harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“But then who will we fight with? ‘Sides, I need tha punk to track down my pootsie. Have you seen him? It’s been soo long.”
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This was weird, and Selina didn’t like it in the slightest. Maybe she wasn’t Harley’s friend, more like maybe she wouldn’t say it out loud, but if the stupid brat was in danger then she was concerned. “Haven’t seen hide nor hair of him, maybe someone finally…” She made the slicing of the throat motion before shrugging “We can only hope.” She was full of shit.
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“I would suggest you visit a doc, but I think it’s your lucky day! I’ll diagnose you for fifteen bucks. You’ll need it.”
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Kory raised an eyebrow at the woman. “No. I am not on any meds or off them, if you are wandering.” Why would she be in need of medication. She was not sick.”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
The fact that the woman was still smiling after Harley’s little rampage baffled her and annoyed her at the same time. If anyone belonged in Arkham, it was her. “You off your meds, toots?”
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Kory looked at the woman, slightly startled at her tone and her words. Perhaps she was simply not having a good day and had talked to her in such a manner. Nevertheless the red head smiled politely as she lowered her head slightly. “I am sorry Ma’am. I do apologize. It seems I was not looking where I was walking.”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“Thank you,” Harley replied to June’s less than enthusiastic remark with a big grin. “’Scuse you, I’ve saved your life so many times we might as well be besties, bestie.” Eek, it might’ve appeared that Harley did come in at a bad time, or maybe that was just her influence. “I already tol’ you why I’m here. I’m hangry and I figured, you’re a witch... You can hot wingsardium levipizza me something delicious.”
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June sighed as Harley burst in with little regard. “Come on in, please.” June muttered as she watched her walk in. Harley was a team mate, if they could be called that. “We are not exactly friends, Harley.” June told her as she crossed arms, walking over. “What are you doing here? This isn’t a restaurant.” 
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
Harley scoffed at Selina’s remark, sure, she was right, but that didn’t mean she had to admit to it. “Can’t say, cuz if I do,” she put her hands next to her neck, just out of her own eyesight, and made a motion that was hopefully telling her that her head would blow off if she did. “How’s Batsy doin’? Still swingin’ from rooftop ta rooftop? I could just..”
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Selina stayed quiet at Harley’s question, she wasn’t sure she had an answer to it anyway. She crossed her arms over her chest and turned her nose up, avoiding looking directly at her “You deserved to sit and think about getting caught, it was clumsy of you.” She tipped her head to the side, looking the girl square in the face this time “What the hell’s that supposed to mean? Game has changed…” She scoffed, cracking her knuckles.
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
Having to pretend to be some kind a peasant was terrible. She had to pretend to be some normal, stupid Gotham citizen and in that undercover work it also included having to take the stupid train Gotham’s rich schmuck’s parents had built. Suddenly the woman next to Harley started speaking, it was then when she recognized her. Wasn’t that-- Isn’t she-- What the heck?! “Hi,” she replied with a big grin. Did she see through the blonde wig and tons of foundation to hide her pale skin? Was she going to kick her butt? Oh, the possibilities. “I oughtta know this one. Would that be mistah Lovecraft’s horror stories? Gotta love those, dontcha?”
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If there was one thing Talia al Ghul hated most about Gotham City – more than the vigilante heroes – the ludicrous personalities – the unattainable subtlety – the self-proclaimed heroes – yes, if there was anything Talia al Ghul hated most about Gotham City, it was the c o m m u t e .
For all intents and purposes, Talia was your average Gothamite this morning, on the train home from dropping her son off at elementary school. The bay below the bridge she crossed was rough today, waves crashing everywhere, and the sight brought a smile to her face. The trek back to Wonder Tower was a pleasant one, especially in the weather, but there’s never time to spare when Talia al Ghul has w o r k t o d o .
After all, Gotham wasn’t going to p u l l its own strings.
Of course, she noticed who was in the seat beside her, but didn’t care to glance their way. If they were here to speak to her, they would, and if not – well, Talia wasn’t looking to start anything.
That is, until she bit off her pen cap trying to figure out 38-Across.
