heartofascot · 8 years
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I’ll be eighty seven, you’ll be eighty nine
I’ll still look at you like the stars that shine in the sky
Oh my my my
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heartofascot · 8 years
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                dark eyes alight, red lips carving a path upwards as arms reach forth to twine about one of her companions. it seems royalty at court has a habit of coming to hostilities---- but mary would like to change that.    she has so few family, so few friends, left. ( in her heart, she would like to change that as well )
                 ‘ i know this MARVELOUS tailor in the village---- we could make a day of it !! order a few new dresses, add some pastries from the bakery and a stroll around the square, and it shall be perfect. ‘
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heartofascot · 8 years
a list of michelle’s merry muses:
padme amidala, star wars: main, active
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tessa gray, the infernal devices/the mortal instruments: active
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mary stuart, reign: active
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poe dameron, star wars: soon to be active again!
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heartofascot · 8 years
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I haven’t even been around around a year & yet you all are here???? I think you have the wrong blog. I have made so many friend’s since making cat & I just feel so welcomed. I have so much fun with all my interactions & I can’t wait for all that’s too come. <3 Under the cut is a LARGE list because I’ve never really done a large one before. ( also look at my non shitty edit ) I kinda just went in alphabetical order.( & i am certain i missed people. BUT I LOVE YOU ALL )
Keep reading
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heartofascot · 8 years
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“…yet this seven-times-damned                                             she-wolf Catelyn Stark had                                                                             OUTWITTED him at every turn.”
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heartofascot · 8 years
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                         “ just keep your eyes on me. “
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heartofascot · 8 years
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“ perhaps it is… the view is breathtaking. ”
           as he speaks, louis fails to DIVERT his eyes from mary. he only realizes it once the words have fallen from his lips. of course, he had been speaking of the queen herself. but she could never KNOW that. he could not admit it to her. his heart never failed to choose one out of reach. & mary certainly is just that. like their hands upon the balustrade, they are so close, yet so  f a r .  she is untouchable. as he contemplates this, his gaze drifts back out into the darkening sky.
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                    it is when she turns to agree with him, a barely-there smile curving her lips skyward, that she sees his gaze set upon herself.  chocolate hues cast briefly downwards, an attempt to gather her thoughts as she feels them SCATTER.         “ i think so, too. “          the words are soft, HONEST, and murmured as her gaze raises back up to him, the grounds sprawling before the pair of them---- forgotten.  despite his attentions upon the turn of evenfall, she takes the opportunity to admire his profile;       so caught up, not even the first pinprick of STARS is enough to divert her gaze.
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heartofascot · 8 years
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                       THE COLD AIR IS NIPPING AT HER NOSE, especially on the wet skin from the snow. she does quite ENJOY the bursts of air that touch her skin, seeing as how she’d loved to run in the snow back home. it wasn’t particularly lady like, so the little time she’d gotten to do it was more than she could enjoy. the sight of falling snow always at least calmed her nerves. a false GLARE is sent in the queen’s direction. ❛ shall we put snow down your back to see how much FUN that is, your GRACE?  ❜ she calls over, taunting her friend’s clumsy feet. ❛ & soak kenna’s dress? sounds like a  p l a n  to me,  ❜ she smirks, hurrying over to mary & smiling brightly. ❛ i believe greer should come through eventually, looking for you i’m sure.  ❜
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               the chill is bringing the steady thrum of NUMBNESS to her extremities---- particularly her fingers covered in now-damp mittens. but it is TOO BEAUTIFUL and she is simply enjoying herself too much to care. and while the threat of snow going down her back inspires her to draw her cloak in closer, her grin is full of mischief.        “you’re WELCOME to it, lola---- but only if you catch me first !! “   she is well aware of her lacking grace upon the slick surface, but she is also confident that if she’s caught she shalln’t be the only one dripping from snow melt.         “ excellent. though if we surprise kenna as thoroughly as i hope, we may have to promise her a new dress.  and they’ll both be FIERCE in their counterattacks, no doubt. “
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heartofascot · 8 years
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        ❝  that sounds delightful! when the first snows come we m u s t go sledding together! i am not certain ( where ) we shall find a sled, but perhaps we can have someone make one for us. now i am even more EXCITED to see the snows once more! honestly, it has been far too long since last i laid eyes on a snow-coated landscape. to see even a dusting of white would fill my heart with JOY. ❞
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                “ of course !! it ought not be too difficult to find someone who can make use one---- perhaps a carpenter? the design is quite simple, really. and then we shall have another MARVELOUS way to enjoy the snowfall !! when was the last time snows graces the land, lady sansa? such a sight it must be---- akin to a HOMECOMING for you. “
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heartofascot · 8 years
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Inspired by [ x ]
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heartofascot · 8 years
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                     when u realize that all of mary’s surviving ladies have babies or are pregnant and mary’s just... oka y sure i’m fiNE 
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heartofascot · 8 years
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NEVER LOVE ANYONE THE WAY I LOVE YOU, a season 3 compilation/fanmix for our beloved golden king, francis, and his strong queen, mary. first 7 tracks are songs played throughout their various scenes in the first 5 episodes of the season, and francis and mary’s theme from the very first season is also included. the other tracks are songs i feel fit their circumstances in season 3, or just overall. i hope y’all enjoy what is quite possibly my very last frary fanmix ever! ♔ [ l i s t e n ]
❝ i shall cease my song now           my sad lament shall end       whose burden aye shall show           true love can not pretend       and though we are apart           grows no less in my heart ❞
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heartofascot · 8 years
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You deserve what I gave you!
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heartofascot · 8 years
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I have a duty to those who would die for me. Regardless of my personal happiness.
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heartofascot · 8 years
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I want to dance with you.
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heartofascot · 8 years
REGALLY places a starter call down riiiiight here.
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heartofascot · 8 years
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queens at their court tbh
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