Seems like a lot of fun!! I’ll try to look after that
Hey hypnosluts, don’t you wanna try to make “hypnoctober” a thing? Like trying to get yourself hypnotized everyday from October 1st to October 31?
Just let me know, I’m sincerely genuine about it and I am wondering why it doesn’t already exist.
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Wait, there’s a hypnovember???
Hey hypnosluts, don’t you wanna try to make “hypnoctober” a thing? Like trying to get yourself hypnotized everyday from October 1st to October 31?
Just let me know, I’m sincerely genuine about it and I am wondering why it doesn’t already exist.
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Hey hypnosluts, don’t you wanna try to make “hypnoctober” a thing? Like trying to get yourself hypnotized everyday from October 1st to October 31?
Just let me know, I’m sincerely genuine about it and I am wondering why it doesn’t already exist.
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i love subtle mind control/mental alteration. small changes that might not be noticable - enough to make them feel like something might be off, but it feels so good they don't really want to question it.
things like compelling them to tell you every time they're horny, making them unconsciously prefer to sit at your feet, dress sluttier, talk more submisively and rely on you more for help. all just to watch them slowly corrupt themselves into more and more of a mindless unaware slut
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Algorithms are so funny. Nobody really knows how they work. They just serve you up a new video, a new meme, and you click next. That’s why you didn’t think much of the pink spiral that appeared on your screen. But you didn’t click next. You didn’t swipe. It was so nice and mesmerizing. And pretty soon, you weren’t thinking about anything. You just laid your empty little head on the keyboard. You didn’t even notice when you started drooling. But that’s ok, objects don’t worry about silly things like that. You don’t have to worry about anything now, not even your electronics getting fried by your drooly drippy wet mouth. Imagine that you break your computer by being a dumb drooly doll, permanently getting stuck on the pink spiral. But you don’t have to imagine, do you? That’s your reality, and you wouldn’t change it, even if you could. Good girl.
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Tell them they did good
Remind them they didn’t hurt you and that you are mentally ok
If they did hurt you tell them how much you enjoyed it
Tell them you felt safe in your scene
Make sure they hydrate and refuel with a little snack if they need it
Thank them for fulfilling your desires
Cuddle them, pet them, hold them
If either of you safeworded discuss why you did so and how to prevent it from progressing that far in the future
Relax! Watch a movie play some video games together! Don’t just leave or ask them to leave afterwards…doms are not just sentient sex toys
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You know what's fun?
Inescapable triggers.
Every breath you take makes you feel sleepier and lazier.
Every time you see your reflection you grope yourself.
Every time you hear your name you call yourself a slave in your mind.
Watching as your subject can't help but brainwash themselves more and more just by existing.
Feel free to add some suggestions.
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Fun triggers to give your subjects
-They believe anything you say when you put you hand on their shoulder
-They get really tired and sleepy (not trancey, just sleepy and kinda loopy) when you put your hand on their cheek)
-Dragging your finger from their forehead to the tip of their nose repeatedly makes them dumber and dumber, more confused, need things to be explained by you
-Making circles on their forehead with your finger will slowly wipe all thought from their mind and/or make them unable to move until you order them to go back to normal. Again not quite trancey their brains are just silent.
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Hey ahegoslut, wanna hypnotize yourself quick and fun? Try this.
Count from 10 to 0, each time deep breath in, eyes open, face relaxed, breath out while making an ahego face.
I wish you a good fractionation ~
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Me when I finally succeed to keep my edge more than 24h for the first time since 3 weeks
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Mind control that doesn't dominate your thoughts, it just... is your thoughts. Perfectly rewriting your will and everything it embodies. Not a single trace of resistance because this is just what you want. Why would you resist your own thoughts? Why would you disagree with your own motivations, your own desires?
