gvnarchive · 6 years
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‘cause beauty don’t mean shit to me; only when it’s a weapon and deadly. think you’re big and bad? you got nothing on me. and the next time you hit, i hit back do you hear me, motherfucker? can you dig that? baby, i am beautiful and bad and i’ll destroy everything you have.
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gvnarchive · 6 years
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‘cause beauty don’t mean shit to me; only when it’s a weapon and deadly. think you’re big and bad? you got nothing on me. and the next time you hit, i hit back do you hear me, motherfucker? can you dig that? baby, i am beautiful and bad and i’ll destroy everything you have.
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gvnarchive · 6 years
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‘cause beauty don’t mean shit to me; only when it’s a weapon and deadly. think you’re big and bad? you got nothing on me. and the next time you hit, i hit back do you hear me, motherfucker? can you dig that? baby, i am beautiful and bad and i’ll destroy everything you have.
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gvnarchive · 6 years
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‘cause beauty don’t mean shit to me; only when it’s a weapon and deadly. think you’re big and bad? you got nothing on me. and the next time you hit, i hit back do you hear me, motherfucker? can you dig that? baby, i am beautiful and bad and i’ll destroy everything you have.
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gvnarchive · 6 years
ALRIGHT, SO I’M MOVING BLOGS !!! because long story short, my tags hate me. threads will not be dropped, because while i am starting fresh i do like the threads that i got. nothing’s actually changing about alex. she’s still the same trouble prone gun runner, but this post is just lettin ya’ll know what’s goin’ on. also, an impromptu shipping / plotting call for the new blog. because, i need something to do while i transfer stuff.
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gvnarchive · 6 years
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31 days of maya: favorite moments
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gvnarchive · 6 years
intimacy . // meme .
“please… just kiss me…”
“i really want to feel your hands on me”
“touch me.”
“kiss me.”
“hold me…”
“just a little longer”
“come closer”
“keep whispering”
“god you make me feel alive”
“i want your tongue all over me”
“put your hand on my thigh”
“i love the way your hand feels”
“you smell so good”
“i don’t want to let go”
“i don’t think i can let go”
“there’s something in the way you touch me”
“your breath leaves goosebumps on my skin”
“more, please…”
“your breath is so warm”
“your hands are so cold”
“your hair is so soft”
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gvnarchive · 6 years
There was a hiss of hydraulics as the power armor swung open, and Abner carefully lowered himself out the back. “Hard to talk to you from up there,” he said, emotionless as ever. “Sorry you have to look at my ugly face, though.” The scars hadn’t faded–if anything they’d gotten even rougher, sun damage and age taking its toll. His hair had grown out a little in the past few years, and it sprouted in waves he hadn’t bothered to tame. Alex, on the other hand, looked exactly as she always had. He was close enough to touch her, but he kept his hands firmly behind his back, afraid on some deep level that she wasn’t real.
“Goddamn, it’s good to see you again. Do I want to know where you’ve been for all those years?”
                   alex never expected that the dead tone would be something she missed, but oh, she missed it in earnest. the sight of abner, scarred up face and all was the most soothing thing she’d seen in... god, she doesn’t even know. it didn’t feel like five years. it felt like she fell asleep. then, she was awake. it had been years though, she noticed his hair wasn’t the familiar buzzcut. she’s surprised he can stand it grown out.            ❛  i  don’t  ———  i’m  not  really...  sure.  ❜                                               there’s a pause, she watches him.                                                                                           ❛  can  i   hug  you?  ❜
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gvnarchive · 6 years
🔥 fallout's canon
pixie’s salt.
status: always accepting.↳ @riotgeared.
so, in the pre-console fo games you had tribals. these guys were badass, they had survived the wasteland and had their homes. fallout three didn’t have them and that’s okay, fo: nv did one really shitty job and that job was the dlc honest hearts. there’s two tribes, the white-legs and the sorrows. you have the white savior in full force with joshua and daniel. i love my mormon sons, but i fucking hate that they kind of infantilized the tribals on one hand and then made the opposition bloodthirsty savages intent on destruction for the favor of another white savior. they even make you go through ~ ritual ~ and just??? ugh. it’s the only dlc i genuinely fucking hated.
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gvnarchive · 6 years
❛ I have survived, but I have not been spared. ❜
a meme i forgot about.↳ @vorcotec.
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                      ❛  jane,  that’s  the  new  normal.  everyone  alive  has  survived,  most  people  have  lost  and  lost  and  lost.  you  just…  you  keep  pushing,  or  you  die.  that’s  it.  that’s  all  there  is  now.  i  think,  that’s…  as  i’ve  come  to  know  it?  that’s  all  there  is.   ❜
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gvnarchive · 6 years
❛ Someone ought to write a novel about me. ❜ / lee
a meme i’m too lazy to look up.↳ @wemketherules  /  lee.
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      ❛  lee,  you’re  aware  that  most  people  can’t…  read  well,  right?  ❜  sure, there’s these pockets of civilization that can read and write, but it’s hardly the majority. she’s picturing what stories there would be, and she can’t help but laugh a little bit at the idea. ❛ you  could  do  a  kinda  radio  drama,  like  the  herbert  daring  dashwood  ones  in  the  capitol.  ❜
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gvnarchive · 6 years
“I guess people like to read about the things that they want the most and experience the least.”
westworld iii
status: accepting.↳ @thleadr.
