply felt
Intimate - familiar; informal; confidential; confessional
Ironic - the opposite of what is meant
Irreverent - lacking respect for things that are generally taken seriously
Jaded - bored; having had too much of the same thing; lack enthusiasm
Joyful - positive; optimistic; cheerful; elated
Jubilant - expressing great happiness and triumph
Judgmental - critical; finding fault; disparaging
Laudatory - praising; recommending
Lifeless - lacking vigor, vitality, or excitement
Light-Hearted - carefree; relaxed; chatty; humorous
Lively - full of life and energy; active and outgoing
Loving - affectionate; showing intense, deep concern
Macabre - gruesome; horrifying; frightening
Malicious - desiring to harm others or to see others suffer; ill-willed; spiteful
Matter-of-fact - unemotional and practical
Mean-Spirited - inconsiderate; unsympathetic
Mellifluous - sweet or musical; pleasant to hear
Melodious - pleasant-sounding
Mocking - scornful; ridiculing; making fun of someone
Monotonous - lacking in variation in tone or pitch
Mourning - grieving; lamenting; woeful
Muffled - not loud because of being obstructed in some way; muted
Naive - innocent; unsophisticated; immature
Narcissistic - self-admiring; selfish; boastful; self-pitying
Nasty - unpleasant; unkind; disagreeable; abusive
Negative - unhappy, pessimistic
Nonchalant - casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm
Nostalgic - thinking about the past; wishing for something from the past
Objective - without prejudice; without discrimination; fair; based on fact
Obsequious - overly obedient and/or submissive; fawning; grovelling
Oily - unpleasantly smooth and ingratiating
Optimistic - hopeful; cheerful
Outraged - angered and resentful; furious; extremely angered
Outspoken - frank; candid; spoken without reserv
Pathetic - expressing pity, sympathy, tenderness
Patronizing - condescending; scornful; pompous
Pensive - reflective; introspective; philosophical; contemplative
Persuasive - convincing; eloquent; influential; plausible
Pessimistic - seeing the negative side of things
Philosophical - theoretical; analytical; rational; logical
Piping - high-pitched.
Playful - full of fun and good spirits; humorous; jesting
Pragmatic - realistic; sensible
Pretentious - affected; artificial; grandiose; rhetorical; flashy
Quavering - shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion
Querulous - complaining in a petulant or whining manner
Rasping - harsh-sounding and unpleasant; grating
Reedy - high and thin in tone
Refined -  elegant; cultured
Regretful - apologetic; remorseful
Resentful - aggrieved; offended; displeased; bitter
Resigned - accepting; unhappy
Restrained - controlled; quiet; unemotional
Reverent - showing deep respect and esteem
Righteous - morally right and just; guiltless; pious; god-fearing
Robust - strong and healthy; vigorous
Saccharine - excessively sweet or sentimental
Satirical - making fun to show a weakness; ridiculing; derisive
Sarcastic - scornful; mocking; ridiculing
Scathing - critical; stinging; unsparing; harsh
Scornful - expressing contempt or derision; scathing; dismissive
Scratchy - rough; grating
Sensationalist - provocative; inaccurate; distasteful
Sentimental - thinking about feelings, especially when remembering the past
Shrill - high-pitched and piercing
Silvery - gentle, clear, and melodious
Sincere - honest; truthful; earnest
Skeptical - disbelieving; unconvinced; doubting
Smarmy -  excessively or unctuously flattering; ingratiating; servile
Smoky - a raspy, coarse and tone of quality that is deeper than usual
Snide - derogatory or mocking in an indirect way
Solemn - not funny; in earnest; serious
Somber - oppressively solemn or sober in mood; grave
Sonorous - imposingly deep and full
Sour - resentment, disappointment, or anger
Steely - coldly determined; hard
Strident - loud and harsh; grating
Stony - not having or showing feeling or sympathy
Suave - charming, confident, and elegant
Subjective - prejudiced; biased
Submissive - compliant; passive; accommodating; obedient
Sulking - bad-tempered; grumpy; resentful; sullen
Surly - bad-tempered and unfriendly
Sympathetic - compassionate; understanding of how someone feels
Thoughtful - reflective; serious; absorbed
Throaty - deep and rasping
Tolerant - open-minded; charitable; patient; sympathetic; lenient
Tragic - disastrous; calamitous
Tremulous - shaking or quivering slightly
Unassuming - modest; self-effacing; restrained
