106 posts
◇Be careful down here. I guarantee nothing.◇
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
hales-ask-blog · 4 months ago
[Hales would freeze for a moment before his head snapped to the knife, then to PA1NLESS.]
◇Oh SHIT-◇
[Hales would quickly high tail it out of the room, letting the door slam shut behind him and he scrambled off down the hallway to find one of the others.]
◇Nononono not doing this today I refuse to deal with another lost limb it is so annoying!◇
[mod: H1!!! 1 am new to the Urbanshade roleplay th1ng, 1'm not very good at 1t, so 1'm sorry 1f anyth1ng 1s off. The I into 1 is a typing quirk for me btw! Also, could you please read my 1ntro, because 1t contains 1nfo about the character and my boundar1es.]
-PA1NL3SS crouched behind the desk, waiting for someone to come into the room, the hand that was holding his butterfly knife was shaking from excitement.-
[The door would slide open a few moments later, Hales stepping inside and huffing as he tried to flick on the light.]
◇Ugh, busted. Probably from an Angler escape, I guess maintenance forgot this room.◇
[Hales would raise his hand, using the glow on his palm as a soft flashlight to look around, though he still squinted a bit.]
◇How do you even lose a packet of paperwork? You move offices twice and only now realize it's missing? Seriously, these people...◇
[Hales would start walking forward, inspecting the slightly dusty office.]
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hales-ask-blog · 4 months ago
[mod: H1!!! 1 am new to the Urbanshade roleplay th1ng, 1'm not very good at 1t, so 1'm sorry 1f anyth1ng 1s off. The I into 1 is a typing quirk for me btw! Also, could you please read my 1ntro, because 1t contains 1nfo about the character and my boundar1es.]
-PA1NL3SS crouched behind the desk, waiting for someone to come into the room, the hand that was holding his butterfly knife was shaking from excitement.-
[The door would slide open a few moments later, Hales stepping inside and huffing as he tried to flick on the light.]
◇Ugh, busted. Probably from an Angler escape, I guess maintenance forgot this room.◇
[Hales would raise his hand, using the glow on his palm as a soft flashlight to look around, though he still squinted a bit.]
◇How do you even lose a packet of paperwork? You move offices twice and only now realize it's missing? Seriously, these people...◇
[Hales would start walking forward, inspecting the slightly dusty office.]
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hales-ask-blog · 4 months ago
[Hales would give Silver a soft smile, taking a few steps forward and putting out his hands like trying to comfort a stray cat.]
◇Hey Silver, yeah, it's me, I'm right here. Do you remember me? Maybe a little? A feeling?◇
[Hales would try to relax his posture, making himself smaller than he already is to seem less of a threat.]
◇Come on, please? Give me something to work with here... gods, what happened to you? Who would ever do this? I'll slaughter them, don't worry, I won't let you go without revenge, without closure. You'd have given me the same, yeah?◇
[Hales had only been able to recently capture him.]
[He let out a symphony of screeching clicking noises, clearly in distress.]
[He thrashed against the chains that had been holding him down, put onto him by urban shade guards after he had mauled multiple employees who tried to get him under control.]
[his tail whipped from side to side, frenzied and almost...]
[Hales would stay a safe distance away, putting his hands forward a bit to try and calm Silver down, his voice soft and quiet.]
◇Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here, it's me, Hales, I'm right here and you know I can't hurt you. Look? I got all these chips and cracks, I'd fall apart if I tried, okay?◇
[Hales would gesture to the fractures in his body. He wasn't used to reparing himself, so the work on the repaired ones was shoddy at best. The rest he just didn't have the time for.]
[Hales would pause for a moment, sighing, looking almost defeated.]
