h4voc-paranormal-blog · 12 years
Investigation Equipment
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h4voc-paranormal-blog · 12 years
Investigation Equipment
In this article I'm going to focus on an explanation of the most commonly used Investigation Equipment. 
Bare in mind , most of this equipment has and was created for completely different purposes, some have been modified as well to suit paranormal research. Other pieces of equipment have been created for the sole purpose of communication and measuring or recording paranormal phenomena. 
As I just said the majority of this equipment was created for other purposes mainly focusing on construction and electrical engineering. However along the way it's been discovered that the weird occurrences that would often be classified as coincidental during the equipment's original use were reproducible when put through continuous testing. 
For example , placing a K2 meter on the floor and communicating with what seems like no one and receiving intelligent response. This will make more sense when we cover the K2 later. 
Other interesting phenomena have occurred by accident. Communicating and seeing images in static or white noise. Or overlaid voice phenomena. Hearing a voice over your own on a recording. Now classified as Electronic Voice Phenomena. 
The equipment has started primitive but has been making major strives towards more and more advanced variations of the tech. It's gone from Magnetic strip to digital , testing vibration to checking for and creating magnetic fields. Common scientific experiments are now being used to generate energy in the hopes to create a source for the spirits to communicate. 
What we have to accept as we approach this subject is that it's all conjecture. Though the investigators can place stock in what they discover, there is always going to be someone out there who can explain or claim hoax and miss-identification. This shouldn't stop us however , if we keep searching and advancing our skills and equipment , eventually we will find the definitive proof that can't be argued. It's really only a matter of time. 
So let's start at the beginning. 
                      The Camera
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Now I can't say with absolute certinity that the first cases of documented paranormal activity is through photograph. However what I can say is that it's the most common now , as well as some of the oldest "evidence" found on the subject is through photographs. 
The wonder that is the Photograph comes in many different froms From cellulose to polaroid now mastering the digital. The problem with all these forms is there has always been a way to manipulate the picture to suit any purpose you want. 
Early on there were cases of people over exposing a picture or double exposing to create a shadow image or double image giving the illusion of a Ghost. 
The camera has changed a lot overtime. From the model shown above to the models shown below and even more advanced as we progress further with Technology.
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One of the theories on how this operates is based on light and the camera lenses ability to capture light at a controlled rate. 
The human eye can perceive a lot , it has amazing powers. To go from 20/20 to 20/200. We with the naked eye can focus up to 100 feet away and determine detail. The Camera on the other hand , in the right hands  can create detail up to 2000 feet away. Easily enhanced and modified. This is a boon as much as it's a bane. The extreme amount of detail the camera is able to capture has given us a huge leg up on all facets of investigation. However as we gain more detail we gain the ability to make great and harder to spot fakes. 
It's believed that spirits exist on a spectrum not easily or always visible to the naked eye. Though it's commonly held that one can Learn the ability to see said spirits. It's not a natural ability for us all , so we use tools to achieve this. 
Another held belief with Paranormal Photography is that the energy the spirits use to manifest , are within the visible range the camera lense can capture , hence why they don't always come in solid form. Many people also hold that they just like to be on film. Which ever theory you subscribe too is up to you. In the end we can't deny the importance of a Camera in every investigation. 
It's mainly held now that Still photos are seldom trust worthy. More investigators go on evidence with Video to back it up. Though this can still be easily modified and altered. It is in the end much more difficult and not a common skill among the masses. Video evidence has come a long way the better the camera the harder it is to fake evidence as the detail becomes more and more evident. 
If you have a recording of a spirit in 1080p it's image will be obvious. If you fake it , one can take the high level of detail break the image down into it's bare components and see the fake being super imposed. 
Though compiling the video into a solid lower FPS version of the film makes it substantially harder to determine it's validity, it also holds and tells us that it's more likely to be fake. This is just based on common sense in this mans opinion. If the camera is capable of high resolution recording with no penalty really to suffer in image. Why would someone record on a lower resolution? It doesn't make much sense. 
As we progress through the technology we come to much more advance variations of Video and Photography. 
The Full spectrum Camera , The Infrared Camera and Film , Motion detection Video and Software. All these come into play when investigating the Paranormal. 
The Full Spectrum Camera
This camera is a marvel in technology. However lower end models cause some serious issues and I believe can't be properly trusted to provide evidence. 
Though the low end are much more affordable. They also don't provide vivid images , often grainy and diluted with static and lens artifacts. If you're going full spectrum , go Very high End. Just because it says HD doesn't mean it's true HD. We need to remember 420p is considered HD. 
What does a Full spectrum image look like? What does it do?
