zimadoch · 6 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️ ;^)
           HEADCANON PROMPT MEME         @mx001e
01 :   While still wandering the Commonwealth in search of tech, Courier isn’t intentionally getting in the Brotherhood of Steel’s / Maxson’s way. Collecting and saving technology that can be restored or altered for mankind’s benefit is far too important to leave to the Brotherhood’s care. There haven’t been an conflicts that resulted in casualties, but there have been numerous close encounters. Technologies that Courier finds, but isn’t interested in is, of course, marked / relayed so the Brother can investigate, if Maxson wishes it.
02 :   Courier, like so many others, does recognize Maxson as being exceptionally skilled. Still, they believe that Maxson will, unfortunately, cause a negative up-stir in the balance of power across the Wasteland. By uniting the Brotherhood and ultimately destroying the Institute, Maxson has caused an imbalance. Which, in time, will realign itself, in time. Meaning, that there will be bigger threats because of Maxson’s position of power in the Wasteland.
03 :   On a light-hearted note, Courier definitely treats Maxson as a “young lad.” Often calling him “kiddo” and making age-related jokes. Such as when he’s agitated or frustrated, Courier will say, “Looks like cranky boy needs a nap or maybe some juice.” They also make fun of how his beard is a lie because, to Courier, it’s just there to make Maxson look older.
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willbeshot · 6 years
“Some people think that I’m crazy, I’m just out here trying to have a good time, what’s your problem?”
meme - accepting.
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“I didn’t know that killing everything that one doesn’t understand constituted as a ‘ good time ‘.”
                     Smirking, the businessman would circle the other slowly; like a cat toying with a mouse. The dirt he had on those in power was absolutely astounding, and when he didn’t get his way, he had a tendency to blackmail said leaders with what he had. Not that everyone wasn’t aware of what Maxson was up to of course, but it was something like this that Reaver could easily use as bait. The more irritated the other became, the easier he would be to manipulate.
“You learn something new every day–”
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solussuperstes · 6 years
“latin, huh?” one of his men, paladin or knight something or other, had been so quick to assume she hadn’t known it’s meaning. most people don’t know, mina thinks, if latin was dead language back in her day it’s really fucking dead now. “ad victoriam. it’s certainly inspiring, to say the least. come from some kind of tradition?”
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stubbcrnwcman-blog · 6 years
mx001e replied to your post: Bisexuality is a valid sexuality. It is not...
bisexuality doesn’t mean that you are /only/ attracted to two specific genders which is problematic in and of itself and something bisexuals like me are trying to have people understand. bisexuality means that you are attracted to more than one gender. bisexuality and pansexuality are inherently the same, but it’s ok if you want to use one or the other term.
I’ve honestly been told both (two genders/all genders) by a lot of people. And it is a bit confusing? Its not really for me to say, because yeah I’m cis/straight. But like I said it’s more about erasing the principle of the matter and trying to imply that Bisexuality is phobic to other identities when it isn’t.
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vuulpecula · 6 years
“everything will fall into place.”
five word prompts | accepting | @mx001e
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      “Your faith is... reassuring,” a half-truth at best. How could he be so sure? Did he not lie awake at night imagining every single way that things would fall anywhere but into place? Perhaps that was her past life coming back to haunt her new one. Then, nothing went right and if it did? Well, there was always a catch wasn’t there? Try as she might, Fox couldn’t shake the feeling that he was wrong. 
      Words crawled up from her twisting stomach, clawing at the back of her teeth, begging to be let out before they were swallowed back up by the part of her that tried to keep from asking. They won out after a moment of unsteady shifting feet. “But -- what if it doesn’t, what would you have me do then?” Beneath her uniform, her skin rose with goosebumps. It wasn’t herself she was worried about if things went south, but him. Lost lives could be heavy burdens to carry, even more so when lost in vain. “I want to have your faith, but I can’t stop thinking about every wretched way this mission could end in disaster.” The thoughts alone were harrowing. “It’s dangerous out there and I know, I know, the others are capable--” Her bottom lip trembled, nevertheless Fox tried hard to keep her chin raised and her gaze steady. “I do not wish to question your good judgment, yet I cannot bear the thought of you losing more when this task could be done by one regardless of whether or not everything falls into place.” One life to protect the others. One life to lose if things turned sour. One life would be nothing compared to the rest. 
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thaegeiro · 6 years
mx001e replied to your post: ok, honestly, my biggest frustration in threads?...
yeah that happens a lot and half the time idek how to reply besides jus my character being quiet and listening thinking the other character is just rambling,,,
yeah it’s??? that’s really all you can do, because if you try to respond to everything that’s said, then you just fall into that really awkward and unrealistic three-part conversation. i hate it n i never know how to respond to it in threads. 
