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"I'm the Queen and the Jester all in one~" ❖ Indie Semi-Sel Harley Quinn RP Blog ❖ PLEASE READ RULES FIRST, MINORS DNI ❖ Jingled by Draig
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hail-to-the-quinn · 1 year ago
( cont. x @arkhambird )
"You decided to try and take a one way trip to the meat freezer is what happened, kiddo!" Harley tried to keep the poor guy from teetering over again. "Now stay still and lemme try and keep your blood on the inside!"
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"Really, what is it about being part of the Batsy Brigade that gives you guys hero brain in the most bonkers way possible? It's like you forget ya got blood in ya or something! Ya still pop right like a water balloon, ya know!" Seriously, crazy! And that was coming from her!
But it was hard to hide that it was all coming from worry and frustration. She huffed and looked around. Man, she really needed to follow up on that idea of keeping bigger band-aids on her. Hello Kitty was good enough for roller derby, not a kid with too many guts and a death wish. Still, she reached up and yoinked off a ribbon, loosening up a twin-tail and leaving her hair a rather hilarious lopsided mess, but there was hoping it'd be a good enough tourniquet for a few minutes.
"Alrighty, this is gonna hurt juuuust a lil bit!" It was a bad arm wound, but joking was what she was good at far above first aid, so hey, it was worth a shot.
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hail-to-the-quinn · 1 year ago
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a lil harlivy to take a break from medic lol
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hail-to-the-quinn · 1 year ago
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[ picrew, pass it on! ]
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hail-to-the-quinn · 1 year ago
There he was! She knew him when she heard him! But he seemed to be in better spirits this time, and if any of the rumors she had heard were true, he was keeping busy. Good for him, finding trouble!
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"Ooh, look at ya, gettin' back on the horse!" She traipsed up, damned near skipping with frivolous mayhem in her eyes at the idea that he might be finding something interesting to get up to. "Oh yeah? Thinkin' of gettin' the band back together? Bet at least some of those guys ain't too too sore about getting their heads busted in by Batsy."
Harley whistles through the silence, just a bit off-tune like an over-eager bird, and braces her hammer across the back of her shoulders. Normally, she'd be more likely to actually hit whatever she heard stalking around in the dark.
Buuuut, she had a hunch on this one. She'd heard some rumors around town about a certain knight in shining riot gear. "Hey, kiddorooni and cheese! Where are ya? I coulda swore I heard those big stompy boots of yours just now!"
the now redhood sighed like a child being caught by their carer "I was just out on patrol" jason flipped his helmet up revealing familiar scarred jason ...."i found some of my old milita "
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hail-to-the-quinn · 1 year ago
How are you color coded?
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Yellow Coded
yellow, a study in wildfires, honeycombs, and summer rain. everyone sees you smiling and laughing, happy in all the ways but the way that you know is true to you. everyone believes that nothing bad could happen to you, that you live life so freely that you'd never miss a beat, even if something bad DID happen to happen around or to you. but you're as miserable as the rest of them. you might be warm and gentle, when you need to be, but at the end of the day, you have long since accepted that fire is like you: best to be admired but never touched.
tagged by :: @crimson--corvid tagging :: Anyone who wants to! Tag me back!
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hail-to-the-quinn · 1 year ago
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[ picrew ]
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
Harley blinked. Then cocked her head. Then pouted. "Ain't ya listening? I saaaid this is my crime-y boudoir. Ya know? ... My hidey hole, my secret lair, my hive of scum and villainy, my santa's workshop, capiche?" She lowered the gun, only to get a better look at him. "I'm supposed to be here!"
There was a pause.
"... oh wait, it was supposed to be secret until Puddin' got back."
She quickly stiffened up and reasserted her gun at him, trying not to look flustered. "I-I mean. Look, I'm pointin' this at ya because ya ain't supposed to be here! ... Actually... wait a minute, how did you get in here, huh?"