A Full spectrum Camera captures all aspect of the Light Spectrum (as the name suggests) From the UV to the Infrared. See image below
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The above image is an example of the light spectrum captured within a camera lens and the different areas each can capture. 
So how does this help? Well , being able to capture the entirety of the spectrum , not only gives greater detail in darker lit areas. It also provides access to some phenomena that can't quite be explained. 
What are believed to be build ups of spirit energy. Or Spirits trying to Manifest within the UV range and spanning to IR or vice versa  Were unable to fully understand or even appreciate the method as we're really unsure on what truly causes manifestations of Spirits. However , the tool is very useful can can provide some interesting results. See Image Below for an example of a Full Spectrum Photo
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FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed)
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This is a really interesting piece of Technology. 
It measures the Thermal temperatures of everything within it's spectrum. Providing a detailed read out of Heat and temperature , in some cases distance. It has a plethora of options and adjustments available within the technology it self. It's definitely essential in my opinion. 
It's primary use is to not only make the IR spectrum visible , but also allow us to visibly see differences in the temperature in an area. 
It's often believed that when spirits are trying to manifest or have there are cold spots. Also that they themselves do not have a warm temperature. So often people will have images within a FLIR showing a room at room temperature with an anomalous area below 40f (for example)
It also gives the investigator an interesting view of the area. Showing all things within the area , not always visible in a dark room. It gives us the ability to virtually see through walls. That really warm spot on the wall ... what is it? Well with a FLIR you can examine the area thoroughly and see it maybe just the heating vents behind the wall. It can show leaks in an AC pipe causing cold spots. Or measure weird events like hand prints that can't be explained.
Most FLIR cameras have the ability to either record on the device or attach outward and record on a secondary display. 
All in all Cameras from Photo To Video are a definite must in the Paranormal world, as they are the most credible forms of documentation to an event or other paranormal Phenomena. 
Moving on
EMF Reader/Display
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This is probably the most over used tool in the Paranormal world. It's a very simple tool used to measure the Electromagnetic Field in the area. 
There are many many different reasons for an EMF. Exposed wires , high current outlets , Cell phone towers , Televisions , Cell Phones , Computers , Vacuums , etc.. etc.. the list goes on. Anything really that produces or uses DC or AC can produce a EMF. Even copper piping has been known to produce EMF. 
The interesting thing about EMF is that it's also a Natural occurrence cause by the natural magnetic stones and field in the area. Even people can give off EMF. I my self for instance can't wear a wind up watch as it speeds up almost to a noticeable amount. I can't hold a digital compass without the measurements changing sporadically. Nothing to dramatic mind you however , when I hold a battery tester , it can measure me!
I'm not alone in this , there are people who just naturally hold a Charge. We as a result can be read on a EMF calibrated to a very high sensitivity.
As a result modern EMF Readers actually have settings to adjust the sensitivity of the probe to include or remove DC or AC. To adjust for local area , Cellphone , RF etc... This little marvel of technology is used in a variety of different ways. 
First and foremost. A simple but probably one of the most useful EMF Readers. 
The K2 (See image Above) 
This is a simple setup. It's modified to monitor a Safe Range. Meaning a specific range not influenced by low yield external fields. It traditionally only shows high concentrations of EMF. It's not loaded with customization options or high tech calibrations. It's simple and to the point
There are a series of lights on the top measuring the livel of EMF in the area. Green being Optimal and Low , Red being High as the meter suggests. 
I mentioned earlier how this piece of hardware is used in communication with intelligent response. So let's cover that quickly. 
On the meter the series of lights are calibrated to go off depending on level of EMF in the area. The experiment is simple and starts off by finding a Low point or Green Area. With limited to No EMF interference. 
You place the K2 on the ground or a stable place and step away giving plenty of birth ensuring your own equipment doesn't interfere. You begin by asking which ever entity is in the area to light up the lights on the K2 by manipulating the Natural EMF in the area to concentrated source so the K2 can read it. Green (no change) is No Red (high EMF) yes. Then begin asking Yes or No Questions only. 
Now this can be easily faked and reproduced using a simple magnet and the K2 to mimic intelligent response. However it's your responsibility to approach this honestly. 
There are much more (as I've previously said) advanced versions of the EMF reader. However the K2 is pretty much a staple.
Other versions include a temperature probe and sound notification. 
One very good one to keep in mind is a Mel-Meter. 
Though the story behind the creation of this device is a tragic one. It's a brilliant tool for the investigation of the Paranormal. Able to monitor Vibration , EMF , Ambient temperature. With extensive customization options you can easily adjust the Mel-Meter to suit just about any environment. It's definitely worth a look. Also - I'd advise you to go to the source the creator as he puts a lot of time and effort into making this. 
