hani-yo · 24 hours
I drew some art for Falls The Shadow as it has been living rent free in my head for the last couple of weeks now, it’s just THAT good. I really really hope you like it and ahhhhhhhh I hope I did Brennan justice
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@avituses UM. What in the hell is happening with your account, first the incredible REMS art didn't show up anywhere in the tag and I didn't get any notification for you tagging me, and now I have zero memory of this ask?? No notification?? I've been scrolling now and saw the art AND OH MY GOD???
This is AMAZINGGG, thank you so much!! Hope it's okay if I immediately add it to the fic, fuck. It's so delightfully creepy, and Joker's expression is perfect. You absolutely did Brennan justice. I'm so amazed by people's love for him, it's the second time someone drew him! I love it, and I'm so glad you enjoyed FTS so much.
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hani-yo · 24 hours
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more of my guy
more of my little guy
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hani-yo · 3 days
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The same feeling...
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hani-yo · 3 days
what annoys me about posts on the novel frankenstein in this site (besides the blatant ableism towards victor frankenstein from people who swear they "care" about disabled people) is the amount of readers that forget that the bride, had victor truly put her to life, would in fact have the same amount of autonomy & free will as the Creature does.
i talked about this in some reblog before but really it is incredibly annoying, seeing people who claim to be feminists and advocating for the rights of women saying that oh! victor should've just not given her ovaries/not given the Creature a cock and so that would fix everything! so they shan't be able to reproduce an dmake evil moster children! just in response to this one thing in that chapter:
"one of the first results of those sympathies for which the dæmon thirsted would be children, and a race of devils would be propagated upon the earth, who might make the very existence of the species of man a condition precarious and full of terror."
it is true that victor worries about them reproducing, but how did they miss these lines from the first paragraph of the chapter?:
 "He had sworn to quit the neighbourhood of man, and hide himself in deserts; but she had not; and she, who in all probability was to become a thinking and reasoning animal, might refuse to comply with a compact made before her creation. They might even hate each other; the creature who already lived loathed his own deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form? She also might turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man; she might quit him, and he be again alone, exasperated by the fresh provocation of being deserted by one of his own species."
it's literally longer, reader can't have somehow accidently missed it? frankenstein thinks of her free will, that is so much more important. he worries of her consent in the matter. it is in my belief by ignoring this you are ignoring the voice of mary shelly, daughter of a world known feminist, who is against arranged maariages of which this situation very closely resembles.
even if we ignore the fact that people somehow managed to not read a significant amount of the text, why do people belive the victor owes the creature a wife? do you think men are owed wives? that women, without a say in what they want to do, must become a wife to some random man just because he wants her to?
people here woobify the creature so much that they literally act extremely ableist and anti-feminist on accident. i am not saying the creatture is pure evil and victor is pure good, i am very against black and white readings, but is this not common sense? and honestly, the way the creature speaks about the bride is gross anyways. here are two examples:
"one as deformed and horrible as myself [would not deny herself to me]" & "(…) of the same species and have the same /defects/".
is that not odd? how the creature Wants her to be miserable and ugly so she has no other choice but to be with him?
not to mention how the bride parallels elizabeth and the relationship between her and the creature would've probably parallels the relationship of alphonse and caroline frankenstein, how the creature would've (accidentally?) groomed her and how pedophillic it kind of is if you really think about it. but that's a whole different can of worms
i know you guys love adam and hes interesting but jesus fucking christ
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hani-yo · 3 days
I have a Tamlin bittersweet headcanon that won't leave my mind, so of course I'll share it here:
So, I absolutely love the idea of Tamlin having children no matter how many boys or girls. But, I find myself thinking all the time: what if Tamlin ended up having a family configuration exactly like his own??? By that I mean he meets his own mate (I so hope for that), she becomes Lady of Spring after their marriage, and they have 3 sons.
After his last boy is born, he finds himself wondering how ironic it is that he ended up having a family structure indentical to his former one. Only now he is no longer the kid, he is the father and the husband, and this is such a bittersweet thought because just now he realizes the extent of his father's cruelty and his mother's omission. Because only now that Tamlin has his own family does he understands how so very simple it is to treat his sons with care and kindness, how so very natural it is to treat his wife with respect and tenderness, how so so very easy it is to love all four members of his little and precious family with the full power of his heart. And only in that moment all things really come full circle, and a long cycle of neglect and violence is appeased. His wife is not going to meet the fate of his mother and his sons will not know his sorrows.
He is not his father.
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hani-yo · 5 days
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Female tamlin again. I'm trying really hard to come up with a design and appearance that I like but it's really hard. I liked the way she's looking in this sketch but idk if will be definitive..maybe. And I mean... tamlin was a soldier and my dear tata will be no different. So maybe I'll try to make her have a strong body. I'm still struggling with male Feyre too. Ugh this is hard (WHY IS HER HEAD LOOKING MASSIVE IN THE PICTURE?? I SWEAR IT ISN'T THAT BIG IM PERSON!)
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hani-yo · 5 days
I know the Spring Court warriors have the prettiest fae armor everrrrr 🥺 imagine those as the armor Tamlin wears during the war-band camp times
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hani-yo · 6 days
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Belos doodle I did at work last week
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hani-yo · 7 days
Oh my gosh, after waking up to find his daughter unconscious and covered in blood on his door step, Andrew would have had to go to Kitty and Caleb’s house and carry his son-in-law’s body back to safety and I can’t handle it!
Yeah.. it wasn't an easy night for any of the Clawthornes
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hani-yo · 7 days
whatever you do, do not think of the Wittebane brothers as found family ::) do not think of two unrelated orphaned boys sticking together because they have no one else, do not think of Caleb looking at a child who is young and scared and reminds him so much of himself at that age, and promising Phillip that he will not let him go through what he did. Do not think of them choosing each other. Do not think of whispered reassurances of I won't leave you after nightmares.
(Do not think of Phillip, seeing his brother and protector and only thing he has abandon him after he promised not to. Do not think of Phillip orphaning Caleb's child before they were even born, for the crime of Caleb choosing another. Do not think of Phillip looking at 5 10 100 clones who are young and scared and the image of Caleb, and thinking maybe this time.)
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hani-yo · 8 days
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I've made this picture for a collaboration with a very talented jewel crafter, who makes some ACOTAR inspired pieces too, and they are so beautiful! You can find more details about it on my IG.
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hani-yo · 8 days
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more solidified evelyn design + doodles :J
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hani-yo · 8 days
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doodles of male feyre archeron. Weird there isn't more genderswap fanart
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hani-yo · 8 days
everytime I think about genderswap feylin it just make more sense in my head. Specially Feyre. It likes Feyra was made to be the ''man of the house'', the one to provide, she's the one controling the money too... and the way she thought about marrying Nesta and Elain, as if she's the man that can control them since they father is no longer able to do that. And when I transform Feyre in a actual male then it just suit like a glove. And even more so because no one would pity him (feyre) for hunting, even tho he would be a child like his sisters, because hunting is a ''male duty''. I don't know if this make sense- I hope so. And Tamlin wouldn't be shamed for have been sexually assalted, because he would be a female in this version. ugh, I'm sad that when I search for feylin genderswap there's only my own fanart lmao
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hani-yo · 8 days
The IC when Nesta let a child risk her life in the woods (despite being a child herself): 😡
The IC when Nesta saves millions of children in hofas: 😡😡😡😡😡
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hani-yo · 8 days
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Jason portrait 🌹
Scrolled tons of male photos on pinterest to choose features from, it's not perfect to how I imagine him, but close I think.
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hani-yo · 8 days
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uh,, yeah idk
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