glitchychara · 2 days
Cry about how cute they are 🥺
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yeah i finally made these actual dupes/models so I can make more of these silly squids! i love my splatoon au
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glitchychara · 2 days
How I imagine an interaction with my oc's from different AU's would go:
Kasi: Which one of you was gonna tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?
Rudy: y-you were putting it in cold water?
Kasi:yeah??? I thought for like 5 years that ppl just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. I didn't realize there was an ACTUAL reason. Do you think I have the patience to boil water?
Violet:You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes??
Rudy:Why. are you. putting it. in the microwave to boil it?
Violet:Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Rudy:It takes less than a minute 
Violet: Bestie is your stove top powered by the fucking sun???
Rudy:How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove?
Violet: Like 7 minutes
Rudy: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like two minutes…less than that if you use a saucepan…
Violet: 😭 you're putting the whole mug on the stove???on medium heat?? your stove is enchanted
Daisy: Every single person in this room is a fucking lunatic.
Aria: Do none of you own a kettle????
I got inspiration for this from smth @stagbel posted and thought it was a nice fit
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glitchychara · 3 days
Whichever one of you smart ass scientists repoplulating that 1% population of mosquitoes that isn’t instantly killed by the mosquito spray is actually a menace to society and my biggest op.
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glitchychara · 3 days
please send help...
@boxcutterrr @irisiscool @libbytwq
ur first and last recent emojis are ur gender now. mine is 🅱👨‍❤‍💋‍👨
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glitchychara · 3 days
The result of not remembering how to create your oc
Also oc drop?? Hell yeah
This is Kasi, shes my main MHA oc (yes I have others.) I'll probably drop her lore later at some point idkbut anyways the one in the middle is the current version
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glitchychara · 3 days
(Another Smg4's closet thing)
3: So...top or bottom?
4: I thought we agreed we were switches?
3:.....do we start from the TOP OR THE BOTTOM?
4:ooooooh. top
3: dumb ahh freak
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glitchychara · 3 days
This just shouldn't have as many likes as it does ngl
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Same scene, different fandom
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We love partners that don't mind dying but the second their s/o is threatened they're in defense mode lol
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glitchychara · 4 days
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I love them 🥺
also I made this
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glitchychara · 4 days
oms I love this parallel
Different companies, same energy
Credit to my friend Nyx online who pointed this out
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glitchychara · 4 days
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glitchychara · 4 days
So here's the thing. I have so many oc's i wanna introduce but they're all from different Fandom so do I do one Fandom a day or do I do one oc a day?
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glitchychara · 4 days
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Mama Eda ily but we all know DAMN well that you don't pay bills
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glitchychara · 4 days
finna be my new comback line fr 😭
before y'all get too nice you need to remember- melvin is canonically uglier than your grandpa's nutsack
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glitchychara · 4 days
imagine if that was how we chose our next president. by a golf tournament.
in case your not watching the presidential debate the two people running for office rn are arguing over who can hit a golf ball the best i wish i was joking
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glitchychara · 5 days
*3 and 4 are cleaning a closet that 4 kept shoving old papers in*
3: lets see, "meme ideas, story plots, cooking recipes...?" dude, you've gotta throw some of these stupid boxes away.
4: you're supposed to be helping me organize, not criticize.
3: well excuse me for telling you to get rid of some of this trash.
4:WHAT? None of this is trash, 3. everything in here is very valuable.
3: so if I pull something off the shelf, its gonna be valuable.
4: yes :)
3: Alright, fine. *scans the shelves* Oh look, this one had a LID on it. Wooooow. Let's see what it says. *looking for a label* dude, where the hell is-oh, its on the bottom. "Stuff that would get me killed if 3 saw inside..."
*3 and 4 slowly turn to look at each other*
3: 4...whats in the box...?
Anyways. Idk why but I have this hc that smg4 has a box of paper similar to 3's notebook and he doesn't let anyone see it (hence why the lid on it and the label on the bottom)
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glitchychara · 5 days
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i need to tslk to someone idk if I can do yhis anymore
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glitchychara · 5 days
"do you want fries with that ma'am?"
Why are you lgbtq+? wrong answers only GO
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