I was looking at my notifications and saw that you liked something I posted and let me say your pfp is so fucking cute
THANK YOUUU, I find lil Azula Moshi stealer so cute and adorable mischievous.
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Okay, but imagine Azula has a similar voice to Kya in canon, and Katara realizes that and wants to stay close to Azula because that's the only way she feels her mom close.
Or in an Au. Katara only knows Azula's voices but anything about her (could be a long distance relationship/Azula is a only voice streamer/Katara heard her by accident but couldn't see who was). But what happens when the one that all of her friends hate is the one with the voice she adores.
Kinda messy concept

... Everytime is like the first time.
The magic of voice actors! Ehi @zuko-always-lies @stardust948 @erinoma9 @balanceoflightanddark @gloomybadger4life THIS It could be an interesting joke in a comic convention! They had Mark Hamill, he could make some interventions about "how you should say it Well".
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I never thought about things in quite these terms before, but it is quite interesting Azula never (and I mean never) tries to pit Mai and Ty Lee against each other, given who her biggest role model and influence is. Zuko tries it once, but Azula never does.
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Friendly reminded that at 16 Zuko was destroying entire villages (plural) and getting his crew nearly killed so much that he had to be bailed out by his uncle, and got violently ill because he did one good thing, and was "a good guy" a few months later
But Azula's irredeemable because she was mean to her brother with she was 8 and didn't do it all by herself at 14
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I was thinking back to the whole “Zuko throws Azula under the bus postwar and the NWT yoinks her because they don’t like or trust Zuko and having a potential Fire Nation heir in their protect seems like a good idea if he ever acts up but also because they view it as saving an abused child from her awful family” and I thought of a new angle to add to it: Chief Arnook views Azula as his second chance after what happened to Yue and adopts her as his daughter. For him, she’s another little girl, another princess even, another princess who had lost her mother, led to a dark fate by her love of duty. Arnook rightfully or wrongly very much blames Zuko for Yue’s death(if he hadn’t stolen Aang, Aang would have been able to stop Zhao) and is horribly reminded of it when he sees Zuko so willing to throw another princess under the bus to gain an advantage, so uncaring about and even eager for Azula to suffer. Arnook couldn’t save Yue, but now he has an opportunity to save another princess and this time he won’t let it slip through his fingers.
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What makes a villain's fate "deserved" in the context of ATLA
Aang: [Cut to Katara, Toph and Sokka from the behind, as Aang speaks.] Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. [Cut to an aerial shot of the hardened lava wave.] Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance. [Shot cuts to a close-up of Aang's face.] And I also think it was about friendships.
There's little more common in fiction than villains suffering deserved, karmic fates. However, ATLA is a show which heavily focusses on the themes of redemption, which argues that everyone deserves being given a chance to do better. In this context, a villain's fate can only be truly karmic if they were given a chance to do better and rejected it. We can see this play out in the series.
Zhao wants to kill the moon to become a legend. The heroes and Iroh explain to Zhao why this is a very bad idea, and nearly convince him, but ultimately he kills Tui anyways. Thus, when the Ocean Spirit kills him in retaliation, it feels appropriate and karmic.
Zhao is even given a second chance, if he's willing to put outside his hatred of Zuko, but he refuses to. That makes his fate even more appropiate
Long Feng
Long Feng fits this idea less well, but it's still there. When he explains that he's really in charge of the Earth Kingdom, the Gaang tries to tell him about the eclipse, but he refuses to listen, leading to their continued efforts to contact the Earth King personally. If he had just put aside him "no war in Ba Sing Se" rule for five seconds and promised to help them, he never would have faced his downfall. And, of course, he responds to losing power by allying with Azula, a sworn enemy of his nation, before trying to backstab her. His end is appropriate but perhaps not fully karmic.
Zuko is someone who manages to avoid a bad fate in canon. However, given how many chances at redemption he gets that he rejects, how many chances the heroes give him, if he had rejected redemption yet again and suffered a very sad, tragic fate because of it, it would have felt very appropriate and karmic within the confines of the story.
Combustion Man
He's basically not a character, so this concept doesn't apply to him.
Edit: As @boomerangguy has pointed out, even Combustion Man has someone try to reason with him.
Even though Ozai is the big bad of the series, the concept still applies to him. It's important that Aang gives him a chance, and it's important that Ozai rejects that chance. After that, Ozai's fate feels fully appropriate.
Azula faces one of the saddest fates in canon, but it doesn't really work within the themes of ATLA. Azula is a bad person who does some really bad things, but she's mostly just doing what she's supposed to. She's serving her father, her Firelord, her family, and her nation and following the path a young Fire Nation royal is supposed to. She lacks the sheer egomania of Zhao or the selfish corruption of Long Feng.
But she is never given a chance, never given a choice, either by the narrative or by the heroes. She is never shown kindness by the heroes. She never has her life saved by them. No one ever tries to reason with her or tell her she can pick a different path. No one ever tells her they don't want to fight her or that they wish they could be friends with her. She, through her actions, tells her brother she doesn't want to fight him, but he never really reciprocates.
In the end, she tells one of the heroes, her own brother, that she wishes things could be different, and he tells her to get fucked, instead of offering his hand the way he did for Zhao.
This is why Azula's fate can't be karmic, in the context of ATLA. She was never given a chance to chose otherwise.
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I want Azula to have a father or mother figure who truly loves her, who screams for her dad or mom when she's in danger, who cries and is comforted by her parents, who is protected by them.
I don't know! It saddens me to know that she had to fend for herself, that no one cared enough to know if she was okay or not.
Shit, even her older brother tried to kill her, the person who should protect you and be there for you against the world, doesn't give a shit about you or prefers to blame you for all his problems.
They don't deserve Azula, and Azula deserves so much better.
And no, I'm not saying this because I'm a fan of hers, I'm saying this because she's a traumatized fourteen-year-old girl, groomed to be a child soldier.
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I never really thought much of gay readings of Zuko before before, but now I'm starting to see the storytelling potential of "self-hating and deeply in denial gay misogynistic loser Zuko" for like really dark AUs and the like.
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shout out to Marked for Life by A_MX gotta be one of my favorite genders
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Very vague AU Idea:
Everyone thinks Zuko is the "chosen one" (or equivalent prophecy), but it turns out Azula is the "chosen one."
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Boring ships this, boring ships that-- Why is Maizula not popular? Like am I crazy for not understanding why yuri enthusiasists that pride themselves on indulging in dysfunctional sapphic relationships don't seem to care that much about Maizula? They match each other's freak AND have the complicated love triangle angle down pat. I've only ever seen proper maizula content in fics written by zukaang shippers.
Actually it just might be that mai just isn't that popular lol. tough out here for a mai stan.
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