Why I Write
A few months ago, I was tagged by Zarine (of Maybe in Madras) for the ‘Why I Write’ blog hop. Shortly after that though, while I was still running the idea in the background of my mind, I decided to go on this self-imposed blog exile. Maybe some of you noticed but I pretty much disappeared right after I found out that I did not get through into the final 16 of the Big Blog Exchange. But I PROMISE…
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Moving to Milano- Part 2
So last week, in my last post I spoke about some aspects of moving to Milan, something I had the great, erm, pleasure of doing for the entirety of 2013. I couldn’t fit everything I wanted to say in it (and I obviously forgot a ton of things), so here it is… Part two!!
Staying Fit:
My running route by the Naviglio Grande
If you know me even slightly in real life, or if you look at my posts on In…
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Moving to Milano- Part 1
Moving to Milan? Here's a guide that can help you prepare!
More than a year ago, I posted the first of what I imagined would be a multi-part series about moving to, and living in, Italy. Moving to Milano- Prequel, I called it. But then, I guess you all know me well enough by now, I procrastinated and procrastinated so much- finished my time in Milan, moved back to India and even moved to Singapore six-ish months ago- that all I wanted to say has become…
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A heartfelt Thank You!! You are now reading the blog of a finalist of the Big Blog Exchange 2014!! YES YOU ARE!!
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Munich, München, Myooonchen
For the longest time, I’ve been going through an ugly case of Writer’s Block. Why? I have no idea. It’s not that I’ve run out of things to say. I never seldom do. I have a bunch of unfinished drafts sitting here, so why can’t I just write?
But the thing is… If I have to write about some of the places I visited but still haven’t written about, it’s a little hard because I’m only left with the ones…
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A meal at an 'Authentic' Singaporean restaurant
A meal at an ‘Authentic’ Singaporean restaurant
So what exactly is the point of this so-called travel blog? Part journal, part photo album and part I-want-to-share-everything-with-you-and-show-you-the-world-through-my-eyes thing. And I always roll my eyes when people talk about ‘authentic’ restaurants because it sounds so cliche, but I can’t stop myself from doing it. So I put the ‘authentic’ in quotes to sort of parody myself.
Anyway… My last…
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So... What do chicken feet taste like?
So… What do chicken feet taste like?
For someone who claims to be such a foodie, I realised with quite an unpleasant start that I hardly have any foodie posts on here! That’s it, I decided. My next post will be about food. And so, here it is!
As some of you know, I’ve been in Singapore for the past few months, and since I’m very enthusiastic about trying new types of food, I almost…
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I need YOUR Help!!
I need YOUR Help!!
A few months ago I stumbled upon this awesome initiative taken by HIHostels called the Big Blog Exchange. What happens is, after a long selection process, 16 bloggers are chosen to swap lives and blogs. I was incredibly annoyed with myself for not having found it before the deadline (I didn’t even have a blog then), but I vowed to definitely enter the next edition.
Fast forward a little over a…
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8 Experiences to Make You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and LIVE!!
8 Experiences to Make You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and LIVE!!
A few weeks back, I chanced upon a very interesting looking website called Videsi Traveller. It seemed new, but had a bunch of catchy posts so I started browsing with interest. Imagine my very pleasant surprise when I saw that one of the co-owners was a very good friend of mine from some years ago!! We studied together for a while till I changed my college and we bonded over the fact that both of…
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Most Memorable Travel Moments- The Bad
Most Memorable Travel Moments- The Bad
A few months back, I wrote a short post about some of the many good things I experienced while I was on the go. Very ambitiously, I promised a part 2 and part 3 (you know… the bad and the ugly, respectively) before I realised that I just do not have enough negative experiences to justify a full post.
I contemplated letting it slide, evilly thinking ‘No one is going to notice, muahaha!’, but then…
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Reminiscing... 1 Year On... 35 Days of Summer <3
Reminiscing… 1 Year On… 35 Days of Summer
I JUST realised that just about one year ago I embarked on my self proclaimed ‘epic’ 5 week long journey through Central and Eastern Europe that actually made me start this blog!! In honour of the anniversary of that momentous moment ( :P ), lets take a walk down memory lane and run quickly through that amazing summer!
After an ‘interesting’ trip to Venicein February 2013, I decided I wanted to…
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Bungy like a Monkey... YEHAAAAAAA!!!
Why monkey, why monkey, you say? Well, when you see our expressions in the video at the end, you’ll know!! I thought we looked funny, but my sister immediately said MONKEYS!!
With all these activities that I try, I just know more and more that I’m a big darpok, a bhitu, a scaredy cat! When I paid to jump off a cliff, I stood trembling at the edge for so long, half of me was sure I wouldn’t go…
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I just got nominated for the Liebster Award :D
Whahahaaaa!! I just got nominated for the Liebster Award by Tiana from Single Serving Friends :D Very, very exciting and a great big honour! This is an online award given by bloggers to new bloggers and is a great way to network and get noticed. Thaaank you, Tiana!!
First, the rules…
Thank the blogger nominated you ~ include a link back to their website.
Answer the eleven questions they ask…
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'Weight' a Minute...!!
Let’s just take a break from the whole traveling thing for a day and talk about some ‘weighty’ issues. What brings about this post is the reactions to a picture I posted onto Facebook and Instagram yesterday.
The Struggle Is Real!
It’s been barely 24 hours, and I have not just been bombarded with likes and comments and congratulations-es, MULTIPLE people have pinged me and asked me for the…
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Surya in Sofia! 2 Days in the Bulgarian Capital
Sofia is another one of those cities, in another one of those countries (Bulgaria) that does not cross the minds of most visitors to Europe, at least from my part of the world. Which is (probably) precisely why it was at the top of my list. For the 2 weeks that I had between my thesis submission and my graduation ceremony, I bought 3 air tickets- Milan to Timisoara, Thessaloniki to London, and…
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Home(s) Away From Home... Hostel Reviews- Part 1
Hostel Reviews in Bulgaria and Croatia!!!
SO… Since I stayed in over 20 hostels in my time in Europe, I feel I should pass on the love and talk about the hostels I stayed at. I’m going in alphabetical order by country, so things make some sense. Finally, the hostel reviews I’ve been promising for months now :)
Bulgaria Hostel Mostel in all three cities
Location: About 7-8 mins walk from the city centre. It’s actually just across…
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How To Choose A Hostel, And My Favourite Hostel... REVEALED!!!!
Doesn’t the title sound super pretentious? XD
Well, after having spent many, many nights in many, many different hostels, I count myself as quite the expert when it comes to choosing a good one. So before you go and slam the idea of hostels entirely because of one bad experience, or one poor review from someone, read on to find out what you should consider before making a choice.
Now, I’m not…
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#Budapest#hostel reviews#hostels#how to choose a hostel#ljubljana#London#sofia#vila veselova#wroclaw
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