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Spy x Family and Symbols of Allegiance (MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD!)
So during my most recent re-read of Spy x Family, I began noticing a trend in Endo's character designs, specifically when it came to accessories.
There are, of course, the obvious ones, like Twilight's pin that connect him to WISE:
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And Yor's earrings which connect her to Garden:
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We know for sure these are both symbols of WISE and Garden respectively, and not just specific to Loid and Yor as we see other members of their organisations sporting them as well:
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However, what ended up tipping me off was (and spoilers for anyone who hasn't read the manga from Chapter 89 onwards or anime-only's) Chloe's design from her most recent appearance:
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At first, I thought that this was just a charming little detail Endo gave her design to show off that she was Secret Police without her wearing the official SSS symbol (as that would be a bit counterintuitive to the whole Secret bit of Secret Police).
But then I started wondering if there were hidden details in other characters' earring/accessory choices, and lo and behold, look what I found:
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Melinda Desmond also sports a lovely pair of earrings, though of a symbol we've yet to see (at least to the extent of my knowledge, if someone can find a match for it somewhere in the manga hit me up).
Even though it's clear Melinda is going to be a massively important character moving forward in the plot, the fact she has her own symbol that (again to the best of my knowledge) is yet to be seen on or associated with any organisation to which we've been introduced is really interesting going forward.
Spy x Family in general is just so good with all of these little details! I'm sure lots of people have already noticed this, but I've yet to see anyone really point it out. I might follow this post up with some more in-depth looks at these different symbols and their associations, as well as characters that lack these kinds of accessories - if that's something people are interested in, or if there's anything anyone might want me to point out, let me know!
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I know they’re Not Real or whatever but like the whole “I can wait” thing is like James is saying that he believes that they can have a future together. What that symbolizes with two teenagers who literally represent Ireland and England! A peaceful future! A safe future! A future at all! And writing from the future Lisa McGee is saying you know how this all turns out. THEY WILL BE OKAY. THERE WILL BE PEACE. It is absolutely all about hope and peace and love, etc.
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But it’s true, when we are in love, your mood is completely dependent on one person.
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Because you are into Marvel, I was wondering if I could share/tag you in this Wandavision song I wrote? And if you have any type of creative stuff, we could exchange? ^_^
I'd be honored haha, send me a message and we can chat about it :)
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thursday needs a meme, here’s my attempt to contribute. it’s thursday and i’m here to help. thanks
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Speaking of, Happy birthday Elizabeth Olsen! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
WOWWW (minor spoilers for Ep. 5)
Okay so WandaVision Ep5 officially blew my brain, but the one thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet is that we know how old Wanda is now.
So Jimmy in the debriefing confirmed that Wanda and Pietro were born in 1989, meaning that they were 10 in 1999 which was when the bomb dropped on their house.
Age of Ultron I believe takes place canonically in 2015, meaning that the twins were 26 in that film (give or take a few months depending on when their birthday is).
Meaning she's 29 in Infinity War, and technically 34 in WandaVision (although because of the Blip she's still 29, maybe 30 if her birthday was in between Endgame and the start of the show).
Idk about anyone else but I always took the twins to be like, late teens, very early 20s in AoU and Civil War, mostly because of Clint's "you wanna mope, you can go to high school" line from Civil War.
Oh well, they probably based it off Elizabeth Olsen's birthday, since she was born in 1989 as well.
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WOWWW (minor spoilers for Ep. 5)
Okay so WandaVision Ep5 officially blew my brain, but the one thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet is that we know how old Wanda is now.
So Jimmy in the debriefing confirmed that Wanda and Pietro were born in 1989, meaning that they were 10 in 1999 which was when the bomb dropped on their house.
Age of Ultron I believe takes place canonically in 2015, meaning that the twins were 26 in that film (give or take a few months depending on when their birthday is).
Meaning she's 29 in Infinity War, and technically 34 in WandaVision (although because of the Blip she's still 29, maybe 30 if her birthday was in between Endgame and the start of the show).
Idk about anyone else but I always took the twins to be like, late teens, very early 20s in AoU and Civil War, mostly because of Clint's "you wanna mope, you can go to high school" line from Civil War.
Oh well, they probably based it off Elizabeth Olsen's birthday, since she was born in 1989 as well.
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Why are you doing this
OK so the toaster ad in the first WandaVision episode made by Stark Industries actually killed me after I realised that the beeping of the toaster is the same as on a bomb....
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Chocolate buttons
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Suicide Prevention Post
“You skin is not paper, don’t cut it. Your body is not a book, don’t judge it. Your face isn’t meant for masks, don’t cover it. (But pls wear your mask because of Covid-19) Your life is not a movie, don’t end it.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Please, if you are having thoughts about self-harm, or even suicide, talk to someone you trust, or call a suicide prevention lifeline. You can even talk to me, I am always here. And if you see this post, please reblog, you could save a life. This year has been tough on ALL of us, so please spread this.❤
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline link:
Suicide Prevention Resources link:
Self-harm coping tips and distractions:
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Alternatives to self-harm:
Put elastic bands on wrists, arms or legs and flick them instead of cutting or hitting
Rub ice across your skin where you might usually cut, or hold an ice-cube in the crook of your arm or leg
Use a red felt tip pen to mark where you might usually cut
Have a cold bath or shower
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Ways to distract yourself when thinking of self-harm (from the website):
1. Write all your negative feelings on a piece of paper, then rip it all up
2. Pop some bubble wrap! 
3. Listen to music. Play your favorite songs, or listen to relaxing music to calm your nerves.
4. Play some video games!! Build a new base in Minecraft, try to get a victory royale in Fortnite, play GTA, anything!
5. Create some stuff! Draw, paint, sketch, or even crochet. If you want, show your amazing creations to friends and family.
6. Write a book, some poems, or write in your diary.
7. Eat some treats like chocolates or any of your favorite candy! (but be careful of the dip in your mood when you get a sugar rush)
8. Hit pillows or cushions, or have a good scream into a pillow or cushion to vent anger and frustration
9. Bake or cook something yummy!
10. Get some sleep
11. Do some yoga, meditation, and some deep breathing. This will help you relax and control your urges.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
If any of you have anymore resources, pls add to this post! Make sure to relax your neck, eat some yummy food, drink water, and breathe in and out. I hope you have a wonderful day!❤
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
If you guys could spread this post, thank you!: @elles-writing @kumqu4t @trxblemaker @claraofthepen @moony-artnstuff @lonikje @guardianofrivendell @tolkienblackgirl @the-fandoms-georgie @wzrd-wheezes @lily-ivu @fizzyxcustard @sdavid09 @bluebellhairpin @fandomgalcentral @fuckingdraco @dracosathenaeum @eznova @incorrect-lotr-trash @theballadofbilbobaggins @wreckofawriter @approved-by-dentists @dreaming-about-fanfictions
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Please make this go viral.
It is so important I don’t even care if you delete what I write here, just help it be seen. 
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M y H E a R T
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I always thought this was a lovely little interaction.
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I was cursed with a passion for musical theatre, but the inability to sing
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