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gxilds · 8 days ago
nothing, and i mean NOTHING, compares to joining a new fandom and reading through all the ____ x reader tags. it’s akin to opening gifts on christmas or recieving a package in the mail. actually, scratch that; it’s th equivalent of ascending to the heavens
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gxilds · 4 months ago
Maybe just maybe I'll actually commit to posting the next chapter of my Chishiya fic. Granted, it's terrible. It's cringe but it's free.
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gxilds · 5 months ago
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gxilds · 7 months ago
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I’m begging you to look at this.
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gxilds · 8 months ago
Men are trying to convince me until they're blue in the face that she's ugly and I have my ears blocked. I'm not listening. Stop blethering nonsense. I love her more than breathing.
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gxilds · 10 months ago
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spn hiatus creations | week 3 ↳ dean winchester
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gxilds · 10 months ago
speaking my truth guys
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gxilds · 10 months ago
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YAMAZAKI KENTO as Saichi Sugimoto "Sugimoto the Immortal" GOLDEN KAMUY (2024) dir. Kubo Shigeaki
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gxilds · 1 year ago
I think I was a little upset at some of the changes from the manga because of the fact it would’ve just made the story better BUT there’s no denying that the show is fun.
The show has a cast stacked with great actors, great (sometimes unintentional) comedy, and it’s nice to see something you love brought to life even if they don’t follow all the most minute details.
So am I still probably going to complain about them changing Chishiya’s backstory? maybe… probably! but I can enjoy it regardless.
So I've been rewatching AIB recently, haven't seen it in a while. And I gotta say, despite my qualms and not looking at it through the rose-coloured glasses I wore when reading the manga, this show is so fun, I forgot how entertaining it is. Do I wish the story was better? Sure but its kinda campy and funny and sweet and heart wrenching.
Season 3 should honestly go all out on the silliness if I'm completely honest. I think the whole "characters surviving impossible odds" is so funny in retrospect that if they just leaned into that shit more it'd be really enjoyable and I could seperate it from the manga.
Which is another reason I think I'm gonna love season 3 a ton. It probably won't be related to the manga and even if it is, the sequel wasn't particularly good so they can do whatever they want and it's gonna be so good in my eyes.
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gxilds · 1 year ago
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gxilds · 2 years ago
 she had a specific charm that no other executive really had. She was creepy - she had eyes that bore right into you, and a smile that would even send the babadook running for miles - but she knew exactly when to be nice and it was truly deceitful. she was definitely a hearts player.
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gxilds · 2 years ago
I promise I will post the next chapter of PWRR soon I just am not sure how much I like it. I also am writing this chapter in a different prospective just to see which I like more fr fr.
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gxilds · 2 years ago
I need to start writing easier games cause why is an operation game so hard to write 😭
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gxilds · 2 years ago
"dual wielding is too dangerous and impractical to be effective in real life combat" dual wielding is cool and sexy and sick as fuck and he who makes his enemy look like a lame little punk ass loser has already won half the battle before he even starts fighting the war. sun tzu said that.
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gxilds · 2 years ago
‘Mira mused, floating around the room as though she could care less about the practically medieval display of gradual torture around her. It was like whatever was up above, if there was anything, was truly testing my patience and to do so I was gifted the craziest of peers.’
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gxilds · 2 years ago
PWRR C.2 | Basket case
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s. Masterlist
When brought in to the beach the last thing expected was such fanfare….
warnings: I took a year and a half to write this i’m p sure so expect there to be some less than great writing. I also think i’m going to change POV’s after this chapter so for warning… anyway theres literally no game in this chapter it’s just… niragi, honestly… 😭 he’s kind of a warning of his own… I also did all of this on mobile so the chance that I need to edit this later is pretty high.
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No. No they did not. In fact there was a good handful of people but as quick as the people were passing by you, they were gone as you were led away from the crowd through hallways that lead to what you could only assume was a meeting room.
At the head of the room stood a man dressed in the flashiest of garments and a pair of sunglasses to cover what you would assume to be a hangover with how he reeked of alcohol. You couldn’t help but look back to the short man who had led you into the room as though you were in disbelief. It was so strange for the world they lived in.
To your left were two women and by observation they were both as concerning as the former, granted; they were a stark contrast between joy and nonchalance. To your right stood a man who seemed to be wearing what you would consider one of the more convenient outfits - a button up and shorts. The two familiar men who lead you here would soon join on your right.
“Welcome!” your eyes shot to the man in the front who’s arms opened up, waving for you as though a child too scared to sit on santa’s lap, “don't be shy.” You took tentative steps towards the center of the room as it felt like everyones eyes were on you (and they were by the way,) “welcome, to the beach, the utopia.” he said with a scripted enthusiasm, as though he said this a million times before.
Just as he finished the wall in the middle slid away revealing a wall of cards, several of them crossed out, “You don’t seem to be unintelligent so I’ll put this plainly, at the beach everyone is united as one to collect all 52 playing cards.”