Starter for hail-to-the-quinn
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
"Are you crazy? Ya look like a crocodile chewed you up and spat you out, and not even one with enough manners to be Croc!" Harley jolted up from her seat almost on instinct. No, for real, this kid probably couldn't get up if he tried, but she wasn't looking to pick him up and pour his butt back into the booth.
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"Nah, nah, lemme do it! Yeah! One Miss Harley Quinn is a master of the culinary arts~!" She tried to bounce back to herself with an admittedly fake but easy cheeriness, slapping her hand to her chest and bowing as she got up.
Anyone who knew Harley Quinn well enough knew that the only thing that happened when Harley Quinn was in a kitchen was that said kitchen would be a) on fire, or b) the birthing place of a new unspeakable eldritch abomination. But who was keeping track, right?
So with unbridled and greatly unearned confidence, she hopped over the bar to peek into the kitchen. "Ohhh, I bet hey got everything I need to whip up some grade-A Quinn-sa-dillas! Ya like cheese? 'Course ya do, who doesn't like cheese. Half the lactose-intolerants at Arkham like cheese! Ha! Let me tell you, you think Joker Toxin or Fear Gas is scary? Whoo-weee! No way. Pizza Day was the real killer."
Just keep filling the air, just keep talking and maybe it'd all start feeling normal. It'd feel easy eventually right? Like nothing ever happened...
Jason came over and sit next to her and sighed "i...forgive you..... um thank you for stumbling upon me " jason atempted to get up no jay sit back down kiddo.... "I'll see what's in the kitchen"
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
// slowly coming back here! will catch up, sorry for the unannounced stress hiatus!
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
What does your heart look like?
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a tangled ball of red strings
Who are you without the company of others? You aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You don’t have to be everything to everyone.
tagged by stolen from || the dash tagging || you! tag back so I can see!
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
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Redraw of leyendecker’s harlequin painting.
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
Your most beautiful feature?
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“HEY! That’s the Sailor Moon Miracle Romance Limited Edition Perfume to you! … But awww, thanks~”
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
"You're gonna loooove it~! Oh! Wait, not that one, that's for the babies." She upturned the bag and let a suspicious amount of cow bones clunk to the ground, before hollering at top volume, "Boys! Here, babies, Mama got you treats from the big cityyy!"
She quickly scooted the bones aside and dropped all the bags to start digging through them. "Hmm, nope, that's the Professor's— is he out yet? Ooh, ooh! That one's for Jervy—" She tossed the bag aside haphazardly. "The gator plushie is for Croc, I kinda forgot what the difference was and grabbed the wrong one, but I think he'll like it still, right? This one's for Viki, I know they don't do the shirt thing but ain't it cute? I bet I can get 'em to wear it if I make it a crop top." Another bag tossed aside, "That one's for Pammy, that one's also for Pammy, she's hard to shop for, so I diversified. Oh, that one, too. Aha! Here we are!"
A sizeable, heavy bag was flopped down in front of Joker, with Harley practically vibrating as she waited for him to investigate.
And should he, the first thing at the top was... a seemingly mundane teddy bear. White, painted up with some makeup, and wearing a tiny little replica of Joker's outfit. Or rather, enough disparate parts from every conceivable aisle of the Build-a-Bear to create it. "Ta-da! I made it myself." She grinned with bubbling pride. "They're not allowed to sell supervillain likenesses to kids over there— buncha party poopers— but nothin' a little creativity couldn't fix."
"Of course she did." Joker said, voice tinged almost immediately with a bit of jealousy and distaste. Ivy was always there to swoop Harley away for their 'girls nights'. He had to guess what they got up to, or at least what Ivy wished they would get up to. "Well, what did you expect? They hardly know how to party up there. Not a bat-or-bird-themed vigilante in sight."
He set her back down in time to be presented with a bunch of shopping bags. "Ooh! What'd you get me? Some artilery? Some poison gas? Oh! A new acid flower?" He started to peek into one of the bags, tugging it open with his index finger ti squint inside.
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
Harley winced at the mention of the act, and her throat got tight. "Y-Yeesh, kid, I mean..."
