
To find healing for yourself is the most satisfying thing in the world!Yet figuring out what it is that will heal you can sometimes be elusive. If you take things one step at a time, you make forward progress. Each step forward is progress in motion.
Looking for a new method to heal yourself? Read about QHHT here.
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You're not stuck, you're just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they have helped you in the past. Now, those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful. The reason you can't move forward is because you keep applying old formulas to new levels of your life. Change the formula, get a different result.
- Emily M
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From Clueless, to Staunch Supporter & Reiki Master
There are a lot of people who have no idea what Reiki is, and how it could potentially help you. Many people get uncomfortable with new methods they're not familiar with. Admittedly, growing up, I had zero clue and had never even heard the word.
Unexpectedly, I came across a situation, and a person...
who lovingly gave me some Reiki in college. Within a few hours, I knew that something was different and I wanted to know what it was.
As a senior at the W, I had been a little lazy at work this one day. I worked at a screen printing shop and regularly did all of the production work to create custom made shirts. One thing we must do for new jobs is clean the emulsion off used screens for them to reused. On a typical day, I would do anywhere from 0-10 screens. This was the beginning of the reunion season, and the shop was backlogged. I cleaned approximately 75 screens that day, all day.
Young, dumb and stupid I didn't think it was a big deal. I was wrong.
That evening I noticed my hands were red, swollen, hot and sore from the chemicals used to remove the emulsion. My skin was burning - but I wasn't in the practice of seeing my health as an issue with whatever the job entailed. I put them in cool water, but otherwise I had no idea what to do to make it better. Admittedly, I was a little frustrated, but had no answer for myself. It wasn't killing me, mostly uncomfortable. Something else to endure.
I made it through the night, and the next day woke to hands that were even more swollen and red than the day before. They felt like they were about to crack, if I bent the fingers or used them too much. Alas, I had class and the show must go on. Suck it up, buttercup. As I walked into my watercolor class with Mr. Gibson, many of my classmates and friends noticed my red, swollen hands. People asked, and I answered what had happened. I didn't want to dwell on it, nor did I see any point in feeling sorry for me. It was my fault. I was sure they would heal, eventually.
We had a demonstration in class by the teacher. We all gathered round, as art students do. An older classmate, MaryAnn Frank, in her late 50s, sat next to me as we watched the teacher. She had been in the room while people were making a big deal of the state of my hands and she too had asked a few questions. Just before he began the demonstration, she made eye contact with me, and smiled. I smiled back. That was a little bit weird, but she was just smiling. Then, she reached over to my hands, and gently placed her hands on mine. I sat through the demonstration, probably less than 15 minutes total with her hands cupping mine. It didn't hurt. It felt warm, but didn't make the burn worse. I noticed nothing else, and frankly while it was a little strange for her to hold my hands - nothing about it was bothersome. It wasn't worth the energy or disruption to ask her to stop. If it made her happy to hold my hands, I could do that for a few minutes. She was actually the wife of another professor at the school, and I enjoyed both of them immensely. After the demonstration ended, we returned to our regular seats across the room and started working.
I continued through the day, and noticed that my hands weren't really getting better. They felt like they were burning even more bit by bit, and things were truly getting more difficult to do as the day wore on. Again, being young, I just ignored it as best I could. By the end of the day, I could tell my hands truly needed to finish burning before they would begin to heal. I sarcastically shared this with my friends, bemoaning the predicament in which I found myself. By the end of the day, I decided that it would likely take about 3 total weeks to heal. GRRRREEEEAAAAT. Another 3 weeks of this royal pain in my hands. Oh well, what's a girl to do?
I went off to bed, and woke the next morning to my hands in a significantly better state. I didn't know what she had done, but I knew she did SOMETHING. I didn't see her the next day, but I did see her the next class period, a day later. I was truly astounded at how fast they were healing. Friends and classmates had forgotten their astonishment at my red, swollen hands, but I had spent many many hours thinking about them. My hands truly felt better that morning, and only continued to heal more and more over the next few days. Truly amazed - I was just had to ask Ann about this as soon as I saw her again.
The second class of the week occurred, and I eagerly awaited Ann's arrival to the classroom. She came in and I tried not to pounce her, but boy did I ask as soon as she had a moment to sit down and get settled.
"What did you do to my hands? They are so much better! Look at them. I know you did something, what was it?"
MaryAnn smiled, and said, "Reiki." At this point, 20 years later, I honestly don't recall the details of what exactly she said, but I do remember the word "Reiki" was the most important part. Reiki was worth remembering.
Like many people, I was interested and pleased but it didn't change a whole lot about how I lived life at that point. I was a senior, and ready to move on in life. I had big plans, and needed to focus. I graduated shortly thereafter, and moved back to my hometown. Later I met my to-be husband and went on with a typical life. We eventually had children and life was just what you expect... a whirlwind of things happening so fast you might not notice if you didn't take the time. Fast forward to me experiencing some physical discomfort I thought everyone had. My legs were hurting, I wasn't sleeping great and I was trying to do way too much. Stress was a regular, long lasting scenario. I had one child, my mother had almost died of septic shock and I was trying to finish my Masters in Education while teaching at a school that was a 49 mile drive each way. It was then, that I thought of MaryAnn.
What was that word? Ray-key? I decided to look up what she mentioned. I had to learn the spelling, and I had to find info by randomly typing in words associated with what had happened to me. That’s when I learned what Reiki truly is – intellectually. It wouldn’t be until about 10 years later that I found an opportunity to actually take the class and learn from experience what Reiki is.