Unctuous - excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug
Uneasy - worried; uncomfortable; edgy; nervous
Urgent - insistent; saying something must be done soon
Velvety - soft; smooth
Vindictive - vengeful; spiteful; bitter; unforgiving
Virtuous - lawful; righteous; moral; upstanding
Whimsical - quaint; playful; mischievous; offbeat
Witty - clever; quick-witted; entertaining
Wonder - awe-struck; admiring; fascinating
World-Weary - bored; cynical; tired
Worried - anxious; stressed; fearful
Wretched - miserable; despairing; sorrowful; distressed
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
um maybe you can write a lil seperate headcanons where wilbur and fundy are streaming a game of among us/or minecraft and they ask the reader, who happens to be their long time crush, what qualities they like about them. like i can imagine the reader taking about wilburs love of music or maybe them and fundy have matching strands of blonde hair.
a/n — omg yes!! thanks for your request and i hope you like what i did with it :). if not, i’m sorry. it’s 4am and i’m just d o n e.
type — fluff
pronouns — none mentioned
warnings — none
summary — the boys ask their longtime crush what their favourite thing about them is and did not expect such answers
includes — fundy, wilbur
- him and you are chilling on the dream smp while in a vc
- he helps you building a mushroom pet shack because he found some inspiration for it and thought it would fit your houses vibe
- of course he’d think of you immediately, you’re always on his mind
- you two would probably fool around a bit, insulting each other as a joke when he hits you with
- “you only use me for my incredible building skills, don’t you? i bet you can’t name a single quality about me that you like”
- “oh, you want to fight, fundy?”
- chat is popping off at this point
- first thing you say is how he always makes sure to spend time with you at least once a day, even though you can’t even see each other in real life
- second is how excited he gets when the stuff he builds or codes actually works
- then you mention his light strains and how you thought about dying parts of your hair to match with him
- he interrupts you when you start talking about the fourth thing and he has said your name higher than anyone else ever has
- mans is blushing so so hard and chat is snitching on him
- “fundy, you’re literally my favourite furry ever, okay? will forever be that”
- he has passed.
- no but that actually gave him the courage to tell you about his feelings after stream
- you’re playing the first time on the origin mod smp
- you picked the merling as well as niki cause bestie things, am i right
- he’s already melting when he sees your new mermaid skins
- literally brings you ANY material you’ll ask for because you can’t get out of the water
- chat has never called a man simp this often in the history of twitch.
- you two go into a separate vc to go on a trip to the ocean to get coral blocks and underwater plants
- even there he doesn’t stop sneaking up on you
- when you go back and it RAINS he forces you to go take a night walk with him to the flowers
- “y/n, what is your favourite quality about me?”
- “wilbur, i can’t just pick one, y’know?”
- blushes so so so hard at this
- “but maybe your passion for music and how talented you are when it comes to that. your songs always help me a lot”
- that means so much to him
- “maybe how you take care of your friends and show them that you are worried about them. or for example how you make sure that tommy is safe and stuff. i also appreciate how you text me every evening and ask, if i have eaten enough”
- he did NOT expect you to keep talking
- “dude, do you even know how funny-“
- “y/n please stop talking, i’m gonna have a heart attack”
- “wilbur, i’m just talking about how much i appreciate the amazing person you-“
- “chat, i will end the stream now cause twitch will probably ban my account, if i pass away mid-stream and i don’t want that to happen”
- he kept playing a bit with you and couldn’t stop thinking about what you’d said the whole night
- wilbur literally couldn’t sleep cause he got so giddy about it
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
hey !! just thought i'd let you know anon asks arent on, mobile doesn't allow you to turn off/on anon but if you use a web browser (ex. safari) or desktop you should be able to turn it on !!!
