Heaven's Rake: The Hyper Storm
95 posts
Hyper Storm Hakkai a'yer service. Buzz me if ya wanna chat or anythn' chill like that. Call'n me a pig probs ain't in ya best intrsts' but I'mbuildn' my tolernc' n'all. Currently on da Journey to da West wi' me bros. (AMR RP Blog) [background obtained from Rockman+Forte FC Wiki]
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Making the final checks for the rig, Hakkai listened somewhat intently at the discussion between the others. So maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought, there really was some bonding being restored between Goku and Gojo. Making sure he wasn't repeating actions that the others had got to - having data syncing did wonders, telling Hakkai that the masts were up and all cargo loaded - Hakkai too joined the silence of the moment. But for him, there wasn't anything particularly pressing in his thought processors - well, making sure that his bros stayed reasonably tolerant of each other was always on the back of his mind - but the lack of dialogue was, to be honest, unsettling.
"So da US o' A it is, eh?" Finally speaking up after the others did, Hakkai was suddenly running on a second wind, raring to go and off to release the ship from anchor. Who cares if there were humans needed, Gojo should be sufficient for all the intel and actual navigation. "An' I'd like ta hear more 'bou' dis guy you think'd suit our crew Gojo. What sorta skills he got?" Hakkai didn't really care if recruitment would be successful or not - as long as there were few arguments, and no mention of the boar bot being a pig (did any bot get that right beside his bros?), Hakkai was chill with anything.
"A'right, ready ta sail a' your call, Goku. Lesmake dis journey to da West, eastward, da best we can eh?"
@G-Unit: We're heading east, it seems.
“I already built a base from scratch! It’s finished and waiting for us! I had a lot of free time to kill while waiting for you bastards to decide you weren’t dead!” Goku hopped off Hakkai and scrambled his way up masts and ropes, making easy work of the physical preparations. The three of them together were a lot more competent, a lot more able, their programming allowed to sync up and assist one another. Even if they didn’t realize just how much better they were together.
Buster spent a lot of time (read ‘a few minutes’) thinking over the idea of new recruits. He had wanted that…but that was back before they had the full team together again. Now that the three of them were whole, did they really need anyone else?
…Maybe it was best to visit this guy and find out. “I’ll play your game, Gojo! We’re going to America. But don’t expect any extended visits. We’re just gonna rub in the old man’s face that we aren’t decommissioned yet, and inspect this new trooper of yours.”
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Hakkai / True neutral, he simply goes with the flow. To be fair though, in the context of the G Unit he has slight lawful tendencies - I mean, he does try to avoid causing more conflict amongst his brothers' arguments, but that doesn't lead to any good or evil outcomes.
Wind / Despite him being on hiatus (I really should put him up for adoption, lol) he definitely was true neutral as well, he did whatever he felt like and didn't really drift into any other alignment territory. Doesn't help his cause that he doesn't have any set goals for himself or the future...
(maker why do I have two charas that are true neutral safhbasdfhjasdfjvagsd)
OOC: AMR Discussi'n Time!
Hey AMR, what are your characters’ alignments in Dungeons and Dragons terms?
Me personally? I’d say…
Cut: He’s neutral good in comparison to Rock’s (imo) lawful good.
Air: Air, on the other hand, was/still supports lawful evil. He went through major motive (and villain) decay over the decades though and is probably more lawful neutral now. (Then again… he’ll almost unquestionably assist Wily and has no qualms with offing Rock’s head. Nothing personal, it’s just to further their goals.)
Top: Top’s true neutral and useless I think, haha.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
All this talk about Brazil and America was getting a little on Hakkai's nerves, but to be fair a trip encompassing both of them wouldn't work out too badly....?
Soon enough the unit were back at the rig that got Goku and Hakkai here in the first place. Boy was it quiet now that the humans had nicked off in terror. With a steady leap, the boar bot landed firmly on deck (without leaving a whole, thankfully), and gestured to the monkey bot to hop off.