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faunashine-blog · 6 years
{ ??? : @mx001e. }
    GAEA HAS BECOME SOMEWHAT ACCUSTOMED TO HAVING THINGS DONE ON HER TERMS, ON HER LAND. The arrival of the BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL in their aircraft had reached her ears before she had cast her eyes on it, the middle contraption high in the sky. Members of the BoS had begun arriving not too long after, attempting to trade technology for food and supplies. When she had explained that THE FARMSTAND wasn't for trading but giving, one particularly mouthy "scribe" had stated the Brotherhood didn't take handouts.
They had, eventually, been able to put their differences aside. Gaea had set up a kiosk in DIAMOND CITY for a reason, but even then, she collected favors and information rather than technology.
It seemed like Gaea had garnered the attention of the Leader of the East Coast Branch, because at that moment, her toes weren't deep in soil or even walking across broken pavement. Instead, she was following a member in the steel hallway of THE PRYDWEN, wondering who had mentioned her work on more natural versions of Radaway and chems. And wondering if the BROTHERHOOD was just one more group on a long list that wanted to control what she did, or at least profit from it more than others.
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solariic · 6 years
                     If Nate wants to rub shoulders with the Brotherhood of Steel ━━ big, clunky, metal shoulders ━━ more power to him. It’s none of his business; it’s more than MacCready’s worth in caps to tell the guy what to do. ( A friend, maybe, but... It’s a little sketchy. ) But why his boss has to bring the ex-merc ONTO the big floating eye-sore in the sky is beyond him. If Danse is any indication of the common attitude, the Brotherhood isn’t likely to take kindly to a degenerate like him.
                    Yet somehow, here he is, so far from the ground he may as well be on the dang moon, arms crossed, rooted where Nate left him. Right near the imposing figure. ( MacCready wonders how long it might take for the guy to kick him out. )
                     “ So... you’re the head honcho around here, huh? The big cheese? ”
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( @mx001e liked for a maccready starter.) accepting.
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eoleolhan-a · 6 years
mx001e answered your ask 
“Really? Then why is one of your Paladins following me around, keeping me from leaving?” Jin looked over his shoulder. He knew the man was following him. That same suit haunted him throughout the Prydwen was always the same.
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“I don’t know who gave him that order but I’m just here to stick with Blue. You know I’m not gonna pick a fight with the Brotherhood, I’d be an idiot to do that. I just want to go to the airport and have a fuckin’ smoke in peace.”
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desertbroad · 6 years
@mx001e / starter call !
      ‘your people have come a long way since the mojave.’ according to yes man, it was to be expected—a small but formidable group that’s smart enough to hide underground, known for collecting technology? easy peasy. still, kaj never got around to believing it (even if she had, they’d had veronica’s vote for a good while, which on its own had been enough to keep them out of her sights).
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      but right now, standing on a ship of this magnitude, feeling the engine under her feet, she’s not just eating her dust; she’s wolfing it down like fresh cram. figures. 
      for good measure, kaj salutes again, hand across her heart instead of her head (they haven’t put a bomb collar on her yet, but those guys in power armor aren’t looking too friendly). ‘thank you for the audience, sir. elder mcnamara was a good friend of mine.’ best not to go on too much about that. ‘allow me to congratulate you on your order’s rise to success.’
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zimadoch · 6 years
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    ❛    LISTEN, KIDDO,   ❜   they started off bluntly, pausing only to chug down another hard swig of alcohol,  ❛    Whatever you’ve heard or whatever you came here for, forget about it. The only thing I care to hear is silence.    ❜
          closed starter @mx001e
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willbeshot · 6 years
meme - accepting.
                      Reaver was not a good man. He was a deadbeat father to countless children, a pirate, a known murderer, and quite possibly the worst boss to have ever existed. Those who dared to speak out against him, usually, found their bodies full of bullets. Needless to say, there wasn’t much that intimidated him. So now, as he stood practically toe to toe with the brotherhood of steel’s elder, the immortal merely smirked; his gaze never once straying from Maxson’s face.
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                         “You think you can INTIMIDATE me?”
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papergun · 6 years
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      “Alright, alright, you got me. I’m not Brotherhood-- just some gal from Diamond City.” What name should she use today? It’s definitely not going to be Piper. The Brotherhood is ruthless-- who’s to say they won’t track her home down and by default, track Nat down? The only reason she’s glad she got caught is because this uniform is driving her insane. It’s a bit too small because obviously, it wasn’t made for her. She just grabbed it off a body she found. In her defense, she buried the body and took the dog tags to return them here once she was done with her task. Just because she dislikes the Brotherhood doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be buried instead of chewed on by every creature in the wasteland.