thank you so much!! i think i fixed it now so i guess anonymous ask are enabled
if anyone cares lmao
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heartybubs · 4 years ago
type — fluff
pronouns — caring!sapnap x f!reader | she/ her
warnings — readers body is not bigger than 'medium' cause it probably wouldn't go with the plot, i'm sorry <3
summary — y/n spends sapnap’s stream on his lap because he’s worried she’ll put herself under too much pressure, if he doesn’t look after her
a/n — can someone pls tell me, if i ACTUALLY enabled anonymous asks? i am lost lol. i also hate this so much
your head hurt, your hand felt numb and you were one more missed assignment away from crying. school was stressing you a lot since the year was about to end and they wanted to make sure that every student got through it despite covid-19.
it was only 6pm but you had been doing homework for more than 8 hours already, even seeing some of them turning into missing assignments because your teachers apparently thought it was cool to not have any structure and making them due to the most random times.
the last time sapnap had checked on you was when you guys had lunch. you actually didn't plan on eating anything before you weren't done with biology, history, maths and english but he forced you to eat something, claiming you wouldn't get done until tonight anyways and he was right. even though you hadn't eaten a lot, you were glad that your boyfriend took care of you when you were too stressed to do it yourself.
sapnap was currently streaming minecraft with his camera on. it was a chill stream after he had recorded a new challenge with dream and george and although it could've been distracting him from you, it didn't. he texted you almost every 30 minutes and asked you, how you were feeling and if you needed something but when he hadn't gotten a text back for a bit over an hour, he decided to go into the kitchen to check up on you.
"guys, i'll leave you for a quick second because i need to look after y/n. i'll be right back", was what he said as he got up and left his room. when he entered the kitchen, he closed his eyes for a second and sighed before he walked up to you. you hadn't noticed him yet because you had sunken too deep into your homework.
"hey babe", be mumbled softly, putting his arms around you. you didn't respond and only leaned back against him, which made him pull you closer. "you need a break, okay?"
you considered it and nodded slightly. "yeah, i'll just get on my phone for a few minutes", you agreed and went to grab your phone but a kiss on your shoulder made you hesitate.
"no, y/n. i won't leave you with your homework, we both know that the break wouldn't be a break if i did. you will come with me. i want you to come with me and chill for the rest of the day", he explained, grabbed your hand and pulled you from your chair to get you to follow him.
"but your stream—"
"don't be silly. they love you more than me but if you want i can end it, i'm cool with that", your boyfriend offered but you just shook your head.
chat could hear the door open, since sapnap had forgotten to mute his mic earlier and only a few seconds later, they were also able to see the streamer and his girlfriend of almost two years. as you got closer to the screen, you could read some of the chat and spotted a lot of messages directed to you, some even worried.
“i’m back and i brought y/n with me because she never listens and i need to make sure that she gets her well deserved break”, he told them and sat down on his chair. you were standing next to him, zoned out due to your headache but he didn’t mind.
two hands were positioned on your sides before nick pulled you on his lap, making sure you were comfortable and secure.
your legs were dangling on his left while your head was lightly resting on his right shoulder. your fingers were playing with one of the straps hanging from his hoodie while he continued the game he was playing. he asked you how you were doing and if you needed something but when you declined and he looked down at you, he could tell that you didn’t have enough energy left to ask for anything, so he pressed a soft kiss on your skin and ignored the chat calling him a simp.
there were times where the game got him really upset but he didn’t want to startle you, which is why he kept quiet every single time. he had a hard time holding back his singing but when chat told him to sing to you, to help you fall sleep, he immediately did.
“okay chat, fuck y’all for calling me a simp when i’m just trying to take care of my girl. i hate you for this”, sapnap said and put his arms around you tightly. “i’ll get off now, bye!”
he sighed quietly when the stream was finally done and halted before his gaze fell upon your peacefully sleeping figure. as he did so often, he kissed your forehead and got up to carry you over to the bed, when he noticed your eyes opening a little.
“i love you. please stop putting so much pressure on yourself, alright? good night, babe.”
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