The Mel-Meter even has a built in Spirit box in some models. An Item I'll cover Next. The Creator of the Mel-Meter is Gary Gelka. You should take the time to hear his story , and support his effort. 
Two other pieces of equipment worth Note are the REM-Pod and EMF Pump. 
To simplify this part. 
The REM-pod is a simple circular device that measures EMF fields in the Area OR creates a small bubble of Electromagnetic Energy near it's base with a series of LED lights surrounding it. 
The Pod is designed to sound an Alarm , or flash lights when the bubble is broken. Some Pods can be calibrated to create smaller or bigger bubbles. This device is used to communicate as well, similar to the K2.
The EMF Pump does exactly what the name suggests. It creates a Large amount of EME in the area for spirits to feed on. I'd not advise trying to use this item and trusting your EMF Reader. (Obviously)
Ghost/Spirit Box / Ovilus (X) 
These are probably some of the Coolest ideas come up with to date. These are devices that supposedly allow for direct conversation with spirits.
Ghost Box
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The idea behind the ghost box is a weird one but the results it can produce are really cool. 
The Ghost box scans hundreds of RF's all in under a second producing a constant source of white noise. Hidden behind all this white noise are words radio stations , communication , etc.. going on all simultaneously.
As it scans you ask a question , the spirit in question then manipulates the white noise to produce a coherent sentence. It's really quite remarkable the things that can pop out of this thing.
I've personally witnessed someone spoken to directly
It went as follows
Jamie : My names Jamie. I'm using this device called the Ghost Box can you use it to communicate with me?
Ghost Box : <Static>
Jamie : I hope I'm not asking to much , but could you please?
Ghost Box : ... Yes.
Jamie : Did you catch my name?
Ghost box : yes
Jamie : Can I ask you to repeat it
Ghost Box : It's Jamie 
Jamie : Sorry What did you say?
Ghost Box : Jamie
Jamie : Did you say Jamie
Ghost Box : Yes stupid 
Granted this is just a personal encounter , but I thought it was incredible. I've also witnessed the ghost box spout off random nonsensical sounds and words. I've seen people go out of their way to try and make sense of other things as well. 
It's rare to witness these events , rarer still to be a party to them. However when you are and do , you tend ot become fond of the instrument. 
It's also important to remember that the device can be silent for hours. There are testimonials of the Ghost box not making a single sound for upwards of two hours then suddenly becoming active. 
Gary Gelka for instance has an amazing story of his daughter saying "Hi Daddy". 
The Ovilus X
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The Ovilus is definitely a shot in the dark item. It's designed to take environmental readings then translate them into words. 
The idea behind this is the Spirit manipulates the environment around the Ovilus , to create words. This has been popularized on shows like Ghost Adventures , Paranormal State and to a lesser extent (I believe) Ghost Hunters. 
Though this can produce some pretty cool events , my issue with it is it's randomness. More so how does the Spirit know how to manipulate the area to create these words? Is there a trial and error phase? 
With the Ghost box it's manipulating already present speech. It's a standard belief that time on the other side isn't as we perceive it , if it exists at all. So one can postulate that they are able to hear words in the white noise not easily heard by us on this plain of existence. 
So how does this work with the Ovilus? I'm unsure , I'm just wary when approaching this device. I don't fully understand it so I can't completely discuss it. If this interest you , just google it. It pops up fast. 
Now last but certainly not least
Digital Audio Recorder
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The digital Audio Recorder is a device that is on the top of the most used pieces of equipment next to the Camera. You can use this to record a conversation during an EVP session. 
An EVP session is when you record yourself asking questions giving a break in between each question of 15-20 seconds allowing for time to answer. Upon playback you may hear an answer to your question(s). 
This can be done with just about any device that records sound. 
Early on in the world of Paranormal, they used to use simple cassette recorders however often found that you would hear the mechanisms inside the recorder it self during the playback which caused serious interference. However with the advent of the digital recorder , it's easy to make out clear EVP when the environment is a quiet one. 
There are different versions of the device. Some have an adjustable sensitivity on the microphone , others are cheap and just record sound within a certain area. All are worth while. 
Though a lot of people have started combining tools EMF/DAR/Ghost Box. I've found a lot of this combinations can actually become more of a hindrance then helpful. They often lack in quality or one will overpower the other even if not active. 
It's good to have a choice of options available to you when choosing your equipment. Some more advanced Recorders actually have an option called Live Playback , where the audio is recorded then after a pre-set amount of time plays back the recording allowing for immediate communication. 
