gwendolyngreene · 1 year
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For Survival and Something More
Chapter 11: Coffee, Extra Cream
Rated E (Explicit)
Description: Claire adds a ~special ingredient~ to her coffee when she wakes up after a night spent at Owen's bungalow.
Claire felt the bed shift as Owen leaned toward her, and she felt a rough stubbly kiss on her neck as she began to wake. His hand trailed down her side, making her skin tingle as she stretched and pressed herself back into his warm body.
“Mornin’, sleeping beauty.” Owen placed another kiss on her cheek as she smiled. The memory of last night, hot and sweaty, was fresh on her mind as Owen pulled back and climbed out of bed. He was still buck naked as he padded forward into the little kitchenette of his small bungalow. Claire paused, letting her teeth burrow into her lower lip as she watched and enjoyed the view. Her fingers danced idly over the light cotton sheet she held against her body. She was just as naked herself, and began to wonder where her clothing had landed the night before. Claire had to get to work.
Claire was sure Owen was hiding things on her at this point, and she’d learned long ago to bring a change of clothes when she stayed the night because there was no getting out of here with enough time to return to her own apartment before she had to be back at her duties. She did make an effort to hunt down her belongings, but by the time the smell of fresh coffee wafted through the bungalow she was fully dressed with most of her things collected.
She wrapped a hand around Owen’s waist as she approached him in the kitchen, holding a piece of toast, and she reached up to place a kiss on the edge of his jaw.
“Brewin’ a fresh pot for you now,” Owen said, leaning against the counter and placing his free hand around her, “I know you gotta get goin’.”
Claire smirked, breathing in slowly. “I’ve got a few minutes…”
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(please note previous chapter numbers have changed since I recently removed some that no longer meet my standards)
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Holy crap it feels so good to finally write and post a new fan fic!
I’m sorry it’s a sad fic and not the updates everyone has been asking for, but I took a chance of a random story idea to try and flex my writing muscles and to my absolute delight it’s not complete garbage!
Big thanks to anyone who gives it a read ❤️
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
The Ghost of Owen Grady
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Complete one-shot!
Description: Owen suffers a terrible accident while building his isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere and finds himself lingering in the afterlife, bound to stay by the side of his cold body in the morgue while they struggle to find someone to come claim his remains. His salvation arrives in the form of an old emergency contact, the love of his life he thought he’d never get to see again. Unable to speak to Claire or offer her any consolation, he watches helplessly as she takes his ashes and struggles to figure out the next steps. (Spoiler: Owen wakes up in the end!)
Important tags: #character death but not really  #he wakes up in the end  #sad fic  #cry p0rn
Trigger warning: Blood, Death, Mourning
Read on AO3
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
This scene, ugh 💔
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This plane is going down! If you're gonna eject, you need to do it now! I only got one chair and she’s in it!
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
You know what, no. I refuse to accept that scene on the plane was the first "I Love You" either of them ever confessed and then CLAIRE DOESN'T SAY IT BACK??
Nah, those two have definitely said it before. They probably say it all the time. Maisie is sick of hearing it and watching them be all cute and junk but they say "I Love You" with sleepy smiles in the morning and "I Love You So Much" in the dark after waking from a nightmare and "I Love You..." under a sigh while trying to make dinner together and "Love Ya" with a goodbye kiss on the cheek when they leave the cabin and sometimes when they're snuggled up on the couch saying nothing at all they share a glance loaded with the memory of every moment they've shared and survived together and the home they've built and the happiness they managed to find in eachother and silently say "I Love You."
"I Love You"
"I Love You"
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
I'm not even surprised, just mad
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Well I was right and I'm not happy about it.
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Don't get me wrong, I love a Sentimental Claire but that's usually through her having lost everything and holding onto anything that has sentimental value afterward.
(Just in case anyone needs the context, Sunrio was the tequila bar at Jurassic World, so... memories lol)
Currently grieving my favourite and most heartfelt headcanon because Dominion threw it out the window 😭
RIP Claire and Owen evacuating the island with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and suddenly having nothing because they both lived on the island and all of their things had to be left behind where they would never get them back.
"They had nothing but they had eachother" is my lifeblood!
I should've noticed Owen's motorcycle in the trailer but yes that looks like the exact same one, license plate and all. We last see it on Main Street in the park and I always assumed he had to leave it behind??
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What I noticed the 2nd time seeing Dominion though is this SUNRIO sign which is on his bungalow in JW... and I'm like 99% sure I saw this in the background inside their cabin.
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#spoilers I guess???
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Alright, I spent the money and bought the book. It was cute. A fair amount of little Clawen tidbits but nothing huge. If anyone else wants just a *little* more background on the Grady-Dearing-Lockwood family and what they've been up to than what Dominion gave us, this has some interesting stuff. Just keep in mind they're made for age 9-12, and it's being told primarily from Maisie's perspective
Ugh I wasn't sure about buying the new Maisie Lockwood tie-in novel (I wasn't very impressed with Tess Sharpe's last JW novel) but I just read the free preview of the e-book and y'all... they live in a camper van. The van is orange, so they name it Pumpkin.
That pre-Fallen Kingdom fic I've been planning about "The Van" they mention briefly in the film? Yeah. They live in a van. The van is yellow, so they name it Buttercup.
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Ugh I wasn't sure about buying the new Maisie Lockwood tie-in novel (I wasn't very impressed with Tess Sharpe's last JW novel) but I just read the free preview of the e-book and y'all... they live in a camper van. The van is orange, so they name it Pumpkin.
That pre-Fallen Kingdom fic I've been planning about "The Van" they mention briefly in the film? Yeah. They live in a van. The van is yellow, so they name it Buttercup.
