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indie magnus bane, dash only for now. 
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halfhell · 6 years ago
i think starting in june i’ll be totally revamping this blog on a low activity basis, the main reason i stopped coming on here was bc i was stressing myself about not writing but i adore magnus so much & the ending of the show really reminded me of my love for the character & how much of an impact he’s had on my life ( i mean seriously i have a cat named after him ) so ! just an update, in the next few days i’ll be redoing his theme & slowly getting things done but real activity will probably start after i’m home from my next two cons.
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halfhell · 6 years ago
♡      A L E C.
❛    i think the kids are both asleep now .    ❜            soft declaration ,      hushed even after door’s shut behind him .            rafael still had a habit of awaking at the   slightest noises   and would come to find him or magnus each time he did ,      unlike max who slept   like a rock   thankfully enough for them .            so it had been alec’s turn   this   time around to put rafe back to bed .            a spanish lullaby   he’d learned and practiced had soon done the trick .            and yet he can’t help but wait a few more moments at the door ,      listening until he’s   certain   no little feet can be heard from the hallway .            relieved sigh falls once nothing’s heard .
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finally does he turn to focus attention back upon magnus .            and features soften a degree more as he looks at him with fondness .      eyes shining brighter   still as he steps closer to the bed ,      curve of mouth lifting ever so slightly .            ❛    but ,      you know ,      i’m not tired yet .    ❜            he states slowly ,      albeit it somewhat of a lie .            he   is   so tired   ;   no one told him how much   sleep   he’d miss out on due to parenthood ,      but he’s willing to miss out on a few more hours ,      if magnus is .            and it’s not something a   stamina   rune wouldn’t fix .            ❛    are you    ?    ❜
        he’s  sprawled  ever  elegantly  on  their  bed,  a  book  that  seems  to  be  older  than  even   time  itself  settled  in  between  deft  fingertips.  attention  once  enthralled  by  ancient  text  then  shifts  with  his  husband’s  presence,  book  haphazardly  thrown  to  the  side.   with  a  gust  of  azure  flames,  it’s  gone,  probably  replaced  in  it’s  original  spot  among  his  collection.  truthfully  he’d  only  been  occupying  his  time,  giving  alec  his  alone  time  with  their  kids  &  rather  impatiently  waiting  for  his  return.
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         feigning  a  yawn,  toned  arms  lift  above  his  head  in  an  all  too  dramatic  display,  a  barely veiled  grin  coating  his  lips  as  cat  eyes  flash.   ❛    i  don’t  know,  it  has  been  a  very  tiring  day,  hm  ?     ❜    light   &   teasing,  before  he’s  slipping  out  of  bed  to  reach  for  the  shadowhunter,  hands  slipping  round  his  waist  as  he  dips  his  head  down  to  place  a  feather  light  kiss  on  alec’s  lips.   ❛    but  i  can  think  of  a  few  ways  to  wake  up.     ❜
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halfhell · 6 years ago
i haven’t been on here since tumblr updated its guidelines and the weirdest post about eggs got .. flagged .. wh
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halfhell · 6 years ago
i love u ..
just  wanna  say  i  miss  @halfhell  nd  iz  misses  her  tru  bff  magnus  thats  all  .  good  day
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halfhell · 6 years ago
i haven’t been here in eight years but i’m glad we finally got the malec training session we Deserved 
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halfhell · 6 years ago
Snippet from The Land I Lost from Cassandra Clare’s newsletter
“What’s that you have there, sweetie?” Lily asked as Alec came in.
“What he has is my phone,” said Alec. “Which he stole.”
In Rafael’s hands, Alec’s phone buzzed. Alec reached for it, but Rafael moved casually out of reach. He didn’t seem terribly concerned that Alec had grabbed for him. He was staring at the phone.
Alec reached for the phone, then stopped, caught off guard. As Rafael studied the phone, the sullen line of his mouth twitched, then slowly curved into a smile. The smile, slow and warm and sweet, altered his whole face.
Alec’s hand dropped. Rafael turned a suddenly-bright countenance up to him and chirped a question. Even his voice sounded different when he was happy.
“I don’t understand you,” Alec said helplessly.
Rafael waved the phone in Alec’s face to illustrate his point. Alec looked at the screen, and kept looking. He’d had a sick unsteady feeling in his chest since he realized what the Shadowhunters were doing here, but the world felt steady again now.
Magnus had sent a picture with the caption “Blueberry and I home from a wild and dangerous mission with a swingset.”
Magnus was leaning against their front door. Max was laughing, all dimples, the way he did whenever Magnus did magic to amuse him. There were blue and golden lights streaming all around them, and huge iridescent bubbles that seemed made of light too. Magnus was smiling a small fond smile, and the black spikes of his hair were wreathed with radiant ribbons of magic.
Alec had asked Magnus to send him pictures whenever he was away, after their first mission when Max was a baby. To remind Alec what he was fighting for.
Lily cleared her throat. “The kid asked: ‘Who is that cool man?’”
“Oh,” said Alec, kneeling by the bed. “Oh, that’s—that’s Magnus. His name is Magnus Bane. He’s my—I’m his–he and I are going to get married.”
One day, they would.
Alec wasn’t sure why it felt important to tell this child.
Lily translated. Rafael looked from the phone to Alec’s face, then back again, his brow furrowed in clear surprise. Alec waited. He’d heard kids say terrible things before now. Adults poured poison in their minds and then it came out of their mouths.
Lily laughed.
“He said,” Lily reported with unholy joy, “‘What is that cool man doing with you?’”
Alec said: “Rafael, give me back my phone.”
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halfhell · 6 years ago
“just make sure you’ve eaten.”