What was she supposed to say? Oughh, there it went again, her head hurting and her gut feeling like a week-old seafood buffet on a rollercoaster. Her face felt tight and the knot in her throat was almost choking her.
"Don't... ugh," oof, queasy, "don't go doin' that or nothin', okay? I mean... it wasn't supposed to be like this. It was... we were s'posed to be happy." She bit her lip and crossed her arms on the table again, staring down at the criss-crossy patterns of the scuffed wood grain.
Hey, brain, it'd be a really great time to wake up from the nightmare now, yoo hooo.
But finally her shoulders sunk and she slid forward, her face half-buried in her elbows and her pigtails as she stared across at the wincing, tear-soaked kid in front of her, and the whole world became way too sharp in front of her.
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"... Don't do that, okay? 'Cause... I don't... want ya to. I-I thought it'd work out. For all of us!" Right? Yeah, it was for all of them, it was gonna be fun. It's was a game. Just a stupid game that she was left playing when everyone else left the table. And she got mad. "I didn't want any of this to be like... this-this. You're still just a kid. I-It ain't your fault Batsy—" She rolled her head to the side and stared out the half-boarded up window, make-up smudged and her face under a messy tangle of hair. Did she really make a kid wanna say all that? Do that? Where were they in all this? Did it matter?
"We were supposed to be happy... Boy, nothin' I did turned out right, huh...? I'm..." It was stuck in there, and finally, she had to swallow. It was like her vocal chords were rubber bands, and they just snapped. Because the only person who might've understood was sitting right across from her after everything that had gone down.
"I'm... sorry."
"well..i-it worked....so congrats... I'm fucked mentally..... ... i-i can't trust ...mentally..e-everybody hates me..... i kidnapped Barbara..... i attacked my own town...... " jason flinched hearing her hands the table.. " i was thinking .....of......using my grapple line to hang myself..."
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
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"Oooh, ya got moxie, I'll give you that! Maybe you'll last longer than I thought!" Harley gave a smirk and a wink. "It'll at least be a hoot to watch!"
Still, that was a neat saying. Too bad it never seemed to work out that way. "Ugh, well, that 'nothin' good' karma better kick in soon. Ol' Batsy is a real pain in the tuchus sometimes, he's usually the one makin' sure nothin' ever good happens to us! Well... except maybe sometimes," she kicked her feet as she pouted, "but only if we play by his rules. But not even then! Sometimes even when we're good, we still get in trouble! Ya just can't win." She sighed and shrugged.
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"I'd like to see that cocksure vigilante give me shit. I've been alive this long- it would take a lot more than some wannabe hero to break me. Besides," he replied with a chuckle. "Nothing good ever happens to heroes."
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
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Look, normally, some shmuck walking through an abandoned building in Gotham was just your friendly neighborhood criminal Frank. Or Jeff. Or whoever the new guy squatting in the cannery selling spiked nose spray was.
But today, it was her abandoned building and this guy didn't look like a Frank or a Jeff or anyone who should be there. Well, at least as far as she knew.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what do we have here~!" Harley said in a sing-songy tone before coming a step closer. "Bargin' into a lady's crime-y boudoir unannounced? Talk about bad manners."
She slowly cocked her head as she got a good look at him, her gun still leveled right at him. Nope, not a cop. Looked a little too... clean for a Gotham cop. Not even the commissioner had a coat that un-coffee-stained. And the bowtie? Wasn't that kinda fancy for someone crawling around here? "So, what kinda 'fun' were ya lookin' for exactly, Boo-Boo Bear?"
Starter for hail-to-the-quinn
((OOC: @hail-to-the-quinn ))
The Doctor walked out of his TARDIS and down the hallway of what looked like an abandoned building.  After having set the randomizer, he wasn’t completely sure where he was, but it seemed interesting enough.
He walked down the hall just a bit more, only to have a gun pointed right at him by an oddly dressed woman.  “Well, this isn’t any fun,” he stated as he raised his hands in surrender.  It was not the first time he started an adventure by being captured.
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hail-to-the-quinn · 2 years ago
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Wonder Woman by Heath Jett
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