Godspeed Jimmy Carter
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Re:DNIs if it’s that important then block me yourself. 骄傲的腐女 (Proud funü).
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
harperhug · 2 days ago
Video of a deer eating off a branch.
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harperhug · 2 days ago
I swear we used to be able to think critically about random GoFundMe asks
It used to be understood that if someone using a throwaway blog suddenly starts messaging a bunch of accounts to beg for money, they were most likely a scammer.
Now suddenly there are fucking swarms of throwaway bots relentlessly shilling GoFundMe campaigns to anyone who even so much as breathes in the direction of a trending tag or post, yet the mere suggestion that any of these could be a scam will immediately get you yelled at by self-righteous strangers.
What changed?
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harperhug · 2 days ago
You don't wish your disability was worse or more visible, you wish your disability was taken seriously. Please stop confusing the two, I guarantee you would not get the support you need JUST by being more severe or more visible. Please listen to visibly disabled people when we tell you it isn't better on our side
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harperhug · 2 days ago
"Violence only leads to more violence" TRUE! The thing is tho, a lot of people in power seem to think the start of the violence was the CEO getting shot, but they're wrong. The start of the violence was that very CEO running a company that turns immense, endless human suffering into money.
Violence did lead to more violence, decades of needless death and suffering willfully enacted by millionaires so they can make just a little bit more money, that was the start of the violence. If they didn't want it to escalate eventually, they should have maybe not made killing people the core functionality their entire company hinges on.
The people being tortured and killed by the health insurance industry are not the ones who started the violence, and tbh I don't really think it's on them to end the violence, either.
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harperhug · 2 days ago
as i’m sure many of you know, “fertility” rates are my, uh, one too many drinks cause, bc the following things (inter alia) piss me off:
calling it fertility rate
saying women aren’t having kids bc lack of good parental leave and health policies in the U.S.
saying women aren’t having kids bc scary future and bad present
saying women want more kids but aren’t bc, see above
here’s some fun graphs and excerpts from an article in the economist that i know i’ve posted before but you can never see them too often
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govts have tried just giving new parents straight cash: “The thinking behind [financial incentive policies of giving new parents straight cash] dates back to the entrance of women into the workforce en masse, which happened at around the same time as birth rates started their long decline. “ but these policies “have a relatively small impact [and are] fabulously expensive, as lots of cash goes to parents who would have had children regardless of the financial incentives available. Each child that resulted from Family 500+, in the years from the Polish financial-bonus scheme’s introduction in 2016 to 2019, cost $1m. In France each extra child over the past decade has cost twice that.” so…it ain’t money
male economists remain incapable of understanding parenthood: “Gary Becker, a Nobel-prizewinning economist, suggested in the 1960s that the best way to consider children is as goods that parents purchase according to how many they can afford, both in terms of time and money. Easing the burden of a career and expanding household budgets should therefore boost childbearing, he concluded.” 😒
drop of fertility is bc we functionally fixed teenage pregnancy (for now): “More than half the drop in America’s total fertility rate is explained by women under the age of 19 now having next to no children. Around a third of the missing births would have been unplanned, and the majority of them would have been to women on low incomes. . . . “Similarly, in Britain women born in 2000 had half as many children before they were 20 as those born in 1990. Unlike their rich counterparts, these women will probably not compensate by having more children later in life.”
maybe women just don’t want kids!: “Meanwhile, there is little evidence that middle-class women wish they had many more children, which would at least suggest they might be open to official persuasion. Today, at the age of 24, college-educated American women want on average 2.2 children—roughly as many as previous generations. They will now have these children a little later than before, with the first arriving at the age of 30, compared with 28 in 2000. Although trends suggest that they will fall short of their ideal family size, the gap may be the same as for women in previous generations, who missed the target by an average of 0.25 children.”
“[S]ome programmes are now beginning to explicitly target [low income and/or younger women]. Zhejiang, a province on China’s eastern border, is offering newly married couples a lump sum, but only if the bride is below the age of 25. In Russia women who have a child before they turn 25 will soon be exempt from income tax. Hungary offers a similar benefit to mothers who have their first child before 30—one of only two policies in Viktor Orban’s pro-natal push that economists at the Central European University think has created additional births. Although small families are becoming more common almost everywhere, women who start young still tend to have more children over their lifetime, which is why Messrs Orban, Putin and Xi are focusing on them.” nightmare blunt rotation
“young mothers laugh when asked if $7,500 would be enough of an incentive to encourage them to have another child; after all, low-income American households typically spend $20,000 in a baby’s first year of life. But such money may well have an impact at the margin. As one mother puts it, extra cash “might make me keep one I wasn’t sure I was going to have”. In America poor women are much more likely than middle-class women to cite financial hardship as a reason for an abortion.” cool society we live in
can we please built a society that doesn’t depend on women having children they don’t want: “extra children produced by targeted policies will probably not turn into the productivity-boosting professionals that governments most desire. Only 8% of the children of American-born non-college-educated parents are themselves expected to obtain a bachelor’s degree, and during his or her adult life the average high-school graduate boosts the public finances by less than a tenth of the net contribution of a college graduate. Therefore the financial benefits of pro-natal policies aimed at working-class women would probably be overwhelmed by their costs, given the expense associated with even well-targeted programmes.”
see also: “A first-time American mother in her mid-30s will earn more than twice what she would have earned had she had her first child aged 22. Women who give birth aged 15 to 19 are more likely to develop health problems; their first child is more likely to drop out of high school and to grow up without having both parents at home. In Flint many mothers express regret that they did not manage to “get things sorted” before they started to have children. “Hang on,” says one outside a community centre. “The idea is that I get paid just enough to make me have another kid? But that’s all that changes? Where doing it [raising a kid] right, later on, it’s all me? That doesn’t seem right.” The 26-year-old mother of three leans back, and laughs.”
