dewphomet · 2 days
I sent this to a few friends but I wanna share this with y'all too
Dew that gets fatigued a lot but also caused by narcolepsy.... But is always too stubborn to ask for help. Aether slowly starting picking up the signs of when it's happening so he'll go over and literally pick Dew up. Ohh Dew hates it and gets all blushy but he's asleep in Aether's arms before he even knows it or can open his mouth to bitch him out.
Aether who's eventually able to see the warning signs of an episode as Dew starts rubbing his eyes and just blinks a lot more, or his foot stance keeps getting readjusted as he feels off-balance. Just walks up behind Dew and place an arm around his back which lets Dew lean against him before the inevitable, but now safely and not on the floor.
It always hits at random but the most common being after mass, a show, and after high stress situations. His adrenaline can save him a few times but he's usually unable to think straight and starts speaking gibberish and slurring
First time Aether seen it was after his first mass as Zephyr wheeled out with Dew asleep on their lap. Got explained about his issue and he just nodded. They were in a mall together soon after and Aether just watched him buckle right in front of him, just whimpering and sitting up slowly from the floor. That was the first time he carried him :,3 Dew just hid against him and passed out instantly, didn't wake up until they were back in the van to go home
I JUST!!! LISTEN!! THEM!!!!!!!!
Anyways narcoleptic & heavily fatigued Dewdrop save me
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dewphomet · 2 days
Tenth Drink Free
Chapter 1/10: Heart 1721 words
Dewdrop is a barista in a college town. He’s sworn off romance for the time being- he doesn’t have time for it. He’s an adult with a job, he doesn’t have time for dating and inevitable heartbreak. Until a hot nursing student with an ass to rival the gods walks in. Oh fuck. And he’s got puppy eyes. Oh FUCK. A story told in the space of nine coffee shop purchases and a freebie.
Behold, the quinessential (no pun intended) coffee shop au that every fanfic author writes eventually. I need hot nursing student Aether and pathetic sopping wet barista Dew to have gay t4t sex.
I don't have a set upload schedule but if you want to be added to a taglist lmk in the comments!
Read below or on AO3!
Dew cracks open his energy drink with his teeth as his other hand haphazardly pulls his apron over his head. The strap catches on the butterfly clip holding his hair back and yanks it out of place. Dew hisses in pain as it tugs on his hair and manages to catch it before it hits the floor.
“Hungover again?” Cirrus asks sympathetically as she passes with a tray of pastries. Dew grunts and shakes his head.
“Nah. Couldn’t sleep.” It’s only semi-true, he’d in fact been having a marathon of 80s horror movies. He’d awoken to Rain slinking out of his room at 11 to make coffee, leaving only thirty minutes to throw on clean clothes before he had to be at work. Luckily the little cafe tucked between a furniture store and a Mediterranean restaurant was only a fifteen minute walk from his apartment. The benefits of living in a college town, he supposes.
“I can let you off early so you can go home for a nap,” Cirrus offers. “Tuesdays are slow in the afternoons anyway.”
“That would be amazing, thanks Cir.” Dew sighs and takes a sip of his energy drink. He bends the tab of the can up, clamps it between his teeth, and pulls his hair back. Wrapping it into a loose bun, he secures it with the butterfly clip and retrieves his can from its precarious position.
“You’re gonna chip a tooth like that,” Swiss provides unhelpfully from his place at the sink. “And god knows if the dental insurance here will cover that.”
“I’ll be fine.” Dew rolls his eyes. “Focus on those muffin pans, dish boy.”
Swiss flips him a soapy middle finger, but Dew has turned and walked out of the kitchen by then. He downs about half of his red bull, stifles a burp behind his hand, and taps Aurora out at the register.
“Ohhh, thank god.” Rory sighs, dropping her customer service face. “There were two Karens half an hour ago. One right after the other. Fuckin’ exhausting.” Her bright pink lipstick is slightly smeared, evidence of her bad habit of chewing on her lips. “I need a drink…”
“It’s noon. Go steal a croissant from the kitchen instead. Thanks for putting me in the line of fire, by the way.” Dew rolls his eyes playfully. “Go smack Swiss’s ass for me.”
