hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
Yeah I’m just gonna discontinue this blog. I’ll keep this one up in case I want to come back.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
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“It’s been so long! I missed you!” She threw her arms around him and squeezed, then quickly pulled away.
“What’ve you been up to lately! Nobody’s seen much of you from what I can tell. You’ve been getting out, right?”
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“…Oh jeez..”
A sigh, then a smile.
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“Yeah, hi, Ames~ nice to see ya.”
He laughed, he did find it nice, but it was one of these things where you just, you’re happy to see someone but you also know they’ll be annoying as hell. He’d be fine with it tho.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
( “I’m so exhausted I don’t feel tired anymore.” — @xblccding-dxrkncssx )
“You knucklehead!” Amy tutted, wagging her finger at Shadow.
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“I told you to go to sleep hours ago. But no. Nobody listens to Amy! It’s not like she has good ideas and common sense!” She barked. However, despite her harsh tone, the pink hedgehog’s face softened when she noticed the bags under her friend’s eyes.
“I could make you some cocoa. Do you think that would help?”
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
Sleep Deprivation Sentence Starters
Requested by Anonymous
“When was the last time you slept?” 
“What? Sorry, I’m having trouble focusing…” 
“…What was I doing?” 
“What are you doing?” 
“Did you see that? No?” 
“I haven’t slept in almost __ days.” 
“You look absolutely terrible.” 
“I’m so exhausted I don’t feel tired anymore.” 
“I don’t think I can stand up without things spinning.” 
“You need to go to bed.” 
“I can’t sleep.” 
“You aren’t making any sense.” 
🏨+ Add your own!
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
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      side by side, the lovely year goes on. reach for the top, ‘til the bubble pops. take a memory, insert it to the past. which one is the sweetest? save it for the last.
                      told by delta. template cred.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
[[ I really wanna make a blaze rp blog but tbh. I don’t wanna make all those icons.]]
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
“Geez. What’s his problem?” Amy muttered quietly to herself. The pink hedgehog fumbled on the ground, searching for the hammer she threw.
“It could’ve gone that far! Dang it.” Her frustration gave way to anxiety. The longer she looked here, the longer she took the chance of that man changing his mind. She did not like the things he said, and the malice his voice had carried.
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“Piko...where are you?” Amy sang nervously.
“I haven’t done anything to hurt you, and I don’t plan to. I just came here looking for a thing my friends lost.” Amy said, still backing up step by step. She was relieved to see it was just a person, however menacing he looked. It took her a second to process what he was saying. This dude clearly had some issues. Maybe they were justified, maybe not. Amy just wanted to get out of here without conflict.
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“See? I’ll even put my weapon away.” She flicked her wrist flung her hammer to the side, where it dissapeared into the dark. This was her last resort.
His tail dropped from his shoulder and lashed at the ground, making an audible WHUMP that echoed throughout the cave.
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“Don’t play games with me, mammal!  I have no time for you or your ilk.  I’m going to be gracious to your kind for once and allow you to leave with your life, but if you ever come back here again, it will be your death!”  His tail slinked back behind him and he turned away from her, and leaped back into the darkness, and Amy would hear him scuttle further into the caves.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
“I haven’t done anything to hurt you, and I don’t plan to. I just came here looking for a thing my friends lost.” Amy said, still backing up step by step. She was relieved to see it was just a person, however menacing he looked. It took her a second to process what he was saying. This dude clearly had some issues. Maybe they were justified, maybe not. Amy just wanted to get out of here without conflict.
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“See? I’ll even put my weapon away.” She flicked her wrist flung her hammer to the side, where it dissapeared into the dark. This was her last resort.
The red eyes weren’t that of a robot. Amy tensed again. Robots, she knew how to deal with. This unknown thing with a pointy stinger, not so much. If she didn’t shed some light on this situation soon, she wouldn’t have a chance if this thing attacked.
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“Look, I don’t want any trouble. I didn’t mean to intrude.” She said, backing up slowly.
Amy couldn’t take her eyes off the glowing red ones. Behind her was an exit, but she had no way of knowing how fast it was. Maybe if she could talk it down.
Crawling forward into the light, the hedgehog would finally see the cave dweller for what he was: a scorpion Mobian.  It was only then that Pandinus rose up to his feet, glaring down at her.
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“Why should I believe that?  You mammals are all alike: coming and going where you please, walking over every other species out there like you’re the dominant ones, when it’s US who are superior in every way.”  His tail draped across his shoulder.  “We were born with the necessary tools to survive, while you mammals leach off our hard work and act like you’re something special..”
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
The red eyes weren’t that of a robot. Amy tensed again. Robots, she knew how to deal with. This unknown thing with a pointy stinger, not so much. If she didn’t shed some light on this situation soon, she wouldn’t have a chance if this thing attacked.