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Currently grieving my favourite and most heartfelt headcanon because Dominion threw it out the window 😭
RIP Claire and Owen evacuating the island with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and suddenly having nothing because they both lived on the island and all of their things had to be left behind where they would never get them back.
"They had nothing but they had eachother" is my lifeblood!
I should've noticed Owen's motorcycle in the trailer but yes that looks like the exact same one, license plate and all. We last see it on Main Street in the park and I always assumed he had to leave it behind??
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What I noticed the 2nd time seeing Dominion though is this SUNRIO sign which is on his bungalow in JW... and I'm like 99% sure I saw this in the background inside their cabin.
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#spoilers I guess???
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
(from a Clawen shipper)
So at this point I've seen the movie twice and had plenty of time to think it over. While overall I think it was a good movie, I know it could have been better. I was just as excited as everyone else for the OG trio to return, but my overall feelings can pretty much be summed up in that Ron Swanson quote: "Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing."
The choice to reintroduce the OG trio but have two seperate storylines that converge at the end quite frankly means that we were shorted. Ellie, Alan, and Ian's Biosyn locust investigation could have existed entirely separately from Claire and Owen's search for their kidnapped daughter. Those easily could have been two seperate movies with a full runtime dedicated to each one, but instead we got a film incorporating both just for the sake of it and the depth of both storylines suffered for it. The characters we love deserved better.
One thing we lost that particularly irks me was Claire's character arc. Sure, she's changed a whole lot over the course of the series (in between the movies) but it's arguably more important for a character to change over the course of each story. Claire goes through some stuff in Jurassic World and changes as a person because of it. Claire goes through some stuff in Fallen Kingdom and changes because of it. Claire goes through some stuff in Dominion and NOTHING CHANGES. Their story is literally circular, they end up back at the exact same place doing the same stuff and nothing changes. I appreciate the open ending they were given to a degree but it was too much. I'm positive if they were given the full runtime to themselves like we're used to in the previous 2 movies we would have had MUCH more satisfying endings to these character's stories we've spent so long being invested in. I feel the OG trio got better treatment in this area as they each have an arc in this movie, even after being gone for so long their characters still had room to change.
It's been pointed out already that when they aren't pawing eachother up, the ONLY thing Claire and Owen talk about is Maisie. She's their entire plot and there just isn't time for them to talk about literally anything else. After two movies of the "unspoken sexual tension" variety, I adore that we got to see genuine, unreserved affection between these two but it was tainted before it began by their relationship being defined as "weird" and "surprising" before we even got to see it for ourselves. This was never countered in the film, not once did we see Claire and Owen define or establish anything for themselves, it was all left to subtext. I want to point out I've been bracing for what I thought would be the inevitable Hollywood-happy-ending where they get married and have babies so I'm glad to see something different but I still can't believe we got NOTHING. (Also- we get an "I love you" from Owen but not from Claire! Neither of these two idiots have ever been good at expressing emotions so this is a big step for Owen but surely we could have spared two seconds for her to say it back!!! THERE'S TOO MUCH SUBTEXT WE NEED TEXT DANGIT)
My heart aches at the thought of what was left on the cutting room floor and I genuinely hope there's an extended version released someday because this movie is begging for more time to breathe. Owen and Claire lost their chemistry, the movie forgot Claire had a character arc, and even more questions have been raised about Maisie. I really really don't want to call this movie a disappointment but I can't argue with the people saying it was. It obviously depends on what you expected to get out of it; it was in itself a very good action film, but that's not what the Jurassic movies have been, there's always been more to them. I genuinely left the theatre thinking "That's it?" and comforted myself because I knew the fandom would fill in the gaps. But really, we shouldn't have to.
TLDR: it was a good movie but I feel like it hurt itself trying to do too much at once and squeeze the OG trio into a film that should've had Claire and Owen at the focus.
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Dominion has been out for a week now where I am, this is your warning I am going to start posting about it using #spoilers and #Jurassic World Dominion
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
And here I was worried that we'd get some kind of new background info that would invalidate the fics I have planned but not had the motivation to write. But uh...nope! Dominion really gave me the freedom to do whatever the fuck I want
I swear, if we don't get some kind of extended cut... 😠
I think one of the disappointing things is, other than a few in-film moments, Dominion gave me nothing to write. It’s just the same fill in the blank we were doing after FK came out, and I guess I just expected to have something new.
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Listen, is it too much to ask for a 2.5 hour Happy Domestic Clawen movie without all the danger and near death experiences? Pretty please?
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
So quick update- unfortunately there will be no time for me to write anything before JW: Dominion comes out. I was hoping to get something out but I just haven't felt up to actually writing in a long time. I'm super crazy excited for this movie though, so don't worry!
(My current priorities are re-writing Aloha and writing a whole new fic I've been planning for years about THE VAN, which I have gotten a start on! After that I would like to pick back up on I'm the Alpha and possibly some others.)
The first showing I could possibly see is 4pm Thursday, but I haven't actually decided if I'm going to that (even though I want to 😭) because my local cosplay group is hosting a fan meet-up on Friday and I'm going in COSPLAY! I've been working on assembling Claire's outfit as best as I can with so few references, and I think it'll be close enough 👍
Will share pictures of my Claire cosplay when I can 🥰🥰
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
Just me trying to get back to writing Clawen fic here, and I cannot tell you how hard it's getting to come up with different ways to say "Owen looks at Claire with puppy dog eyes"
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gwendolyngreene · 2 years
w a i t i n g f o r d o m i n i o n ∞ vol.2
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