“and in return you get to have fun. total freedom.” besides the fact you’re literally in hell, he forgot to add. your eyes looked around between everyone else and it seems they all held such a boredom, ready to move on as though they were used to the shtick.
your eyes caught onto the likes of chishiya’s, he stood swaying back and forth and his expression shifted to a scrutinizing smirk, provoking you to continue prodding, knowing that any answer the man gave would be as enthusiastically fake as before.
“I would assume this has no real benefit for me though, does it?” in the corner of your eyes you saw the shorter woman’s face light up, her eyes matching that of a Beagle’s.
“I firmly believe that freedom alone is a benefit” His response was clear and his eyebrows rose, confirming the competitive tone he held. “I fear, though, that only one person may leave the borderlands once all the cards are collected; although, we have a rank structure here that decides who gets to leave. I am number one. There is nothing to worry about though, as far as we know games get replayed so eventually everyone can leave.” He spoke like he knew everything was for sure; you couldn’t help but think he was kind of a phony.
You stood still once more. You almost had no idea what cards he was talking about that there were to give. You felt as though if you asked this would turn out to be longer than it needed to be and with all these eyes on you, you were desperate to escape.
“And what if I can't?” and the shorter woman grinned once more at your words.
“Oh. yes, right,” The man folded his arms, taking a step back towards you, “that would be handled accordingly.” you were pretty sure you knew what that meant but every part of you hoped it was just you being radical. Deciding not to question it, you nodded and the man in front of you let out a breath. “welcome. oh, and by the way, there is a dress code.”
what? You could hardly question it before you had been given a wristband that had a piece of plastic labeled ‘35’.
You stood in the mirror of your room and brushed off the invisible dirt that covered all the open parts of your being. it was every bit uncomfortable but the thin, sheer shawl like cover up you had been given was slightly redeeming. you had decided that it wouldn’t be worth it to hide in your room until your visa ended but to take advantage of the outlet of power, fresh foods and probably awkward social interaction.
you carried yourself down to the pool, where along the sides stood small groups of people lounging and partying. A breath hitched in your throat at the mere sight of all the people surrounding you and you almost walked back out before a slightly familiar voice called you over.
“you! you!” The voice shouted, “(y/n)!!” your eyes shifted over and caught the sight of the tall woman waving her hand back and forth as the short, quiet man stood next to her.
you moved with them and gave a short hello. you crossed your arms over yourself and fidgeted with the skin on your elbows. “Not to sound stupid but what exactly are the cards? Is it in reference to the games or did I miss something?”
Their expressions were so starkly different. One was willing to explain and the other looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, but it wasn’t the willing one who spoke up, it was the latter. “Each game is based off of a suit and number, the game in the end produces a physical card. Think of it like a souvenir.” you nodded slowly and before you could question further, he began again, “each suit has a meaning. Diamonds are logical, Clubs are combined or group, spades are physical, and hearts are psychological. Obviously, Hatter, believes collecting these cards will get him out of here.”
“And what do you think about that?” you furthered.
“I think it’s a strange approach.” Chishiya paused, plastering a small smirk that twitched at the edge of his lips onto his face, “I don’t think I buy it totally, one card can’t compensate for the amount of people who played the game.”
“Fair,” you responded. “Have people ever just tried to steal the cards? you’d think they would’ve with that logic” you got a hum in response.
“Hatter offers these people booze and freedom I don't think many of us would have it out for him because of that,” Kuina interjected, “and anyone who would would have the smarts to oppose him is already in power - anything to placate them,” to which she was correct, everyone around you seemed so drunk and happy but everyone who stood in that room earlier was so quiet and analytical - something you had assumed wouldn’t benefit you later if you got into deep shit. If.
“It would be entertaining if just one person really tried to steal the cards nonetheless. an impressive feat,” Chishiya admitted.
“Not exactly someone you’d think would be happy about that,” You pried.
“Never said I would be happy or it would benefit me, Just it would possibly mildly entertain me.” He corrected, his arms slipping over and under each other hugging against his small frame.
“I suppose.” You finished and before you could change the topic of conversation it seemed someone was eager to do it for you.
an arm laid around your shoulders a familiar laugh fell upon your ears. You cringed at the sound and you moved inwardly on yourself. “Seems like you're acquainting yourself quite nicely, there are better people you could be hanging out with though.” He stretched his words as though holding back a drunken slur as he gestured to himself. You on the other hand twisted in wry.
“That’s definitely an idea.” You hardly got out uncomfortably as you attempted to push his arm off from around your shoulders. The man wasn’t going to say no or see through the deadpan purposely and Chishiya and Kuina knew this very well. Chishiya seemed to be holding back what you would’ve taken as maniacal laughter and Kuina seemed to cringe just as much as you were, you could appreciate the sympathy as he attempted to drag you away. “Hold on, Hold on. I don't even know you. And you’re drunk!” To him your words were just distant kvetching.