“Hey,” she began – like they’d been in the middle of a silent conversation all along, “Where’d Arkham Asylum get its name from, anyway? Starts with a L, second to last letter’s an F – any i d e a s ? ”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
Harley was somewhere else, between the clouds, riding off into the sunset with Mr. J, it was glorious.. until.. “Hey! Watch it toots or I’ma rip you a new one!” she yelled at the red head, not even taking a second to listen to what she was sayin’. Didn’t matter anyway, she was rude.
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Making sure her summoning and receiving device, as she liked to call it, was in her purse, the Kory smiled in satisfaction, smoothing the front of her skirt before walking down the path, ready for another day of work, which she had not been expecting by bumping into someone. “Oh! I apologize! I did not see you there.”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
There was a nasty gnarl in her stomach and with the little cash they had gotten there was none left for a neat nacho pizza from down the street. Fortunately, she knew a kind witch - although, sometimes. After knocking she’d soon know in which state June would be in and whether she should run away or not. “Howdy there, partnah. T’is I, your favorite,” she yelled with a bit too much enthusiasm as she kicked the door off it’s hinches. “Look how hungry I am, it’s making me go mumbo jumbo turning me into Rocky. Ya got anything on the menu for lil Harles, kiddo?”
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June was dangerous. Well, perhaps not June but the Enchantress was. Being possessed by a witch had its drawbacks. There was no cell that could hold her. The sad fact was that June wasn’t evil at all. She was meek and friendly. However, when the Enchantress came out, she was no longer herself. In fact, she was no longer human. She was an entity. A feral goddess with a disregard with people and order. Least with the squad, they could eliminate her before she did something she regretted.
June was in control though for now and it wasn’t until she heard someone knock on her door. Answering, she offered half a smile. “What is it?”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ‹‹ Well, I’m well acquainted with villains that live in my head They beg to write them so they’ll never die when I’m dead ››
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“Well, aren’t you my friend? I’ll try to forget about how you didn’t even attempt to break me outta prison.. What if I tell ya the game has changed and lil Harles is tryin’ ta keep her friendlies outta trouble?”
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“If you actually think anyone is your friend in this city, you’re more delusional than I thought.” Selina crossed her arms “Kitty goes where kitty wants, don’t worry about me. You’re the one who got caught, I never do.”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“Well, uh.. wasn’t my fault. ‘Sides, I made plenty of friends there. Can’t say that ‘bout half of the scum in Gotham, now can I? Also, me thinks the lil kitty should stay in her basket for the next few months. It’s like I’ve got ESPN or something..”
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Selina cut her eyes at Harley, leaning against the wall and pursing her lips “I should be kicking your ass for getting caught and being sent to prison at all, you clown.”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
Harley leaned against the door in a manner that screamed ‘I wish Leonardo DiCaprio was here to draw me like one of his French girls’ as she watched her former friend. Current friend? Who the heck knew anymore. “Izzat how we greet pretty gals after they come home from prison?”
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“Can I help you?”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“That’s what people pay me to do. So, that’ll be 15 dollahs, please.”
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“You got me all figured out, didn’t you?”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
Harley was a bit surprised by Tatsu’s response. Was her disguise that good? “Oh you know, what gal wouldn’t want to visit a city with such high crime rates?” she joked before pulling a strand of black hair from under the wig. “Pssh, Tatsy, it’s-a-me. Harley!”
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She really didn’t even need to look over to see who that voice belonged to, because she already knew, still Tatsu glanced over at the blonde woman anyway and couldn’t help but sigh. She ignored her first statement, because there was no point in arguing, and instead raised her eyebrows. “Hanna? Nice name.” If she wanted to pretend to be undercover, Tatsu could play along. She used to have children herself, after all. “What brings you to a place like this?”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“You sayin’ he’s neither of those? Or would ya prefer something along the lines of ‘suga daddy’?”
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“Rich handsome schmuck is a way to put it. It’s his building, yes.”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“That was the gist of what I was sayin’. --Oh, you’re one of those guys. Yanno overconfidence means you’re compensating..”
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“Don’t you mean I should be more dressed? And who said I don’t want to be stared at?”
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harlcenquinn-blog · 8 years
“Maybe you shouldn’t be dressed like that if ya don’t want to be stared at, toots.”
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“Whatcha starin’ at?”
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