This can be done manually easily , but the options cool. 
When it comes to choosing a Recorder , it's best to obviously go with Quality. Just be aware of the recording bit rate , comparison ratio and available space on the built in memory. In a perfect world using Digital you'd want one you can expand on your own. Believe it or not , not all DAR's have expandable memory. 
When it comes to paranormal investigation equipment it really is a matter of preference. The only thing to keep in mind is to have a good tool box handy. 
You want to be able to cover as much as possible, collect as much data as possible. The more you collect yes the more you have to sift through , but the higher the chance to catch something that could possibly substantiate what we all believe and know to be true. 
The other important thing to keep in mind is when investigating don't jump the gun. Just because something spooky happened don't assume that it's paranormal. Check all possibilities , try your best to replicate the event and fill all criteria required to properly replicate the event. Don't be afraid to take some extra time to do this. It's important to maintain credibility. 
Also - while I'm on the topic of exploring the paranormal , I'm going to bring something up that's been a common (what I believe) misconception. 
When you investigate the Paranormal, it doesn't have to be Dark out. It doesn't have to be pitch black and you don't require a complete absence of light.  
Granted when taking measurements for EMF the lack of power makes it easy. However there's nothing stopping you from using Candles to light your way. The idea that you have to be shrouded in Darkness to investigate the paranormal is really a weird concept. 
If we want to be taken seriously in the scientific community we'd need to prove that you need complete darkness. Otherwise it's a repugnant idea. Originally the idea of total darkness started with the con artists scamming people out of their money with fake seances. The dark was used to hide their cables or partners making all the special effects. Any other items they used where also easily hidden. 
I believe the reason behind so many of these experiences happening in pitch black is completely in the persons head. When you're surrounded by darkness can't see half a foot in front of you , your natural senses are going to spike and you're going to be a lot more sensitive to sounds and sensations. Where this can be a benefit , it also makes us more paranoid , and easily spooked , so we tend to jump to conclusions that something that was easily explained in the day was paranormal. 
Where as in the occult there are specific times when the veil between the plains of existence are thinner. It'd be wise to remember that Candles do not put off EMF. They can still be used at 3 am to light the room or your way. There is no valid reason for having pure darkness in an investigation. 
There is a belief in some circles of the Occult that say the Dead don't see artificial Light. They can only see natural Light and gravitate towards it. As anyone would , so light a candle , be nice. Chances are it's just as dark for them. 
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h4voc-paranormal-blog · 12 years
Paranormal TV
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h4voc-paranormal-blog · 12 years
Paranormal TV
Before I go any further into anything else in-depth toward The Paranormal. I think it’s best to discuss the Concept of Paranormal TV. 
The following is just an over-view of the most common shows I can find in my part of the country. 
They are my own opinions, after my own research on the show and it’s production. 
(( There was a minor issue apparently where the original article wasn't posted in it's entirety  I'm not sure why. I've amended the article and hopefully fixed the problem )) 
So let’s just get into it. 
As much as I enjoy a lot of different paranormal shows. My favourite are the recounts of personal experience put into Dramatization. Mainly because it occasionally provides photographic or video evidence. However! More then that , would be the fact it’s whole purpose and only purpose is entertainment. 
Now This isn’t to say that there aren’t any valid shows out there. I leave that to you to decide.
Now to clarify something very quick first. I’ve already made a reference to Fact or Faked. I accept that they are guided and motivated more so then anything by ratings. It’s a job to them, I can respect that. Hell I work in fast food when I’m desperate. Work , is Work. You do what you need to do to survive. In some cases people are lucky and they get to fake paranormal investigations for loads of cash, others have to work their ass off in a greasy cesspit with no pride. 
I digress , the reason I quote them (I swear again , not because of a certain host…) I appreciate how they do some experiments. Not all, just some. There have been plenty of times I’ve witnessed them do just a lot of experiments that just don’t make sense. Or not fulfilling all criteria to properly replicate an event. I’ll cover more on them later. 
So let’s start with some of the more popular ones. 
Ghost Hunters/(International)
Now the original Ghost Hunters I loved in the beginning. The show seldom had dramatic music , focused primarily on debunking every single situation they came into. Ignored and even got mad at the Camera Crew, because they were in the way. Granted their anger was silent but obvious when you know what you’re looking at. 
They approached situations with Skepticism and always advised the client to be wary and aware. 
However , as the show grew in popularity and became more and more of a money source , the show became more and more high tech. Music was later on demand for all events and moments. We could easily predict when something was happening. However because of the infernal music , we could never hear the knocks , or the EVP , or the eerie sounds. A massive mistake all Paranormal investigation shows make now.
