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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
Biceps Training
Guys, who are we kidding? We all want jacked arms and ladies, let’s be honest – you want us to have jacked arms too. Large, well defined biceps have long been one of the most desirable physical traits on a man. Big arms are viewed as a representation of strength and dominance and because of that, we spent hours upon hours in the gym doing all sorts of arm exercises.
Now, in order to get the most from our efforts, we first have to understand how the biceps function so we can construct an effective workout program for ourselves.
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Biceps Training
The biceps consist of two ��heads” – a long and a short head. Both heads are biarticular, which means that they cross two joints – both the elbow and the shoulder. The primary function of the biceps is to flex the arm. To a lesser extend, the biceps also assist during the beginning phase of shoulder flexion and provide stability within the shoulder joint.
The site where the long head of the bicep crosses the shoulder is a common site for injuries and should be evaluated if you are experience shoulder pain while performing the bench press.
Along with the biceps, the brachialis is also a main elbow flexor. The brachialis muscle attaches to the ulna – which is a bone in the forearm that doesn’t rotate. Since the attachment site doesn’t allow any type of rotation, the brachialis is recruited into flexion no matter what the hand position. However, the biceps are more effective at flexing the arm when the hand his positioned upwards (“supinated” in anatomy talk).
Well, now that we know that the biceps are best recruited when your palm is upwards, we can manipulate that through our training to get a better workout. The way to get the most out of the dumbbell curl exercise is to rotate your palm upwards at the midpoint of flexion. In other words, when your arm is bent to a 90 degree angle, that’s when you should start twisting your hand upwards.
What Does This Even Mean?
If you’re palm is facing downwards when you’re performing curls, you’re biceps will actually be between 20-30% weaker. Actually, let me rephrase that. It’s not that they’ll be “weaker” per say, but they’ll be less involved in the movement. However, the brachialis will be recruited to compensate so if you want to train your forearms, performing curls with your hands facing the ground – or even in a neutral position – is the way to go!
The best way to get the most from your bicep workouts is to mix things up. Perform a variety of exercises using a variety of different equipment and on top of that, you should also vary your loading patterns and rest intervals between sets.
You can actually target different aspects of the biceps via your exercise selection. Here’s a brief breakdown of exercises that stress the biceps at different phases of flexion..
First stage of flexion: Preacher Curls Midrange of flexion: Standing Barbell Curls Last range of flexion: Concentration Curls
As previously mentioned, the biceps have 2 parts- a short and long head. A variation in hand grips can target the different areas. Using a slightly wider grip on the barbell curls will place more emphasis on the inner/short head. Using a narrow grip with the easy-curl bar will place more emphasis on the outer/long head. Since the long head plays a role in shoulder flexion, drawing the elbows up to shoulder level after completing a barbell curl repetition will enable you to recruit the long head and get a more effective contraction of the biceps.
The contractile strength of the biceps is also dependant on your arm position. The biceps are strongest when your elbow is positioned above your shoulder (chin ups). The next strongest position has your elbows aligned with your shoulder (bicep curl machine) and finally, the weakest – yet the most common – position for your biceps is when your elbow is directly under your shoulders (barbell curls).
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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
The stomach crunch exercise is perhaps the most popular of all the abdominal toning movements. It seems as though the less a person knows about health & fitness, the more likely they are to view the exercise as being the ticket to a six-pack. Well, it’s been said before and I’ll say it again – crunches will not flatten your stomach. In order to have visible abdominals, you need to have a low level of body fat. This is accomplished through proper nutrition and an appropriate training program as a whole. In terms of exercises, believe it or not, deadlifts, power cleans and pretty much any multi-joint/compound movement will be more effective than crunches when it comes to shedding unwanted body fat. However, what crunches WILL do is strengthen and develop the abdominals so once you get those body fat levels down, your abs will look that much more impressive.
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A couple key points
If you can avoid it, don’t anchor your feet
Perform an abdominal set prior to execution
Don’t pull on your neck
Lie on your back and bend your knees to a 45 degree angle. Your heels should be in contact with the ground.
Cross your arms over your chest so that your fingertips are touching the front of your shoulders.
Perform an “abdominal set” by inhaling and slightly rotating the pelvis forward.
Exhale, elevate and curl your upper body towards your thighs.
Inhale and lower back down slowly. The back of your shoulders should not make contact with the floor in between repetitions.
Repeat until the desired number of repetitions are completed.
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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
Abdominal Training
Look at any fitness magazine cover, exercise equipment infomercial or diet supplement and you will find common image within all the marketing efforts – a toned, lean-looking six pack. A flat stomach is a highly desirable physical characteristic and knowing this, weight loss companies are using images of ripped abdominals to sell their products.
Aside from the obvious benefits of having a well developed core (impressing the opposite sex), good core strength is also important for functionality purposes. Core training should be the priority and centre-stone around which you revolve your training program.
Whether you’re training for athletics, pain relief, overall functional improvement or vanity – a well developed core is beneficial to everyone. Here’s a breakdown as to why...
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Abdominal Training: Athletics
You’re only as strong as your weakest link and your core is the centre link between all your other body parts. Just think of a couple popular athletic movements. For the example, let’s look at a golf and a baseball swing. The efficiency of both of these movements is dependant on the rotary strength of the core.
Picture a running-back charging through the gap created by his offensive line and into the violent tackle attempts by the line-backing unit. Regardless of the power developed in the gym via bench press and squatting exercises, the ability to break through tackles and gain additional yardage is dependant on the power transfer from the lower to the upper body. If the core is underdeveloped, that will be a weak link in the “kinetic chain” and the running back’s “functional” strength will be decreased.