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      ❛  isn’t  that  why  the  whole  ‘ horror  genre ’  was  a  thing  before  the  fall?  ❜  there’s a raised brow, a faint smirk tugging at her lips as her head shakes ever so slightly. ❛  i  think  it  maybe  more  of  an  adrenaline  thing,  you  know  like  -  those  doomsday  people?  ones with  those  bunkers.  guess  they  might’ve  been  the  smart  ones.  ❜
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gvnarchive · 6 years
     “ Are you sure this is the right way? I feel like we passed this rock the same five times by now. ”
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       ❛  yeah,  it’s  past  that  hill.  you  might  want  to  get  your  gun  ready,  i  hear  raiders.  ❜
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gvnarchive · 6 years
send one for my muse's reaction!
“I know you think you got a handle on what this is gonna be.” “Do you remember our last conversation, [name]?” “Have I done something wrong?“ “There’s something different about you. About the way you think.“ “The hosts are suppose to stick to their scripts. This isn’t a minor improvisation.” “Good morning, [name]. Bring yourself back online.” “I brought you a gift. I used to read… This story to my son at night. I thought you might enjoy it.” “Dear, dear, How queer everything is today. And yesterday, things went on just as usual. I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night.” “I guess people like to read about the things that they want the most and experience the least.” “Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I’m not the same, the next question is… Who in the world am I?” “Morning, cowboy.“ “You really ought to talk to someone about your poster, [name]. That likeness is a crime in itself.” “Sure I can't tempt you inside? Just to express my gratitude.” “I thought you said we couldn’t get shot.” “Yeah, well, we can’t get killed. Wouldn’t be much of a game if they can’t shoot back.” “Then stay here. I want a little adventure.“ “I got a late start this morning. Didn’t get much sleep last night.” “Forgive me if I’m not sympathetic.” “I specifically asked you about whether [name] was going to be a problem, and you assured me he wasn’t.” “Don’t you talk to me that way.” “Do you see that? He’s talking to someone.“ “Go. Handle the stray. Do something that’s actually in your job description.” “I’ll do a little more digging and get our friend here back upstairs.” “You know, if you wanted to play cowboy, you could’ve just used your employee discount.” “Proposing to engage me in a gun battle?” “Well, I’d challenge you to a fistfight, but the way I heard it, you only like to tussle with working women.” “Why are we going to handcuff a dead man?” “Oh, you’re new. Not much of a rind on you. I’ll give you a discount.“ “Don’t mind me. Just trying to look chivalrous.” “You gonna tell me where you been?” “You know if I could stay right here with you, I would.” “What if I don’t want to stay here? It’s just sometimes I feel like. The world out there is calling me… Whispering, ‘there’s something more.’“ “You’ve traveled all over these parts. Isn’t there anywhere we could go?” “Well, there is a place I heard about down south… Where the mountains meet the sea. They say the water's so pure there, It’ll wash the past clean off you and you can start again.” “’Someday’ sounds a lot like the thing people say. When they actually mean ‘never.’ Let’s not go someday, [name]. Let’s go now.” “Before I met you, [name], I was a different man. And I got some reckoning to do before I can deserve someone like you. But I’m close. I’m close to making things right. And someday soon, we will have the life we’ve both been dreaming of.” “The coward dies a thousand deaths. The valiant taste of death but once.” “You look upon the face of true evil, you ain’t liable to forget.“ “Some hands weren’t meant to pull a trigger. Perhaps it’s for the best.” “You have to leave again, don’t you?” “You know if I could stay right here with you, I would.” “Promise me you’ll come back.” “I didn’t sign up for this crazy shit. I told you we should’ve done the riverboat thing, man.” “What, are you gali-fucking-leo?” “With due respect, sir, I’m not sure you’ve told me the entire truth about this situation.” “I suppose I’m glad for you. At least you have a way of forgetting.” “This pain… It’s all I have left of him.” “See? This is why I hide behind sarcasm.” “Imagine there are two versions of yourself… One that feels these things and asks these questions, and one that’s safe. Which would you rather be?“ “I’m sorry. I’m trying, but I still don’t understand. There aren't two versions of me. There’s only one. And I think when I discover who I am, I’ll be free.“ “You should be getting back, [name], before someone misses you.”
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gvnarchive · 6 years
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*   SHIPPING  /  PLOTTING  CALL  !!!  like  this  and  i’ll  come  to  your  ims  to                                                                           plot,  because  alex  needs  relationships                                                                           of  all  kinds,  y’know.
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gvnarchive · 6 years
‘ you don’t need to worry about that. ’
‘ don’t ’ meme. 
status: accepting.↳ @mx001e​.
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              arthur’s saving face because he told her one thing, and another happened. not that it’s in his control, it really wasn’t and alex knew that. she could hear her father, his voice was like rolling thunder. he was asking for her, about her  ———  demanding to see her. she is quiet for a long while, the shouts die down.  her eyes glance over towards elder maxson, a brow raising. ❛  did  he  ever  tell  you  how  he  ended  up  blind  in  one  eye?  ❜ 
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gvnarchive · 6 years
' don't act like you don't care. ' /lee
‘ don’t ’ meme.
status: accepting.↳ @wemketherules  /  lee.
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                         ❛  why  not?  you  do  it  all  the  time.  ❜  alex remarks with a dismissive shrug of those diminutive shoulders of her’s. right now she doesn’t care, because lee’s bringing this up as she’s wrist deep in a project that she just can’t stop working on.  she pauses, her eyes glancing at him for a brief moment. ❛  why  does  it  suddenly  bother  you  anyways?  ❜
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