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“Look, I don’t want any trouble. I didn’t mean to intrude.” She said, backing up slowly.
Amy couldn’t take her eyes off the glowing red ones. Behind her was an exit, but she had no way of knowing how fast it was. Maybe if she could talk it down.
A shiver ran down Amy’s spine. After being hunted by robots and other things for most of her early life, she knew to trust her instincts.
Right now, they were telling her to run. She summoned her hammer squinted her eyes, trying to make out something in the darkness. Faint scraping noises reached her ears and shivered again.
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“Come out.”
So, her senses were a lot stronger than he gave her credit for.  So much for a sneak attack, it seemed.  Pandinus dropped from the ceiling, twisting in mid-air to land on all his limbs, tail arched up high, and all the hedgehog could see of the scorpion was just his eyes glowing softly in the dark.
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“What exactly are you doing here in my caves, mammal?”  The voice that spoke was deep and raspy, seemingly older than one would think, and dripping with malice.  “Did you come here to seek an early death?  If so, I can arrange that for you..”  His tail arched closer, and only then could Amy see the glint of light off the sting at the end of it.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
It had been awhile since Amy had caught up with Sonic. The pink hedgehog had simply been too busy to catch up with him, running on several errands in the city. Now though, she finally had some free time. Amy missed the blue blur greatly, and was overcome with joy when she spotted him.
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“Hey!” She yelled, trying to get his attention. “Sonic! Long time no see!”
She jogged up to him and waited for him to notice her, bouncing on her heels happily.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
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“Never fear,
Amy Rose is here!”
Indie.semi-selective Amy Rose.
like or reblog and I’ll check out your blog!
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
[[ I really want to rp with a sticks blog but I haven’t been able to find any :( ]]
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
Amy Rose was entirely too busy. Running all the communications of a resistance against a nut-job with an army and powerful magic wasn’t easy. But everyone needed a break. She sighed to herself, and her eyes scanned the room until they landed on the new recruit. He looked a bit lost.
She giggled to herself and walked over to him.
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“Hi! Like Knuckles said earlier, I’m Amy Rose, head of communications. What’s your name?”
Gadget had been a shaken mess when Commander Knuckles found him. Losing his entire team had shaken the poor kid up something awful. But being in a room surrounded by his heroes and being told he was joining them now had put him at a temporary ease. Stars were in his eyes during the briefing and afterwards, he was looking around at his new team, unsure of himself. These guys were way above his rank, even referring to him as Rookie (and neglecting to ask his name). So he was looking around in the hopes of being given orders or… something.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
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HEY !! it’s ya girl, NYA !! here to bring you the lovely TIKAL THE ECHIDNA ! give this a LIKE or REBLOG if you’d be more than interested in writing with her ! can’t wait to write with you guys ! <3
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
A shiver ran down Amy’s spine. After being hunted by robots and other things for most of her early life, she knew to trust her instincts.
Right now, they were telling her to run. She summoned her hammer squinted her eyes, trying to make out something in the darkness. Faint scraping noises reached her ears and shivered again.
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“Come out.”
Mystic Cave Zone always gave Amy the creeps. It was dark, wet, and cold, as caves tended to be. She grumbled to herself as she kicked a spot of mud off her boot. Why was she here again?
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Oh yeah. Nicole had gotten a singal from a potienal chaos emerald. Sally had asked someone to go check it out, so she volunteered. Of course, that wouldn’t stop her from complaining.
“Ugh! This place reeks! I can’t even place what that smell is!” She continued to gripe, stomping onwards.
Small hairs on his body detected the change in the air.  Someone had entered the caves.  He didn’t like people coming out this way.  It was his sanctuary, his home.  And he didn’t like intruders.
Rather than getting up to his feet, Pandinus chose instead to walk as he used to, before Mobians came into being: on all his limbs.  This allowed him to crawl and skitter along the walls and ceiling of the cave with reduced sound.
Moving along the ceiling now, his eight eyes granted him enhanced vision, even in utter darkness, and he spotted the pink hedgehog.  He had to hold back his disgusted feeling, not wanting to give away his location.  
Ugh…mammals, he thought, as he crept closer towards her.
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He would make an example of her.
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hammeringhero-blog · 6 years
Mystic Cave Zone always gave Amy the creeps. It was dark, wet, and cold, as caves tended to be. She grumbled to herself as she kicked a spot of mud off her boot. Why was she here again?
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Oh yeah. Nicole had gotten a singal from a potienal chaos emerald. Sally had asked someone to go check it out, so she volunteered. Of course, that wouldn’t stop her from complaining.
“Ugh! This place reeks! I can’t even place what that smell is!” She continued to gripe, stomping onwards.
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