Abdominal Training: Pain Relief
It’s a well documented fact that a program which includes core strengthening movements will help to alleviate existing low back pain as well as reduce the risks of sustaining other injuries due to muscle imbalances and weak abdominals.
Abdominal Training: Daily Functional Improvement
From the very moment we sit up out of bed, literally, we are using our core to execute a multitude of daily tasks. Sitting up, bending down, twisting, turning, holding an upright position and even breathing all involve some type of contraction within the core.
Considering all the functions that the core is responsible for, it only makes sense to incorporate specific core training into your program to make yourself more efficient in performing everyday activities.
Abdominal Training: Vanity
Abs are sexy. You know it and I know it. Even with all the benefits listed above, the reason why we perform countless crunches in the gym is so we can get a sexy six pack to impress the opposite sex.
Whether you’d you like to look better, improve your athletic performance, reduce back pain or just improve your overall quality of life – you need to have a good understanding as to how the core functions in order to develop a proper training routine.
The Anatomy of Your Stomach
Your stomach region is composed of 3 muscle groups..
1) Rectus Abdominis 2) Obliques 3) Transversus Abdominis
Here’s a breakdown of each..
Rectus Abdominis
Ah, the rectus abdominis – otherwise known as our abdominals, or our “abs”. One of the main abdominal functions is a forward flexion at the waist – which is why we do so many crunches to train them and get ourselves a “six pack”.
More detail on this is covered in the crunch exercise description but since we’re on the topic, every wonder what the purpose of bending your legs to a 45 degree angle while performing crunches is? Well, the reason is to increase the workload on the abdominals by reducing the involvement of the hip flexors. Bending the legs accomplish this.
People often anchor their feet when performing sit ups as well. When you anchor your feet, it makes the movement easier because the hip flexors are assisting with the movement and alleviating the workload for the abdominals.
It’s also important to note that the “abs” are responsible for rotating the pelvis forward. People tend to overlook this function when they are trying to isolate the lower abdominal region and as they perform leg raise movements, they commonly do not add the aspect of pelvis rotation at the end for an optimal contraction.
Unless the hips/pelvis are rotated forward, the primary muscles being trained will be the hip flexors and the abdominals will only be activated to help stabilize the movement.
Be sure that you curl your lower back slightly off the ground/support pad as doing so will result in a more efficient contraction of the lower abdominals. Simply elevating the legs – as mentioned above – will target the hip flexors more than anything.
Also, be sure to perform an “abdominal set” prior to performing this exercise. More on how to set the abdominals will be discussed in further detail below. This principle should be used with every abdominal exercise that calls for hip flexion.
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External/Internal Oblique
The oblique’s play a major role in our daily activities and therefore, due to their functionality, they should be made a top priority. Along with their roles relating to posture and stabilization, the oblique muscles are also responsible for movements involving side-flexion and rotation.
The internal oblique runs under and diagonally in the opposite direction of the external oblique. To allow for rotation, the internal and external oblique always work together as a unit. For example, when performing a rotation crunch – in which you are drawing your left elbow towards your right knee – the left external and right internal oblique contract simultaneously.
The rotary strength of the oblique’s can be improved via the use of medicine balls. You’ll find all sorts of exercise demo’s on the navigation panel to your right.
Transversus Abdominis
The transversus abdominis isn’t visible and because of that, about 99.99% of people have no idea what it is. Well, it does a few things. It works with the other stomach muscles to help stabilize and keep the stomach flat and as its primary function, the transversus abdominis plays a major role in forced expiration. In order to activate the transversus abdominis through training, you have to perform what’s known as an “abdominal set”.
Setting The Abdominals
To perform an abdominal set, you basically inhale, then exhale while sort of “sucking” your stomach in and then you rotate your pelvis forward. The purpose of doing this is to a) activate the transversus abdominis and b) emphasize the natural curve of your lower back. This technique has actually been shown to reduce spinal compression by as much as 40%.
You can use this technique with almost every abdominal exercise for there are some movements where it’s more important to perform than others. I’m sure you’ve seen those “ab wheels” around. Heck, there’s most likely one lying around your gym or perhaps even your basement. Setting the abdominals is an absolute must when performing that exercise as it will reduce the strain on your lower back.
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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
51+ Weight Loss Exercises
The best exercise for weight loss can be termed as prevention of excessive gain of weight which is unwanted or harmful for the body. However, this concept is not much considered by many in the population of the world. It is very easy to put on weight but at the same time, it is ferociously...
The best exercise for weight loss can be termed as prevention of excessive gain of weight which is unwanted or harmful for the body. However, this concept is not much considered by many in the population of the world. It is very easy to put on weight but at the same time, it is ferociously difficult to shed those extra pounds and attain a healthy body back again.
Most people are aware when they are in the progress of gaining unhealthy weight of their body. However, some are too busy to look into solutions for rectifying the same while some others are too lazy to care anymore. While there have been various awareness campaigns run across the globe over the last decade to increase knowledge about the harms of an overweight body, a very small percentage of the world’s population would have taken it seriously.
However, there is also a class of people who really wish to lose weight under the expertise and supervision of a fitness expert. But due to money constraints, they would be unable to hire a personal trainer or go to the gym for the same purpose. Hence, they resort to exercising at home themselves. Nevertheless, this attempt has its own demerits as well such as injuries, incorrect style, etc.
How to Lose Weight through Exercises
Once a person understands the need for exercising, then he only needs to make up his mind to follow the procedure on a regular basis. At the same time, he should also realize the importance of maintaining a good diet which is balanced in nutrients because doing either of these may help only up to an extent beyond which it becomes difficult to achieve the goal.
For people who exercise on their own from home, at least at the beginner level, the above mentioned access to workout videos is highly recommendable in order to avoid any challenges in the progress. Considering a combination of cardio exercises and strength training workouts give the best results, mentioned below are 51+ weight loss exercises.