I can understand the reason for music , however when people watch these shows because they genuinely are interested in the field of paranormal it’s a hindrance, a problem and ruins the search for legitimate evidence and trust in the company / investigators. 
Later they came out with Ghost Hunters International. Which unfortunately to me just became a massive version of Paranormal State. Everything was haunted , everything was powerful , everything was terrifying. It became excessive.
Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, to me these two founders seem genuine. They want to help and want to provide answers. I believe they just got sucked into the TV mind frame and Contractually screwed. Or at least I hope. 
They are in my opinion well knowledge on the subject , don’t talk out their ass and are often honest and straight forward. 
Ghost Adventures
This show , I’m not sure where to start. 
I can appreciate they all stem from personal experience , however they pretty much place all fact on personal experience. They declare actions such as goosebumps , hair standing on end etc.. As a definite to something it may not be. 
For example , in one episode Zak Bagans actually states. 
“When you get these goosebumps , when you get the hair on your arms standing up on end , it’s a proven fact that it’s spirit energy trying to manifest” (( I Believe I’m quoting correctly, if not please correct me ))
This troubles me in more ways then one. Not only does he make practice of applying this as an example of spirit energy. There are far to many explanations for goosebumps and hair on end to state it as spirit energy. 
They don’t always say this however , he often contradicts himself , stating something as fact then changing it up a bit saying it may not be said fact. 
Their experiments are often in the area of personal experience. They have had a few I appreciate. The wood being thrown to the floor comes to mind. 
Zak experiences a simple phenomena. A Frame made of wood is standing up right as he sits by it. It’s a four legged frame. very sturdy. It then falls over during an EVP session. He has a moment of panic (As Most would not expecting it) immediately composes him self. Then proceeds to communicate with his Team. Confirming that he’s resetting in the hopes to reproduce. 
I don’t know if you’ve seen Zak Bagans. He’s a Big man, At least over 200lbs and fit. He while making note that he’s on camera and being watched resets the Frame and begins to jump around it like a mad man. Trying to knock it over. He wiggles it about , resets and firmly places it into the ground. It’s sturdy for all intent and purpose. 
He begins to communicate and turns his back , as he turns back to the frame it’s violently thrown to the floor again. 
Now it wasn’t scientific , it wasn’t professional , but it was a good example of your average paranormal researcher without scientific background preforming tests that can’t be refuted. Even though this could be reproduced with Filament and camera editing. I believe how he went about it is commendable. 
The rest of his team seems to feed on each other. When one begins to panic or have issues , the others follow suit. It’s often cases of Mass Hysteria. 
Lastly , I’d have to say he’s very very melodramatic. However, I’m inclined to believe it’s not by his choice. I’ve seen an interview with the man and his body language and how he acts in the interview differed completely from him on the show. 
Extreme Paranormal / American Haunting 
I’ve clumped these two together for a simple reason. 
It’s way over the top. Both shows experience extreme conditions out of very little. That’s about it. 
Extreme Paranormal I appreciate at least that it covers the Occult and appreciates the purpose behind it as a Science (As that’s what Occult actually means). However they don’t use traditional occult and have unfortunately (Not by their own merit or on purpose I have to believe) have glorified some of the more extreme (as the name suggests) occult activities. Such as the use of Blood during Ritualistic Magic.
I’ve already caught wind of several separate stories of paranormal investigators claiming occult expertise using blood in ritual. I’ll have to come back to this article and place a reference to Blood Magic when I publish my article on it. 
I can respect that that was not their objective or goal. Even so Nathan (One of the hosts) made a point to point out the danger involved. However it was on TV. Damage done. 
In the end Extreme Paranormal was a Great show. 
“But Hev , How can you say that?! After all you’ve said”
Lemme explain. The show has to be taken for what you see. Entertainment. As an entertaining show it filled it’s requirements. It was fun to watch. The team of three was fantastic and they did a lot of bizarre experiments that you have to give them credit for being willing to try. 
Whether we can take the evidence they’ve found at face value , or valid. I can’t decide only speak my own opinion. 
Paranormal State
Ok… I’m not sure where to begin. 
When the show first started it got great acclaim. It was short and to the point. They went in , investigated , solved family issues. Brilliant! 
However , as time passed the more you watch the more you realise you maybe spending your time better Masturbating with a Cheese Grater. (Please forgive the graphic metaphor) Granted this is solely my opinion. 
