heartoutmindout · 5 years
i wish i knew what year i wrote this but okay little me i’m 5 or 6 years late but i’ll try
I made this when I was drunk so maybe sober me should do what drunk me wants and write about my feelings
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heartoutmindout · 5 years
years later, same feeling. don’t give up on more.
“do you ever just want more? like lately I want more. I want more sleep. I want more friends. I want more music. I want more fun. I want more feelings. I just want more life. and that scares me a little bit because what if I always want more but won’t ever get more? and it also excites me because I know there’s more out there and I’m ready for that more.”
— so-lost-in-you
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heartoutmindout · 8 years
to me it's just a screen but what's underneath? what makes it work?
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
I do have a life I just don't remember where I put it
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
how did I lose myself if I never even found myself?
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
I need to be a fan of me
I’m spend a lot of time being a fan of other people but I think it’s time I learn how to be a fan of myself
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
me yesterday: I need to figure my life out me today: I need to figure my life out me tomorrow: I need to figure my life out
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
the internet consumes so much of our lives I'm getting so sick of it but also I can't stop it
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
I've only known you for a few blurry hours but the thought of never seeing you again hurts
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
I absolutely hate how negative thoughts can be such a bully like hey maybe let me do what I want and stop being such a downer
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
I made this when I was drunk so maybe sober me should do what drunk me wants and write about my feelings
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
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heartoutmindout · 9 years
after a while I start to feel alone even when I'm surrounded by people
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