"Well we might'swell git our co-ords set n' den Gojo, you can set up our course n' such eh?" Scrolling through data sent from both brothers a while back, Hakkai found the localities of both the Skull Fortress - must have been like the 9th or something? Dr Wily really outdid himself when it came to building fortresses - and the 'G-Pad' that Goku had started on, and punched them in. Where he was going to transmit the data to was the kappa bot naturally, for he had the wit to make use of the data.
Letting the other two do their thing, Hakkai prepared the boat for sail while pondering each of his brothers' motives. Gojo had his own things to do - of which Hakkai wasn't really all to clear on - and Goku's express desire to avoid anything Skull-aligned and make a new start. It really was a predicament, and as usual Hakkai didn't know the best means to address it.
@G-Unit: We're heading east, it seems.
Buster’s eyes narrowed again, an angry scowl curving his lips. “We are not going back there. Least of all me. We don’t need that place.” As far as Buster was concerned, that was the end of the conversation. He turned his attention back to Hakkai. “We can handle it. I’ve done enough sailing by now to know the basics. I was born for rigging. And smartypants there probably knows how to actually sail. The sooner we get back on the road, the sooner we can be somewhere else.”
Somewhere that wasn’t Skull Fortress. Somewhere that wasn’t just a testament to failure.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
<Storage of proposed blueprints in progress>
<Do not engage backup target>
<COMPLETE PERCENTAGE 9...11...17...25...>
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
A haiku eh?
Brobot divided
Chinese scholar leads da loud
Pavlov's robodog
I dunno if dis has an'thn' ta do wi' wha's go'n on bu' here ya go.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Talk 'bou' harmony b/w'n nature n' humans eh?
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
"But Brazil is..." Hakkai cut himself short, knowing this wasn't any time to cut in. Though he wasn't showing it on the outside, he too was overcome with memories of the past when the G Crew were one mighty force stationed at the Wily Tower - good times, even if Rockman had managed to floor them all. However he didn't quite share Goku's enthusiasm with regards to the future - by all means planning ahead was wise, but Hakkai was the sort of bot that took things slowly and whatever came first, was dealt with first.
With a familiar thud on his bodice, Hakkai knew it was time to mosey on back to the ship. That odd siren from before stopped as well, and that was a welcome sign. He turned to Gojo slowly, whose fashion sense seemed to amaze him with such crisp linen at this sort of run down port sure to be an eye-turner. "Well uh... Gojo I take i' you're fine on foot? Lesseadown to da rig 'gin. Ya think we can manage wi' jus' da three o' us or do we need some human comp'ny?"
East certainly was the way. Back in his thoughts, Hakkai thought about Brazil - only from accounts and data Goku had sent him, of course - and the Fortress, which was bound to be just a replica of every other Wily construction, with minor changes here and there. But Hakkai knew that in order to get to the enlightening future, the G Crew had the overcome the tribulations of their past - how that would play, depended on each other, and each other only.
@G-Unit: Getting the gang back together.
Completely oblivious to the G-brawl going on, Hakkai finished his unloading. It hadn’t occurred to him in the slightest that the fleeing deckhands were actually needed for the onward journey - but then again, when your only goal is to get to a destination, you tend to forget logistical specifics.
Expelling a rough cough - though it would have sounded like a snort - Hakkai had just prepared to lumber his way back to the rig when a loud siren blast came from the vicinity. What was this unexpected signal? Suddenly becoming more cautious, the boar bot made a quick analysis of the others’ distance from him and the boat, and decided that if this siren of sorts was an alert as to the presence of robots such as themselves, they would have to break away - and so he made a beeline for the scuffle. Of course that wasn’t confirmed, but Hakkai didn’t pay attention to the siren’s location.
Even though it wasn’t his imperative to speak to an arguing Goku and Gojo, he decided to anyway to break some ice on his part. “Well uh, certs long time n’ sea… pun intend’d. Looks like da bond’n o’ bros is playn’ out well dontcha say?” Maintaining his battle ready stance, Hakkai kept his ears pricked for further clues on deck.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Completely oblivious to the G-brawl going on, Hakkai finished his unloading. It hadn't occurred to him in the slightest that the fleeing deckhands were actually needed for the onward journey - but then again, when your only goal is to get to a destination, you tend to forget logistical specifics.