Initially the show was hard to catch the issues. However as time passed you start to notice a lot of editing and discrepancy. During their “Dead Time” you’ll see members of the Crew changing clothes , to wearing clothes from the day before , to the end of the show. You’ll notice changing of opinion slightly and when confronted using Circular logic to explain their opinion change. 
Stories and rumors began to fly then unfortunately became valid when substantiated. Arguments between 2 of their resident psychics , one claiming fraud of the other. Changing of stories to suit the Drama in the episode (Shadow Man Episode - For example). Directors giving the Psychics all the information a head of time including where and when to show up , as well as history of the family and house. Then the psychic claiming no prior information.
Editing of an episode where a piece of glass is broken in the basement. Then later , in the attic they hear another sound of glass breaking in the room behind. When the camera crew goes to investigate. It’s a different angle of the Glass from the basement. 
A Phantom hand image on the wall , where one of the psychics says they never placed their hand , however a minute prior you can clearly see them resting their hand on the wall in that exact spot!. 
And worst off a later interview with a former Member of PRS claiming they left because of the editing and falsifying of evidence. 
They provoke demons , calling them out with many expletives  Willfully evoking the spirit into their presence The Founder of PRS is apparently haunted and hounded by a King of Hell (according to his rank in the Dictionair Infernal). They make reference to the Pentagram being a Satanic Symbol (While they have an apparent Occult expert on staff). 
More so it’s Very heavily christian influenced. So their sever lack of proper information on Satanism alone causes issues. 
In the end the show is good for a larf , and strictly as entertainment. Not at all a show to be taken seriously in my humble opinion. 
Paranormal Witness
I love this show. For one main reason. They do not claim any fact in any  cases they explain or provide. The show is is a very simple dramatization of events perceived from interviews with the victims and how it seemed to them. We are left to make our own conclusions or investigate further. 
Fact or Faked : Paranormal Files
Ok , So let’s start from the top. My issues ; 
Primarily my issues begin with their idea of a scientific approach. 
They don't always approach things in a strictly scientific method. They often do not fill the criteria to replicate the event completely. 
For example , Using a FLIR camera that has a limit of 20 feet. They'll film the end of a hallway to replicate a Ghostly image. Now , this is fair , however the source film clearly shows the person using the FLIR uses different settings and are much closer then in their Experiment. 
What's this mean? It means that they have no fully replicated the situation in order to properly replicate the event. Should the fill the criteria completely it'd be a different story. 
They do use the Equipment provided by the original client. Which is something I appreciate , however again, they don't fully explore the proper use of the equipment (in the sense of how it was originally set and used) 
They have an almost endless resource in comparison to the traditional paranormal investigation team. Which allows them to easily replicate any situation. In short , they have the ability to reproduce all videos they find , and claim hoax. This bothers me , I've seen them spend what must of been thousands of dollars to replicate a simple event. This seems to much like over kill to me. It's also very common practice it seems. 
The biggest issue I find , is their use of LVA (Layered Voice Analysis). This technology in their specific situation can't be trusted. It measures stress , tone and pitch in the voice. The problem with this is rather obvious. 
Put yourselves in their shoes. 
You're an average Joe / Jane. You're approached by a massive camera crew , Two Beautiful women and a Former FBI agent , directly confronting you with little remorse in their voice and questions. Calling you out and cornering you asking if the video is fake. Wouldn't you be a little stressed? Anyone would. 
The Good?
They don't claim everything to be paranormal. Though a lot of reviews mainly by skeptic journals and sites , and hard science members say they do. In all honesty if you watch their episodes beginning to end season one on, and count the "Fact" to "Fake" ratio. "Fake" comes up far more often then "Fact". That's not counting the Videos they discredit in their "Situation Room" before they "choose" a case. 
The Team it self is made up of members who are used to being on camera, so there is no over dramatization. They're comfortable and seem genuine and honest. Even though their interactions are obviously scripted , when they have a reaction to an event , it seems real. (This is a common trait in ALL the shows mind you however I see it more prevalently in this show) 
They all have claims to Expertise , which with research can be substantiated. 
We can't make any conclusions at least I can't make them for you. It's a decision you have to make watching the Shows. 
I thoroughly enjoy the shows and watch them for their entertainment value and even ideas of places to research and stories to investigate. 
Each show is founded by a Team of people who originally started based on their own personal experiences. Believe it's a legitimate area of science that needs to be further explored and accepted. They all share the same hopes , they just approach it differently. 
I mean no ill will to every member of the teams mentioned above. I just point out the obvious. They're in Television , it's meant to Entertain. 
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h4voc-paranormal-blog · 12 years
The Oregon Vortex Article
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h4voc-paranormal-blog · 12 years
The Oregon Vortex
I figured , I'd start off with a popular tourist spot in the United States. 