Over the years, one thing I’ve loved immensely about the practice of Reiki is its unassuming nature. Reiki requires no belief (I had none). Reiki only works for the good of the client (I could have said no to MaryAnn). Maybe I had a clue, deep down what she was doing was helping me. Reiki is not demanding of anything. It allows, and actually needs you to relax and just let things be. This is where Reiki works best. What could be better than a no-pressure, no-worries experience with healing? Nothing! Nothing rivals the power of Reiki and I will forever be a staunch supporter of Reiki Practitioners and instructors.
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What is QHHT & Why is it so FLIPPING COOL!
Although hypnosis has been around for many years and has shown positive results in health management1, QHHT is a little different than other...
hypnosis techniques. QHHT stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. This is a method used by QHHT practitioners to help clients find 100% personalized, profound healing and understanding. QHHT allows the client to go deeper into the hypnotic state and access what Dolores Cannon (the creator of QHHT) calls the "SC" or subconscious. Once the SC has been accessed, the practitioner asks the questions you’ve brought to the session to get answers you've been searching to find. The hypnosis portion of your session is recorded, and delivered to you very soon afterwards. Listening to your recorded QHHT session continues to bring healing and understanding to you over time.
How is QHHT different from other healing methods?
QHHT is very unique in its approach and execution, yet it is the most natural experience you can have. QHHT feels very comfortable and easy to do, yet it will get to the root cause of your problems faster than other methods. How? A QHHT session provides a warm and welcoming space and interaction for you to find the healing you need within yourself. We all do our best when we feel safe, loved, heard and are alert and aware. This is the environment of a QHHT session. Your practitioner will give you the space and time you need to really look at the topics, questions and situations that are important and/or creating frustration in your life. Just think of a time when you were happy, in tune with yourself, aware and responsive, that’s how a QHHT session will feel.
Who should I try QHHT?
QHHT can be for anyone who is interested in healing, literally anything. There are records of nearly every kind of dis-ease being healed in QHHT sessions. If you’ve tried traditional, or even alternative medicine, and still had no relief from your symptoms or conditions, give QHHT a try. QHHT is not physically invasive, requires no pill to be taken and is available to any and all people who are genuinely interested in healing. You are in charge of exactly how good of an outcome comes from a QHHT session, so your degree of healing is determined by your personal motivation. If you like the idea of being in total control of your healing, without relying on someone outside of yourself, QHHT is definitely for you.
Healing myself? Yes, you can!
To find healing for yourself is the most satisfying thing in the world!Yet figuring out what it is that will heal you can sometimes be elusive. Your QHHT practitioner has the knowledge and experience to bring you to a state where you can discover what it is that will heal you and create a life with more abundance, health and satisfaction.
Interested in learning more? Contact [email protected] today to inquire about a FREE QHHT session while they last! _______________________________________________________________________
How can this be true?
Your practitioner is not only trained in the effective and practical QHHT method, but they have spent many years on learning what tends to bring healing. QHHT practitioners are NOT doctors. They don't have miracle cures or procedures that will physically change your life. Yet, if you are truly open, interested and willing the information gained in a QHHT session can give you the most effective actions steps to take to ignite change for the betterment of you!
QHHT practitioners have spent considerable energy focusing on healing and guiding others to finding their own version of healing. All QHHT practitioners are people who have been drawn to this type of healing, and it is something they are truly called to do. Additionally, all QHHT practitioners have personally experienced at least one session (often many more). They will share information which will help you to feel comfortable with the experience.
Additionally, many QHHT practitioners combine QHHT methods with other modalities. At The Happy Lyon Center, I combine QHHT with massage therapy, Holy Fire ReikiTM and HeartMathTM training. Other practitioners may combine their services with other modalities like psychotherapy, counseling, energy healing and more. Our one goal as practitioners is to help YOU HEAL! Read the background on your selected practitioner, and if those modalities which can supplement a QHHT session appeal to you, reach out to the practitioner to see if it feels like it's a fit for you.
How can QHHT heal all people, and all ailments?
Your most harmonic state of being is one of homeostasis. Homeostasis is a balanced, steady state of health. Humans continually reach for homeostasis.
"Homeostasis is an internal feedback system that stabilizes and balances our body's chemistry, so that our organs work smoothly and efficiently with each other." The BMJ Awards: celebrating excellence, 2016
We all go out of balance as a result of various experiences in life, yet finding that balance again is the most natural and easy thing you can experience. Yes, I said EASY. Finding your balance is what QHHT is best at doing.
As you learn to listen to your SC and your body, you learn to notice when things feel off kilter. You learn to respond to the feeling of being out of balance and discover ways which help to bring you back to homeostasis. QHHT sessions and practitioners are focused on helping you return to being comfortable in the balanced state which promotes steady health. This is natural for you, the client, and for them, the practitioners.
Interested in learning more? Browse articles here or through your own research. Want to book a session in southwest Montana? Schedule your appointment today at The Happy Lyon Center.
Want to learn more? Sign up for a bi-monthly newsletter which will feature new articles on QHHT and other healing modalities.
A Brief Background on QHHT
This is a technique developed by Dolores Cannon (1931-2014). In the 1960s she and her husband were using hypnosis to help people with quitting smoking and losing weight. Delores devoted most of her life to helping others heal, and eventually spent most of her time in QHHT sessions and teaching new practitioners to continue the healing for generations to come. Learn more and find local practitioners from the official QHHT site.
Harvard Health Gazette. Hypnosis helps healing: Surgical wounds mend faster. May 8, 2003: Cromie, William.
Health & Homeostasis. BMJ 2016;355:i5643
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