Expelling a rough cough - though it would have sounded like a snort - Hakkai had just prepared to lumber his way back to the rig when a loud siren blast came from the vicinity. What was this unexpected signal? Suddenly becoming more cautious, the boar bot made a quick analysis of the others' distance from him and the boat, and decided that if this siren of sorts was an alert as to the presence of robots such as themselves, they would have to break away - and so he made a beeline for the scuffle. Of course that wasn't confirmed, but Hakkai didn't pay attention to the siren's location.
Even though it wasn't his imperative to speak to an arguing Goku and Gojo, he decided to anyway to break some ice on his part. "Well uh, certs long time n' sea... pun intend'd. Looks like da bond'n o' bros is playn' out well dontcha say?" Maintaining his battle ready stance, Hakkai kept his ears pricked for further clues on deck.
@G-Unit: Getting the gang back together.
Buster was flipped up into the air by Gojo’s hand, body light and relatively easy to manipulate in such a way. His tail came back and lashed around Sago’s wrist, pulling his body back closer to his target, letting his feet lash at the kappa’s head again. “So I noticed! Nice of you to wait around!” Buster twisted in the air, trying to use his tail to bring Sago to the ground.
The dock workers were screaming and scattering - about time. The whole trip, they hadn’t noticed G-Unit at all, mostly because they’d managed to keep quiet and do their ‘jobs.’ Every couple of hours they’d get up and move a big crate, or hoist sails or flags, then move them back where they’d found them. As long as they looked busy, they didn’t need an actual task assigned to them. Traveling was easy when you know how. But now they were out of things to do, and the humans remembered that no, they didn’t have any giant pig or monkey robots on staff.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Typical Goku and Gojo sparring, nothing to be too concerned about. Hakkai knew that his two brothers were prone to having physical outbursts as a means of communication, and being the chill boar he was he didn't see the need to step in. Besides, there weren't any humans who could watch the brawl at the docks.
So instead of eyeing his brothers, Hakkai settled for waiting until the rig had anchored - surely nothing drastic would happen in that time frame anyway. Watching the crew slowly filing on and off the rig, he pondered at how non-perceptive these humans were - surely they could make use of a labor-oriented bot like himself to make their jobs easier? What Hakkai didn't know was that he had subconsciously walked down the deck and stood in the queue of workers, and it was only their shrieks of fear (staring at a 2.5 metre robot with the physique of a wrecking ball would stop anyone's heart) that snapped Hakkai out of his thoughts.
"Well, I guess da crew need'd me anyways. Oh well..." So off he went carrying the supplies to be dropped off here in HK offboard. A careful eyeing of the remaining freight and cargo confirmed that the rig was heading to the US, on a logically easterly path. Sure it wasn't exactly a journey to the west, but compared with his isolation in NZ, the land of hope and glory did shine like a metaphorical beacon for Hakkai's sometimes eastern restrictions.
@G-Unit: Getting the gang back together.
At the start of the trip, he’d been downright energized, excited to be traveling again, especially with Hakkai at his side. But as the days had gone on and their actual goal approached, Buster grew and more visibly agitated. The culmination was here. When Hakkai disturbed his meditation, he didn’t speak, not a word. Only opened his eyes and stood up, slowly.
Still silent, Buster turned and began walking toward the far end of the deck, fists clenched and feet moving with calculated intent. He wasn’t running away, that was evident. He just needed a running start.
With a flash he was off, barreling down the deck, no longer caring how much noise he made. His feet blasted him off the prow, and suddenly Buster was flying, slender body propelled through the air by his own strength. His stance shifted in the air, a foot aimed squarely for Gojo’s head without hesitation. “KNOCK KNOCK!”
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Are you a Buddha? And if I rub your belly will I get good luck?
Heheh, good question. Well giv'n dat I was built in da image of Cho Hakkai who would've practised Buddhism before his fall fro' Heav'n n' such, I guess tis a minor parta m' programmn', but given dat I eat whatevs is 'vailable I dun think I'm props practising da custom o' Buddhism. S'uh I guess not.