“Yessir!” Rory gives a two-finger salute before scurrying off into the kitchen. Dew sighs and resigns himself to the following hours of tedious interaction. A moment later, there’s a squawk from the kitchen followed by a squeal from Aurora.
A chai latte, a caramel macchiato, two vanilla lattes, two drip coffees, an Italian soda, and a needlessly complicated order that Dew can’t even begin to remember later, he’s only a quarter of the way through his shift. At least it’s a quiet day. The regulars from the local college usually come in before classes or on weekends to study.
Dew props his elbow on the counter and rests his chin in his hand, letting his mind wander. He’s been saving up for a cool guitar pedal and managed to find it on Ebay for half the price, but he is in a bidding war for it. He’d sneak a peek at the listing on his phone while the cafe was relatively quiet but he’d left it in his bag. Shit.
He straightens up, cracks his back, and begins reorganizing the supplies behind the bar. His fingers are getting twitchy from the caffeine kicking in. He curses his health insurance for not covering ADHD medication so he can actually function as a person. Or mood stabilizers. Or even therapy.
The door swings open again as Dew is cleaning the steam wand on the espresso machine. He sets the wet rag on the counter and turns to see- oh wow. His grumpy mood is instantly forgotten.
An absolute Greek god of a man stands near the doorway, scanning the drinks menu. He’s tall, built like a brick wall with just the right amount of chub, and- from what Dew can see- an ass to die for. If he were a slightly weaker man, he would vault over the counter, drop to his knees, and choke himself unconscious on that man’s dick.
He shifts his weight and bites his tongue in annoyance. Stupid fucking high libido. He doesn’t have time to be creaming his pants at work. He’s not above using his break to jerk off in the bathroom, though…
Someone clears their throat. Big Sexy (as he’s decided to call the man) stands before him, fidgeting with his fingers.
“Oh, are you ready to order?” Dew asks, hoping to any higher powers above and/or below that he hadn’t been staring.
“Yeah. Can I get a… actually, what do you recommend?” Big Sexy asks, cocking his head adorably. Dew feels hypnotized by his dark blue eyes. “This is my first time here, I’ve been meaning to check it out for a while but kept forgetting.” He shrugs apologetically.
“Oh- yeah,” Dew stammers a bit. “I, uh, my go-to is a cold brew with hazelnut syrup and about half of one of those creamer cups.” He points at the side counter where a small shelf holds straws, sugar packets, and other extras. “You could add more cream if you want, I just like it a little bitter.”
I wonder what his cream tastes like, his horny brain supplies helpfully. Dew gives that part of his brain a mental smack and turns his attention back to Big Sexy.
“Alright, I’ll have that. Medium, please.” Big Sexy reaches into his back pocket for his wallet. Dew enters the order into the register, glad to pull his eyes away from Big Sexy’s.
“That’s $4.25.” Dew grabs a clear cup from a stack and jots down the order as Big Sexy swipes his card. “And can I get a name for the order?”
“Oh- Aether. A-E-T-H-E-R.” Big Sexy- Aether replies, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Aether…” Dew mumbles to himself as he scribbles down the name. “Sick name. Your parents must’ve been cool.”
“Actually, I uh- I named myself. Had a weird phase when I was 15 and it kind of… stuck.” Aether seems a little embarrassed by this, rubbing the back of his neck.
Dew pauses for a moment to consider this information. Aether could just be a nickname, or… well, Dew had renamed himself at 13. There could be a possibility that Aether was trans, just like him, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up. Instead he turns to begin making the drink.
“I’ll have it for you in a minute,” he tells Aether, physically restraining himself from sneaking another glance at those pretty blue eyes. That would have been weird, and he really doesn’t want to scare this guy off.
Dew finishes making the coffee almost on autopilot. He wants to ask questions- was he a student at the local college? If yes, what did he study? Did he have a private dorm room? Would he be willing to fuck Dew until-
Good lord, get your shit together. Dew thinks, giving his head a shake. Your break’s in half an hour. You can fantasize then.
He slides the finished drink across the counter with a little creamer cup on top. “Aether? Here ya go.” He didn’t really need to call out the order name since there wasn’t anyone else waiting, but he liked saying it. Aether. Ay-ther. It was a cool name.