Walking: The easiest way to lose weight is walking. Brisk walking is what is recommended to attain the end result of weight loss. At least 30 minutes per day of regular brisk form of walking could help in burning a minimum of 150 calories a day. The more time one performs this exercise, the faster the chances of losing weight.
Swimming: It has been known that people who see swimming as a means to maintain fitness as well apart from the enjoyment spending time in water provides, have been able to successfully reduce excessive fat from their body. Swimming an hour continuously could facilitate burning of at least 500-700 calories every time. It has been noticed as a combination of both cardio workout as well as strength training as it trims the inches as well as makes the body stronger.
HIIT: HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is a form of workout wherein the intensity of the exercise is given utmost importance. It is done in short intervals, but intensely focused on. Even if done for just 20 minutes in a day, it burns more calories throughout the rest of the day compared to what a jog could do. It is seen as one of the ways to lose weight faster.
Surya Namaskar: Being one of the traditional forms of exercise derived from India, yoga is on its track of popularity about the benefit yielded from it with regard to weight loss. Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation is one of the most effective exercises in yoga which helps in losing weight if practiced regularly. It is a set of 12 yoga poses which focus on different parts of the human body resulting in reducing excessive fat accumulations for the entire body.
Zumba: Some people just hate exercising at the very thought of going to a gym. This could be because the routine appears to be boring and they would love to engage in a workout which is fun to do. Dancing is one such form. But not everyone can learn and follow dance steps that easily either. However, Zumba proves to be one such form of dance where people enjoy doing it simply for the reason that no one orders anyone to follow steps to perfection.
Dancing: There are various forms of the art of dance. In India, classical forms include Bharatnatyam, Mohiniyattom, Kuchipudi, etc while regional types include Bhangra, Kathakali, Gidda, Bollywood, etc. The modern ways if dancing have brought in several other forms as well such as Hip Hop, Freestyle, Contemporary, Desi Jam Cardio, and so on. Every such dance form has its own routine which if followed regularly can help a person maintain or reduce weight as per the intensity of each dance.
Running: Known as the king of exercises related to weight loss, running not only strengthens the legs but also reduces belly fat. A minimum of 30 minutes of running every day or at least 5 days a week shows tremendous results if done regularly. It can be done outdoors or on the treadmill as well.
Cycling: Cycling is a form of cardio exercise. It is a fun version of running in which a cycle is also used to make the ride of workout more enjoyable. Strengthening of the muscles of the leg as well as reducing abdominal fat constitutes the main benefits from cycling.
Squats: This is one exercise done or recommended by most of the people who are fitness experts. Some people have a slimmer upper body; however, the part starting at the end of the midriff will be bulged because of huge thighs and buttocks. The more number of repetitions of squats are done, the more fat from the area of thighs and glutes burn out.
Push-Ups: Strengthening of arms happens by doing push-ups. Also, the entire body gets toned up by doing this exercise.
Plank: This exercise focuses on strengthening not only the core but also the arms. It helps in improving the balance of the body as well.
Triceps Push-Ups: A form of push-ups which involve cutting down the fat accumulated at the triceps is called triceps push-ups.
Boat Pose: This focuses on balance of body weight along with reducing lower belly fat.
Crunches: Crunches work majorly on the abs.
Spider Push-Up: This is another form of push-ups which focus majorly on the arms, shoulders, legs and glutes altogether.
Low Belly Leg Reach: This exercise helps in toning the sides and getting rid of the love handles.
Strength Training: Strength training is as important as cardio workouts. However, some people have a wrong perception of this form that by lifting weights, the body becomes huge. But the fact is that weights help in burning fat and shapes up the muscles appropriately.
Lunges: Focusing on the lower body, the traditional form of lunges of forward movements help in fat reduction by working the muscles at the glutes, hamstrings and quads at the same time. This helps in burning of calories at the maximum level.
Forearm Plank: It is another version of a normal plank wherein the person rests the body weight on the forearms. It strengthens not only the upper arms but also the shoulders and the core.
Burpees: Burpees are one complicated type of workout; very effective in targeting the chest, core and legs all at the same time.
Plank Push-Ups: Plank plus push-ups ends up as one of the best exercises for arms.
Double Jump: A slight mix of cardio and strength workout is what a double jump consists of. It includes 3 exercises in one consisting of the squats, jump and lunge. It is effective for the abs, butt and legs.
Mountain Climbers: It would be noticed as one of the difficult exercises for overweight or obese people. However, once they do mountain climbers regularly, they would surely see positive results in the areas involving the buttocks, obliques and hamstrings.
Jump Rope: Skipping is the term that one must have given to rope jumping activities as a child. Over the years, it has been understood that skipping rope has been effectively known to reduce weight as it mainly helps in toning of the complete human body.
Kettlebell Swings: When it comes to achieving the goal of weight loss effectively for the entire body, kettlebell swings prove successful. It is because the whole body gets engaged even if with low impact yet higher intensity.
Jumping Jacks: Jumping jacks are always recommended to affect the fat accumulated parts of the entire body and have proven to be successful in doing the same. These are one of those cardio exercises which stimulate functioning of all organs.
Cross Trainer: Most people who go to the gym or health clubs love to use the cross trainer. It is also called an elliptical trainer and helps in building the leg muscles and reducing arm fat simultaneously.
Butt Kicks: Like jogging, butt kicks are another form of cardiovascular activity. The only difference is that the legs are made to touch the butt alternatively. With more speed, the intensity of the exercise increases as well.
Plank Jacks: This exercise is another version of the normal planks involving cardio workout as well. Hence the result of doing a cardio exercise as well as a plank is derived from plank jacks.