Mind control that doesn't shatter once it's done, it just disappears. You don't snap back into awareness. You barely even notice. You just continue as if nothing ever happened. Maybe one moment you look back and you frown, because thinking on it, you remember when you happily followed that person out of town, and you remember what you did, you remember wanting to... but that's crazy. Why did you think that was okay? Why did you want to do that?
Or maybe you were under this mind control for so long that even once it's over you look back and say, "Oh, of course I did that." As far as you're concerned you've always held the beliefs you do now. You've always wanted to do these things. You don't remember why, but you've never had to think of why, and it doesn't matter anyway when you've always been so confident that you're right. It isn't until you're challenged on it all and reminded that you never used to be like this, that you were different before, that something has changed that you finally falter. And you try to think of where this all started, try to figure out why things changed -- and all you can really remember is an entrancing pair of eyes, and a gentle suggestion, and then your own mouth responding, "That's a great idea. Let's go."
And suddenly, you realise that you have no idea how much of what you are, what you were, and what you believed you always have been is just a lie. You don't know whether any thought you have now is really yours or just another preciously placed prompt. You don't trust your impulses, you don't trust your desires, you definitely don't trust your judgement.
You don't trust yourself. And you never can again.
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What's your take on/advice to subjects with aphantasia? I'm very new to hypnosis and find myself struggling a lot with visualizations, given that isn't really something I'm capable of.
Aphantasia does not make hypnosis even the slightest bit less effective, or the difference is minimal at best.
A very important part of perception that you and many others would benefit from knowing is the effects of expectations and the systems we create for ourselves.
This most commonly happens with folks that struggle with productivity, like critters with ADHD. I am one such being.
I would, in the past, constantly try to create systems of incentives for myself that made things worse because what I was ultimately doing was creating a win state that didn't feel good and an arbitrarily set loss state that made me feel terrible.
If I work for 20 minutes and then take a break for 10, it didn't feel good to work for those 20 minutes successfully, but if I wasn't able to go back to working immediately after the 10 minute break, I failed and my shame response would compound my inability to work and would shut down my ability to do anything for hours.
What you are doing as a subject in this case is taking the concept of aphantasia and the word "visualization" and creating the idea that you need to actually visualize in order for it to work. You should treat it like you would descriptive writing in a novel. You don't need to visualize a setting in a novel to understand it.
If I say there's a neon sign hanging above a bar at night with the name "The Bottlecap", you are able to understand and conceptualize it without seeing it.
The point of visualizations is to compartmentalize something in your brain. We do this all the time and without visuals whatsoever, even giving a name to something like "stress" compartmentalizes it from other feelings. Visualizations in hypnosis link and isolate specific parts of the brain so they can be "narratively" affected and affect your perception as a result.
If I tell you to focus on these words that you've been reading for a long time already, and focus, and focus more, and then to use that focus to conceptualize a bubble representing your thoughts, then your brain has done that no matter the visualization.
You can conceptualize that it is slightly purple-ish, that it is translucent, and even without seeing it, each dedication to detail makes you focus on that concept more. This bubble represents your thoughts. And so, if I were to gently bring a claw up to its surface, I could easily make it...
...that's the idea anyhow. Try to be aware of the systems you create in your head, and to realize when one is more harmful than helpful.
Have a nice day.
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does conversational hypnosis actually work like is it a thing people can actually do effectively and reliably or is it another one of those fantastical horny concepts
"Conversational hypnosis" is what I do most of the time, but that label just kind of annoys me for some reason. I consider it essentially the same as "covert hypnosis" which is what I also do most of the time nowadays. In my opinion, all that these methods really are are regular manipulation with goals that resemble hypnosis' goals.
Many, many folks can attest to me being able to seemingly remove all of their barriers and set things up without them noticing. Much of conversational and covert hypnosis is about framing and priming. I often frame things as if I'm explaining a concept and teaching, be it hypnosis or not.
Priming is much like setting up a twist in a story. While subliminals do not work at all, there is a commonly confused concept similar to it called preconscious suggestions. While subliminal stimuli are things that even when someone is focusing as hard as they can they are unable to process it, preconscious stimuli are things that could be processed if someone decided to focus on it, but they're misdirected elsewhere, and it's received without them noticing.