    “With all due respect, Elder Maxson, it took all of you way too long to figure out an outsider got in. Or maybe I’m just that good an actress,” bold words for someone with bound wrists and dozens of dangerous weapons in the room. 
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stubbcrnwcman-blog · 6 years
mx001e replied to your post: mx001e replied to your post: ...
and to add to theo’s replies: that’s probably why someone thought you were being transphobic due to saying bisexuality and pansexuality are completely different / ur thoughts on the definition of bisexuality bc tbh it makes bisexuals out to be transphobic which has never been the case and will never be the case.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean for it to come off that way and I apologize. I did not mean to make bisexuality sound transphobic in anyway and I do not support transphobia.
I’ve been under the impression that transgender and cisgender are not genders, but are terms meant to signify whether a person is born with their preferred gender or not. This is what I’ve been told by trans friends. And when I was making that post I wasn’t at all referencing or thinking about transpeople. When I was talking about bisexuality being attracted to two genders, I wasn’t referencing transgender but the people who don’t identify as female or male.  (agender, bigender, genderfluid). and it definitely becomes more confusing with people identifying as trisexual. But thanks for explaining things to me. 
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@mx001e continued from here 
They were close. So close he could almost feel the end within his grasp. Without the Institute, the Commonwealth will finally get its chance to grow. Long has this day been awaited. Now they can be without fear of their neighbors. Now they can be with what can sustain them as a people, not remain in desolate states where the only hope they held was to die peacefully. It will all change soon, Arthur knew that. Yet, for now, he had to remain patient. To rush when one is finally at the end would run the risk of tripping.
                             Slow, steady, become victorious.
Eyes remained transfixed upon the face of Liberty Prime. He had seen it in action only once before against the Enclave, and now it will serve its purpose once more. The question from Ethan had Arthur righting his head, making sure his neck was not cramped from looking up for so long. “We continue,” he answered easily. The royal we most often used within his speech as he spoke to just about anyone. Rarely does he let it drop, it had become a habit of his.
“In order for Liberty Prime to function again we need a beryllium agitator. A couple teams have been deployed within the Commonwealth to find one, but they have come up short. Without that, our only hope against the Institute is gone, thus progress has been halted.”  
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Ethan had been making his way around the airport after getting news that Liberty Prime was almost ready to go when he spots Elder Maxson. Just who he needed to speak to to figure out what to do next. After getting his attention and asking his question, he listens to the Elder’s answer, his own eyes wandering up Liberty Prime’s massive form. It was an impressive piece of machinery, one he couldn’t wait to see at work. If it was even half as amazing as the rumors he’s heard from his brothers and sisters, it would definitely be a sight to see. 
His gaze returns to the Elder once he finishes and he nods. “Have there been any leads on where one might be?” He asks. “Just point me in the right direction and I’ll go get it myself.” Like Maxson said, this was their only hope against the Institute, their only hope of getting rid of the threat once and for all. As much as it pains him to think too long on the fact that he would be destroying everything his son has created, he knows it’ll be for the best. Besides, the person known as the Father was hardly his son anymore... He quickly pushes these thoughts from his head. No, he doesn’t need to think about this now. 
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daggersandsparks · 6 years
Mairwen let out a quiet hum as she walked, following a song she remembered from awhile ago. She kept her shotgun cradled in both hands, anxious to make sure that nothing snuck up on her. The Commonwealth still wasn’t her favourite place. Too close to home. But that was why she was here, after all. To be a bit closer. Take a break from being out in the West.
She crouched low when she heard the crunching footfalls and knew what that meant. Wasn’t her first time around Power Armour. The East Coast, she’d heard, were a different breed then the Mojave chapter had been. She hoped that was the case. Otherwise she wouldn’t even want to be nearby them. Not without backup. She glanced over at ED-E as she bot floated down near the ground by her.
<Quiet, Curious Beep>
She had to decide whether or not she wanted to just leave anyway. She chewed on her lip as she thought about it, but they were already headed in her direction. She sighed, frowning, and stood. Why the hell not, after all. She slapped on her grin and walked towards them, lowering her weapon to her side. She raised her hand, waving at them ❝Long time since I’ve seen your kind around here.❞  Not the most polite greeting, but friendly enough. ED-E hung back, on alert in case this went sideways. As always.
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