Side Plank: Working out a plank pose on one arm with the body facing any one side is called a side plank and it helps in toning obliques and losing the fat at the arms.
Bridge: Bridge dips and bridge pose are effective in strengthening the abdominal region and as well as a stress reliever.
Squat Jumps: A combination of squats and jumping brings out effective fat burning results.
Side Lunges: A version of lunges wherein the inner as well outer thighs along with the butt is focused upon.
Bicycle Crunches: Lower belly fat problem? This is the best suitable exercise to reduce that!
Triceps Dips: Toning triceps effectively made easy by this exercise.
Bridge with Leg Lift: Another type of the usual bridge pose and dips with one leg lifted up straight, this exercise helps in focusing more on the lower abs as well as the muscles at the butt.
Jackknife Sit-Ups: This exercise focuses the upper and lower abs altogether.
Lunge with Bicep Curls: Work the lower body along with the arms simultaneously!
Grinding: It is one yoga pose which helps in getting rid of the belly fat.
Squat with Punches: Strengthen those arms as well as tone them along with the glutes.
Pike Push-Up: It is the downward dog pose from yoga which works on strengthening the shoulders as well as the arm fat.
Frog Jumps: It is a plyometric move and the more repetitions are done, weight loss is made more effective as well.
Chair Pose: It is a yoga pose resulting in strengthening of legs and toning of butt.
Dead lifts: The focus point in this exercise is the booty majorly apart from the hamstrings and this is performed using dumbbells.
Triceps Kickbacks: Pick a pair of dumbbells and start working on those flabby arms to get back in shape with triceps kickbacks.
Overhead Press: Targeting the fat at the upper back and the triceps as well as strengthening the shoulders is the main idea in this workout.
Front Kicks: Toning of legs, buttocks and abs happens in this workout.
Split Lunge Jumps: With the use of dumbbells and inclusion of jumps, it is an advanced version of lunges.
Walkout: It is a simple variation of push-ups and works effectively on the whole body.
Warrior Pose: This is another yoga pose which helps in strengthening of the lower body. It has 3 variations as well.
Vinyasa: A part of Surya Namaskara, this exercise helps greatly in weight reduction.
There are various workout related videos available online on several websites that could be accessed from a desktop computer or laptop and in various applications which are present in the virtual stores of smart phones. Some of these are made available to the public free of cost while some others can be bought at a price by them for a fixed period of time or in general without any time limit.
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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
Plastic Bottle and Cancer are Two Sides of the Same Coin
We have often heard the health hazards caused by water bottled in plastic bottles. While there is a lot of hearsay about the health hazards of plastic, no one knows exactly how drinking water packaged in plastic bottles can harm. Here are some insights to help you:   • Manufacturers make use of Bisphenol A
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We have often heard the health hazards caused by water bottled in plastic bottles. While there is a lot of hearsay about the health hazards of plastic, no one knows exactly how drinking water packaged in plastic bottles can harm. Here are some insights to help you:
Manufacturers make use of Bisphenol A (BPA) to make plastics clear and hard. This endocrine disruptor chemical causes multiple health hazards like early puberty in girls, neurological health problems, some specific types of cancer, defects in new-born babies and premature labor in pregnant women.
• Bottled drinks are also known to contain phthalates commonly used to make plastics like polyvinyl chloride more flexible. Phthalates are yet another endocrine disruptor associated with common health issues like testicular abnormality and tumors, reduced sperm count, reproductive health issues and gender development issues among others.
• Plastic is carcinogenic. This is another reason why use plastic for storing water should strictly be avoided. When water gets heated in a plastic bottle, some elements of the bottle could get mixed with the drinking water and this can be extremely harmful.
• The health of individuals living in a locality close to the plastic bottle factory is also prone to greater health issues.
• Since plastics cannot be recycled, the lasting adverse effects on the environment also needs to be noted.
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While this is a general overview that tells you different ways in which plastic may harm your health, each type of plastic may harm your body differently.
Different Hazards Caused by Different Types of Plastics
Based on the raw materials used to produce a particular type of plastic, its properties vary. That is why there are many different types of plastics used in different daily commodities. Let us understand the hazards caused by each and the best steps one may take to avoid those.
PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is supposed to be a safe plastic and is commonly used in packaging of water bottles, sports drinks bottles, cold drink bottles and condiments like Ketchup. It does not contain BPA. This plastic may leach antimony under heat. Studies reveal that bottled water contains 100 times more antimony than groundwater and the longer the water stays in plastic bottles that are exposed to heat, greater will be the percentage of antimony in the water. Antimony is a toxic metalloid that can harm health in many ways as listed below:
It may cause stomach ulcers • It may cause digestive health problems like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
Simple steps to take: • Avoid bottled drinking water • Store drinks and beverages in glass or steel bottles or containers
PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) contains phthalate called DEHP. This is known to convert male traits to get more feminized and thus is banned in many countries around the world. Sometimes, PVC uses an alternate constituent DiNP and that too is known to have hormone-disrupting properties.
PVC Plastic is commonly used in:
�� Clear food packaging • Plumbing pipes • Vinyl flooring • Table Cloths • Children’s play mats • Plastic toys for children
Simple steps to take: • Consciously replace plastic toys with wooden toys for kids • Choose cane or natural coir mats as against PVC mats for use at home • Unpack food as soon as possible if they have been parcelled in plastic containers or cover.
Polypropylene is a type of plastic and is often used for deli food containers, yogurt containers, and winter clothing insulation. This plastic has high heat tolerance and does not leach many chemicals like other plastics in the league.
HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) is commonly used in cereal box liners, shampoo bottles, juice bottles, grocery bags, detergent bottles, and milk bottles. While counted among the safe plastics, research reveals that the plastic leaches estrogenic chemicals dangerous to juveniles and fetuses.
LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) does not contain BPA but, like other plastics, it may also leach estrogenic chemicals and harm juveniles and fetuses.
PS (Poly Styrene) is commonly known as Styrofoam and is used for making supermarket meat trays, plates, cups, take-out containers and for packing peanuts. PS can leach styrene which is a suspected carcinogen.
Any other type of plastic may also contain BPA and may leach chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors.
The Common Health Hazards Caused by Endocrine Disruptors: • Interference with the reproductive function of the body • Affects sexual function • Interferes with proper mood and growth • Interferes with puberty and other human development processes • Increase the risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, and adult reproductive cancer.
Steps We Can Take to Prevent Hazards of Plastic
Here are some simple steps each one of us can vow to take to avoid hazards caused by plastic:
• Choose water bottles of stainless steel or copper rather than plastic bottles. • Take steps to recycle plastic waste. • Spread awareness regarding the hazards of plastic bottle use. • Never heat food in the microwave in plastic containers as it increases the risk      of leaching • Avoid plastic wrap for foods and instead choose aluminum foil
Before the increased use of plastics makes life difficult, causing health hazards and interfering with our life, we need to consciously take steps to spread awareness regarding the same. Let us start today by sharing the word.
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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
21 Tips- How to Lose Belly Fat
In the busy world of today, people hardly have time to think about living the healthy way. They get so occupied each day juggling between work and family that going to the gym or joining a local community focusing for workout sessions, or eating clean food, does not usually come into the picture. They stay...
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In the busy world of today, people hardly have time to think about living the healthy way. They get so occupied each day juggling between work and family that going to the gym or joining a local community focusing for workout sessions, or eating clean food, does not usually come into the picture. They stay unaware of where they would be going wrong until one thing happens one fine day.
What would be that one thing that suddenly wakes up the mind on where the body lost its track of a healthy standard of living? Clothes stop fitting well anymore like these used to; yes that is exactly when people realize their mistake. Everyone likes to appear well dressed most of the times. So apparels are the one thing that brings about the disappointment of such mistakes in life.
Not being able to wear the previously worn fitting clothes starts spreading despair in people. Most of the times they identify that it is at the part of the waist where those clothing do not fit anymore whereas these remain loose or the same as earlier in the other parts. Sooner they understand that all the binging till then has led to fat accumulation on the tummy.
Demerits of having Belly Fat
There are serious complications involved with accrual of fat at the part of the belly. It is not just only about not being able to fit into the previously used clothes, of course that is a serious issue as it strongly affects the mental health of a person. Such problems cannot be seen as silly matters as there have been cases of depression arisen in people who put on weight and could not lose it later on.
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However, certain medical conditions could also be formed as a result of such fat buildup. Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, can lead to some major ailments. The most highlighted ones of these could be mentioned as type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. Such complications occur because the fat at the abdomen is actually surrounding vital organs such as liver, pancreas and the intestines.
Apart from refurbishing one’s wardrobe with apparels of the next bigger sizes and fittings, occurrence of such medical issues could prove costly for the people suffering from such troubles. Purchasing new clothes that solve the fitment issues to replace the existing ones will be the expense on one hand while more serious problems of the extravagant expenditure incurred for treatment of these ailments is another consequence.
21 Tips on Losing Belly Fat
Instead of wasting time on worrying about such problems, people should start recognizing ways to execute plans on how to lose belly fat. The very first step in this process is to first realize and accept the fact about this disorder that one would be facing. Once this is done, the rest of the procedure becomes a cakewalk in most cases.
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Given below are 21 tips on losing belly fat. One must assess each tip and understand how to go about it at first. If there is an existing therapeutic condition prevailing as a part of other health issues in the human body, it is recommended that one must seek advice from medical practitioners on following such methods to get rid of the fat accumulated on the abdomen area.
Exercise Regularly: Exercising on a daily basis is a very important factor contributing to a healthy way of living. However, one must not lose faith sooner in exercising because it is not proven that reducing fat in any one part of the body is possible through any kind of workout.
Boost Metabolism: Every means to jump start metabolism of the body must be adopted. Within an hour of waking up if people eat their breakfast, this becomes possible and easier to reduce weight.
Consume Lot of Foods with Fiber: Intake of several food items which contain fiber is known to shed weight as a whole. Moreover, eating more of soluble fiber has chances of reducing belly fat. Examples of such food products include Brussels sprouts, avocados, legumes, flaxseed, blueberries, etc.
Get Plenty of Sleep: If one does not sleep well and for the right amount of time, there are no chances of the possibility to reduce weight. It is during the sleeping hours when the internal organs get a chance to produce enzymes and hormones helping in smooth functioning of the body for the next day as well as in relaxation as a whole.
Avoid Late Night Binging: It is believed that going to bed immediately after a meal makes fat accumulation quicker on the tummy. And most of the times, late night snacks are not really the healthy ones. Hence, avoiding such habits keep one better off visceral fat. Some people follow a weird but successfully proven trick to brush teeth immediately after dinner to avoid eating such snacks thereon.
Swimming: Going for a swim with an up-tempo stroke at least twice a week works wonders to reduce such stubborn fat that is difficult to reduce. The movements involved in this type of swimming stroke is a good cardio form of workout as well which can help in not only losing weight but also in toning up the entire body.
Proper Posture: It has been observed that people who slouch more get fat accrued more at the abdominal region. Using ergonomic furniture can help in such matters thus helping in avoiding issues with the spine as well which could include different sorts of back pain.
Stay Positive: Losing visceral fat is not an easy task. One has to prep their mind in such a way so that they do not give up mid way of the process of trying to overcome such an issue. Hence, the need to stay motivated is very much necessary and should be done by all rightful means.
