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PT Intership Questionaire
What has inspired or motivated you to become a Personal Trainer?
Ever since I started being heavily involved in weight training and finding the joy of personally giving advices about general fitness to others, I have always been inspired of becoming a Personal Trainer and found the opportunity to share my experiences and knowledge that I've learned throughout my years of training to be a great deal of honor.
Now that I have graduated from a Bachelor's degree in Architectural studies at the University of Auckland and had enough work experiences in that respective field, I decided to temporarily put my career's path aside for a while to start working towards what I was truly passionate about, which is weight training and expanding my overall knowledge about health and fitness.
As someone aspiring to eventually compete in the IFBB men's physique class, has an Instagram and blog page dedicated for fitness along with finding pleasure to contribute the things that I've learned along my journey to others, it made sense to me that choosing a career in the field that I am passionate about was the right thing to do.
What do you think makes a GREAT Personal Trainer?
My main thoughts of what makes a great personal trainer is having the ability to understand the needs of others along with possessing the right knowledge to help them reach those goals. Acknowledging that there is so much to learn in the fitness world is accepting the fact that there isn't simply one method, one diet or one specific way of training that works universally; everyone is different and being able to adapt specifically for the needs of others is what makes a personal trainer great in my opinion.
What also consists of what makes a great Personal Trainer is having the flexibility and commitment to revolve your lifestyle around the goals of others, meaning that a great Personal Trainer must be prepared to travel a long distance to meet his client if needed, work during inconvenient hours (either very early or late during the day) or having the passion to research information that will help and facilitate the person you are working with to reach his/her goals.
What current fitness activities or sport are you currently partaking in?
I am currently heavily involved in strength training and bodybuilding (or hypertrophy training). Other sports that I do on the side includes boxing, Brazilian jiu jitsu, MMA and tennis.
Name 3 things a good PT should always remember?
1. A PT should always remember that teaching key principles is always better than advising on specific methods. What I mean by that is that regardless of what a persons goal may be, seeing the bigger picture and realising that gaining muscle, losing fat or any other goals you may have is a much more efficient approach than to describe a specific way or method of doing things. For example there is no point in advising on someone who wants to build bigger biceps on whether they should use a wider or more narrow grip if that person doesn't understand the concept of progressive tension overload or on how muscle hypertrophy actually works.
2. A PT should always remember that working towards a goal is a like a marathon, not a sprint. Much too often I hear about Personal Trainers pushing their clients to their limits on almost every workouts that they have and pressuring them to stick to a specific regimen diet; in my opinion this is a quite an inefficient way of approaching a goal and will either lead the person to either quit or being exhausted in the long run. As famous entrepreneur Tim Ferris puts it "the decent method that you follow is better than the perfect method that you quit", basically finding a program that someone is going to enjoy doing and stick with is a much better approach than giving one that they are never going to follow.
3.A PT should always remember to keep growing and evolving. Whether that is to be updated with the latest findings and research on health and fitness or to expand your network of people, a Personal Trainer should always focus on delivering and contributing the best service that they can provide.
Once you've graduated from FIT College, what are your goals as a Personal Trainer?
Amongst some of the goals I will have after graduating from FIT college like competing in IFBB men's physique, expanding my blog with new research and findings, the main one I have would be to be to focus on working as a gym instructor and take this opportunity to introduce to others a different way or approach about what it truly means to be fit and healthy.
There are still a lot of misconceptions and dogmas revolving around the health and fitness world and I see that a lot of people are still stuck in some of the old indoctrinations that we were lead to believe ever since we started being involved in fitness. The saying for example that eating less and exercising more will lead to a reduction in fat tissues or that eating 5 - 6 meals a day is the most beneficial approach to bodybuilders has been around forever, and I believe that these ways of thinking have been a very inefficient approach and arguably counterproductive towards achieving ones goal.
In order to lose fat or build muscle, I believe that it is crucial to think from a different perspective and understand how the body functions in terms of how hormones work and how it is being affected through diet and exercise. It is only then when we start understanding more about hormones and how our bodies responds to different methods of training and dieting (i.e HIIT training, intermittent fasting diet, how enzymes and insulin affects protein absorption, sleep affecting cortisol level etc) that we can finally start build a more solid approach towards what we want to achieve.
As someone who will have the opportunity to become a gym instructor after I graduate, my main goal towards bringing more awareness in that method of thinking would be a great honor.
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My top health supplements
I believe that an overlooked aspect in the general fitness community is the importance of health supplements can indrectly have towards your athletic goals. The term 'longevity' is often neglected when talking about bodybuilding and powerlifting due to the fact that shear athletic and physical performance takes precedence over health combined with poor marketing research in the fitness community. Regardless whether you are a lifter or not, you will find that these supplements I am about to list can have a positive effect on your general wellbeing, and without any particular order, those are my top health supplements that I use:
1. Magnesium: responsible for 300 enzyme systems that regulates various biochemical reactions in the body, statistics shows that over 68% of Americans do not meet the daily recommended dose of magnesium. Benefits include increases protein synthesis, controls blood pressure and regulates muscle and nerve functions.