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harperhug · 2 days ago
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Endometriosis impacts about 10% of people who have a uterus, and that EXTREMELY COMMON metric is merely an estimate, possibly a massive underestimate. This disease is notoriously difficult to diagnose, both due to the elusive nature of how it operates and the rampant misogyny that comes associated with the societal treatment of this particular organ system.
Like why aren’t we talking about all of this? Any given group of 30 people has 3 folks in it living with endometriosis…
so yeah. Sharing this all from Instagram here to raise awareness.
I am only formally diagnosed with ovarian endo but I’ve discussed with my doctor about how my chronic bowel issues are likely endo related/impacted and even my sciatic nerve pain in my back hip area is probably connected.
This affliction is a GD curse 🥲 The same way that autism is a diagnosis that has had all these underlying tendrils that connect a web of symptoms I experience together once I saw it, endo is the same. It’s a whole body chronic illness NO DOUBT.
here’s what I needed to hear because maybe you do too…
•it’s not normal to fill a whole large deva cup with menstrual blood in 2 hours. •it’s not normal to bleed for 8+ days at a time.
•it’s not normal to have cramps so bad you are bed ridden for days.
•it’s not normal to have sudden offsets of abdominal pain so strong you “see stars” •it’s not normal to have to rock to the side on the toilet and/or move your stomach around and like fucking palpate your own guts to be able to finally, fully empty your full bladder (<—this is the one that made me really wonder WTFFFF 🫣)
ALL OF THESE WERE MY RED FLAGS that I had multiple giant endometrial growths all throughout my abdomen.
but people said “cramps are awful” and “ugh I hate my heavy flow” and not like actual comparisons I could ascertain so I ignored a lot of bad shit.
I didn’t know how much other people menstruated or how they peed or what level of body pain occurred as they aged and got fatter and their bodies changed in countless other ways across a span of years.
I only got a proper endo diagnosis bc when I broke my arm in that terrible car accident back in 2019, my MRI at the ER in the trauma dept opened an eventual Pandora’s box of my medical issues.
anyway if one person suffers less bc they read this and get proper medical care that would make my heart soar with joy, so like SHARE THIS KIND OF KNOWLEDGE AND
It’s just a fucking bodily function. We deserve information about it like we do the signs of heart disease or colon cancer.
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harperhug · 2 days ago
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harperhug · 2 days ago
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
Infighting only helps our oppressors.
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harperhug · 2 days ago
Other people already said it but sending immigrants to El Salvador is not a deportation but a kidnapping. Deportation is sending a person to their country of origin. This is something worse.
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harperhug · 2 days ago
I'm seeing a lot of talk from disabled people fearing being put into concentration camps and at the same time, I'm seeing a lot of talk of people calling those fears dramatic.
I was one of the people back in July raising alarm bells over RFK Jr wanting to put neurodivergent and disabled people into camps but I realized something a while back and it's important to understand.
They don't need to put us into camps.
All they have to do is take away healthcare and assistance access as well as the laws that give us civil rights. That's enough to destroy disabled lives and kill us.
They're already doing that. The medicaid cuts. The section 504 lawsuit. The deia attacks. The make America health again EO. The discussion of slow rolling social security and social security office cuts. The healthcare research cuts. The food aid program cuts.
They don't need to round us up. Removing the safeguards that allow us to live and function does that job a lot easier and cheaper.
The same way they do it with other subjects, they're softening up people to it by musk calling people using assistance parasites, trump blaming disabled folks for the DC plane crash, trump saying his disabled nephew didn't deserve to live, the make America healthy again EO demonizing chronic illness and neurodivergency. And so on and on.
I'm not saying this to scare people. Someone on a disability group tonight said "if they were going to do it, there would be warning signs." The warnings are already happening! Alarms should be going off in your head. We are in it. So I'm saying this so people are aware of it. So that they are paying attention to it because we all need to fight like hell against it.
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harperhug · 2 days ago
You ever think about the MOVE bombing and then think about the fact that so few US Americans even know that the MOVE bombing like. Happened.
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harperhug · 2 days ago
Chastity kink guy who is also a prison abolitionist: the only cages people belong in are—
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harperhug · 2 days ago
kind of hate my stupid caustic pussy for dissolving my underwear over time but it's kind of cool, like, scientifically
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harperhug · 2 days ago
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harperhug · 2 days ago
X-Men: first class? Oh, you mean "Brokeback mutants?"
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harperhug · 2 days ago
I did a thing.. Tried to draw Cherik and SUCCEEDED YEAHHH
Reblog if you find this silly idk mwah
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harperhug · 2 days ago
Charles: Erik, darling, love of my life, I am begging you, please see a doctor.
Erik: what, is this -our- stab wound suddenly?
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