Not being a local myself I'm only aware of this particular place on word of mouth , and the Paranormal Community. So all my research is done through extensive Goggling, researching media footage of the place , as well as a few famous paranormal investigation shows. 
I don't not claim my opinions and Ideas as absolute fact. Simply my interpretation of the evidence , and my Conclusions(if any).
               The Oregon Vortex
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The above image is the Image of "The House of Mystery"
Brief history ; 
Originally built in 1904 as a prospecting House used primarily as a Tool house , the Gold hunt ended in 1911. After several years of neglect it slid off it's foundation becoming what we see today. 
A short time after the foundation failure , the Myth of the property tells us  it was Bought by a John Litster a Geologist , Physicist and Mining Engineer. Son of a British Foreign Diplomat , he was born 1886 and Died later 1959. During his ownership is when the Place developed it's paranormal reputation. Litster opened the property to the public in the 1930's and left Claims to conducting over 1000 experiments. Unfortunately , as with every good Paranormal Story. Upon his death he burnt all his experiment Data claiming "The world is not prepared for this information" (or something to the like)
The Oregon Vortex has been all over the Media and Paranormal circuit from Fictional appearances in The TV show Supernatural and the X-Files. To mentions in Para-Magazines. 
As well as "De-Bunking" TV shows such as "Fact or Faked : Paranormal Files"
(Admittedly , I'm rather fond of this show. I appreciate the approach they tend to take. I often disagree with it too , giving me place for research on my own. So I may site the show as an Example.(I swear not because of my Crush on Jael) however , will never cite it as a definite source as it's subject to TV Producers and the Demand for ratings)  
Interestingly enough , Fact or Faked is one of the only sources of Media coverage to out right come out and declare The Oregon Vortex a maze of Optical illusion. How this is interesting? It's also the only Media Exposure I've found that The Oregon Vortex Company does not publicly mention or make reference too. When watching the Episode in reference to The Oregon Vortex , they themselves (Fact or Faked) admit to not fully understanding the Height Differences. (An interesting Phenomena I'll comment on later)  
Phenomena #1
Magnetic Resonance 
Reports of people hearing a hum and seeing images when eyes have been kept close for several seconds to a minute. 
These reports are rare , and I've only ever found them made in third party. Never directly quoted by The Oregon Vortex Company, or any investigator who has visited the property. I mention it only because of it's rarity and unique quality of a paranormal event. 
Phenomena #2 
The House of Mystery
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The Mystery house is an interesting building. There are reports of people feeling strange effects when entering the house. Nausea , dizziness , vertigo , all these symptoms and a few more (See Phenomena #1) The other interesting effect of the house seems to be it's ability to defy the laws of physics! Or so it seems. There are images of brooms standing on their own perfectly vertical(kinda). 
So first let's address the effects of simply being in the house.
After it fell off the foundation it slipped and Sloped into a very interesting angle. Not the whole house either (exactly) mainly just a portion of the house on specific Side  (see Image). The one side of the house has slipped completely off the foundation causing an almost 45 Degree incline. This alone can Mess with our perception. The Ponzo Illusion comes to mind here. Manipulating Parallel lines to change our perception of depth. (See Diagram Below)
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Paying attention to this image you can see the black and yellow lines. These lines are the example of the effect. The Black lines are all parallel just on an upward slope. The yellow lines though the same measurement are percieved as one being smaller then the other. This is simply because of the distance , the angle and the location of placement.
Think of it this way. You have two images. One image is of the tracks. This is a perceptional depth image. Showing the track going uphill over a great distance. This is directly in your visual perception. Then take a second picture. The picture of two yellow lines. Now these lines are the same dimension. Same in length , shape and size, now place them directly on the tracks. Simply by doing this , it gives us the illusion that one line is larger then the other, when in fact they are the same size. 
There have been thousands of facebook photos going around showing these and other similar optical illusions. I'd have to say this is one of the most common to occur in the case of Paranormal photo/videos. 
Being in an environment (such as standing in The Mystery House) that is the source of these illusions can cause Vertigo , dizziness , nausea among other physical reactions. 
This isn't to say that it isn't perhaps a build up of Natural energies. This can also happen. When there is a large source or force (vortex) of Energies it can cause physical effects such as the ones mentioned above in a person who isn't accustomed to them. 
Another more common culprit to these symptoms would be Natural/Electromagnetic Fields (or EMF). EMF can cause worse symptoms when left in an environment of extreme exposure. Such as nightmares , night terrors , paranoia , and delusion or hallucination.