Be More Active: The more sedentary the lifestyle is, chances of problem of belly fat are more. Instead of becoming a couch potato, one must strive to stay more active throughout the day by indulging in activities like cardio exercises including dancing, walking, aerobics, etc, or doing household chores or running errands outside of home and so on. However, it does not mean one should not stop at all for some rest.
Meditation: Really? Meditation helps in reducing belly fat? Yes! Definitely. By meditating, especially at the beginning of the day itself, one tends to be more active throughout the rest of the day. It also clears mind of stress and hence could help the person in avoiding stressful binging. It also motivates in doing exercises as well on a regular basis.
A Balanced Diet: Meals with the right amount of nutrients can result in only good health. Adequate proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats are very relevant to a well balanced diet. This in turn helps in proper hormone regulation leading to a well maintained metabolism as well. A professional dietician could help in preparing a chart of the balanced diet as per the weight goals and body requirements considering medical conditions, if any.
Diaphragmatic Breathing: Deep breaths are what usually help in contributing to a non-ailing normal human body. Diaphragmatic breathing involves deep breathing and leads to a relaxed state before going to bed. This results in getting good sleep. Hence, trying to avoid short breathing manner which is commonly seen in most people these days is a good idea.
Avoid Trans Fats: These are found mostly in processed foods. It is advisable to stay away from trans fats as it is not only unhealthy for the human body but also result in obesity over time.
Reduce Alcohol Consumption: Usually people who consume alcohol are found to have a broader waist line with a larger tummy. Abstaining from alcoholism is recommended for such people and drinking in moderation for others who are not alcoholics. This is suggested as per the common observation regarding this topic.
Eat More Protein: Protein is one such nutrient which gets the stomach fuller easily by decreasing appetite. This results in a better metabolism rate. Thus eating more protein helps in reducing weight. Eggs are a good source of protein and having them for breakfast is one of the best meal options for a day.
Avoid Sugar related Foods: Higher intake of sugar and sugar related products has been observed to accumulate more fat at the abdominal area. Sugar in any form could lead to harm for a human body. These could be under different names such as fructose, dextrose, maltose, etc. Even honey is not a great form of sugar and needs to be used limitedly. Avoiding sugary beverages like different types of sodas is also advisable.
Reduce Carbs: Carbohydrates are the very source of energy in any meal entering the human body. If one cuts down on the intake of carbohydrates, like in a ketogenic diet, the calories start to getting burnt using the fat already in the body. This could help in reducing belly fat ultimately. However, this method is advised by experts to not be followed for a longer period of time as body does require carbs as well for its survival in a healthy way.
Avoid Overeating: Eat only the quantity required for the body. Eating too much could result in diseases like obesity, heart ailments, diabetes, bad cholesterol, etc. Use of calorie calculators could help in understanding the amount of nutrients needed in every meal as per the weight goals to be achieved. This could help in avoiding overeating, which is mostly found to be related to people suffering from stress issues.
Refrain from performing a Wrong Workout: If one is not sure about what exercise has to be done for reducing weight as per their body structure and related conditions, it is best to seek help from a fitness trainer who could guide with the right advices. It is always better to do this than getting injured further by doing the wrong workout and proving it even costlier for the person.
Step Goal: Aim to achieve a goal of 10,000 steps per day by walking around for each and everything possible. This has been accepted internationally as a standard goal since walking is known to help in reducing belly fat easily. Use of fitness bands help in achieving such step goals. Also, there are various mobile phone applications which help in tracking the same as well.
Eat only Whole Grains: Avoid white rice, red rice, etc and replace those with whole grains like oats, brown rice and quinoa. This is because the latter are filled with fiber content which reduces appetite. Hence, unnecessary binging could be avoided. Whole grains are also known to be healthy components of a good meal. Eating eggs with whole grain breads form a very healthy breakfast any day.
Apart from these tips, it is always recommended for everyone
to keep themselves hydrated throughout the day with enough water.
to strengthen the muscles first before doing crunches as a means to reduce fat at the belly.
to do stretches before and after every workout session to avoid any kind of injuries during the exercise routine.
There is always an exception in some cases while planning to follow these tips. If a woman who has just delivered a baby tries out these tips immediately after, it would not be a great idea. This is because it takes a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 18 months for any new mother to recover her body completely.
This exception applicable to a lady who would have given birth just recently is not only for the outer appearance but also for the smooth functioning of the internal organs as well. Similarly, pregnant women should never consider doing anything about the fat on their baby bump until they have recovered fully after child birth.
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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
Heal Your Habits: 11 Reasons Copper Water Bottles Improve Health (Scientifically Proven)
Make the Right Choice: Pick Copper Bottles to Store Drinking Water While the hazards of plastic are known to all, no effective step is taken to curb plastics. The hazards of health caused by water stored in plastic bottles are scary. It is time we go ahead and replace plastic bottles with metal or glass...
While the hazards of plastic are known to all, no effective step is taken to curb plastics. The hazards of health caused by water stored in plastic bottles are scary. It is time we go ahead and replace plastic bottles with metal or glass bottles. Copper vessels have been traditionally used to store drinking water. Science now backs this tradition by listing out the miraculous benefits offered by water stored in copper containers.
Glimpse through some of the major healing benefits that make copper bottles and containers the ideal replacement for plastic bottles:
Aids Losing Weight
One of the major health issues that people face today is weight gain and obesity. The modern lifestyle has cut down on walking and routine exercise that people had in the past generation. This is leading to excessive weight gain, which, in itself is a major cause of many other health issues. The good news is that water stored in copper vessels aids weight loss. This is achieved because water stored in copper vessel helps the body to breakdown fats more efficiently and thus results in weight loss.
