habicht-cs · 3 years
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Some doodles Featuring Hendrik During his Time at Vile academy and during some of his off time!
Hendrik graduated Vile academy 4 years before Tigress, El Topo, Le chevre and Crackle
Hendriks work life and life situation gave him an slight alcohol addiction, but he would never show this certain week point of him in front of other Vile agents where he appears as the "perfect" agent, clean shaven, hair slicked back and fit like an Olympics participant.
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habicht-cs · 3 years
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Habicht often gets paired up with Tigress during Missions and they are a rather efficient and successful duo.
He normally likes to work alone but he doesn't mind working with her, But he does mind her other "companion" Because he doesn't quite get why Mime Bomb holds a grudge against him even though her never did anything to him... Or at least he can't remember anything.
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habicht-cs · 3 years
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His name is Hendrick, his codename is Habicht and he's half German half American. He's also the son of "The captain" (his mother is German but he was mainly raised by him)
When he was around 5 he snuck on board of the ship for the first time and was so brought to the V.I.L.E island, he did that a few times everytime undiscovered which when he finally got discovered got the attention of the leaders who then decided that he should enroll in V.I.L.E once he's old enough. His father approved.
Until then he worked in the military as a pilot, which gave him the love for heights, in V.I.L.E Dr. Bellum made him a personalized jetpack which he uses to get to areas quickly, it also is really helpful to go after Carmen Sandiego when she uses her Glider.
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