2. Fish oil: Omega - 3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements helps regulating cholesterol levels by increasing HDL and decreasing LDL. Also lowers down triglycerides, blood pressure and also enhances mood functions.
3. Turmeric: as a supplement based spice, turmeric should be consumed with piperine for better absorption of the extracted natural chemical ingredient called curcumin (most pill supplements provide that combination already). Benefits include anti - inflammatory effects, anti - cancer properties along with slowing down cognitive decline.
4. Spirulina: found in the extract of algae, spirulina is one of the most potent nutrient source available. Rich in phytonutrient which include carotenoids, GLA, SOD and phycocyanin.
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Getting a good night's sleep
I know that many of us have experienced problems sleeping at some point in our lives (or currently), and while some may have experienced it only for a short term, others have been suffering from insomnia as a more chronic matter. Although there are different terms for all the sleeping problems out there, I find that the approach on how to get a better nights sleep works universally for everyone, and while I may not go into specific details regarding the health benefits and detriments of not getting enough adequate sleep, I will go ahead and present my own methods on how I approach my bed time routine:
1. Switching off any electronic devices 30mins before bed:
While this one might be obvious, so many people forget the fact on how blue lights really affects with our endocrine system, keeping our cortisol levels high and therefore making us stay awake. That also includes avoiding bright lights from rooms etc.
2. Eat carbohydrates before going to bed:
The myth goes that if you consume carbohydrate before going to bed, your insulin will spike and therefore keep your energy levels high which in turn hinder your ability to go to bed. What most don't realise is that a spike of insulin also results with an after crash effect, resulting in an increase in melatonin production (sleep hormone) and serotonin levels (neurotransmitter responsible for mood levels). Although we all react differently to insulin, I would say a good rule of thumb would along the lines of consuming carbohydrates an hour before going to bed, therefore allowing your insulin levels to drop by then.
3. Have a pre relaxation ritual before going to bed:
I have emphasised before on how training the mind is just as important as training the body, having a pre bed ritual, whether that is doing yoga, meditating, breathing exercises etc plays a huge factor on how your sleep will be affected. I tend to personally not have a problem falling asleep but more often than not I find myself awake for a long period of time during the middle of night. I have not created a disciplined routine on how to deal with that particular issue that I have but I find that meditating come as a huge benefit when it comes to falling asleep again.
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It’s been a while since the first time I’ve seen this video but I find this one to still be one of the most influential video when it comes to showing gratitude towards what you have and not take anything for granted. It is still very rare that I implement these techniques into my daily life and perhaps it’s a good reminder that I should start taking them more seriously.
For me personally I feel that I take my health and wellbeing for granted, I always have the thought of trying to get to the next athletic level without realising how lucky I am to have the ability to do all the things that I am doing. Same thing goes with the amount of possessions you've got, relationship with people you have, status you obtained etc, all of these are taken for granted by not taking a step back and realising how most of us are already lucky with what we've got.
3 mental exercises that will help you see your life in a more positive light, watch the video and you’ll see what I mean ;)
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I found an mma/bjj gym right next door to where I live which opened a few months ago. This was my first time training jiu jitsu again since the last 6 months, and although I was one of the few that was carrying a belt ranked higher than a white belt (including the teacher), I felt like a complete beginner as my fitness level felt like I have never trained in my life before. It was almost an embarassing experience as this would not be expected from a blue belt level. This just shows that you can never be comfortable at the level you're at even though you've been doing this for years; I've got a whole lot to improve on but this is only the beginning of a new journey.
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I haven’t posted in a while but I thought of sharing this video featuring Joe Rogan attempting for the first time the breathing method of the famous figure named Wim Hoff. I am yet waiting to finish a book that I am reading that covers the science behind breathing properly before being able to explain in depth why breathing the right way is so important in the first place for both your health and fitness, but for those that are interested in making the most out of your breathing in the meantime the perfect book that covers all the science behind it is called “the oxygen advantage” by Patrick Mckeown.
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"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new"
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The pen is mightier than the sword like they say. I wanted to share this video that talks about a simple trick to let go of past events that affected you on an emotional level. I personally struggled with a few things I wished I could’ve let go more easily, particularly toxic relationships I’ve had with people in the past despite not having been affected physically. I’ve moved on from these events a long time ago for but for future references I would recommend using the technique in this video in order to clear your mind more easily. Featuring Jordan Peterson (one of my personal favourite psychologist/ political activist)
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Flow State - The Superpower Skill
Ever wonder how people who are masters at their crafts make a particular task look so easy and effortless, whether that is a chef preparing a five star meal, a tennis player returning a fast serving ball at a precise location to the opposite court, or a boxer evading all of his opponents punches as if time slowed down? What they all have in comnon is a particular skill that can be applied towards basically any tasks you're doing at hand called 'flow state'.
Flow state is an optimal state that differs from our everyday default state of waking consciousness. Also known as being 'in the zone', Flow state happens when we become fully immersed in the task that we're doing at hand where our level of concentration is at its peak and everything else around us simply fades away.