Assists Better Digestion
In India, it is a common tradition to store drinking water in copper utensils. This habit has assisted in better health because water stored in copper vessels is known to improve the functioning of the digestive system. As copper metal has properties that help kill harmful bacteria and reduce stomach inflammation, it is a great idea to replace your regular water container with a copper alternative.
Ageing Process Is Slowed
No one enjoys aging and every individual aspires to stay young. This could be another reason to choose copper utensils and bottles to store water. Copper has anti-oxidant as well as cell forming properties. You can fight off the fine lines that appear as a result of aging by drinking water stored in copper bottles. Copper fights of free radicals that cause the fine lines. It is thus the best way to fight to age.
It Helps to Heal Wounds Sooner
Copper is known to strengthen the immune system. It is gaining much importance in social circles online because of its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Many people who are well-informed are switching to copper bottles for storing drinking water.
It Helps to Reduce Risk of Cancer
One of the scariest health hazards that is growing at a very fast pace is Cancer. The reason surely is the unhealthy lifestyle and the rampant use of plastics. Replacing the plastic bottles with copper bottles for drinking water not just prevents the cancer risk caused by plastic but also ensures healing. Copper is known to reduce the risk of Cancer because of its special healing properties.
It Works to Prevent High Blood Pressure Problems
There are many health issues that are caused because of bad cholesterol. Copper is known to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. It thus prevents high blood pressure problems.
It Improves Heart Health
Heart health is also affected by bad cholesterol and thus drinking water from a copper vessel is known to improve heart health.
It  Assists Proper Working of Thyroid Gland
Low levels of copper in the body is known to cause thyroid gland issues. Switch to copper containers for drinking water and improve thyroid gland health.
It Prevents Arthritis or Swollen Joints
Due to the anti-inflammatory properties possessed by copper, it is an ideal choice to prevent arthritis and swollen joints.
It Protects You from Infections and also Prevents Anaemia
Copper can destroy harmful bacteria easily because it is oligodynamic in nature. It thus protects the body from infections. Copper helps the absorption of iron into the body. Since the reduced level of iron in the body is responsible for anemia, copper is an effective way to counter it.
It is Good for Skin Health
If you want healthy glowing skin, switch to copper water bottles. Copper contributes greatly to the production of melanin. Copper also aids the production of new cells. These contribute to skin and hair health that are responsible for the visible beauty of individuals.
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healthnhumans · 4 years ago
15 Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss
Exercising regularly helps in shedding those extra pounds gained over time most of the times. Cardio exercises are very important if one wishes to reduce weight. However, a very small percentage of the entire population on earth who are overweight seem to go to gyms and health clubs for the same purpose or are found.
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Exercising regularly helps in shedding those extra pounds gained over time most of the times. Cardio exercises are very important if one wishes to reduce weight. However, a very small percentage of the entire population on earth who are overweight seem to go to gyms and health clubs for the same purpose or are found on the pathways jogging or walking as a part of their workout routine.
The reason why not everyone is ready to start exercising at a point of time is because they are shy of doing cardio workouts in front of others. Sometimes they become too conscious of their appearance and thus make excuses in going out for a run. Or during other times, it is the cold weather that does not let them drag themselves out of the bed early in the morning.
However, yoga is one such form of workout which has multiple benefits and can be done within the walls of one’s home as well although people who practice yoga enjoy doing it outdoors as well on a lawn, garden, or balcony-like places. It has been successfully proven that yoga not only helps in the process of weight loss but also in maintaining good health physically as well as mentally.
Advantages of Yoga
Yoga was derived from the ancient times of the country of India. It is known to have been at first practised only by the rishis or saints who lived only a holy life surrendering all earthly pleasures of the world. As years went by, yoga became accepted as a type of workout which provides a lot of benefits to the person practicing it in terms of physical health as well as mental well being.
Some of the merits of practicing yoga can be mentioned in brief as:
It improves the strength of bones in the human body. Thus risks of osteoporosis can be evaded as most of the postures make the people lift their own weight.
The risk of heart diseases is lessened by practicing yoga as the body becomes ready to be active all the time.
It reduces the chance of high blood pressure. The Savasana or corpse pose is known to help in this purpose.
Yoga helps in fighting stress and stress related problems.
It gives a good posture to the body of the person performing the exercise. It helps in lessening strain on the spine by enabling correct posture of sitting. Fatigue can also be avoided through the practice of yoga.
It boosts red blood cell count and hemoglobin thus improving blood flow. The various inverted as well as twisting and turning postures involved in this ancient form of exercise help in squeezing out impure blood out of the internal organs and oxygenate blood flow.
Yoga helps people in losing weight. This knowledge is still on its track of gaining popularity.
It also helps in toning of the body. This is because yoga is observed as a combination of both cardio as well as strength exercises.
Body balance can be improved by doing yoga as different postures are held in the same position for various time frames.
People practicing yoga sleep well at nights. The whole body feels relaxed at the end of the day and thus aiding in a good sleep.
Digestive issues like constipation and colon cancer can be avoided because food transportation through the body is made better and also, waste removal from the bowels is made easy too.
Breathing manner is improved thus resulting in good health of the lungs as the pattern of intake of fresh air and filtering it, becomes better.
Pain can be reduced with respect to ailments like arthritis and back pain; this in turn helps a person to stay active.
Practice of yoga helps in avoiding depression. The peaceful approach of this exercise helps in letting in good thoughts all the time.
5 Yoga Exercises for Weight Loss
Yoga is believed to be a routine which when practiced helps in the positive transformation of the person from in and out. A large percentage of the population of the world is yet to understand that a healthy way of shedding those extra pounds can be achieved through yoga. Mentioned below are 15 yoga exercises for weight loss.
It is also called as the Shoulder Stand. It is known to not only improve digestion, but also stimulates thyroid glands and abdominal organs. Legs and butt area can also be toned by doing this asana.