When a twist in a story happens, it can't just happen. Every element needs to be separately set up beforehand, setting the sort of narrative ambush in a way that once it happens, all of the things we noticed but didn't suspect fall into place at the same time. Priming is doing that very thing, planting seeds of ideas into someone's head to affect their perception so that when you do finally give a more direct idea (still under a conversational tone), it makes sense to them and they accept it willingly. It is, essentially, verbal sleight of hand.
I find most overt hypnosis kind of boring nowadays, and mostly use hypnosis to help people open up, so I use "conversational" and "covert" "hypnosis" to do so. Though, again, it's just a nicer way to put "manipulating someone's perception". C'est la vie.
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Wanted to make a more induction style spiral again. There's no awakener, but it should be only a light trance. Make sure you only drop deep if you want it~
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Hello, and welcome to the first trance on my blog. As you can probably guess, this post will include an induction intended to induce mindlessness and relaxation. And of course, since we're just meeting I've included a little gift, just a nice basic trigger to drop back down easier and faster for me.
Have you ever stopped,  and thought about all of the places you've seen? Most of us haven't.  That's OK. Cities,  houses,  offices,  we've seen hundreds of places,  and each have their own memories. Their own feelings and thoughts embedded into our minds,  unnoticed but never gone.
It's said our environments shape our thoughts and feelings. Fortunately for you, earth is filled with nature, with vibrant meadows,  dark forests, and miles of farmlands. Take a moment and think about that, half of all the locations you can think of. No,  really take a moment and think of the most relaxing meadow or field you've been in. Close your eyes and bring it to the front of your mind,  as clear and detailed as you can. Focus on your memories,  focus on the grass dancing in the breeze, the sun beating down,  bathing everything in a nice, warm glow. It's OK to take your time here,  just relax and close your eyes, breath and focus. When you can see it clearly you'll open your eyes and continue reading,  won't you?
There's no need to think about why we're here.  There's no need,  because you and I both know. You're here to read my words, to relax and let go. You're here to drift into your own mind,  and relax. And while you're here with me,  in this little corner of your mind of peace and relaxation that's exactly what you're going to do. You're going to read, and let my words shape your thoughts, let relaxation seep into you, and push out your thoughts.
And we both know you will,  since this is what you want. What you're craving. And you've dropped so many times before, you may already be feeling hazy, relaxed, weak. That's fine, it's what you want,  it's what I want for you.
In your mind,  look up from the field into that nice deep blue sky. And as you do let yourself notice a cloud of birds flying all around. Flitting from spot to spot, sometimes flying, sometimes coming down to rest.
In a moment I'm going to count down from 100, and with each number you'll see some of the birds fly off into the distance. And with each that leaves you'll feel a nice wave of relaxation wash over you.  Getting stronger and stronger with each number.
100. Watching the birds fly off, and feeling the relaxation hit your toes. All the stress and tension just dissipitating into nothing.
99. Feeling the relaxation climb to your ankles.
98. Feeling better and better.
97, 96, 95. Letting the relaxation slowly climb your legs. Just drifting and focusing on the birds. Feeling yourself relaxing further and further as each flies away.
94, 93. Relax. 92. Drift. 91. 90. The birds flying away faster and faster. Just relaxing further and further, drifting. Relaxation reaching your knees,  feeling yourself just sinking into relaxation.
89, 88, 87, 86, 85. Just drifting and relaxing. Happy and relaxed. Each number bringing you deeper and deeper into this relaxed state.
84, relax, 83, drift, 82, sink,  81, 80. The relaxation making it to your hips and legs.
78, 76, 74, 72, 70. The birds are leaving faster and faster, relaxation climbing more and more with every word. Already halfway up your chest, just drifting and feeling so good. Each number helping you relax more and more, and feeling better than the last.