◇... Can you even understand me still?◇
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hales-ask-blog · 4 months ago
(I'm back!!! Sorry for the long hiatus, life caught up with me, but I'm going to college finally!!! Luckily the rest of it is just basic scheduling and meetings so I'm finally back :])
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hales-ask-blog · 4 months ago
I have no rhyme reason or explanation for this
@birbisanon simply shared to me a goofy idea, and I--in the end--was far too feeble minded to resist [I also had gotten brain blasted with the perfect visuals to use]
I want to saaayyy Hales [first character] is owned by @huhwhuhs but PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong [':
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
take ur time, I'm sure the other mods will understand
Dwdw I will force them to :3 (they're my mutuals and besties and pookies and I love them and I will beat it into their heads when I need a break)))
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
[Hales would just frown, thinking as he paced the room a bit.]
◇So that's a no. But we still can't really tell if they're anything left. Maybe it's just animal instincts? Do you need a scent?◇
[Hales would head off to the side, taking off one of his gloves and carefully tossing it at Silver.]
◇I have a feeling you'll tear it apart, which is a pain because I really do like this outfit, but hopefully it'll be worth it.◇
[Hales had only been able to recently capture him.]
[He let out a symphony of screeching clicking noises, clearly in distress.]
[He thrashed against the chains that had been holding him down, put onto him by urban shade guards after he had mauled multiple employees who tried to get him under control.]
[his tail whipped from side to side, frenzied and almost...]
[Hales would stay a safe distance away, putting his hands forward a bit to try and calm Silver down, his voice soft and quiet.]
◇Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here, it's me, Hales, I'm right here and you know I can't hurt you. Look? I got all these chips and cracks, I'd fall apart if I tried, okay?◇
[Hales would gesture to the fractures in his body. He wasn't used to reparing himself, so the work on the repaired ones was shoddy at best. The rest he just didn't have the time for.]
[Hales would pause for a moment, sighing, looking almost defeated.]
◇... Can you even understand me still?◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
you giving sliver the silent treatment?
Just mod here rn, I've just been a bit busy and burnt out, so I'm taking a bit of a break from serious rps rn lol, I'll probably respond a bit tonight though))
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
◇B... baby...◇
[Hales would take the axolotl, putting it in his office like a prized possession.]
Hello do you want axolotl
◇Yes absolutely they are the puppies of the sea.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
◇You can try, but knowing Silver, I doubt you'll get far. No offense, by the way, I'm more just worried for your safety.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
◇Unfortunately, I still care about him, so I can't.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
I honestly always saw otters as the puppies of the sea
Or maybe seals?
◇They're all puppies, just different breeds. I actually sat down with an audience (of stuffed animals, I don't have enough friends for that) and went over my own little PowerPoint slide of what sea creatures would be what dogs.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
Why is he a fish.
◇He was probably subjected to some kind of experiment. I don't know the type but... good lord I wish it didn't smell so bad. I don't have the heart to tell him.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
casey is being grounded by allo for fucking silver and drinking
◇Good. I actually respect Allo a good bit, so I'm glad he's handling it.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
What happened to silver? Why is he acting like that?!
[Hales would sigh, rubbing his eyes.]
◇I'm... not sure, I'm not even sure he can speak. I'm trying to figure it out, but it's low on the list of priorities right now.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
Hello do you want axolotl
◇Yes absolutely they are the puppies of the sea.◇
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hales-ask-blog · 5 months ago
[Hales had only been able to recently capture him.]
[He let out a symphony of screeching clicking noises, clearly in distress.]
[He thrashed against the chains that had been holding him down, put onto him by urban shade guards after he had mauled multiple employees who tried to get him under control.]
[his tail whipped from side to side, frenzied and almost...]
[Hales would stay a safe distance away, putting his hands forward a bit to try and calm Silver down, his voice soft and quiet.]
◇Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here, it's me, Hales, I'm right here and you know I can't hurt you. Look? I got all these chips and cracks, I'd fall apart if I tried, okay?◇
[Hales would gesture to the fractures in his body. He wasn't used to reparing himself, so the work on the repaired ones was shoddy at best. The rest he just didn't have the time for.]
[Hales would pause for a moment, sighing, looking almost defeated.]
◇... Can you even understand me still?◇
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