hauntedyoutharcade 8 days
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Changed her design
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hauntedyoutharcade 12 days
I'd love to talk about him! What do you wanna know about him? 馃憖
Also, my fic is on ao3 under the name antmusicenthusiast. It's also on this page I think it's the most recent post after this one
Leo lore for those interested
He is an ex-young army expendable. He was Boy 417
When the young army was disbanded, he was placed in the resettlement home with the other boys. An old woman named Fedelma took him in
Fedelma had kids of her own, but they're all grown up. She was a wizard, and also like I mentioned, owned a pastry shop. Leo helped her with it. She died a year before my fic starts. Leo doesn't know where Fedelma's ghost went off to after she spent her year and a day where she passed. He wants to see her again but isn't sure where to look
And lastly, Leo has very unfortunate taste in men 馃挃 if you ask nicely I'll tell you who he likes but for now it's a secret. Ok that's all, thanks for reading 馃憤
EDIT: I forgot to mention that Sally Mullin has beef with him lmao
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hauntedyoutharcade 22 days
Man what the fuck is up with my art. Same character, 2 different ways
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hauntedyoutharcade 1 month
First chapter is up
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hauntedyoutharcade 1 month
Leo lore for those interested
He is an ex-young army expendable. He was Boy 417
When the young army was disbanded, he was placed in the resettlement home with the other boys. An old woman named Fedelma took him in
Fedelma had kids of her own, but they're all grown up. She was a wizard, and also like I mentioned, owned a pastry shop. Leo helped her with it. She died a year before my fic starts. Leo doesn't know where Fedelma's ghost went off to after she spent her year and a day where she passed. He wants to see her again but isn't sure where to look
And lastly, Leo has very unfortunate taste in men 馃挃 if you ask nicely I'll tell you who he likes but for now it's a secret. Ok that's all, thanks for reading 馃憤
EDIT: I forgot to mention that Sally Mullin has beef with him lmao
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hauntedyoutharcade 1 month
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Snippet from a fan fiction I'm working on,,, I've had a Septimus Heap oc for so long (since I was 12 I think?) And finally wanted to write something for him. His name is Leo, and he's a young man, about the same age as the main cast of the story. He owns a pastry shop that is his family's business. His Gran started it, but unfortunately passed away, so she left it to Leo. Sarah is his favorite customer! I feel like she gets treated kinda badly or disregarded by a lot of people and wanted to change that. I'm flying by the seat of my pants with this one, I hope I'll have the willpower to write it all 馃槶 I made a SH specific blog @/althermellasshoelace too haha
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hauntedyoutharcade 3 months
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Poor Cedar is going through it. A lot happened in tonight's session and I wanted to write about it
I realize this is incomprehensible to anyone who isn't part of the campaign im in but the vibes are there. Also I just noticed some errors in here but I am not fixing them 馃拃
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hauntedyoutharcade 3 months
My beloved Pathfinder character, a Sweet breath Gnoll merchant. I love herrr sm
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hauntedyoutharcade 3 months
My dm decides that my cute little halfling warlock has suddenly gone down the path of necromancy when I added summon lesser demons to her spells. Not the direction I was expecting her to go in but its very interesting!
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hauntedyoutharcade 3 months
Very lazy doodle of Astrid on my Pathfinder character sheet. I added small braids to her hair and dots next to her eyes inspired by AURORA. She's had those for a while I've just been forgetting to add them
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hauntedyoutharcade 4 months
My oc adventurers
Haig: the leader of the group. He has 0 qualities of a leader but likes to think he's soooo good at it because he was briefly in charge of some guys on his family's farm. He's read a lot about dungeons and has heard a lot of stories about what you can find there and all that. Thinks he's so prepared to go into one with a party and be successful right away. He's dead wrong about this. He gets a lot of his party members hurt due to his carelessness, doesn't realize he's at fault and points fingers at the injured person because they didn't do exactly what he said. His groups never last long. A lot of people hate him
Merren: A cleric trained in the use of resurrection magic. A nice guy, definitely is more of a follower than a leader. He stayed with Haig the longest out of anyone who's joined his group, but ends up leaving eventually when he almost dies at Haig's hands. He stops going into the dungeon on the island and finds work at a resurrection centre instead
Shara: An elf mage. She is still very mysterious to me which is so unfortunate because she's so cool and sexy. She wanted to murder Haig when he almost killed Merren but refrained from doing so because he had to be present when they were gonna get paid for the job they did
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hauntedyoutharcade 4 months
I colored this a bit more. As you can see, I tried to give her a neck but I gave up pretty quickly. I'll have to try again later
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I think her name will be Hydrangea
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hauntedyoutharcade 4 months
Please don't reblog my last post 馃槶
Idk how to disable reblogs on posts on mobile but don't reblog it I don't want her out in the world
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hauntedyoutharcade 4 months
Worlds shittiest doodle of Astrid. Idk man I'm trying to figure out how to draw things. The lapels of her coat are fucked up but like whatever. I kinda like this tbh
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hauntedyoutharcade 4 months
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Astrid. Early twenties. Trans girl
Pyro sword user from Mondstadt. Healer/shielder. Sailor on the Crux Fleet's flagship, the Alcor
This drawing is almost 2 years old 馃槶 I haven't been able to draw her as well since. I've made a lot of changes to her appearance since I made this. Hopefully I'll be able to show them soon
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hauntedyoutharcade 4 months
She is not a bard btw she just plays the lute for fun
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hauntedyoutharcade 4 months
Pinboard for Astrid
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