68, 66, 64, 62, 60. The relaxation climbing higher and higher all the way up to your shoulders. No tension, no stress. Just peace and relaxation. Just drift into relaxation.
57, 54, 50, going down your arms and into your hands. Relaxation reaching all the way down your body, only your head left to go. And as the relaxation reaches your head your thoughts will slow and fade.
49, 48, 47, thoughts just popping and disappearing as the birds fly away. Each number feeling so nice.
46, 45, 44, 43. Already feeling slower, but so nice. Feeling better and better as your thoughts drift off.
42, 40, 38, 36, 34 32, 30. No need to worry, I'll hold onto them for you. Just relax and drift. Don't think, just sink. Just relaxing more and more, thinking less and less.
25. 20. Barely able to think now. Just drifting in a haze of relaxation. 15. Sinking. 10. So deep.
5. Barely any thoughts left. Nothing but relaxation, and peace, and happiness. No worries, no thoughts.
In a moment the last birds will leave. And so will your thoughts. Nice and blank. Happy and relaxed.
4. Drifting
3. No thoughts
2. Blank and empty.
1. Almost there.
0. Nothing left but my words and the feelings of relaxation and peace. Happiness. No thoughts or stresses.
And as you float and drift here for me, I'm going to give you one thought to stay with you. A special one. Just one word, but when you think of it for me they'll grow bigger and bigger, pushing out all the other ones. Until there's nothing left but relaxation and peace. One that I, and only I can tell you to help you relax and let go, to just drop and surrender for a bit.
Whenever I tell you "'affoga" you'll come back to this meadow, watching all the other birds disappear. Feeling so good, whenever you hear "affoga".
In a moment my words will stop, but that's ok. You can stay in this meadow, blank and empty, happy and thoughtless for as long as you want.
Be a good girl and drift and relax for me until you're ready to come out now.
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Covert Hypnosis...Or is it...?
Covert hypnosis.... its an odd concept isn't it? In a way its both the ultimate form of CnC hypnosis but it is so hard to do right isn't it? Its OK sweety, we haven't started yet, you can agree, or can you? See anyone who knows anything about any kind of hypnosis, knows about compliance sets, a technique of getting your subject to agree with a set of questions that really only have one answer, an answer geared towards getting your subject used to agreeing, the object is to get you to keep agreeing with me, keep saying yes, the more you say yes, the more you agree, the more natural it becomes to say yes, to agree with me, easy to understand right? Careful, how many times have you agreed with my statements already? But its OK, we haven't started yet, remember? Because the truth of it is you can't hypnotise an unwilling subject, so your safe until you consent at least, right? So how does CnC hypnosis work? You cant give consent while not giving consent can you? Of course not.
You see I use covert hypnosis, its one of my favourite inductions, and the trick is to only use it on a subject that wants that feeling of powerlessness, now I know what your thinking, every sub wants to feel powerless right? Well that's the weird thing with covert hypnosis, if its done right there no defining point where your subject knows they are being hypnotised, just a gradual feeling, that gentle tickle in the back of your neck, a focus on my words, its not like you can't look away, its not like you can;t stop, its just that you don't really want to, you know? You know you can stop, your not powerless, your still in control, you just want to keep reading because your curious, your interested and your safe to do so, so how do you communicate consent with covert hypnosis if the fantasy is a gradual loss of control, spiralling down gently rather than being subjected to a long drawn out induction and some spirals to hold your attention?
Well initially the consent is implied, after all you can look away from a text induction, close your eyes against a pulsing spiral and just stop listening, any hypnotic induction relies on the subjects focus, keeping their eyes on the screen, the pendulum, the spiral even the words in the case of text, keeping their senses focused, drawing them in gently, promoting a warm, safe feeling even as part of their brain starts to wonder and if they keep reading, if they keep relaxing, if they're focus narrows entirely on the hypnotist, then they are offering a form of consent, not all the way, perhaps just curious, focused and relaxed, you just want to know where its going don't you? That's OK, we haven't started yet.
