Star Warzzz
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havoc-7 · 27 days ago
Echo: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
[long pause]
Crosshair: And?
Echo: And you are.
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havoc-7 · 29 days ago
Omega: You’re offered 50,000 credits but if you accept it, the person you hate most in the entire galaxy gets 100,000 credits. Are you taking it?
Crosshair: Yes. Why wouldn’t I want 150,000 credits?
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havoc-7 · 29 days ago
As promised, the Bad Batch!
I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of clones taking holos after missions they’re particularly proud of. Also, I love the Dad Batch as much as the next, but I ADORE their Frat Bro days!
(One day I’ll stop drawing clones in T-shirts and put them in proper gear, but today is not that day.)
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havoc-7 · 1 month ago
Imagine the bad batch in a Miss Congeniality type situation
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havoc-7 · 6 months ago
I love that Din Djarin has a mustache. Like who is that mustache for?? Nobody but himself. He loves that thing. Probably smiles at it in the mirror
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havoc-7 · 6 months ago
I said this to a friend once about Mandalorian S3, because I saw/heard people shipping Din and Bo-Katan and like. Idk if I really get the romantic vibe from them but I do get the “married for no other reason than tax benefits and are completely fine with that” vibe. Din wants to go bathe in the water of their obliterated home planet for moral redemption? Bo-Katan is like “ugh fine but you have to let me navigate.” Bo-Katan wants to take back their obliterated home planet? Din is like “do it homie, I’ll bring my kid, it’ll be fun.” No romance. Just support and tax benefits. It’s lowkey such a vibe
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havoc-7 · 6 months ago
This has been said a thousand times in a thousand different ways, but I just adore how Din Djarin found himself suddenly taking care of a strange alien kid with magic powers, and he is just like, “Yep, alright, this is cool, I can do this.” No questions asked (except for helpful ones, like “does this look Jedi to you??”), no hesitation (even when he has to give up said kid). I feel like too often, we see characters stall because of disbelief or skepticism when it comes to the unknown, but Din just straps the kid to his armor and his rifle to his back and embraces it. It’s not even heroism, it’s just decency
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havoc-7 · 6 months ago
What do you think was the first little spat that Tech and Echo had, I have my theories but I’m curious 👀
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havoc-7 · 6 months ago
I just watched the very first episode of the Mandalorian for the first time in like YEARS and I NEVER noticed that in that iconic last scene where it pans out on Din standing over Grogu’s little floating bassinet, holding out his finger,
he wiggles his finger 😭 he does a little finger wiggle 😭😭
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havoc-7 · 6 months ago
Gorgeous. Just stunning. 20/10
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the one sunny day ever
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havoc-7 · 6 months ago
So anyways, I’m still not over Tech
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havoc-7 · 7 months ago
No literally like I’m obsessed with these two
Also I personally headcannon that Crosshair did latch on to Echo really fast, but he would never admit to it. Like from day one he would totally die for Echo, but it was a long while before he would let himself say anything remotely unsarcastic to the reg because psh, he’s no softie (yes he is)
I’m definitely super obsessed with Echo and Crosshair’s relationship if you couldn’t already tell but above all I’m so interested in the ‘firsts’.
The first time they exchanged any sort of gift or the first time they shared something personal with each other. Their first hug. The first time they fought really bad and turned the ship into a war zone for a few days. The first time one of them took the other’s side in an argument. The first time they had to patch the other up after an injury and realized how scared they were to lose each other.
What did that look like? Did it take a really short time or were they tip toeing around each other for a few weeks? Did Crosshair latch onto Echo super fast like I tend to headcanon or did it take some time before he started to feel comfortable around him? Did Echo butt heads with Crosshair in the beginning? Still sometimes? How do they work through disagreements? Who was the first person Echo shared any sort of personal emotional thing with? Was it Crosshair or someone else? When was the first time he told Crosshair something like that? What was it? When was the first time they were able to joke with each other or make fun of each other? What’s their favorite way to spend time together and how did they find that out?
What’s something that only Crosshair knows about Echo and vice versa???
Just. The two of them navigating getting to know each other and finding out they have some very big things in common despite how standoffish Crosshair is and how strong willed Echo is. The two of them forming a strong bond and still being able to call each other out on shit when needed.
Just. Crosshair and Echo.
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havoc-7 · 7 months ago
the chaos in "tangled ever after" but it's tech and phee's wedding
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havoc-7 · 7 months ago
The finale of 'The Bad Batch' has made me feel things that other shows haven't and I don't really know what those things all are, so I can only really think about small aspects of them. There's the obvious sadness you have at the goodbye to anything, the appreciation for the time that I got with the show, and the satisfaction of a well-executed conclusion.
But I want to talk about something else.
There was a review of 'Star Wars: the Clone Wars' that mentioned that the S7 finale gave something to the Clones that they rarely if ever got: a burial. There is the remark from Hunter about how the Clones are finally free to choose for the first time...ever, really. We see from the closing scene that Hunter is struggling a bit from his age; his heightened senses have started to dull.
So I thought to myself, choking up as I did so, where would the Clones want to be buried? What would they want to be done with their remains? Most Clones would probably have a pretty simple wish. Place, preparation, maybe a reason. Not much else, probably.
Rex might want to be buried with the brothers that he and Ahsoka buried together at the crashed cruiser. In death they would be as they once were: together.
We know Waxer didn't survive the war, but if Boil did, he'd be buried on Ryloth. Numa would personally see to the wishes of her nerra.
Hunter would want to be cremated and interred at Pabu. He'd want to take up as little space as possible. They would put his urn with the rest of their priceless treasures.
Echo might want to be on Coruscant. Whatever data that would be still in his head could be useful and he wants to help. Grim though it may be, he'd be like he was on Skako Minor but on his own terms.
Wrecker would want a viking funeral. He wants to go out with a bang and he would want to press the button. The folks on Pabu would rig up a boat for him.
Crosshair would be very specific on everything except his reasons. There's an old Imperial outpost on Barton IV. He would want to be buried in the mountainside just past the perimeter sensors. No one asks why. Maybe Hunter would know something. What Crosshair knows is that the Imperials wouldn't have given the man a proper burial. But he would be there. Somewhere. Crosshair would have to keep lookout. He would be on an eternal watch. For Mayday.
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havoc-7 · 7 months ago
It would be unfair not to reblog this
This thought came to me at work today, but what if at one point the Marauder kept having issues with its navigation system or something?? And Hunter kept filing reports for it, but since he’s kinda lazy when it comes to reporting he just writes “tech issues” and hits submit
And then one day he gets a call from Cody, and Cody is like, “hey, uh…is Tech okay??” And Hunter’s like, what do you mean. And then Cody produces three months’ worth of reports that say “tech issues” and goes, “Well, apparently, he’s having problems…”
Crosshair never lets him live it down
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havoc-7 · 7 months ago
Do you think Hunter, Wrecker, Echo and Crosshair ever think about how the first mission given to the them by the empire was to kill Saw and they didn't because they knew it was wrong and valued human life, only for Saw to not see their lives the same and be fine with Tech being his collateral damage?
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havoc-7 · 7 months ago
Omega growing out of her “sweet happy-go-lucky child” phase and into her “moody emotional teenager” phase would be quite the upheaval in the Bad Batch household, because Hunter is probably devastated and emotional and a little scared about it all because that’s his little girl, but Crosshair just smirks and buys a pack of extra crunchy toothpicks because his time has come.
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