“Thanks, uh…” Aether’s eyes dart down to Dew’s nametag. “Dew. That’s, ah- that’s a cool name too.”
“Thanks. Picked it out myself.” Dew rarely genuinely smiles at customers, but the grin he gives Aether is 100% real. “You’ll never guess what it’s short for.”
“Hmm… Dewey? Dwight?” Aether cocks his head again, not unlike a puppy. Dew shakes his head.
“Nope.” Dew turns back to the machines, picking up his discarded cleaning rag. “You can keep trying, I doubt you’ll get it.”
“Guess I’ll have to keep coming back.” Aether chuckles. “Do you guys have a punch card by any chance?”
Dew sputters, left reeling by the comment. God, he’s pathetic. The mere suggestion that Aether might be coming back makes his heart flutter like a teen with their first crush. Oh fuck, was this a crush? He’s too old to be having those.
“Um- yeah, let me get one for you.” Dew turns back to the register to hopefully hide any blush he had and retrieves a punch card from the drawer under the counter. He remembers to grab the hole puncher too and clicks a hole in the first space on the card. It was a heart today, of all shapes. “Here.”
“Thanks so much.” Aether gives Dew a smile and poor Dew can do nothing but stare at his stupid, gorgeous puppy eyes. “I’ll make sure to come back.”
“Y-yeah, see you soon then.” Dew manages to say with a nod. He watches Aether leave- Good lord, that ass is a sight to behold- and decides to take his break early. He taps Swiss in and makes for the back door of the kitchen.
Leaning against the wall next to the dumpster, he lights up a cigarette and takes a long drag. His head tips back against the brick wall as he exhales the smoke. God… pull it together. You are twenty-four. You have a job and hobbies. You absolutely CANNOT be having a puppy crush on a CUSTOMER. Especially one you’ve only interacted with for five minutes. This is pathetic. Finish your cig and go do your job so you can get paid and be a functioning adult.
Dew does just that- smokes his cigarette down to the filter, stubs it out on the wall, tosses the butt into the dumpster, pops a mint in his mouth, and re-enters the kitchen. 
The rest of his shift goes… fine, he guesses. He downs another red bull, banters with Swiss, gets scolded by Cumulus for “using kitchen equipment unsafely” (closing an oven with his hip), and manages to interact with customers without accumulating an HR report.
On his walk home, the darkening autumn sky is remarkably close to a certain shade of blue. Dew grits his teeth and turns his gaze to the sidewalk.
kudos and comments on ao3 would make my day!
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dewphomet · 2 days
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I saw this post and became a man possessed and you’re gonna take it and you’re gonna like it
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dewphomet · 2 days
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Colorized version of the grayscale Dewther art i uploaded previously. I finished this a few weeks ago, but wasn't sure about uploading it.
I've been playing around with Clip Studio lately, trying out different tools. I want to find/develop my digital art style more so there might be some experimenting with my drawing/coloring style.
Commissions are open
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dewphomet · 2 days
Hey, can I have a request?? What about some family time Aether + Dew + Ohelia (meybe another kid). Maybe they had another child and Ophelia is curious. 😏
I am referring to the wild card serie
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dewphomet · 2 days
hello!! i was wondering if i could get some swiss and aeth stuff?? i’ve been following u for a while now your art is soso tasty ahh i love it!! <33
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Absolutely Anon, Dr. Aether deserves a lil pampering too ⛧
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dewphomet · 11 days
aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aether ghoul aethe-
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dewphomet · 18 days
Do you take small requests?
Most of the times I do yes! Currently I have a couple I have to go through but I'm also fighting art block so, if you don't mind the wait I'll probably get to your request eventually !
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dewphomet · 18 days
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Im excited ro finally post this! A spiritual successor to my snapchat ghouls for oh so long ago, this time with polaroids!
Ghoul snapchats here!
Ghouls labelled under the read more!
Support my Patreon for more like this! ✨ | Ko-fi | Pillowfort
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dewphomet · 18 days
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For all the Aether lovers!
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dewphomet · 18 days
I was struck with Dewther thoughts and I decided I wasn't gonna quit until I got them out. It's not really anything except Dew waxing lyrical about his husband but I feel like we appreciate that kinda thing around here.
