gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“I like how our hands seem to have their own conversations, apart from our mouths. I like how we tell things we can’t seem to say out loud. In these spaces between, our fingers meet and they fit. Perfectly. There were no walls. No secrets. I like how our hands knew how to be together at times we can’t seem to.”
— Dawn Lanuza
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
I like when my days busy, it keeps me out my head
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
no offense to me or anything but what the fuck am i actually doing
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“Thank you for misunderstanding me, rejecting me and not seeing me and teaching me to always see myself.”
— Unknown
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“Sometimes all you can do is lie in bed and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.”
— William C. Hannan
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“Sometimes you have to forget what you feel, and remember what you deserve.”
— Unknown
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“I hope one day we can forgive each other for not being what we wanted each other to be”
— Kriti G.
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“Und wie oft liegst du die ganze Nacht wach, weil du über alles nachdenkst?”
— Meins (via verbautezukunft)
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“How many times have you typed “I’m fine.” with shaky fingertips and bloodshot eyes?”
— Unknown (via surqrised)
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“Don’t force someone to make time for you, if they really want to, they will.”
— Unknown
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
I mean yeah communication is key but so is a sense of understanding. Because if I tell you something and you're not willing to see where I'm coming from, then what's the point of telling you anything.
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
The only regret in my life is that I said a "sorry" while they deserved a "fuck off".
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
“My only relief is to sleep. When I’m sleeping, I’m not sad, I’m not angry, I’m not lonely, I’m nothing.”
— Jillian Medoff, Hunger Point.
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
i’m so fucking tired of myself
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gxnsebluemchen · 2 years
I have two problems in life:
difficulty sleeping
difficulty waking up
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