“I’m Niragi. Now you know me.” You hardly followed as his long arm dragged at you, “And I’m hardly even intoxicated.” He was practically falling over as he spoke and you finally pried his hand from off of your arm. He stumbled and looked back at you with offense.
“Your inability to stand up right speaks otherwise.” Now it was you grabbing at his arm, walking him over to a chair by the bar. “How much have you drank? geez.” he looked at you with confused eyes, seemingly adamant on his attempts to convince you of his lack of intoxication and need for you to hang out with him. You didn’t buy it.
“Niragi.” the familiar monotonous voice rang behind you with a sense of command. “The least you could do is give her a day before you hassle her around.” To which Niragi responded with a huff, claiming that he would never do such a thing. “Besides, I was just trying to get to know her.” You could only look at him, Chishiya’s eyes were trying to stay calm but from what you could understand this was him trying to placate the model for inebriation that sat next to you. Your eyes widened - so he wasn’t so one dimensional after all.
Niragi huffed once more, becoming a repeated gesture that you seemed to notice, and backed down. “Just know,” he dragged your attention towards him, “I’ll be here if you need me.”
You gave a twisted expression as the tall man drifted away. You felt inclined to care for him but at the same time his demeanor left you speechless, truly stunned. Chishiya seemed pleased at the disappearance of Niragi, practically trying his dear hardest not to laugh at his drunken state.
you didn’t know what to do at that. You felt a welcome energy from Kuina and her expression seemed to invite you back to her and Chishiya, but Chishiya’s energy seemed otherwise at all times - you took note of this and wondered if it was truly genuine or if he was just that good at acting like he didn’t care, or maybe he didn’t know how to act otherwise.
You guessed you could understand and even just in a few days you grew to know Kuina, chishiya by extension, the borderlands, and the beach more. They didn’t seem to be close friends by any means, that much you could tell, but there was a mutual understanding there that gave away some sort of silent allyship and understanding that people who stuck out needed to stay together and that now included you. Kuina was a rather open book, not afraid to express herself or her thoughts and that was something you could admire, but Chishiya was something you had to think through yourself. Chishiya was half of an open book, he would quite often air his thoughts on what other people did but could never find it in him to express himself fully. It didn’t seem like he was afraid of emotion, or terribly confused by it, but just that he didn’t know how to plaster his thoughts into his face and when he did it felt almost forced, an attempt to appease the people around him.
“So how do games work around here?” You asked as you approached the lobby of the beach. People in the lobby mingled as they always did, obvious cliques amongst everyone; you, Chishiya, and Kuina remained by an adjacent bar with equally judgy gazes towards the rest of the people.
“You’ll see,” Chishiya mused, a grin on his face as he cozied into his spot against the bar.
“You don’t even want to know,” Kuina groaned. It was In all cinematic affect, the patrons of the beach began to cheer for what looked like their mighty overlords. The beach only had so many people yet the obvious fanfare was eary. Within the past few days you had learned a few things:
Don’t drink whatever you’re offered.
Stay away from the pool at night.
Don’t even try to get cozy in your rooms.
Do not pick a side.
Rule number 4 was something most people in the beach violated very early in their stay. The beach was teetering on the brink of civil war at all times and the warm hospitalities of both sides was very appealing to most… or at least anyone without a brain. The people who ran the beach seemed to be split between those with an actual knack for garnering support, and those who just waved around guns and talked a little too loud for your tastes. It was a very familiar concept, sadly.
“Thank you! Thank you!” Hatter, who stood high above everyone, cheered. It was definitely a sight to see. Hatter pretended that he didn’t but he seemed to equate himself to godliness. If godliness was equated to cleanliness, as so the wise words of the smashing pumpkins declared, then this place was nowhere in sight of that. Despite the grime and the mess of the place, people still managed to worship the figurehead who held the sanity of the beach within his two hands. They cheered, cried, and pranced around in his presence. “Tonight we play!” he announced and everyone began to cheer, moving around in what seemed like practiced movements as they began to gather towards lists of names.
Shuntaro Chishiya
Mira Kano
Futaba Hayashi
Y/n L/n
It wasn’t that you had expected to not play a game, in fact your visa was running short, but not having a choice who you were placed with was unsettling. Everyone seemed fine with who they were placed with, there seemed to be a firm sense of comradery amongst other players; you, on the other hand, were already very skeptical of many of the members of the beach which didn’t make any partnership easy.
The car door clicked shut and you sat cramped next to Mira as Chishiya was forced into being the designated driver, something he wasn’t pleased with. Mira looked you up and down while you faced ahead, an obvious discomfort permeating through the car. The only one to speak up was her. “I hope it’s hearts!”
I really hope it’s not…
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gxilds · 2 years ago
I will get these chishiya fics finished like my life depends on it!! (manifesting)
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