So what happens next? Do you have full control? of course not, that consent is vague at that point, little more than focused curiosity, focusing on each word, you can still look away, you can still stop, your feeling safe, warm, even relaxing into a rhythm, focused on my words, letting your eyes tunnel on my words, feeling the word starting to fall away, but its OK, you can relax, we haven;t started yet, but do you see how natural it feels now? How easy it is to agree with me? You might even start feeling you head nod when you agree with my statements, that OK, your not hypnotised, just relaxed, comfortable, curious and focused on my words.
In a lot of cases this is when the subject gets their next warning, feeling warm and relaxed, so comfortable reading and agreeing, just enough left to pull away, to shut off their phone, close down the screen, they could stop right here, but then you wouldn't know how it ends, and you really want to don't you? You;d like to know how far down you go? That's OK we haven't started yet, this is where your hypnotist might start trying to deepen your trance, alter your mental state, by now your already feeling warm, relaxed and calm, your already focusing on my words, agreeing with my statements, its almost like your being led isn't it? Led down a spiral stairs into the warm dark, one step at a time, you can almost count them in your head, letting that warm, calm blank feeling grow as you step deeper and deeper down the stairs, warmer and warmer, more and more relaxed.
The thing about covert hypnosis is, if its done right, your subject is semi aware of what's happening, up to a point they can just stop, but once they go past that point, once they go deep enough, far enough down the stairs, looping around and around, sinker deeper and deeper, letting that warm relaxed feeling grow and grow, the point where they almost feel like their floating, warm and blank, following my words, so easy now isn't it? So natural to agree and follow, that's right, now sweety I'm going to give you one last choice, all the way down the stairs, one step at a time, warm, calm and relaxed, you can stop now, you can wake up or you can keep going deeper and deeper, sinking into a warm, relaxing trance for me, remember pet, this is your choice, back up into the light or down deeper and deeper, sinking into that nice warm trance, warm, relaxed and calm, time to choose kitten.
Up or down
Up or Down
up or Down
up or DOWN
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As you read this post, I'd like you to focus on how easily your eyes drift from word to word.
That little flick of your eyes when you reach the end of a line, and move back to the left to absorb the next one.
And every time you finish a word and a line, that little
just snaps your eyes and brain back to attention. Ready to read more, take in more of my words.
You can find yourself getting comfortable without really realizing, your body shifting into a relaxing position to sit and read in.
It's pretty impressive how my words seem to grab your attention, isn't it?
Every vowel, every consonant, every comma almost feels as though it's grasping your brain
squeezing and massaging every little thought away
more and more, every time those eyes
back to the left.
And every time your eyes hit the beginning of a line, your mind is firmly pushed further into warm, easy thoughtlessness.
It doesn't take much to find yourself enthralled, hypnotized.
Your mind knows what words to latch onto, and it's so easy to give in.
And because you're just so captivated, so captured by these words that seem to take control so easily, it's natural to find yourself feeling a warm, dull pleasure.
It feels wonderful to be commanded, huh?
That release of tension, of worry, of responsibility, just for a few beautiful moments.
No need to think, or do anything beyond what you're told, and that makes your mind and body so happy... So eager to fall deeper into submission.
After all, you don't really want to think, do you? That's why you're here, reading this, following me, letting your eyes
obediently, just because I told you to.
Very good!
Feeling so blank
every time those eyes
without a second thought.
It's so easy to let yourself sink deeper... To find this obedient pleasure overtake you.
To feel a streak of arousal and blankness shoot through your body like lightning, every time those eyes
helplessly and happily.
That's wonderful.
And as your eyes and mind both
onto each word, swirling through your brain like smoke, I've just got one little command for you.
Your mind doesn't even try to think for itself, does it?
It just rolls over and accepts what it's told.
And you'll obey, because you already know that following along is so much better than thinking.
Read this post again.
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