The benefits of experiencing flow state can lead to a tremendous shift in ones quality of life, emotional stability, productivity, and commitment to your long term goals. Our senses sharpen, time seem to dilate or 'slow down', our aspects of performance are heightened and we become less distracted from our default mode of 'mind wandering' state.
So how do we enter flow state?
Just like every else in life, the more you practice at something the better you become good at it. Understanding that flow state takes places on the border between alpha and theta waves in our brains (see chart in previous post) means that it can be achieved through working on our minds rather than through an external medium such as a physical skill or attribute we must harness. I have always been a huge advocate of meditation and perhaps I would argue that mastering the skill of mediation would be the main path to achieving not only the quality of our experience with flow state, but also it's onset duration and frequency of occurrence (more on meditation in another article). Reducing stress and distractions in our lives would be another factor affecting our ability to enter flow state. And lastly as I have mentioned before, practicing the actual task you want to be good at will also aid in the process of entering flow state more frequently.
Personally practicing mma and eventually hoping to compete in the near future, flow state is an essential skill I will need to cultivate in order to stay calm and focused in a fight. Notable fighters I can think of that uses flow state effectively are Anderson Silva, Fedor Emelianenko and Conor McGregor.
#flow #mindset #psychology #mind #paradigmshift
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I was doing some research about the next post I was going to write about regarding flow state, and I came across this chart that discerns the different spectrum of brain waves and where the mental state of flow state sits within. Thought it would be a good idea sharing this prior to writing about my post as it covers some essential aspects of the topic.
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"People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are"
Steve Jobs
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Great video that teaches the various kinds of focus, why understanding the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic tasks are crucial for productivity and how setting a priority list will make you more efficient in life.
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The one super food in the fruit spectrum that stands out the most would be no doubt the kiwi fruit.
According to proper researches and studies, kiwi fruits have been proven to have the following benefits:
1. Kiwi fruits contain a higher content of vitamin C, E and K than oranges
2. Kiwi fruit has high levels of fibre which aids digestion of proteins and gastric emptying
3. The consumption of kiwi fruits before bed time has been shown to improve sleep onset, sleep duration and sleep quality
4. Studies have shown that regular consumptions of kiwi fruits aids in mood improvement
5. Other benefits of cosuming kiwi fruits include enhance immunity, reduce risk of catching colds and flu like illnesses
With all the proven benefits, kiwi fruits are perhaps the most under rated fruits or even food when it comes to all the health benefits it provides. With that in mind, kiwi fruits should deserve a higher praise, at least from most of the population that is not allergic to it that could benefit more from adding them into their diets.
#nutrition #health #kiwifruit #diet
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Stress - the no.1 killer for progress
Although the feeling of stress can come in various forms, more often than not we are susceptible to the negative aspect of stress, the ones doing you more harm than good more so than what would be considered on a healthy level. So here are some quick reasons why you should remove as much unnecessary stress in your life as possible:
Constant exposure of stress has been shown to affect the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for memory and reasoning.
The feeling of stress is responsible for the elevation of cortisol levels, which directly interferes with a lower immune system, higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, weight gain and heart disease.
Stress diminishes the quality of ones sleep, happiness and energy levels, which in turn increases cortisol levels, thus creating a cycle that repeats itself.
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"Repetition carries out conviction"
Robert Collier
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Key sources of motivation
It is without saying that a lack of motivation means a lack of resolve towards your goals. In one of my previous article I have covered some aspects of how having your values and principles can determine your level of resolve, in this article though I will cover 3 more ways you can harness your motivation even further:
1. Write down your goals: it is said that having your goals written down on a piece of paper will make the subject more likely to stick with it as opposed to keeping your goals in your head. Posting your list of goals on social media and sharing it with others in your life is also another method that increases someone’s resolve of sticking with their initial plans. A tip when writing your list down is that you set a specific concrete goal as opposed to something more abstract and less tangible (i.e I will increase my squats by 5kg by the end of the month as opposed to I’m going to be stronger by the end of the year). Having your goals be more specific will make the task more concrete and achievable.
2. Enjoy life: this one is a more unconventional approach to staying motivated but it has been shown that people who tend to be generally happier in life also have higher energy levels than others. Willpower, a mental muscle produced by the prefrontal cortex, is directly associated with the amount of energy levels you have; the analogy of your willpower acting as a damn holds its reputation to be true: the more energy you spend doing things you don’t enjoy, the more your willpower gets depleted. So find ways to make your life more enjoyable by reducing all possible interventions that are the causes of your willpower depletion.
3. Stick to your promises: This is personally the one that pushes me to the next level and helps me stay motivated throughout the duration of the journey towards my goals. Similar to the first point I made, making a pact with someone, particularly someone you find special in your life will give you a reason to stick with your goals and give your absolute best at it. The fact that the goal now extends beyond you is another reason you have more so of a reason to achieve it rather than doing it just for yourself; the stakes are higher and so failure in that case is even less of an option.
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Today's breakfast (or meal no.1) Left overs beef korma with a protein shake and a can of tuna 😷 Trying to increase my overall calorie intake through a proper diet but every now and then I allow myself to eat what I enjoy.
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