As for da belly... doesn't hurt ta try I guess. My bros've never done it before so I wouldn't know ta be sure.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
The last few hours aboard the industrial rig were rather droll, but to be fair the whole journey was essentially a boring cycle of sun, moon and the occasional attempt to catch fish or sabotage the food supplies onboard. The one practice battle that Hakkai had organised for his brother ended, well, without much of a storm as neither of them were overly inclined to take their chances of being thrown overboard for disturbing the crew.
Goku had assumed his meditative pose at the bow as he usually did at sunset, tail whipping at an increasingly accelerated rate suggestive of his agitation. Hakkai too was awaiting landfall with quite some tension, but being the usually docile robot he was, the only sign of his anxiety was the twiddling of his gargantuan fingers.
"Eehhh, bl'dy hopn' dese crew know whi' way dere going, we're like 2 hours late accordn' ta Gojo's scheduled time..." Reloading the co-ordinates - which didn't say anything contrary to the current navigation - Hakkai let out a sigh, careful not to activate his buccal cannon which tended to fire at the most inconvenient of times. Times like these really make Hakkai want to lose his thoughts into food intake or sleeping, but given the proximity to the shore - it was only about 20 minutes away - he restrained himself from slipping into his somewhat ironic pig-like qualities.
Not soon after (thankfully) a loud blast from the rig's whistle alerted the vicinity of impending landing. As the crew scrambled to prepare for docking, Hakkai took the opportunity to clamber near Goku, and gaze at the coastline for the familiar jade tinge of Gojo, the smarter of his two brothers (not that Hakkai would call Goku dumb or anything, but it was assumed knowledge amongst them all that Gojo was the superior intellect).
"Well, I spottd'im, give ya bro Gojo a wave Goku. C'mon!" Nudging the crimson monkey unit gently, Hakkai made a conventional (human) signal to his brother on the land, and then promptly sent an electronic message to him as well: <<Should be about five minutes. Double check that the rig's headed to America, and if not you should know how to make it. Talk to you soon. Hakkai>>
@G-Unit: Getting the gang back together.
After all these months, the G-unit would finally be back together again… As much as he hated to admit it, Sago did miss Buster and Hakkai, he wouldn’t miss Hong Kong though, not by a long shot. After acquiring ’permission’ from one of his supervisors, he got one of the smaller crates so he could store all of the supplied in it, not to mention it made for a great make-shift seat in the abandoned docks. Beside the crate was a small shopping bag which had a gift for the little Stardroid he had grown familiar with, although he probably wasn’t going to tell his brothers that, more likely lie and say it was for himself and hopefully wouldn’t notice it was quite a few sizes smaller then him.
Tapping the crate impatiently, he sighed for the 10th time that hour, awaiting the boat his brothers would be on. It would be dinner soon, Sago estimated it was about 5 in the afternoon, possibly 5:30. He had told them which dock he was going to be on and even gave them co-ordinates just in case.
“I wish those two would get here faster…I’m terribly bored.” He sighed for the 11th time.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
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metalman-009 started following you
Good ta see ya back in action, Metal.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Whi' I let Goku and Gojo bicker on our trip, I guess I'm avail f' questions 'n all.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Lesgo den, no use stickn' 'ere where no-one wants ta stay. Progress is da flavor o' today and ...my rhymn' failn'. We're da G-Crew an' nthn ain't stoppn' us! Rite?
Whatever he needs to get ready.
I’ll be waiting at the lower docks, they’re hardly ever used anymore. 
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Ait, awsum. Goku als' rar'n ta go, or does 'e need sum fruit to get him hyp'n'all?
We still go' da boat from before or we takn' another transport?
That’s where we need to go.
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Ya, hear' from your intel when we were head'n to HK. Stats repor' n all? We all ready ta rumbl' n all, no need for refills or anythn' o'tha'sort?
Headn’ ta Amer’ka now are we?
-grumble snort- Ooh maker was I outtin da col’ for some time. 
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hakkai-da-greath-blog ¡ 13 years ago
Headn' ta Amer'ka now are we?
-grumble snort- Ooh maker was I outtin da col' for some time. 
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