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My typical weekly shopping cart About $30 at Walmart Probably last about 1/2 to 3/4 of a week, depending how hungry and how active I am. The cans are canned beans of various types. It would be even cheaper if I bought dry beans, but I'm too lazy to cook and soak dry beans. Being HCLF vegan is super cheap and super simple. You don't have to cook. Just eat tons of bananas or potatoes or other simple things. It gets even cheaper if you're able to share grocery costs and aren't just a single individual like me. Poor or rich, big or small, anyone can eat healthy.
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Comparison photos for progress on my stomach. July 11 - pic#1 July 21 - pic#2 Aug 11 - pic#2
Surprisingly, my weight hasn’t changed at all, but the fat percentage has definitely slowly changed over time. For sure, “the fat you eat is the fat you wear”. And I’ll say processed-sugar will also make this happen since the body more easily turns processed-carbs into fat. But any foods you eat that already contain fat, the body sends it straight to your fat stores. So don’t eat fat! Especially if you are trying to change ur body fat percentage!
I eat around 2000 calories on non-exercise days and about 3000 calories on days I’m more active. I don’t count calories and I don’t restrict. I just eat when I’m hungry. But I am still very good at estimating what I’m eating since I used to count calories obsessively long ago. So glad I don’t have to do that anymore.
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Thought I'd post a little update. I've been eating the same kind of stuff the entire time. All my favorites: fat-free popcorn, watermelon, banana ice cream, baked oil-free French fries, vegan pizza with nutritional yeast on top, potatoes, etc. Along with occasionally going out to restaurants with family or friends. I've only broken my fat-free, processed-free vow once and immediately regretted it because the body doesn't do well when it eats something full of fat and processed sugar when it's been clean for weeks and weeks. Had a single piece of cake at a birthday party and immediately got a painful cramp five minutes after eating it. The cramp lasted for hours.
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Update - Day 9
It's too much work posting every single thing I eat, so from now on I'm just going to post photos intermittently of different things I eat.
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Day 8 - Snack
"Banana" ice cream again
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Day 8 - Dinner Ok now I think I'm hungry enough to eat the whole squash!
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Day 8 - Lunch #2 Barley, mushrooms, broccoli Oats, fruit
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Day 8 - Lunch #1 Eggplant with pasta sauce and nutritional yeast
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Day 8 - Breakfast No-salt Ezekiel bread Fat-free hummus Romaine lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber
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Day 7 - Dinner Spaghetti squash is delicious!! Don't think I'm hungry enough to eat the entire thing in one go.
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Day 7 - snack
Half a cantaloupe and an apple
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Day 7 - Lunch Quinoa, lentil, sweet potato, blackberries, oats
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Day 7 - Breakfast
Fat-free hummus and no-salt sprouted grain Ezekiel bread sandwich
Some strawberries and blueberries and two bananas.
Half a honeydew melon
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Day 6 - snack #3
Baby carrots and fat-free hummus
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Day 6 - Snack #2
Big bowl of air-popped popcorn
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Day 6 - Dinner Yummy pizza
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Day 6 - Snack #1
6 cutie oranges
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