Happy Life Video
42 posts
              Here is a powerful collection of Spiritual, Health and fitness, Amazing, Entertaining, Technical, Scientific, Sports, music, Informational and latest news videos. I am sure that all of these videos will most useful, attractive, awareness and entertaining all of you. So please connect to me with this opportunity.        इस एकाउंट में आध्यात्मिक, आयुर्वेद एवं स्वास्थ, अमेंजिंग, मनोरंजक, तकनी��ी एवं विज्ञान संबन्धी, खेलकूद, म्यूजिक, ताजे समाचार एवं नई जानकारियों से भरपूर वीडियो का शानदार संग्रह है। हम आपको विश्वास दिलाते हैं कि ये सभी वीडियो आप सबके लिये अत्यन्त उपयोगी एवं मनोरंजक होंगे।            
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
Kapil Sharma Flirting with All Bollywood Actres | Kapil Best Comedy
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
गले की टन्सिल को असानी से ठीक कर सकते है.. TREATMENT OF THROAT INFECTION...
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
Best performance in comedy circus Comedy Night.. Kapil Sharma
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
स्किन रोग मे कैसे प्रयोग करें पुदीना पत्ती...TREATMENT OF SKIN DISEASE B...
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
रामपाल यादव हंसी की पिटारा देखकर आप दंग रह जायेगें....
रामपाल यादव हंसी की पिटारा देखकर आप दंग रह जायेगें... rajpal yadav comedy
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
Rajiv Dixit अनेक रोग से छुटकारा दिलाती है मुंह की लार ... USE OF SALIVA
list the components of saliva and their functions
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
कपिल ने किया तो हंसी रोक पाना मुश्किल हो गया...Kapil Sharma non stop com...
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
Rx आप भी जानें डॉक्टर की पर्ची में लिखे ये ‘‘सीक्रेट’’ बातें...meaning o...
अक्सर डॉक्टरों को दवाई का पर्चा लिखते वक्त आपने उसके सबसे ऊपर Rx लिखते हुए देखा होगा। जाहिर है आपके दिमाग में ये सवाल भी आया होगा कि ऐसा क्यों लिखा जाता है। अगर आपको नहीं पता कि दवाई के पैकेट और डाक्टर के पर्चे पर Rx क्यों लिखा जाता है तो चलिए हम आपको बता देते हैं।
लैटिन भाषा में Rx एक चिन्ह है जिसका अंग्रेजी में मतलब Take होता है। इस हिसाब से इसका मतलब हुआ ‘लेना’। इसका एक सीधा सा मतलब ये है कि डॉक्टर आपको वे दवाएं लेने के लिए कह रहा है।
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
साक्षरता अभियान का सच... Rajiv Dixit Reality of Saksharta Mission
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
चुटकियों में हो सकता है साइनस का इलाज अगर अपनाएंगे ये टिप्स... Rajiv Dix...
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
देशी टमाटर खाने के जबरदस्त लाभ जो आप जानते ही नही हैं? Rajiv Dixit BENI...
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
घर में ही उत्तम इलाज करें व रक्त में हीमोग्लोबिन बढ़ायें...TREATMENT OF H...
This channel is a #perfect #platform which provide to all of you many type of #Health and household tips and #tricks of #Aayurveda #videos, which have been applied by ours #Grandmother Types old #guardians. These things you can find in your #kitchen. So we have #collected those types of information and reach to you. We have tried our best that all of that #information would be right and better. But you should apply each and every information with the opinion of doctor or #vaidhya. Wrong practices may be #harmful for you. In such #situations our channel #Ayurvedic #Health Tips in #Hindi and its videos would not be responsible. So I hope that if you #subscribe our channel and keep connecting to us then #definitely this platform will be #provided day to day many powerful #Aayurveda related videos in #hindi #language.
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
सिर में कौन सा तेल और कब लगायें? नारियल के असली तेल का रहस्य...Rajiv Dix...
This channel is a #perfect #platform which provide to all of you many type of #Health and household tips and #tricks of #Aayurveda #videos, which have been applied by ours #Grandmother Types old #guardians. These things you can find in your #kitchen. So we have #collected those types of information and reach to you. We have tried our best that all of that #information would be right and better. But you should apply each and every information with the opinion of doctor or #vaidhya. Wrong practices may be #harmful for you. In such #situations our channel #Ayurvedic #Health Tips in #Hindi and its videos would not be responsible. So I hope that if you #subscribe our channel and keep connecting to us then #definitely this platform will be #provided day to day many powerful #Aayurveda related videos in #hindi #language.
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
CANCER रोगियों को ये बातें पता होनी चाहिए....Rajiv Dixit TREATMENT OF Cancer
This channel is a #perfect #platform which provide to all of you many type of #Health and household tips and #tricks of #Aayurveda #videos, which have been applied by ours #Grandmother Types old #guardians. These things you can find in your #kitchen. So we have #collected those types of information and reach to you. We have tried our best that all of that #information would be right and better. But you should apply each and every information with the opinion of doctor or #vaidhya. Wrong practices may be #harmful for you. In such #situations our channel #Ayurvedic #Health Tips in #Hindi and its videos would not be responsible. So I hope that if you #subscribe our channel and keep connecting to us then #definitely this platform will be #provided day to day many powerful #Aayurveda related videos in #hindi #language.
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
पीलिय के लक्षण और शर्तिया इलाज...TREATMENT OF #JAUNDICE By-Rajiv Dixit
This channel is a #perfect #platform which provide to all of you many type of #Health and household tips and #tricks of #Aayurveda #videos, which have been applied by ours #Grandmother Types old #guardians. These things you can find in your #kitchen. So we have #collected those types of information and reach to you. We have tried our best that all of that #information would be right and better. But you should apply each and every information with the opinion of doctor or #vaidhya. Wrong practices may be #harmful for you. In such #situations our channel #Ayurvedic #Health Tips in #Hindi and its videos would not be responsible. So I hope that if you #subscribe our channel and keep connecting to us then #definitely this platform will be #provided day to day many powerful #Aayurveda related videos in #hindi #language.
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
यदि आपका बच्चा अब भी बिस्तर में पेशाब करता है? ये रहा समाधान....Rajiv Dixit
This channel is a #perfect #platform which provide to all of you many type of #Health and household tips and #tricks of #Aayurveda #videos, which have been applied by ours #Grandmother Types old #guardians. These things you can find in your #kitchen. So we have #collected those types of information and reach to you. We have tried our best that all of that #information would be right and better. But you should apply each and every information with the opinion of doctor or #vaidhya. Wrong practices may be #harmful for you. In such #situations our channel #Ayurvedic #Health Tips in #Hindi and its videos would not be responsible. So I hope that if you #subscribe our channel and keep connecting to us then #definitely this platform will be #provided day to day many powerful #Aayurveda related videos in #hindi #language.
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happylifevideo-blog · 6 years ago
हेपेटाइटिस बी का अतिउत्तम एवं सफल इलाज....#Rajiv_Dixit #hepatitis_B treament
This channel is a #perfect #platform which provide to all of you many type of #Health and household tips and #tricks of #Aayurveda #videos, which have been applied by ours #Grandmother Types old #guardians. These things you can find in your #kitchen. So we have #collected those types of information and reach to you. We have tried our best that all of that #information would be right and better. But you should apply each and every information with the opinion of doctor or #vaidhya. Wrong practices may be #harmful for you. In such #situations our channel #Ayurvedic #Health Tips in #Hindi and its videos would not be responsible. So I hope that if you #subscribe our channel and keep connecting to us then #definitely this platform will be #provided day to day many powerful #Aayurveda related videos in #hindi #language.
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