@silverdivine​   //   some  really  late  sentence  starter  meme.
               the  words  take  him  by  surprise,   it’s  so  mundane,  his  cellphone  held  to  his  ear  &  his  boyfriend  reminding  him  to  eat.  magnus  bane,  high  warlock  of  brooklyn  &  all  powerful  immortal,  few  took  the  time  or  cared  enough  to  show  it  like  alec  does.  to  him,  he’s  just  magnus,  not  his  many  titles  or  his  proceeding  reputation.  it  warms  him  from  inside  out,  a  soft  smile  blossoming  on  his  plum  painted  lips  as  ringed  fingertips  fiddle  with  the  many  necklaces  adorning  his  neck.  he’s  not  used  to  it,  his  usual  quip  stuck  in  his  throat.       ❛     usually  i’m  the  one  having  to  remind  you.    ❜    a  pause,  lashes  fluttering  against  his  cheeks  as  he  looks  out  on  the  city  /   half  the  world  away  on  business  &  he  wishes  for  nothing  more  than  to  open  a  portal  &  collapse  comfortably  with  the  chairman  &  alexander  at  his  side. 
               ❛     i  promise  to  look  after  myself,  darling.   although  i  expect  the  same  in  return  —   nutrigrain  bars  only  provide  heavenly  sustenance  for  so  long.     ❜    it’s  light,  his  voice  softening  to  a  heart-achingly  low  timbre.     ❛    i  love  you    &   i’ll  see  you  tonight  alexander.    ❜      be  safe.
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halfhell · 6 years ago
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halfhell · 7 years ago
            ❛     hm,  is  this  why  you  smell  like  seaweed  all  the  time  ?     ❜    a  teasing  timbre  to  his  voice,  water  droplets  slipping  down  his  skin  as  azure  fire  envelopes  him,  drying  off  his  hair  &  clothes.  ringed  fingertips  straightening  himself  out  with  a  practiced  ease.        ❛     lucky  for  you    ------    i  must  have  a  penchant  for  the  sea  after  all.     ❜     although  it’s  hardly  for  the  sea  &  more  for  a  certain  warlock  who  lives  beneath  it.
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halfhell · 7 years ago
             ❛     why  the  long  face,  did  someone  die ?  did  you  drop  your  highlighter  ---  or  even  worse,   did  one  of  your  versace  heels  break  kicking  demon  ass  ?     ❜     spoken  as  if  all  the  above  options  are  truly  mortifying  (   although  the  latter  even  raises  his  voice  a  pitch,  cat  eyes  wide  with  unabashed  horror.  )   ❛     OR  ...  did  alec  wear  one  of  those  .....   hideous  albeit  endearing  sweaters  again  ?     ❜
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halfhell · 7 years ago
u rang ..
whatwesacrifice replied to your photoset: social  media ft.  a  Fave  (  @whatwesacrifice …
when will rory return from war :/
i have been asking ( & crying) myself that all day !!
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halfhell · 7 years ago
anyways i hope everyone’s holidays are goin great or if u dont celebrate you’re just having a good day in general but i am THIS close to bringing back my big wookiee son after seeing the new sw movie.
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halfhell · 7 years ago
hey honeys ! it’s been a wild week with lots of last minute holiday things but i hope y’all have a great christmas if you celebrate it ! if not i hope your day’s still good ! 
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halfhell · 7 years ago
          ❛        don’t  touch  anything.        ❜    voice  flutters  soft  with  undertone  of  acidic  bite    —    for  she  always  were  one  for  minute  of  details,   perfection  orderly  amidst  further  understanding  of  worlds  contents.   each  had  methods  to  their  own  madness,   though  scoff  would  fall  present  if  mess  were  to  be  strewn  freely.   arc  o’own  crown  where  colours  balance  fixate  upon  opposing  form,   furthering  stretch  where  posture  straightens.     ❛        unless you’re here to offer sound advice you do know where the door is.        ❜    sickly  where  lips  corners  twitch,   loose  dismissal  offered  with  wrists  extend    —-    fingers  each  quickly  pointed  and  curled  within  themselves.    ❛        this  is  no  place  for  an  amateur.       ❜
        ❛      i  wasn’t  aware   six  hundred  years  made  me  an  amateur  ...   now  what  would  issac  newton  have  to  say  about  that  ?       ❜     impossible  to  tell  whether  or  not  it’s  counterfeit  falling  from  boldly  painted  lips.  he  complies  to  the  request,   svelte  form  dancing  in  between  with  a  confident  grace.  leaning  against  a  spot  that  looks  safe  enough,  hip  biting  into  the  edge  with  a  hum.  fingertips  tap  his  chin,   unglamoured  gaze  cast  upwards  as  if  in  deep  thought.     ❛     or  was  that  galileo  himself  ?  he  was  quite  the  charmer,    you  know.     ❜
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halfhell · 7 years ago
I say, you do have a heart!’ ‘Sometimes,’ he replied. ‘When I have the time.’
Jules Verne, Around the World in Eighty Days (via diirewulf)
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halfhell · 7 years ago
reminder that i adore magnus bane
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halfhell · 7 years ago
         curiosity’s  evident,   cat  eyes  inspecting  his  surroundings  with  a  languid  air.      ❛      this  is  quite  the  set  up.        ❜      a  murmured  comment  more  than  anything,  although  there’s  a  compliment  in  there  somewhere.  leaning  against  table’s  edge,   ever  careful  not  to  disturb  any  of  the  concoctions  around  him,   his  crown  inclines.         ❛       have  you  tried  vampire  hair  ?  it  gives  it  that  extra  little  kick.       ❜      he’s  had  more  than  his  own  fair  share  of  experimenting  throughout  the  years,   fingertips  dancing  along  to  his  words.
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