When it comes to the effects within the house it's to hard to say one way or another. However , I'm more inclined to think and believe more towards the Vertigo caused by the Ponzo effect or other Optical effects which can cause the aforementioned symptoms in people. However , I myself have felt great energies within an area. I've felt a house filled with extreme negativity , which caused symptoms of headaches , nausea , trepidation , and some rare cases full on vertigo and tunnel vision. 
Where I cannot completely discredit the idea of a Vortex of Energies , I also cannot ignore the obvious effects a simple placement of angles and location causing minor to extreme physical side effects. 
As for the brooms. This is an interesting event to me. The idea that something designed on slope stands vertical is really well.. cool. Don't get me wrong , I've replicated it in my kitchen just pressing down on the broom to cause the bristles to spread giving me an anchor point. However , when examining the footage of the broom standing on it's end it's clearly visible that the broom it self is not pressed down. It is instead gently placed on it's head and left to balance. 
Interestingly enough , this seems to be easiest to replicate using only long hay bristle brooms. (Old school brooms-don't think witch brooms) I've tried to replicate it with an angled broom on my own to no avail without the needed pressure. I can however balance a flat broom with no pressure easily. However , seeing video of the same experiment within the house alternating broom styles. It seems the angle broom is the simplest to balance. The flat head broom took much more effort and calibration.
So what can this tell us?
Well as mentioned prior the house it self is on a deep angle. This means that the broom with a near matching angle essentially acts as a flat broom would in your own kitchen and is easily balanced. May take a couple tries but it can be done. I believe that the phenomena of the broom is strictly an Angle and balance based event , with no Paranormal  association. 
Phenomena #3
Height Difference/Change
Now to me this is one of the most interesting phenomena of The Oregon Vortex. (I think I may have said "Most interesting" already... oops). This really can't be fully explained (within my ability). That's not to say that there isn't some scientific explanation. However I've seen a lot of in-depth tests to this particular effect trying to remove any optical illusion and testing depth and levels of the ground and area. All come back with the same result. 
What is this Phenomena? 
Imagine You're 5'7 and your friend is 5'9 that's only a what? Two inch difference? Nothing much. Now you and your friend are standing on the path to The Mystery House.(North End) You and your friend are facing each other. You being 5'7 staring directly at your friend who is 5'9 right at the center of their forehead. Your friend is just gazing over your head oh so slightly. Now you switch places... suddenly as if by Magic! You're now staring at their Chin and them at your bridge! (See examples below) 
Now bare in mind the examples I'm showing are directly off The Oregon Vortex website. So I don't claim ownership or legitimacy of the images. Only that they work excellently as an example of the effect. 
Image 1                                       Image 2 
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Looking at the above images , you can clearly see the difference in height and the effect they claim to experience. 
Now seeing as these photos are not exactly the best , I'd advise you to google The Oregon Vortex Black Mat experiment. This is a commonly done experiment at The Oregon Vortex. They place a black mat and in some cases a laser grid behind the subjects in the photo and try to reproduce the effect. Every experiment I've found to date (could be more) has replicated the effect. One of my favourite variations used the Black Mat as well as a Laser grid , however went the one step further to take a Level reading of the Ground , testing to see if the incline is slight enough that it can't easily be noticed by standing on it , instead only noticed by difference in height. The ground read a inclination of 2 Degrees where as the height difference was upwards of 16. The difference in the height compared to the incline is to much in my opinion to state that it's the only culprit in this phenomena. 
Now I admit I can't fully explain the reasons behind this Phenomena. However we can't deny how interesting it is. 
Perhaps there is a legitimate explanation for this , I'm willing to accept it should I find it or it be shown to me. However as it stands right now , I cannot explain this myself. 
Some theory's are Molecular Depression. Which I'd think may sting a wee bit. However , it's a theory. Another theory is an instant change in Form not effecting Mass or Volume. You yourself do not change , instead everything else changes. 
I myself have no direct theories. As I can't legitimately postulate. However , I'm interested in hearing any or all that are out there. 
As for any other phenomena, there are a few. One comes to mind of a Ball that rolls up hill. However this is another Optical illusion in my opinion and is explained in the explanation of the house itself. 
When it comes to The Oregon Vortex. There's not enough information to  affirm one belief or declare any fact. Not yet , we can assume all we want as to what may be the cause. I do know of a Land survey where a metal detector went off however the owners were adamant, denying any excavation of the area. 
This can be the cause of Magnets Buried , or any other man made solution, that I'm not able to come up with. However as it stands right now. I myself cannot make any conclusions. 
I'm always willing to discuss , always willing to adapt or make addendum if anyone has any extra information. 
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