Dew wakes up in the middle of the night - no real reason, just one of those moments when your mind sparks up for a second and drags you out of sleep. He grumbles softly to himself and stretches his legs out lazily, not expecting to stay awake for long. He's just going to make himself comfortable and drift off again.
But he happens to tilt his head just right as he rearranges himself, looking up at Aether from where he's using his chest as a pillow. And he knows he's not getting back to sleep any time soon.
The moonlight is falling just perfectly through a gap in the clouds, lying across Aether's face and making his stubble and his few sparse freckles glitter like stars. He look so unutterably peaceful, so completely serene, the arm that's not wrapped possessively around Dew's shoulders tucked under his head, lips parted just a little and ever so slightly curved upwards in the faintest shadow of a smile. His chest moves slow and steady under Dew's cheek, and as he watches, absolutely entranced, Aether's grip tightens the smallest amount, and his head tilts just a little towards Dew's. Seeking out his scent even in his sleep.
And something buried deep inside Dew's chest swells so fast and so strongly that it genuinely hurts for a few seconds, and it's the sweetest, most precious thing Dew's ever felt.
His mate. His fucking mate. His, only his, Aether is his. And he's Aether's. He belongs to Aether, his soul is in Aether's hands, his scar is on Aether's palm. This ghoul, the kindest, sweetest, smartest, most powerful, most incredibly perfect ghoul he's ever met, looked at him and decided he wanted him. He looked at Dew and saw something precious, something he wanted to keep for himself for the rest of both of their lives. Aether, born of the Circle of the Four Witches, Chosen of the Voice of the Prince, is his fucking mate and he gets to watch him sleep for as long as he wants and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Day to day, out in public, Dew always keeps up some level of decorum, some degree of restraint. Even just among the pack, he's quiet. By nature, he's not the kind of person who gives rein to his feelings. But for some reason, in bed all his walls fall away. And he feels the swell of emotion in his soul and can't do anything to hold it back. It's a pack habit to leave their minds only slightly ajar at night in case of nightmares bleeding over - but he and Aether haven't closed their minds to each other at all since the night they carved those scars into their palms, and he watches with childish guilt as Aether's brows pull together slightly. He stirs, just enough to turn a little further into Dew, and his chest rumbles faintly under Dew's cheek in a quiet sleepy grumble.
"Sorry," Dew whispers.
Aether gives another quiet grumble, not annoyed at all, just tired, and dislodges his hand from under his head. Without opening his eyes, he pushes back the strand of hair that's fallen over Dew's face and wriggles onto his side, clumsy and uncoordinated, and just the brush of those fingers against his skin means as much to Dew as a week of prayer. He's barely even awake, but he's conscious enough to wrap his other arm around Dew and tug him closer, chest to chest now as Dew's lean arm drapes instinctively over his waist.
They fit together like they were made to do it, and Dew's whole being aches with it.
Aether's mind barely manages to form words, just a vague shape of the thought Back to sleep, as he presses his lips to Dew's forehead. He's unconscious again before Dew can even think of replying, and all of a sudden, led by the connection of their minds, he feels that same exhaustion tugging him down after his mate.
He tucks his head under Aether's chin and lets sleep claim him once more. The last thing he knows is the familiar scent of his skin, the steady thump of his heart, the unshakeable, rock-steady strength of those arms around him. Holding him right where he belongs. The only place he ought to be.
He dreams of flames, warm and safe on his skin, the color of the stars.
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dewphomet · 18 days
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Trying to figure out how to draw the ghouls
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dewphomet · 18 days
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dewphomet · 29 days
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And they were roommates
~ oh my god they were roommates
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dewphomet · 1 month
Okay it was well past time to give Aether 🍌 his turn in the rainbow spotlight
Yay Rainbow Ghouls 🌈
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Ahhhh Aether might be my favorite maybe idk if you can tell… I really tried to love them all equally I swear!! But banana boy has stolen my heart 💛🥹
I hope you’re enjoying this still! Like last time, all photo credits go to their original owners, I just found them online
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dewphomet · 1 month
Aether ripping his jacket open with one hand? The casual guitar toss? The belly patting? The leanback?
My feral level is through the roof
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dewphomet · 1 month
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They give each other headaches but then later ppl found out they are dating and living together.
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