Also known as the Warrior Pose, it is the traditional form of modern day strength training. It is beneficial on the terms that it stretches the belly, lungs and chest, and also strengthens the legs as a whole concentrating on the thighs, calves and ankles. It also helps in strengthening the muscles at the back. This pose has more than one variation.
Ardha Chandrasana
The half moon pose for starters relieves the person of stress. It is a good exercise to improve balance of the body as it involves strengthening majorly the thighs, spine, buttocks and abdominal region. It also improves digestion.
This asana is vital in helping with stretching and strengthening of the body parts like shoulders, belly and chest. Basically the upper body is concentrated on in this pose. In this manner, it is also known to stimulate the organs at the abdominal area. Relief from stress is another benefit of this exercise. Posture can also be corrected or improved through this form.
This asana is also called the Wind-Releasing Pose because of the benefit derived from it in connection with stimulating the organs at the abdomen which result in improving digestive activities. This way it avoids or reduces the problem of constipation in people. Thus, digestion related functioning of the body becomes more efficient. It also helps in cutting down the fat in the area pertaining to the abdominal region.
The Eagle Pose does stretching of the upper body and strengthening of the lower parts. The thighs, shoulders and upper back are provided with enough stretches in this pose. At the same time, the calves and ankles get strengthened this way. It has also been observed to result in improvement of concentrating abilities as well as in the betterment of balance of the body.
Nauka Chalan
Stress relief is one of the common results of practicing yoga. Hence, the Boat Pose also helps in relieving stress. Digestion related functions of the organs are improved by performing this exercise. Strengthening of abdomen and hip flexors is done along with stimulation of the kidneys and intestines.
Also known as the Half Spinal Twist Pose, this asana helps a lot in shedding the fat at the abdominal region. It also tremendously benefits the strengthening of the spine by performing this type of yoga exercise.
This should be considered a vital yoga exercise because of its main merit of enabling relief from both mental and physical exhaustion. It also helps in lowering heart beat rate. The digestive activities of the body are improved as much as the organs at the abdominal area are stimulated for better health.
Another significant pose in relieving stress and fatigue, Halasana is also called the Plow Pose. It helps in calming the brain and prompts clearer thought process. Stimulation of the abdominal organs is yet another benefit of this exercise form.
The fat in a body is easy to shed down if the part of the body in which fat has been accumulated is given the appropriate stretching regularly. Belly fat is known to be one of the most difficult fat parts to reduce. This asana enables stretching of the belly, legs and arms. It also improves the balance of the body. Side Plank is another name for this pose.
Also called the Cobra Pose, Bhujangasana is known popularly to help the person in increasing body heat which in turn leads in the destruction of existing ailments or in avoiding probable ones. As the other poses, this pose also helps in relieving stress. Stretching of chest and abdomen along with stimulation of the organs at the abdomen are added benefits of this form.
It is one asana which any beginner to yoga looks forward to as it has been known popularly to have resulted in weight loss by doing this exercise. It is not only known to do this but also improves the balance of the body. Stretching extremely is done in this pose which is also known as the Lord of the Dance Pose.
Yoga has advanced versions of workout as well which brings out poses with more complications. Bakasana or popularly known as the Crow Pose is one such version which has successfully recalled to be helpful in losing weight. It also helps in strengthening the arms.
Surya Namaskar
Of all the various poses involved in a workout pertaining to yoga, Surya Namaskar or Salutation to the Sun has been widely accepted across the globe as an ancient form of weight loss trick. It is basically a complete set of twelve different yoga poses, each focusing at various parts of the body. Hence, it helps in concentrating on the weight loss process of the entire body. The more repetitions one performs of Surya Namaskar each day, regularly, brings as much positive results both physically as well as mentally.
There are other asanas as well apart from the aforesaid 15 yoga exercises for weight loss which exclusively work on particular parts of the body. Some of these can be mentioned in brief as follows:
Simhasana- Also known as the Lion Pose, it is good for reducing facial fat.
Jalandhara Bandha- This helps in defining the jaw line and is mostly useful for people with thyroid issues.
Adho Mukha Svanasana- It is also called the Downward Dog Pose and helps in toning the arms.
Chaturanga Dandasana- This form helps in strengthening the muscles and reduces fat at the arms. It is also known as Low Plank Pose.
Bharadvajasana- This Seated Twist Pose improves flexibility of upper body.
Ardha Matsyendrasana- It helps toning the sides, upper body and the abdominal muscles.
Matsyasana- Fish Pose focuses majorly on thighs, hip and abdominal muscles.
Anantasana- It works on the love handles.
However, it is recommended to read and research more on all these exercises before one starts to practice it in case of existing health issues. It is always better to seek training under an expert as well. For instance, some of these poses might not be suitable for people with heart diseases or high blood pressure as it might worsen their health conditions or even prove fatal in the short run.
These reasons are enough for an average person to understand that such workouts need to be done under supervision, in case of beginners. People who have knowledge about yoga and have practiced or gotten trained under specialists of yoga exercises will know better and would not need further supervision in most cases. At the same time, people should understand the benefits of each pose before performing these.
Yoga, as mentioned earlier, works wonders for people who practice it regularly, in physical, mental as well as spiritual terms. They say that anyone performing yoga undergoes an amazing kind of transformation positively affecting the mind, body as well as the soul. Weight loss is termed as a “side effect” of practicing yoga on a regular basis.
More awareness on the same can avoid depression-like ailments in people around the world when they get to know that yoga could help them in reducing weight like nothing else has ever helped with. However, like any other workout, the diet routine also needs to be taken care of while being a practitioner of yoga with the aim of losing weight in particular, as the intake of food also plays a major role in shedding excess weight.
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